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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • Ora, meus queridos amigos, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento não tivéssemos a experiência de olhar para dentro de nós mesmos e de encontrar o mundo do espírito, aqui na Terra não haveria tal coisa como moral. O que retemos dessa experiência dos seres no mundo espiritual, quando entramos na vida terrena, é uma inclinação para a vida moral. A força dessa inclinação se dá proporcionalmente à clareza com que, entre a morte e o novo nascimento, o homem experimentou a convivência com os espíritos do mundo superior. E qualquer um que, em um sentido espiritualmente correto, examine essas coisas, sabe que os homens imorais, como resultado de sua vida anterior na Terra, tiveram uma experiência muito embotada dessa existência espiritual. Mas, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento, pudéssemos experimentar apenas o que nos torna um com os seres do mundo superior, e nunca pudéssemos experimentar a nós mesmos, então seria impossível alcançarmos, na Terra, a liberdade, consciência da liberdade, consciência da nossa personalidade, que é fundamentalmente idêntica à consciência da liberdade. Assim, quando, na Terra, desenvolvemos moralidade e liberdade, elas são memórias do ritmo que experimentamos no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar à alma, podemos falar mais precisamente sobre o que nela ecoa: por um lado, tornar-se um com os seres espirituais e, por outro, nossa experiência da consciência espiritual do eu. O que durante a vida terrena permanece em nossa alma como um eco de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual é a capacidade para o amor. Essa capacidade para o amor está mais intimamente relacionada à vida moral do que se pensa.Pois sem a capacidade para o amor, não haveria vida moral aqui na Terra; tudo isso surge da compreensão com que nos depar
    • amos com a alma de outrem, e do esforço para realizar o que fazemos a partir dessa compreensão. Comportarmo-nos abnegadamente com os demais e agirmos moralmente no amor são essencialmente ecos de nossa vida em comunhão com seres espirituais, entre a morte e o renascimento; e isso permanece conosco depois da nossa experiência do que se poderia chamar de solidão – pois é sentida como solitária a experiência do nosso eu no mundo espiritual quando, por assim dizer, expiramos. A inspiração é como uma experiência de seres espirituais; a expiração é como uma experiência do nosso eu. Mas sentir-se solitário – bem, esse sentimento tem seu eco aqui na Terra na nossa capacidade para a lembrança, nossa memória. Como seres humanos, não teríamos memória se ela não fosse um eco do que descrevemos como um sentimento de solidão. Somos indivíduos reais no mundo espiritual porque – não posso dizer que seja porque nos retiramos para dentro de nós mesmos – mas porque somos capazes de nos libertar dos espíritos superiores dentro de nós. Isso nos torna independentes no mundo espiritual. Aqui na Terra somos independentes porque somos capazes de lembrar nossas experiências. Pense no que seria de sua independência se, em seus pensamentos, você tivesse que viver sempre no presente. Seus pensamentos lembrados são o que possibilita que você tenha uma vida interior. Lembrar nos torna personalidades aqui na Terra. E lembrar é o eco do que descrevi como a experiência de solidão no mundo espiritual.
    • Hoje a ciência da fisiologia não atingiu o ponto em que pode descrever detalhadamente o processo que acabamos de desenhar. A ciência espiritual é capaz disso e a ciência fisiológica certamente alcançará tal entendimento, pois essas coisas podem ser descobertas a partir da observação atenta da natureza humana. Pode-se dizer que, quando emitimos um som ou uma nota, primeiramente, a cabeça é acionada. Mas da cabeça procede a mesma faculdade que, interiormente, na alma, confere a memória, que sustenta o som e o tom: isso vem de cima. É inconcebível alguém poder falar sem possuir a faculdade da memória. Se sempre nos esquecêssemos o que está contido no som ou no tom, nunca seríamos capazes de falar ou de cantar. É precisamente a memória incorporada que perdura no tom ou som; por outro lado, no que concerne ao amor, mesmo em seu sentido fisiológico – no processo respiratório que dá origem à fala e ao canto – tem-se um testemunho claro no pleno volume interior do tom que chega ao homem na puberdade, quando o amor encontra expressão fisiológica durante o segundo período importante da vida: isso vem de baixo. Aí estão os dois elementos juntos: de cima, o que está na base fisiológica da memória; de baixo, o que está na base fisiológica do amor. Juntos, eles formam o tom na fala e na canção. Aí está sua interação recíproca. De certa forma, é também um processo de respiração que percorre toda a vida. Assim como inspiramos oxigênio e expiramos dióxido de carbono, temos unidas em nós a força da memória e a força do amor, encontrando-se na fala, encontrando-se no tom. Pode-se dizer que falar e cantar, no homem, são um intercâmbio alternado de permeação pela força da memória e pela força do amor.
    • Portanto, há uma genuína verdade no que é expresso nas línguas mais antigas ao denominarem Logos a soma das forças e dos pensamentos do mundo. Esse é o outro lado, o lado suprafísico daquilo que tem expressão física na fala. Não apenas inspiramos e expiramos seres superiores entre a morte e o renascimento, mas também falamos, embora essa fala seja ao mesmo tempo um canto. Na alternância entre irmos aos seres espirituais e retornarmos a nós mesmos, falamos um falar espiritual com os seres das hierarquias superiores. Quando estamos no estado de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual, olhamos para eles, embora estejam dentro de nós. Quando nos libertamos deles novamente e voltamos a nós mesmos, então temos o efeito posterior, somos então nós mesmos. Lá eles expressam seu próprio ser em nós, nos dizem o que são – o Logos vive em nós. Na Terra, isso é invertido; na fala e na canção, nosso próprio ser é expresso. Expressamos todo o nosso ser no processo de expiração; ao passo que quando entre a morte e o renascimento liberamos os seres espirituais, recebemos, no Logos, todo o ser do mundo.
    • Esta é a glória essencial da arte: ela nos leva, por meios simples, ao mundo espiritual, no presente imediato. Quem é capaz de olhar para a vida interior do homem dirá: de modo geral, o homem se lembra apenas das coisas que vivenciou no curso de sua vida terrena atual. Mas a força pela qual ele se lembra dessas experiências terrenas é a força enfraquecida de sua existência como um eu na vida pré-terrena. E o amor que ele é capaz de desenvolver aqui como um amor universal da humanidade é a força enfraquecida da semente que frutificará após a morte. E assim como no canto e na fala declamatória aquilo que um homem é deve estar unido, pela memória, àquilo que ele pode dar ao mundo por meio do amor, assim também é em toda arte. Um homem pode experimentar uma harmonia de seu eu com o que está fora, mas a menos que seja capaz de mostrar externamente o que está dentro dele – seja no tom, na pintura ou em qualquer outro ramo da arte –, a menos que mostre na superfície o que ele é, o que a vida fez dele, qual é o conteúdo essencial de sua memória, ele não poderá ser um artista. Tampouco é um verdadeiro artista aquele que é acentuadamente inclinado a ser egotista em sua arte. Somente aqueles dispostos a se abrir para o mundo, os que se tornam um com seus semelhantes, os que desdobram o amor, são capazes de unir esse desdobramento do amor intimamente a seu próprio ser. Altruísmo e egotismo se unem em uma única corrente. Confluem naturalmente e mais intimamente nas artes sonoras, mas também nas artes plásticas. E quando, por meio de um certo aprofundamento de nossas forças de conhecimento, nos é revelado como o homem está conectado a um mundo suprassensível, no que diz respeito ao passado e ao futuro, podemos também dizer que o homem tem um antegosto presente desse vínculo, no criar e fruir artístico. Na verdade, a arte nunca adquire todo o seu valor se não estiver, em certa medida, de acordo com a religião. Não que tenha d
    • A humanidade realmente adquiriu a arte da vida religiosa. E Schiller tem razão ao dizer: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€, que geralmente se encontra citado nos livros como “Somente através da porta da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento.†Se um artista comete um lapso, isso é passado para a posteridade. A leitura certa, é claro, é: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€. Em outras palavras: todo conhecimento vem por meio da arte. Fundamentalmente, não há conhecimento que não seja intimamente relacionado à arte. É apenas o conhecimento ligado ao exterior, à utilidade, que aparenta não ter ligação com a arte. Mas esse conhecimento só pode se estender ao que, no mundo, um mero lapidador saberia sobre pintura. Assim que na química ou na física se vai além – estou falando figurativamente, mas você sabe o que quero dizer – do que a mera retificação de cores implica, a ciência se torna arte. E quando o artístico é compreendido em sua natureza espiritual da maneira correta, ele gradualmente avança para o religioso. Arte, religião e ciência eram uma coisa só, e ainda é possível termos uma noção de sua origem comum. Isso alcançaremos apenas quando a civilização e o desenvolvimento humano retornarem ao espírito; quando levarmos a sério a relação existente entre o homem aqui, em sua existência física terrena, e o mundo espiritual. Devemos nos apropriar desse conhecimento sob os mais diversos pontos de vista.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • the lecture cycle this winter about Spiritual Science, as the
    • may perhaps be able to feel about such a question, that it is
    • souls of significant thinkers throughout long ages. We can go
    • full experiences of the soul. What is here set out as the first
    • removed: but if he/she can drag himself out of it, but it must
    • door to the answers laid out by Spiritual Science about the
    • emphasise for us, how to go out and encounter a spirit, who was
    • If one were to hear the Church Father Augustine speak about
    • regard to the question of the meaning of evil, can be set out
    • one cannot enquire about evil and wickedness, because they show
    • this response about the simple negativity of evil stands on the
    • how little one straightens things out with this answer that
    • thought about evil and wickedness in the world. They tried to
    • matter, which from the outset creates obstacles and limitations
    • of evil in the outer world.
    • question about the significance of evil and wickedness in the
    • from Ki the will streams out against it — and with will
    • philosopher, who had trained himself in depth about the
    • how the human soul struggles out of evil, can we be educated.
    • weaving throughout the world, so he said: how should one then
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • setting out from man, from the nucleus of his being, we shall study
    • there are about three or four hundred people and all who have this clairvoyant
    • are able, by their will-power, to throw out of their field of vision
    • Seen from the outside, the astral body does not exist at all as far
    • ideal sends out white-gold rays. The painters of past times, who were
    • feelings, religious fervor, sends out blue rays. The aura is simply
    • This form of light soars around the human being and sends out rays.
    • very strange takes place in man: his whole past life lies spread out
    • us from outside. In the word “I” the eternal touches the
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • should bear in mind is that the outer worlds are not to be found in other
    • see the egg and then the chicken that slips out of it; but in the astral
    • are their own passions which go out from them and appear as a reflected
    • was formed out of the sense of beauty of that time. Each house, each
    • character is now spread out before us in the external world. In the
    • receives anything from outside, it nevertheless bears deep within it
    • break out in people who no longer hear anything of the higher worlds,
    • shape; each thought that goes out from us, takes on shape in the astral
    • talking for the sake of gossiping, talk which is not born out of the
    • you relate rays out a thought-form. If your thought-form corresponds
    • of the being you are talking about. But in the case of an untruth the
    • thought-form streaming out of your words does not correspond with that
    • which goes out from the thing itself; the forms collide and destroy each
    • his astral body and his Ego go out. A clairvoyant sees that at night
    • the astral body goes out of the etheric and physical body and then we
    • out of physical body. When we dream a lot, this work is so to speak,
    • opens out to him; the inner power of hearing discloses the Devachanic
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • out of the physical body at the moment of death. Immediately after death,
    • of the departed in the form of pictures. This process lasts for about
    • the Kamaloca-existence takes up about one third of the duration of earthly
    • Beings. And the burning thirst remains throughout. The more a human
    • following comparison: the soul resembles a bee that flies out to the
    • after death. The soul could never do this without a life in the physical
    • enjoyment grows out of this. Physical pleasure changes into spiritual
    • ever lost. Without the school of sensuality, we can never reach spirituality.
    • of God, sent out to gather honey.
    • out of our earthly life becomes interwoven with the soul, with the spirit.
    • earthly life is the expression of what we worked out for ourselves.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • find all the fruitful and valuable ideas ever thought out by man. Even
    • and tempests. We are then outside the soul-emotions and can therefore
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • body, the astral body and Ego grow out of the physical body. Immediately
    • self, man's fifth member, grows out of this complex of forces. It is
    • the causal body which man keeps throughout the Devachan-period and through
    • in accordance with the direction of the forces streaming out of the
    • This condition of shooting about before entering a new incarnation only
    • US form and out of astral substance. His whole disposition thus obtains
    • are called Mahadevas. Also outside Devachan they have a certain significance
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • radiate in blue and indigo colors out of the ether flame-like forms. When
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • that this person will soon grow old and not evince much youthfulness.
    • only bears a small outward resemblance to his family, and in his whole
    • correspond with his capacities. He seeks out the family whose bodily
    • plane the human spirit gradually formed communities and states out of
    • dislocated outside the brain.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • the leader (the Manu) whose task was that of guiding the peoples out
    • to work in the outside world through his will. By a special volitional
    • the life-forces, they could build their houses out of trees which they
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • was filled with the kind of watery mass, out of which emerged islands
    • happen in a moment, but lasted throughout long epochs of time. —
    • outside the body, it soared above it and drew it with it to an earth
    • being moved about in swinging, soaring movements. For this purpose he
    • The lungs developed out of this bladder, under the influence of the
    • outward appearance of a very soft-bodied dragon (the designation of
    • human race branched out; the one main stem to an ascending development
    • speak of a cosmic event of greatest importance, without which the soul
    • also has a soul. So also the moon has its soul. The moon went out of
    • forth descendants without the aid of another being. These forces were
    • Life can only arise out of life, but life eliminates the lifeless. Everything
    • lifeless has arisen out of life. The minerals are deposits of living
    • the first-born of creation. He has thrown out animals, plants and minerals;
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • From the very outset, this ancient primeval science revealed the following
    • astral plane the Ptolemaic system is correct; for there one sets out from
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • development, the much-debated question mentioned to begin with was whether the outstanding and
    • the most important things are brought about by the masses. In many circles this has always been a
    • individual facts which can be outwardly observed in the physical world but, out of an
    • the West, debated in the following way about what the Greek had argued. He said: Ransom can only
    • be paid to a being who really exists. But death has no reality, death is only the outer limit of
    • This directs us at the outset to the fact that two
    • views are clashing here which arise out of completely different constitutions of soul. And,
    • the `I am'. It was as if it were dull and hazy, as though poured out in a broad perception of the
    • I will not go into the question of the authorship now, I have already spoken about it on a number
    • turned his gaze to the world of the senses around him, and said: This sense-world is spread out
    • in space, flows in time, and in ordinary life world, is spread out in space, one says that what
    • The oriental felt — not because he somehow speculated about it but because his perception
    • the creation of the world out of nothing with `nothing' seen as absolute `zero'. In the Orient,
    • where these things were originally conceived, the world does not arise out of nothing but out of
    • `nothing' was the outer form. And thus, when the Greek spoke of death, whose causes lie in the
    • out with full force in the Middle (or Central) culture. Thus we can distinguish between the
    • during the development of all that can originate out of this I-culture.
    • which, fundamentally, cannot be explained out of the onward flow of
    • philosophy with the categorical imperative which is supposed to manifest itself out of
    • force wishes his whole philosophy to well up out of the 'I' and who, through its simplicity,
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • scientific way of thinking about social life, a certain view of life has been developed. This
    • its terrible aspect will show itself throughout all Asia, because it works with all the fervour
    • the West — and this is carried out thoroughly by it — to have everything of an
    • economic aims there assume a political character. The great outer failure in Eastern Europe has
    • come about because, through the tradition of Peter the Great, what arises out of a
    • It was thus precisely in the West that these impulses could best bring about the development of
    • brilliant rise of commerce, trade and industry which has come out of modern science, everything
    • brought about that configuration in English navigation and in all English
    • to how, for outwardly inexplicable reasons, French merchant shipping suffered its greatest
    • out of the forces lying in the actual direction of humanity's development. It takes place out of
    • a completely economic way of thinking, out of the impulses of economic ideas. This is why
    • everything which comes from Central Europe and is conceived not out of economic points of view,
    • but out of political-legal-militaristic ones must succumb to them. We have a crude example of
    • Cromwell's Navigation Act. This Navigation Act was conceived and created entirely out of economic
    • The English colonization in North America was entirely out of economic impulses. The political
    • same. When Cromwell, at the right time and out of economic impulses, created his Navigation Act
    • politically, purely politically and without any economic impulse — in fact, against all
    • about such a problem as reincarnation, because one cannot speak about it in the abstract sense
    • What confronts us as a human being in human form does not always have to be as it outwardly
    • appears. The outer appearance can, in fact, be just appearance. It is possible for us to confront
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • the human 'I' and astral body — and then asserting themselves, without the people realizing
    • and at everything in the physical-sense world that expresses itself out of these spiritual
    • through it, but can no longer find a link between what he believes about the spiritual world and
    • thinking. And one can only understand the role played by what then developed out of the Roman
    • whole civilized world. Rome ended in complete decadence, brought about essentially by the fact
    • monasteries or the like. And out of the decline of the Roman world in Southern Europe developed
    • shall not go today into the historical details of what developed throughout the Middle Ages out
    • The characteristic phenomenon of Western development, of development in the more southerly
    • [of the human being being penetrated from without by everything that arises from language]
    • Let me state expressly that what I am talking about
    • ignores the spirit and that which lives into the soul from the spirit. Anyone who looks without
    • were the people of the West. Initially they left the spirit out of consideration, taking body and
    • artificial head on top as spirit, in the materialistic way of thinking that arises out of
    • science. And because people were ashamed, as it were, to make a universal religion out of natural
    • consider body and soul; which outwardly did not use science for this but rather the external part
    • towards the East (see diagram). But we will first look at something that goes out from ancient
    • Goethe in his youth, of
    • moving to the South in order to absorb there what can come from the other side. This is just what
    • treated by psychology presented in the third part of Hegel's philosophy. But what comes out of it
    • most outstanding human beings, of the Centre give weight to: the fact that the human being, as he
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • personalities of Goethe and Schiller. I will only point out in addition how in Schiller's
    • instincts to such a degree that he can give himself up to them without their dragging him down,
    • without their enslaving him, and in which, on the other hand, logical necessity is taken up into
    • whole treatise arose out of the same European mood as did the French Revolution. The same thing
    • human beings and not through outer measures.
    • of soul and outwardly to free social conditions? Goethe could not make much of Schiller's
    • — of the fact that the outer structure of human society must not be monolithic but must be
    • one finds about twenty forces — which Goethe then presents in his twenty archetypal
    • being in psychological terms, where only the head thinks about the matter, and Schiller, out of
    • taken by Schiller using logic or intellectual analysis without becoming philistine and abstract.
    • to be in any way criticized because, for him, what he perceived and felt about the individual
    • Kant had succumbed to this. I spoke about this recently
    • new and fruitful stimulus through his journey to the South where much of the legacy from the
    • only the ideas about the social questions such as those in Goethe's
    • and nothing more one would never come to an impetus for actual outer action. Goethe was at the point
    • from imagination to inspiration, but an inspiration which they attained by means of outer nature.
    • inspiration, however, that does not call upon outer nature in oracles but which rises to the
    • Goethe would have filled imagination with what speaks out in all
    • to realize it in outer public affairs. There is a significant secret here. In the human organism
    • fifth post-Atlantean epoch without developing the intellect. And it is the Western peoples that
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • The subject about which I shall have to speak
    • which can be attributed to this more recent time, one wishes to single out the most significant
    • relationship to the spirit world itself. Certainly, longing for knowledge has been spoken about a
    • good deal since then; but it is impossible, when one looks completely without prejudice at the
    • and more into the service of outer life. It enters into the service of technological science and
    • idea of the faculties rising up out of the human soul that are higher than the faculties
    • that they revealed the spirit to them. The spiritual spoke out of every spring, every cloud,
    • under the dialectical-legal spirit. It is out of this that intellectuality was born. Spiritual
    • us, out of ourselves, to open the doors again to the spiritual world; to come to a perception of
    • bloodline, his descent, was. the outer sign that this was how it should be. There could be no
    • this brought about all those forms of military service which were necessary because there was no
    • developed, and with it a particular type of professional soldiery. All this came about because,
    • taken out to the land. What has arisen in the cities will transplant itself into the country.
    • done. They believe that one can shut out what the centuries have brought. That is nonsense! But
    • Let us look at it from another side. Out of the
    • naked intellect, out of the most desolate intellect, there has arisen the Lenin-Trotsky system
    • bring forth everywhere destructive, demonic forces out of itself. It would not work because the
    • But now there develops, out of what is signified in
    • paper — which in earlier times was signified in the blood — out of what is signified
    • know when he knows only the physical world. People who, out of complacency, wish only to know of
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • by those people who, out of the remains of the old clairvoyance, had understood what had really
    • truth, of the genuine nature, of the Mystery of Golgotha. What St Paul was able to relate out of
    • bring forward concerning the Mystery of Golgotha out of an ancient oriental wisdom, could be
    • old clairvoyance spoke about the Mystery of Golgotha is called Gnosis. And, if I can put it so,
    • the form of speaking about the Mystery of Golgotha in the way that was possible with these
    • Golgotha gained through clairvoyance. But then there spread out over humanity's development the
    • but in which this intellectuality already lived. Dialectical-legal thinking spread out and, in
    • turn, led to civic-political thinking. This spread from the South into those northern regions
    • Golgotha became clothed in dialectics. Out of what was Christian Gnosis, which still relied on
    • oriental direct perception clothed itself, spread out over Europe.
    • inborn faculties of such a nature that they were able to come to this instinctive perception. Out
    • birth and had an instinctive memory of it in this life on earth. And they were sought out by the
    • beings such as these who were the first ones able to speak about the Mystery of Golgotha. One can
    • authority, who wished to comprehend Christ out of their inner being — for which, however,
    • grasped Christ out of one's own inner being.
    • about, with its culmination in the nineteenth century, in which the Christ-impulse as something
    • Gospels were to become known among the broad mass of the faithful. For the Gospels originate out
    • themselves about the Mystery of Golgotha through the Gospels. The Church opposed this because it
    • consists of four Gospels which contradict one another. They knew that if they gave out the
    • classes of the people. And for dialectics one could not simply give out a fourfold mutually
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • Strange as this may sound it is out of the modern
    • Christ there really is at the present time. The course of human evolution has brought it about
    • able to develop. And we have already pointed out how the particular constitution of soul that is
    • came about in ways other than is expected among philistine circles; so, too, what one must call
    • And this experience will have a clearly definable connection with the modern outlook on life
    • habitually stick to what was once instilled into them. At most, one can notice a breaking out
    • soul the outlook on life of today's younger generation, and compares this with the outlook of
    • their eiders when they were in their youth. The difference between older people and the
    • youth of today has been depicted again and again, particularly by poets; and if people did not
    • with furious speed and we shall see how, out of the chaos of modern civilization, this
    • a stimulus for the right kind of development — then out of this materialistic mood, out of
    • outlook on the world, observes it with awakened eyes of the soul, he cannot fail to realize that
    • anything to say about the real nature of man.
    • completely lost by science; man is left out.
    • few people are aware of this today and these few can certainly be clear about it theoretically.
    • properly conducted elementary education. The children will come out of properly conducted
    • is born out of modern intellectuality, but the further we enter into this science, the more we
    • kind, on the other we have the increasing inability of science to say anything about the human
    • outlook we must Say, from what we have been able to indicate of this, that the human being knew
    • from the spiritual world something that was still in him, something that came out in childhood as
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  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • bearings. About a week ago I pointed out the significance of the processes
    • processes I pointed out that, from the aspect of the physical world,
    • were, out of nothing and attains a perceptible existence. Thus people speak
    • dying, upon the last streaming out, one might say, towards
    • as far as the physical world is concerned, as a streaming-out toward
    • For in the physical world consciousness can never arise where sprouting,
    • what has sprouted in the physical world is in its turn eliminated,
    • something external, our soul-spiritual has to bring about destructive
    • general physical and the general etheric world, through this, and out of
    • often been pointed out that this period of time is a long one for the
    • time. But these things brought about the conditions in which we live, into
    • bring about the destruction of what they were born into and to appear again
    • which often appears outwardly unfruitful, which does not intervene in the
    • mouths which consume the grains.
    • goes from the grain into the mouths (→), for that is
    • grains to the mouths. But the grains of cereal care little for that, for
    • this arrow. They do not bother about that at all. Rather they have only the
    • of cereal once more. It is a good thing for the mouths that the grains
    • then the mouths here in the next year would have nothing left to eat. If the
    • mouths of the year 1914 would have had nothing left to eat.
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  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • Rudolf Steiner raises the social challenge for youth of our time:
    • Rudolf Steiner raises the social challenge for youth of our time:
    • The Epistemological Task of Youth,
    • You have come to this Youth Conference
    • same as always. Youth continually rampages against everything their
    • elders or traditions have brought about.†The clever ones put it like
    • them hippies today. Tr.] and other youth groups — we've seen them
    • fate decreed that I should step out of my door just at that moment,
    • asked many of these older people what they think about adolescence;
    • have also asked many young people about the “adolescent crises†some
    • youth experience in their subconsciousness but are not able to
    • describe it. Even though young people can say very little about it,
    • perfectly but as they look out at nature, their distinct feeling is,
    • deeply indeed, the inner meaning of these youth movements. We all
    • instance, by Rousseau and his disciples. That was also a youth
    • movement, one that burst out like an explosion, much more alarming
    • you notice that I'm speaking about these matters rather indecisively.
    • falsify the issue by spelling it out with ordinary narrow-minded
    • this “youth crisis†in its very dawning; now it is already noonday. I
    • observed it in its first misty light, when the youth of the 1870s
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  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • periods, is something quite new. Therefore, only since about the middle
    • old clairvoyance inherited from the Moon with the real, outer,
    • within a Being, but resound out into the universe as the music of the
    • in his deep sleep is sent out into the worlds by the Spirits of
    • world; and these again send out forms, but these forms are the Jupiter;
    • aspires to and reaches out for things that extend far beyond the earth
    • are created by the sphere harmony and drawn out by light.
    • direction of a mineral Jupiter. And without Spiritual Science this
    • Spiritual Science and reach out to something that will constitute
    • evolution of the earth. And out of this conception will be born the
    • this, as it is true that in the fowl that runs out of your way nothing
    • through which the fact is brought about that matters. For example, a
    • their inner nature, but must be content with the outer fact. Very
    • plants possess something akin to the animal or human soul! An outer
    • might say — out of the primeval elements. That, indeed, is
    • without any sort of attempt to understand the other — to
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • beginning of the Bible, after the Fall had come about. The words
    • been enacted without any of the men on earth having understood or
    • to think about solving the riddle of what had actually occurred
    • Golgotha. We are aware that not only did the Evangelists, out of a
    • been given out, but there has also arisen a New Testament theology,
    • What has actually come about with the Mystery of Golgotha, what has
    • plays so great a role in the education of youth even up to our own
    • continued in a certain current throughout the whole of the first
    • and life will stream out from it. But this older knowledge shall not
    • upon the outer rim of a very deep-lying secret, and one can really
    • movement and intelligence, and We gives them the outer figure,
    • as one moves about on earth, one bears something divine within; in
    • evolution, that the Mystery of Golgotha was to arise out from the
    • of Golgotha arose. That is like a predestined harmony. Out of the
    • this Latin knowledge would have been able to pour itself out over the
    • descendants of the old Celtic peoples, in the South the descendants
    • There is an age when we find the Ostrogoths in the south of present
    • streamed over-the life-without-knowledge, and this gave it substance
    • for continuing. Into the more southern regions there came a more
    • truth. If the southern regions had remained populated by descendants
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • out how the after-effect is to be perceived right into our own times,
    • life-without-knowledge, which unites itself like a young shoot in
    • it can happen that, without any special development having been
    • lifts himself out of a living and weaving in what one might call a
    • out of a nothingness, but as if they emerged from a full but much
    • But all the same, and even without any
    • spreads out over our consciousness, is simply the effect of the
    • possession of it, it comes about that something predestined for men
    • through this (red) the ego living outside the physical body during
    • sleep; the part of our astral that lives during sleep outside the
    • out, what it lives through and experiences, ought to come into our
    • Luciferic temptation at that time, has not come about. Something
    • and Evil. What happens is that during the day we gain knowledge about
    • ordinary human knowledge, all in fact which we can acquire about the
    • out of our ego. Philosophers who make the ego the basis of philosophy
    • ordinary outer physical plane, because all death is allotted to him.
    • with the outer sense world.
    • about, but it is not the kingdom of Lucifer in which we live and
    • the life- of science. Every night he sucks out the life of science
    • that is sucked out by Lucifer, well sucked out by Lucifer!
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • to meet with full understanding when one speaks out of the sources of
    • mere sense perceptions to thinking about percepts
    • something like a shadowy outline, a phantom, of ourselves; not
    • spreads itself out in them. Now and again a man will feel in
    • longer noticed — that the breath spreads out in
    • world-conception this feeling about thought which I have just
    • and he then further shares in what comes about as Earth evolution.
    • one-sidedness. It came about that certain beings of the Hierarchy of
    • longing for the Moon existence. They were out of place, they were not
    • give it the stamp of only being of service in reproducing outer
    • the living element of thinking about the external. What they get hold
    • applying thinking to outer things. Lucifer must of course cooperate
    • inclination to meditate on the outer world. But then it is like the
    • peculiarity of all life; it swings out sometimes to the one side,
    • sometimes to the other. There must be the swinging out, but one must
    • world, but that they go about in the figure of Socrates and are
    • outwards, and this became in Greece philosophy, art, sculpture. (See
    • Mystery of Golgotha; for them everything flowed together out of the
    • element of Form: — when this Being passed out of
    • That which was sought out in the cosmos
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • and will has nothing to do with anything in the outside world, in the
    • pointed out that this originates from the fact that certain spiritual
    • willing from the outer cosmic existence. They confine this feeling
    • what is in us, and which are, far more turns outwards and tries to
    • outer world and wishes to receive it and pays no attention to the
    • fact that here within, it is raying out and continually calling forth
    • not aware that they now also go out into the cosmos, that they really
    • willing, and as his outer world his thinking, which leads over to
    • truth, or something like truth by observing the outer world through
    • examined this process of observation of the outer world and of the
    • come if one extended what tries to go out in the cosmos from the one
    • that (Drawing 1, yellow) must certainly go out to a
    • instead what has been made out of this normal evolution by Lucifer.
    • think: out there is extended the world of the senses as we see it;
    • go through the world, our senses turned outwards to sense-existence,
    • one, inasmuch as we turn our senses outwards, the other, inasmuch as
    • was that brought about by the spirits from the hierarchy of
    • with the Sun-nature outside the earth realm, and what the cosmos is
    • one observes with the outer senses is called real, or at least,
    • throughout the whole of their life — which is not
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • about inside and learns by its creeping about to know the roots of
    • these plants. Naturally, as this creature never comes out above the
    • it learns to know nothing else; it creeps about and learns to
    • certain time comes in this creeping about of the caterpillar,
    • sunshine, on the sun's giving out a certain warmth. The processes
    • which the plants are undergoing naturally also bring about changes in
    • the roots. When the plant above begins to put out fresh shoots and to
    • when this worm is creeping about underneath, up above, caused by
    • processes are then brought about in the roots. But the caterpillar
    • only crawls about in the earth; it creeps from root to
    • world-conception. Thus it creeps about there down below the earth and
    • makes for himself, never a word is to be found about the existence of
    • about down below and will call one thing a cause and another an
    • the sun shines, and the plants come out, and through this the
    • about what the worm actually observes down there below; it is clear,
    • and move about in what — well, not in what is shut
    • worm should suddenly come out and see the sun, he could discover that
    • the cause of all he has puzzled out down below is, as a matter of
    • would not endure well up above, if he were forced to go out there;
    • throughout of the fact that when we speak of these three worlds in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • summarise it by saying: man thrusts out into the world his external
    • not be life apparatuses; but outside the sphere of the etheric
    • must be drawn in this way, with something left outside the
    • sense is, as it were, a thin zone, a thin outer zone of the physical,
    • obscura, where the objects from outside create their images as in a
    • physical reciprocal action with the outer world which takes place in
    • our periphery. And it is on this reciprocal action with the outer
    • is perception of the outer world and working-over of the perception
    • Earth-existence. Thus, there remains, as it were, outside this
    • tone; he would not have his sense opened outwards, he would only have
    • it is feeble and dreamlike. It pays no attention to the outer world,
    • own bodies, do not notice the outer world, but have a dreamy
    • brings in the activities of the outer world like pictures. The child
    • entered and because it actually fills out that which has been formed
    • outside into the interior (see drawing).
    • the inner periphery outwards, Lucifer works so inwards. And it is
    • thrusting them in from outside. And in our senses there is the
    • opened outwards and we see the world itself.
    • from outside one must so draw it that Lucifer thrusts forward and
    • without inwards.
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  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • moment of reading he must, out of the depths
    • books as musical scores out of which he can gain the
    • out their own thoughts for themselves. Now the kind of
    • conceptions of the thought and outlook of men in those early
    • altogether by adherents of the Christian Faith throughout
    • and without him was not anything made that was made.’
    • a fundamental change came about in the 4th century. In the early
    • olden times men knew nothing about electricity or electric
    • currents, but on the other hand they knew something about their
    • ruling in the things of the outer world. The teachings of the
    • outside us, that have become earthly, do not proceed from these
    • prepared on the Earth around you without the influence of
    • the ideas and mental outlook of those who lived in the first
    • which man drew his knowledge without conscious effort. To speak
    • understand the thoughts of the early Christians but out of this
    • Out
    • Crusades. Men set out to find the Christ in His grave in
    • about, but little understood.
    • come about and the new era is upon us. But the new era must be
    • the Earth. He says that we are moving about on the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    Matching lines:
    • outer circumstances of life. Though we are often unconscious of its nature,
    • side, and has faced about towards Mysticism and mystical immersion in the
    • natural scientist reaches an outer world which illudes his inner life. The
    • mystic, while seeking to grasp an outer world reaches an inner life which
    • that brings the material outer world nearer to our inner life, and at the
    • knowledge of reality thereby attained, Anthroposophy; for at the outset,
    • ordinary consciousness, on the basis of outwardly given material reality,
    • without good historical reason that it should be precisely this philosopher
    • investigation of the outer world by means of his senses, or be it due to
    • could be the consistent outcome of Aristotelianism — a Pantheism
    • made in the search for empirical truth by merely spinning out what
    • error without going deeply into the nature of his philosophy and its
    • become entangled. Let us examine how this came about. Kant was especially
    • intellectualistic undergrowth which is the outcome of Kant's influence. We
    • are then not merely the outcome of conceptual differentiation, but the
    • to think naturally and without constraint, rejecting the set habits of
    • without any portion of the brass having adhered to it. So long as people
    • subject conceiving), can but attain to the outer surface of the seal (the
    • reaches us from outer reality is of purely spiritual nature, and is not
    • for this purpose, put out to sea until we see nothing but water around:
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • last year I should like to add something about the teacher himself, about
    • the educator. Of course what I shall have to say about the nature of the
    • shape out of this the education necessary for the present time
    • gradually worked out in such a way that our whole civilization has been
    • school about minerals, plants, animals, etc. and become then proper
    • example, that textbooks about botany are written more for a future botanist
    • facts about plants or animals, so that it is made difficult for children to
    • must come about through the individual's ability, i.e.
    • happened of late. It has come about, sad to say, that it is the scientists
    • this is the peculiar state of affairs: to begin with, out of the Western
    • There is nothing to be done about it, and we can only hope that we arouse
    • We have to know what things to be silent about in the presence of certain
    • has written something of unusual interest about education. He compiles a
    • notice that he is carrying out the opposite of the principles which he has
    • ourselves with this unfolding being of the child, then out of this
    • teaching, I have done my best to carry out these principles.”
    • if we had entered the classroom each morning in great trepidation, without
    • anything could be, for it is formed out of the forces of our previous
    • second, the third and each of the following years just about the same (and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • body and ego. The outer signs of this differentiated development are
    • outer expression for the fact that in the child's organism up to then
    • head until about the seventh year. These forces —
    • put all of these up-welling forces to use when we develop writing out of
    • the child turns out to be a sculptor, a draughtsman or an architect (but a
    • itself slowly throughout the cycle of years from seven to fourteen or
    • something is streaming into us continuously from the outer world
    • child from the outer world since his birth, that has collaborated in the
    • from within, these forces come now from outside and proceed from there down
    • into the organism. These forces, working from the outer world through the
    • forces as are of a musical kind are taken up more from the outer world,
    • from the world outside of man, from the observation of nature and its
    • configuration of tones or the content of language, this comes from outside.
    • And against what is coming from outside works — but now
    • element of music and language, developing gradually from within outward.
    • more in the region of his larynx, bringing about the change of voice. All
    • will, that is living itself out in battle with a willed element from
    • outside. This struggle finds expression in the change of voice and what
    • music and language and outer musical-1inguistic forces.
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  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • properly regulated. Produce supplied by the outer world can be eaten and
    • should be taken in from outside in a particular form, and acquire their
    • what we ought to invent out of what we have learnt, when we are actually
    • food in its natural form. And then, when we are giving the lesson, from out
    • a break, as it were, at the centre, and has to jump across, without however
    • to distinguish understanding. And here we have to be clear about the fact
    • for as teachers we have particular reason to know about them. Notice what a
    • helping his memory would be to bring about a rhythm for him, in our
    • is again the rhythmic system. That is what is so impressive about the human
    • metabolism of the head realm and bring about musical memories. In the same
    • about when the speech process unfolds from within. But it comes about in a
    • outside us have a pronounced visual nature and a subtle sound nature that
    • you see that colour is more pronounced in the outer world and sound more
    • surface in the outer world, whereas beneath the surface of sound in man
    • impacts from the sun and the moon, and this brings about something like a
    • carried out by the astral body and etheric body together, when a person
    • realm, without our being conscious of it. Then we shall be consciously
    • without spirit in it, and on the other hand we see that the spiritual soul
    • is of special interest to let these things that I have spoken to you about
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • growing human being, to the child, the following (picture) emerges: out of
    • at birth, the etheric body round about the seventh year. So what seen from
    • spiritual science nothing can be characterised without approaching a fact
    • described when we say: is being absorbed: for what lies in the outer world
    • that is up to the age of about fourteen or more, we are concerned with a
    • always be carried out in the light of this gradual incorporation of the ego
    • be kept too much outside. If it settles down too firmly in the human
    • factors of life which are all important so that we never bring out one side
    • happen that it remains too much outside, and the consequence will be that
    • does not stay outside the rest of the organism, but penetrates it in the
    • into the organism. But how do we bring about the one thing and how the
    • have characterized, or protect the ego from remaining outside too much if
    • we haven't brought about the right balance. It is specially good when we
    • over years. If one sees that a child becomes too fanciful, gets a bit out
    • much drawing and too many images can also easily lift the ego out of the
    • a Rosetta I make him think about it, or when he writes I lead him to admire
    • So while the child goes out of himself through the mere activity of writing
    • rightly when we develop it truly out of art. It is essential that we really
    • at one moment in our body, at another outside it; we breathe in, we breathe
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • have, and that is what we will talk about tomorrow. Today I just want to
    • of teeth to puberty, and from puberty till about the twenty-first year. If
    • the source of youthful ideals between the fourteenth and the twenty-first
    • in the physical body for these ideals of youth, are the same forces you can
    • said about the forces of man's normal nature, man's nature as it appears in
    • as you all know, there is something peculiar about the power of memory. We
    • body is carrying out the process of digesting too well, you may find you
    • of them as though material existence were spread out in the world and as
    • and the world in which we work and live socially are spread out around us.
    • spread out around us (see horizontal line of drawing). You will only have a
    • and pour into us as it were from outside, from the outside of the planet.
    • works entirely from out of the planet's interior. It is very interesting to
    • away, as it were, from the influences brought about in him from outside by
    • the forces from the planet's interior bring about up till the seventh year.
    • actual transformations of bodily organs are brought about; everything being
    • We gradually have to release what we have put into our organism from out of
    • carry out unconsciously any more by means of our blood, we have to carry
    • out consciously. We have to educate ourselves to do consciously what was
    • were to come when human beings completely lost hold of their youth, and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • possible for the first time to speak about a subject which had not been
    • to the Mystery of Golgotha. About this high Christ being has already been
    • spoken many times. But about that which lives as the personality of Jesus
    • outlines some things about the Jesus of Nazareth shall be told, in order to
    • lectures. It is also intended to speak about the Gospel of Matthew or
    • possibly about the Gospel of Mark in the member lectures this winter. The
    • be spoken about these things.
    • without connection to a particular document. Only afterwards it is shown
    • development into account, just does not do an unbiased stoop out into the
    • world. Today, for example, man can recognize out of himself certain logical
    • and moral laws, can apply his power of judgment, can recognize out of
    • that time, for example, man would have found nothing about the moral in
    • doctrine of compassion and love. Today, an inner voice instructs us about
    • to our world. By about three thousand years from now, enough people will
    • Bodhisattva has administered his office after about three thousand years of
    • which assumes an individuality without containing the physical body, is
    • developed slowly at first. Outwardly it showed no particularly outstanding
    • the Nathan line of the Davidic house. Luke tells more about the one,
    • Matthew about the other child. The Bethlehemite child showed quite
    • different abilities in his early youth than the Nazarene one. The former
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • cycle, where it was about the Gospel of Luke. In doing so, we pointed out
    • about the Gospel of John and subsequently about the image of the Christ
    • Jesus, is it possible that there is also something to be said about the
    • of exploring how the event of Palestine presents itself, without drawing on
    • any document. Without taking into account any document, he starts his
    • reports shine out to us from the documents.
    • and the Gospel of John, that we have taken out of the enormous volume of
    • especially to the understanding of the outer, present physical world. Above
    • “Occult Science an Outline.â€
    • above all, go out, so to speak, to an understanding mastery of world
    • of all the abilities that came out in the physical and etheric body up to
    • Let us also think about what we have regarded as the essence of the Buddha
    • development proceeds. Development comes about through completely different
    • not have had the youthful forces later. Therefore, it had to receive from
    • incapable of certain powers coming out later. I therefore want to wait
    • Then it has preserved something of youthful strength. Then forces come out
    • has been carried out in the Near East. The Hebrew people were held back.
    • quality of man is to come out so that it belongs to the people, then these
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • and Pharisees, single communities that stood out, that were in possession
    • of a certain spiritual life, but what they gave out of this spiritual
    • forgotten that throughout the Middle Ages the content of spiritual life
    • should in fact imbue us inwardly and resonate throughout our entire life:
    • conceived of as born out of the entire world. Understanding the human
    • result in regular figures, seeing them as empty voids. You can read about
    • “hair” so to speak, growing spiritually out
    • outer sensible forms — the dead see only the running
    • just a few parts. They perceive the soul, the spiritual, but the outer
    • — we were talking about artistic monuments
    • demands to hear in concrete terms about the relationship of the physical
    • has so much misfortune broken out over the world? Well, the ultimate
    • this or that without any effort.
    • about Hegel, you might be led to believe I adhered to
    • Hegel's viewpoint. Then, in reading about Stirner, you
    • the other nine are there. I now say to myself, I think about certain
    • in the whole world is what one is able to think and feel about oneself
    • look out, always focusing on how the external world shines toward us, if
    • become receptive for what approaches us from outside, so that we really
    • human being is not permitted to be a layabout, saying in regard to
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • All the world will want to know about the life-work of such a human
    • From this translation: “Human beings will always want to know about
    • Raphael; about the beautiful young painter who surpassed all others; who was
    • especially in such outstanding figures as Raphael. What we have
    • throughout the various epochs of humanity, bearing from one age
    • natural outcome of considering Raphael's creative activity from
    • attained and what they experienced out of their inherent nature
    • separate, but as something felt in directing the senses out
    • throughout the time of ancient Greece. For that reason, the
    • the outer world in sensing the riddles of existence, but to
    • beauty. This is already the outer symbol for the profound
    • mechanical life of the outer world, and what the human soul
    • Herman Grimm has pointed out certain regular intervals in
    • Grimm — without spiritual science — was led to recognize a
    • alongside any previous work. Thus, out of indeterminate depths,
    • higher level each time. About four years after the
    • bring about, born of profound soul experiences, though manifesting
    • had arisen in Urbino that aroused excitement throughout Italy.
    • Perugia, where Raphael underwent his youthful development,
    • must appear outwardly so frightful for us, resurrects inwardly
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  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • his age, and yet he was often misunderstood or out of sync with his time,
    • precisely because he was already working out of the depths of the spirit,
    • or out of sync with his time, precisely because he
    • was already working out of the depths of the spirit,
    • throughout the world.
    • moisture coming out of the wall itself. The whole room, a
    • points out with reference to earlier biographies that one has
    • expressive of pain and suffering, with the embittered mouth and
    • fostered out. Seeing the child grow up in isolation, communing
    • it to cease painting altogether, since he saw himself outdone
    • year he went about with the greatest artistic intentions, with
    • model but went about the city observing hundreds of people. He
    • the chin larger and larger. To find out what significance
    • himself in observing how bird flight comes about. The studies
    • also working out all manner of war plans and other plans, as
    • all that is known, it has to be said: both outwardly and
    • was also not pleased in the end with the outcome. For, with
    • gradually with all that can be known about the picture. This
    • was unable to reveal outwardly to humanity — for which
    • have been able, without further ado, to paint to his
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  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout -- offering comradeship, and
    • number of things make it seem precarious to speak about fairy
    • generally supposed, speaking to us magically out of every epoch
    • One senses how impossible any other approach is in speaking out
    • (If I were to say all that I should like to say about the
    • sources of fairy tales and of the moods out of which they arise
    • throughout our lives in the deepest recesses of the soul. Only,
    • radiates and pours forth out of itself joins forces with the
    • You are emerging out of a spiritual world in which
    • processes approach one out of the deep unconscious. These
    • intimate soul occurrences, it turns out that conflicts
    • without ordinary consciousness knowing anything of it,
    • consciousness. Just as a weaker light is drowned out by a
    • is drowned out by day consciousness. Though not generally
    • aware of it, we dream all the time. And out of the abundance of
    • having developed out of older forms of human consciousness.
    • The human soul felt a kinship with spiritual existence. Without
    • such a soul companion, and now wants to talk it out of this
    • the child to be talked out of it. The child grieves for its
    • Without dispersing the “aroma” of the fairy tale,
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  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout -- offering comradeship, and
    • Mongolian sagas and stories live on. Even without as yet
    • primeval times, with which human beings were able to look out
    • the Mongolian legend will live again and look out into the
    • themselves off in love-lessness from what is outside them and
    • take place without the redemption of what is outside us. Human
    • Redemption can only occur if human beings pour their forces out
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • outlook inherent in spiritual research, anyone immersing
    • had brought out Goethe's remarkable exchange of letters with a
    • out of sensing Goethe's whole outlook. In a wonderful
    • [l781-1831], who had contributed to bringing out the fine
    • from youth onwards, as it were, amid personalities who stood in
    • starts out from whatever stimulated him, that furthered the
    • development of his own powers. In this way, out of the whole
    • appeared to him as though it lived on. And in seeking out what
    • star would shine out once more in the European spiritual
    • about him suggestive of an aristocrat. And, it can be said: For
    • only guest to a midday meal. We spoke about various matters
    • that he wanted to have this conversation with me — about
    • sentences without feeling: all this affects one as though the
    • compulsion — to flush out all manner of more or less
    • extends throughout Herman Grimm's Goethe book.
    • decisive ones, have disappeared without a trace — lost,
    • humanity. What took place outwardly, what happened has, thanks
    • Starting out from this urge, he turned his attention early on
    • research — as nearly as anyone can without conducting
    • though one beheld what is superhuman. Still, out of this Greek
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • be done tomorrow perhaps — I would like to say something about
    • everything said about this economic imperialism is untrue,
    • said about them, a more profound observation of the historical course
    • glorified I always spoke out against him in the sharpest terms here
    • him unfit to govern, that there are doubts about his judgment.) The
    • things have been talked about: the self-determination of
    • it's about, what is said, thought and judged, it is necessary to
    • without reaching back to even earlier oriental conditions. Even in
    • imperialism without knowing the conscious relationship between people
    • ruler or king and so forth no longer express the feelings about the
    • people felt in those ancient times about the relation of the physical
    • think about a spiritual world, that it is somewhere in the distant
    • beyond. And when the spiritual world is spoken about — and in
    • the future it will again have to be spoken about as being present
    • conquests were justified. They were simply carried out. The
    • — wasn't touched in ancient times, nobody cared about it.
    • substance squeezed out until only the exterior remained. The
    • remnants, which had already lost all inner meaning, remained as outer
    • appearances until then. The local German princes were the outer
    • The Latin peoples, especially the French, certainly carried out the
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  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • I have spoken to you about the
    • Human evolution can not advance further without this moment of truth.
    • already pointed out. That Holy Roman Empire was basically a network
    • prevented it. Everything which the Middle Ages had to say about
    • confessions had to say about such a spiritual reality, had the
    • people had a talent for mere names without meaning; that on one hand
    • without was only an illusion. What was the reality? You see, with
    • societies organized outwardly under very sympathetic rules, and have
    • kept as tradition without any attempt to reach back to their original
    • others were called Tories, also without embarrassment. But when these
    • but that doesn't work well in the economy. Now comes something about
    • the suggestion that when someone even thinks about lemonade he has a
    • lemonade taste in the mouth.” I always answer that it's a
    • economic basis of physical life, something which animals do without
    • quite well without the luxury of reason. In the moment that self-
    • their historical context. It should be clear that outward appearances
    • Without seeing through these things, without
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • the previous German Kaiser wrote in a book that was opened out to
    • how much discussion has taken place about the origin and character of
    • to you about yesterday — the codex of platitudes:
    • Wilson says in this book about the German Empire after he describes
    • about by the German-French war of 1870/71. Prussia's brilliant
    • People have quite a skimpy idea about this
    • although those secret societies, about which I spoke yesterday, only
    • but nothing about the tree has been painted. And when something of
    • about what is alive, we form such judgments as “The tree is
    • viewpoint — really think about it — the way in which
    • It happens ever more frequently — because we are growing out of
    • about which are pressed into the concept of the political state.
    • opinion about, say socialism, even radical socialism: the framework
    • not think about the future. This is part of the present-day approach
    • human evolution. Now I come to what I mention before about what must
    • royalty, before he was chased out carried around along with his other
    • platitudes. In an age when all content has been squeezed out of
    • our psychological and social life. We must be clear about the fact
    • this objective out of the spirit, things will not go uphill again,
    • added to those things I said should be thought about every morning.
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • theory about lifeless, inorganic nature. This system of
    • outer world of facts, this still went over to a far-reaching
    • not dependent on outer perception but it is completely observed
    • as an inner creation. If you then have an outer triangle you
    • will find that the outer facts can be verified with one's
    • about, looked at inwardly — not like some or other plant
    • been spun out of oneself, it is good as an idea and as a
    • science. One can very clearly see, when Goethe writes about
    • He more or less said: ‘Here among the plants in South Italy and
    • about a triangle, doesn't have a particular triangle in mind
    • inwardly, could actually be verified everywhere in the outer
    • meant that what the outer world offered the senses were seen as
    • come to an observation about endless fruitful things as modern
    • — can one actually arrive at atomic weight ratios without
    • specific molecular structures are built out of pure thought,
    • the phenomena. One would speak in a specific way about nature.
    • system of moving bodies like one has outside in the world
    • causality. It simply developed out of the urge to apply
    • whether it is justifiable, out of the totality of phenomena, to
    • isn't clear about it being a purely conceptual framework, that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • out what I would say and I can only hope, as a whole, to
    • the animal world to the human world is spoken about, then it
    • must be pointed out in particular how the present
    • out to how lucky he was, that the human being actually has the
    • intermaxillary jaw bone in common with the animals, and how out
    • only about the metamorphosed animal organisation within the
    • unfolds out of the functioning of his organs, and how an animal
    • scientists about subconscious processes in the human psyche,
    • when I say: What takes place in the mouth and palate as a taste
    • partially a fact of outer science — not only in the usually
    • twelve human senses. Now, we are only talking about human
    • about twelve senses in the same way as for five or six — from
    • it is valid that one can speak for instance about the sense of
    • senses about what takes place in the process of seeing; so that
    • we may speak about the sense of equilibrium as we speak about a
    • sense of seeing. Let us be clear about this. When we speak
    • about the sense of equilibrium we turn ourselves more towards
    • we look outwardly. However, this experience of equilibrium
    • process of judgement comes out of a perceptive process, a sense
    • process; so we need to speak about it as having a sense of
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • don't use “Word” but rather think about
    • and its laws. Yet when we speak about “philology”
    • philosophic. When we speak about “philosophy”, we
    • undefined experience when we speak about philosophy or involve
    • difficult to lift out of the depth of our consciousness if we
    • without trying to enter into the personal experience which ran
    • Besides this is the endeavour to develop something out of
    • philosophic world view out of natural scientific concepts, but
    • type. For them a big question came about: How can a person
    • outer world? — There were epistemologists of different
    • bridge to a trans-subjective reality existing outside human
    • had been found. These efforts more or less petered out into
    • appeared which, I might say, have risen out of quite different
    • thorough I would have to give an outline of the entire course
    • with science and out of this agreement arrives at a conclusion:
    • instance in plants, how the leaves spread out and how they drew
    • view. He even tried to think about the human community, the
    • experimental talents developing out of folk talents. What came
    • out of it was interest created to observe the world in its
    • outer sensory reality into the smallest detail, without
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • can't be verified from the outset by anyone and that nevertheless
    • degree become an anthroposophical researcher — simply out of
    • ideas about the supersensible, before it became possible to
    • it is also possible to carry out the pedagogical-didactic side
    • are being created out of an anthroposophical source, this is
    • opportunity to choose the outer conditions for the education
    • be chosen. Certainly, much is said about these claims and in
    • kinds of theories about this. Here we have three types of
    • other, without looking for any exchange taking place between
    • appears, without the usual kind of warmth coming forth as
    • as so-called latent warmth and how it had developed out of
    • being are usually only observed outwardly. However, the change of
    • it is necessary to point out how this authority
    • child's soul now come to be expressed outwardly. This is hidden
    • withdraw completely out of the bodily, yet it does to a high
    • researched through the outer senses is lifted up into the
    • So it's not about depositing Anthroposophy into the childish
    • goal of learning. Out of this the Waldorf School has taken its
    • bring all of this about in a living sense.
    • and so on. With us in the Waldorf School it involves that out
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • Social science can't be talked about today from only a
    • moment — one can only speak about such questions while the dire
    • added something which I set out in my
    • question here, where it will be pointed out how the economic
    • written out of observations of the European economic life over
    • develops its individual branches from out of its own
    • must speak about the threefold divisions of the social organism
    • those who stand within it, formed out of their personal actions
    • result, a manuscript, which has aimed at being written out of
    • can bring about a contradictory turn; it could only come from
    • that a person could think out of this complicated world
    • up out of those who were there. Still, it could be grasped and
    • directly in life; we have to deal with these problems out of
    • that be? — ie: what one could actually expect. It turned out to
    • precisely those practicing economists who work routinely within
    • the economic life, who know about this or that branch of
    • business and rejected what I had said, spoke about things in
    • theoreticians. This shows that one can have a routine practical
    • repeated about the social question, if you question
    • reject wanting to talk in this way about the possible form
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • publication I don't know and obviously have not thought about.
    • course which didn't come out of my initiative. I'm least
    • say, it wants to work out of present day spiritual science.
    • and method, out of the foundation of which we have already
    • spoken and which can't be spoken about more extensively,
    • Anthroposophy worked out of the most varied foundations towards
    • outer sensory observations this sentence is valid: “there
    • be created out of the senses, only the mind itself can't be
    • created out of the senses.
    • such a process which is inwardly quite similar to the outer
    • admits that out of the seedling, if you have an inner image of
    • created out of the sense world. One remains true to that which
    • without further ado — is clothed inadequately in words
    • in the course of the last centuries adapted to the outer
    • material world outlook and today we have the experience, which
    • this world outlook.
    • small circle — who have the need to hear about such
    • other than through their own free will. What is said about
    • which speaks about the supersensible world, but it forms a
    • my preference, that what comes out of the supersensible world
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  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • used throughout — it can be translated as either
    • about today and it became clear to me that one really needs a
    • like to talk about today. So I'm only going to suggest a few
    • things about the spirit of our reflection which is required by
    • is for instance about human beings relating to nature or to the
    • least a clear outline for the observation of the object.
    • cycle came about as a request which resulted in a row of
    • — not out of political grounds; I stressed this clearly.
    • The lecture cycle was given throughout also for the English
    • speakers; because when people want to hear something about
    • life, which could bring about a certain ethical and moral
    • again construe that I spoke out of direct experience, as it
    • happened yesterday, when I spoke about the Trinity. However, Dr
    • trinity to be taken directly out of life's experience and
    • express them in three words — we're talking about
    • was this so? Yes, while I spoke about duty during the hour from
    • 11 what I had to say about their experience of the
    • one touches an impulse through these words which comes out of
    • related to “pflegen” (to care for). Out of this
    • should be clear about one thing. With nature observation the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • But a center must exist from out of which this deepening
    • throughout the centuries and millennia, but revealed in each
    • at the outset — much prejudice and obstinacy, which is
    • should be. For many still don't think correctly about the
    • and strength and warmth, can never give us information about
    • information about many divine aspects of the world. So we must
    • this it is necessary that we prepare ourselves, without levity,
    • of the spirit, about whom we will hear more and more during the
    • description shine out before our soul's eye.
    • from out the darkness you appear,
    • in the area of the senses, but on the other side spreading out
    • though he were a mere parable of man. He warns that without the
    • and orientation from the spiritual world about the abyss which
    • know about that purification and metamorphosis of his being,
    • shining spirit warningly calls out from the darkness on behalf
    • itself. For whether we go out into space, the abyss is
    • one abyss. For if we wander out into space so far that we come
    • about the obstacles relative to our times, which we must sweep
    • the gods speak about this:
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • throughout the ages, encouraging man to perform his noblest
    • with this sensation, which one can have when one gazes out to
    • Unto that light that shines out of the darkness.
    • sensation that by looking out into the external world we gain
    • beings. And we must therefore be quite clear about the
    • prepared. They would be receiving it without the preparatory
    • through spirit-knowledge, from out of which he speaks who alone
    • Guardian's mouth, if he looks back upon himself, will realize
    • doubt in our soul, every kind of uncertainty about the
    • weak and cannot rise to enthusiasm. True knowledge must outgrow
    • Will wings sprout from your soul
    • striving, by not being completely earnest about it.
    • often have I completely forgotten about it after a short time?
    • Perhaps I would have done it if I had thought about it, but I
    • did not think about it any more. It was extinguished, just as a
    • be possible for the Class to continue without being burdened by
    • routine burdens the progress of the Class. It is perhaps not
    • is the image of ordinary human thinking which thinks about
    • things of the outside world and doesn't realize that such
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • It's about the path one should follow in thought, the path
    • That is what I will speak to you about today, my dear friends,
    • outward experience. He stands on firm ground because he says to
    • to suddenly shine from out of the spiritual world is merely an
    • where does this come from? You see, when you confront the outer
    • world as a physical person, you think about this outer world.
    • thinking flies out into distant space and that his feeling goes
    • his feeling does not stay with him. Thinking at least goes out
    • in cosmic space. Feeling goes out of the universe and if one
    • 150 years. Feeling leads you completely out of the time in
    • feelings, are streaming out into cosmic space and becoming
    • stream out into cosmos space. At the same time they become
    • said about the difficulty in being able to to differentiate
    • about your capacity for evil. One cannot do otherwise than to
    • less we succumb to illusions about this trinity, which reflects
    • Which hollows out its own soul
    • setting out on the path to the spiritual world. In the same way
    • don't know much about it. And what we do know is not
    • retrospection. If you close yourself off from the outside world
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • world cannot take place without this understanding of the
    • time it approaches you it should be relived without the help of
    • the esoteric, our very understanding of it brings about a
    • something about her and your memory is stimulated. If you had
    • feel and will towards this person with what you think about
    • are reminded of this person, you can think of her without the
    • antipathy arising. You can simply think about her.
    • is quite difficult, my dear friends, to just think about your
    • enemy without letting the animosity towards him arise. One can
    • yourself: Am I able to exclusively think about certain
    • we must be clear about the fact that when one speaks correctly
    • from out of the esoteric, he is speaking from the godly sphere
    • without which the esoteric can not further humanity. It is
    • connected with innermost humility. And without this innermost
    • What rises out of semblance-being
    • growing together with the world, that we more and more come out
    • of ourselves. For only so, by coming out of ourselves, are we
    • consciousness. Outside, they must be held together by the gods.
    • Ancient Moon - grown out of the whole earth organism. What was
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • the world while outside of us are the forces which are active
    • nature. We must stop saying to ourselves: Out there is nature,
    • minerals about morality, although it is of prime interest to
    • speak about later - which does not lie so close to humans.
    • something that touches him from without, and he also feels that
    • light comes to him from outside himself.
    • have often pointed out how in every moment of our lives, also
    • The air is outside, the same air which is inside me a moment
    • later, then it is again outside, the same air which was within
    • are beings of air, that what we hold within us we let out
    • case. We then feel how with every exhalation we fly out on the
    • flows out into the environment upon exhaling.
    • spirit entering us when inhaling, our own being streaming out
    • out a being. It is indicated by body a; another, also within
    • go out of yourself - go out, so to speak, through all the pores
    • of me and say: You, human, we will not let you out of the light
    • without.
    • Threshold: nature, which was previously quietly outside us and
    • self, which wanted to surge out into the bright shining
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • carry out his own will impulses, etc. Man considers them to be
    • hardly aware of how he has evolved out of this world, how a
    • of nature in the outside world. But as you know, my dear
    • which exist outside of ourselves. We do not consider what is
    • us now lay out this elemental world before us, a world which is
    • we go further up out of the thicker substances into the etheric
    • element merges in a certain sense with the outer world's watery
    • element to the outer world's watery element we feel our
    • from our watery element to dry outer air. Dry air lets us feel
    • What does man know about his relation to the earthly element?
    • to the earthly element. But about the processes of
    • existing outside of us. When, however, we recognize the
    • the plants, animals and minerals exist outside of us, are
    • look out at the animal kingdom. We observe the indolent animals
    • out of their own being. And then we say to ourselves: All that
    • animality, to step out of the elemental life into the life
    • try to think seriously about your innermost feelings and you
    • stream, holding the breath, and breathing out act, in a more
    • out. When the breath expands in this way, then ceases, the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • and I am therefore obliged to again say a few words about its
    • have repeatedly spoken - also outside [Dornach] - about what
    • not only cultivated, it is also carried out; meaning that
    • about this; it must be completely clear. It is not a question
    • out of them - I am only reporting - with the exception of the
    • been primarily concerned with what can be told about the
    • what it means to be outside the physical body with the human I
    • then outside the physical body. But when he is asleep outside
    • when outside the physical body the person perceives his
    • spiritual world while outside the physical body.
    • circumstances he is not aware of what he could see when outside
    • now meaningful words sound out again from the Guardian of the
    • look downward to grasp what streams out from the earth to work
    • out of the cosmos, the heavens, as it's spherically-shaped
    • Guardian calls out the following words:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • say a few introductory words about the School's arrangements.
    • with whom the appropriate work to be done can be carried out,
    • work in the world without a connection to the Vorstand at the
    • esoteric work outside the confines of this School and
    • questions about any field of life posed by honestly seeking
    • people, which cannot be answered outside the esoteric.
    • about anthroposophy, prepare people slowly, whoever wants to
    • School whose work is really about anthroposophy and not
    • it gradually, may choose to exercise their opinion outside the
    • wish to begin today's lesson - without you taking notes, only
    • points to what has resounded throughout the ages, first from
    • can therefore let this cosmic word, which rings out to
    • must be clear about the fact that when we look around in the
    • surround him, it is also true that if when he looks out at all
    • unprepared, without having experienced deeply in the soul those
    • feelings I have spoken about. But then, when he really is
    • the Threshold to reach out with a helping hand and allow him to
    • darkness reigns. This light which we seek must radiate out from
    • the darkness. And it only radiates out from the darkness when
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • First - without taking notes - let us be reminded of the
    • would be easy to convince people about the spiritual world if
    • about how by means of an intimate exercise you can become more
    • about is when its movements become susceptible to the earth's
    • without. Just as warmth can differ on different places of the
    • into the liver. Just as the light which goes out from your brow
    • doesn't speak about man personally, but about the entire
    • were to fly out to the [resting] stars and rest there
    • man, without his intention or awareness. Now though, on the
    • accompany it on its rounds without perceiving its weight: bound
    • When I carry out such a meditation again and again, I gradually
    • come to feel myself as a human being outside my body in the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • the cosmos, we can develop the feelings which carry us out into
    • two possibilities. One is that the person hears about
    • dream-consciousness or sleep-consciousness out there with their
    • flocks they turned their souls with closed eyes towards outer
    • can come to a sense of veneration for what is expanding out
    • the more clearly can the experience be that the outer
    • still in Plato's time one felt something special about the
    • something streams out of the eye and encompasses the object.
    • The etheric streams out. Just as when I stretch out my hand and
    • clairvoyance people knew that something etheric goes out from
    • object sends out ether-waves which drum against the eye and the
    • drumming is perceived by some kind of soul — about which
    • even the materialist talks about here, but without having any
    • But at the same time you take your own etheric being out into
    • then we journey out into the distant universe [yellow rays], at
    • we have journeyed out we are together with our etheric being
    • out in the cosmos — the gods have written the cosmic
    • the cosmic imaginations [outer wave-circle].
    • when we encircle it from without. And it is a task of our
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • are all gathered here, I will say what I have to say about
    • Much old karmic residue may exist to be worked out which
    • achieved without these karmic residues takes
    • about correctly in the future the Goetheanum's work will be
    • outward.
    • organizations. He must be clear about what takes place in his
    • about this; we are only taking into account what is visible
    • In the previous lesson much was said about this. The
    • enclose in our heads. And out of it sprouts our human
    • Outside are the stars; our heads receive the effects of the
    • stars' rays. From without it looks as though the stars were
    • looks quite different than from without, but it is the same,
    • the blackboard]: What unfolds without as the shining element
    • [red dots]. Man speaks his I from out of his center of his
    • dwelling places of the gods in the radiant stars, from out of
    • otherwise all is shaped by the forces that arise from out of
    • outwards — [“limbs” is
    • from the intellectual content, go out from ourselves, so that
    • outer temples stood in places on the earth which today are
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • cosmic knowledge to stream out of the spiritual world itself;
    • is, perceive internally, thus: [draws: white outline of a
    • outer events of the day is necessary in order to sense this. It
    • short, when you are completely outside of the world's tumult,
    • mantras which partly ring out to us from the soul and also
    • partly must be imagined as resounding to us from out of the
    • exercise, without thinking about it, the image remains before
    • that what exists in us on earth as will is taken out to the
    • outer world for a while and live exclusively within the content
    • Basically, we should even avoid thinking about such things
    • attitude. We should only think about what has been presented
    • that so much is spoken about these things in a cliquish manner,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • And I also pointed out last time how this
    • something innerly and intensely in a low voice, or even out
    • know anything about this force – streams into the legs.
    • brothers, that you should go out into the world of triviality
    • and cry out-loud: “It is not true that man has his legs
    • without this perception it could not have a connection with
    • in a much more agile way than when we move about in physical
    • life. We do move about during sleep, only we have no
    • field of thinking and the field of feeling: from out of the
    • to us. The Thrones speak to us about the drives – as
    • transfered to our volition when we carry out an act of
    • voice of conscience calls out in an indeterminate way to
    • act throughout the universe, he makes the great discovery
    • is it about the limbs' active movement. I described it as a
    • the blood circulating throughout the whole organism,
    • routine of everyday life. He must do so because between birth
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • should realize that these beasts are the outer reflections of
    • the abyss, outside the physical and etheric bodies —
    • An Outline Of Occult Science,
    • The Guardian of the Threshold calls out to us, we should turn
    • The Guardian of the Threshold must call out to him: You may not
    • amply demonstrated, my dear friends, by the outbreak of the
    • When this World War broke out, I said to many people: The history
    • outbreak of the war, many of them had dimmed consciousness at
    • war can only be written about in an occult way.
    • outbreak of this World War, can be observed in those who
    • beckons. You look at his face. At first he calls out to you,
    • long as I am out of the body. But the heart can also be
    • sharply contoured organs are formed out of the liquid
    • Now, when one is over there, out of the body, the spirit is
    • If the soul is motivated by Lucifer, it leaves out “as
    • stimulation exercised on his senses by the outer world. What,
    • downward and outward through breath: carbon dioxide; toward
    • The Guardian of the Threshold calls to us about all that is in
    • About fire, the warmth element, the Guardian now speaks
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • which rings out to human beings from all sides of cosmic
    • brothers, if we gradually acquire the ability to feel about
    • the higher spiritual beings as we do about the three kingdoms
    • outside of us the essence of stone, of the mineral kingdom,
    • We have learned about the spirit-soul world, which
    • Guardian speaks about the earth, water and air elements,
    • about everything in us which is solid; everything that is
    • fluid in us, especially our blood and tissue fluids; about
    • speaks about all that. And he calls out what resounds from
    • from out of the darkness, as if they came from under the
    • threefold teaching about the Guardian of the Threshold's
    • hierarchy, the Exusiai, Dynamis, Kyriotetes, answer about the
    • verse is to work correctly in our souls. Outside of us the
    • within us as weaving, waving and undulating, as we do outside us.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • present, I must say at least a few words about the meaning of
    • membership without anyone claiming that his free will is in
    • and sense-perceptible is spread out before us. We find it to
    • question about our entrance into the element of warmth, or
    • Seraphim answer. Thus the three answers about the general
    • life, but also gazing out at the etheric vastness, what we
    • wherever we reach out we begin to feel a glimmering light.
    • become aware of how these forces, which from outside appear
    • throughout the succession of earth lives. The soul feels them
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • other, about the element of warmth, which penetrates everything
    • light about which we can say that he sees it.
    • without hearing another deeply founded admonition from the
    • When we look back from out there, if you imagine that you go
    • Thus we have an idea about the cosmic creation behind the sensory
    • through the rainbow's bridge and sent farther out to the
    • Through the impression we receive from that outlook point of the
    • which at first was a dark, night-bedecked sphere, spreads out
    • world takes place, created out of what was dead, illusionary, and
    • rings out. We become aware, now that the voices of all nine
    • choirs ring out together, that what they are intoning is directed
    • outside and be organized in a different way. Therefore, I must
    • about it. I wish to inform those who have written in this way,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • is outside this red is nothing. This is placed before our souls.
    • variations of the Nothing are visible when we look out from the
    • If we are not clear about the fact that here on
    • now. He spoke from out of the darkness. He spoke when we first
    • rolls, what the stars whisper about cosmic secrets. That was our
    • Angeloi receive enlightens, without our knowing, human thinking.
    • Exusiai voices ring out in the spiritual cosmos:
    • Paul speaks about this in the Gospel — that
    • about this sensory world the words:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • out to us to seek self-knowledge, for it is the foundation
    • point out to our souls the path to understanding the true
    • Guardian, out to the realm of sensory appearances. And
    • found out on the street. From one of the notebooks could be
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • it turns out, many more friends have come to this Class Lesson
    • about three to four centuries. And when we consider the
    • small territory streamed out to the whole civilized world of
    • that what had previously blossomed in one place streams out to
    • at the sprouting plant kingdom, at the mobile animal kingdom,
    • that from the spoken words about human self-knowledge the
    • glittering in space, not by despising them as outer sensible
    • are the sources of our own humanity. From out of there the
    • to consciously experience without further preparation what
    • illuminated from out of the darkness, can approach us, so that
    • the riddle of humanity may be solved from out the darkness. The
    • And from out of the darkness comes light,
    • And from out of the darkness comes light,
    • as his gaze becomes even more earnest, as he stretches out his
    • before the terrible abyss of existence from the mouth of the
    • Will wings sprout upon your soul
    • When one has heard this directly from the mouth of the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • Michael School. And he also spoke about human self-knowledge.
    • doubt about the spiritual world that today gnaws at the souls'
    • Will wings sprout from your soul
    • Will wings sprout from your soul
    • clarification about the third beast, which is interwoven with
    • our thinking; about the second beast, which is interwoven with
    • our feeling; about the first beast, which is interwoven with
    • says. He draws our attention to how we should feel about our
    • throughout the entire cosmos as general universal love, then
    • only do we feel correctly about feeling. This the Guardian of
    • Which hollows out your own soul
    • Which hollows out your own soul
    • feet, with heavy human feet, that is, with the outer illusions,
    • Guardian now indicates to us how we should further feel about
    • get outside and thereby become ineffective. It is a fundamental
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • we are then interwoven out in the cosmic ether and are at least
    • Which rises out of all the seeming,
    • Rising out of all the seeming
    • Rising out of all the sham
    • Which rises out of all the seeming
    • ourselves, remaining in our own skin, if we do not go out of
    • must carry this out, as the Guardian of the Threshold indicates
    • grace, speaking about humanity's true wisdom.
    • instructs us further about the heights, the middle and below,
    • because he wants to instruct us about thinking, feeling and
    • about the third realm, where the will originates, the Guardian
    • Guardian once more points out how we must seek the path to
    • points out the ways we can go astray — which we must know
    • about in order to find the right path.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • introduction about the task and meaning of the School and about
    • all sides, from the east and the west, from the south and the
    • realm which reaches out into the horizontal, into the cosmic
    • to give us divine forces without our own effort. We would be
    • room or outside on the bare earth. The point is that you feel,
    • rise to the sensation of the element of water. Out in the world
    • are formed as human beings out of the fluid element. It creates
    • solidly formed, but they solidify from out of the fluid
    • element, from out of the element of water.  Just as we
    • outside of us as support. We know little about how the water
    • without. We stiffen when we must experience cold from without.
    • to the planets. He points out to us how we should feel about
    • abstract form, how they rang out to us from all sides of
    • out with full spiritual force in this room — words which
    • of our time — when these words ring out we can be
    • I must be clear about it — but must be done orally,
    • which may not be ignored without punishment. So, this is not an
    • for some announcements. Tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. the course about
    • teachings will be rounded out, will take place on Monday at
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • beautiful and magnificent in the outer world, remains dark and
    • for knowledge, as doubt about the knowledge that is
    • feeling we should look out to the cosmic reaches, and to gain
    • night-cloaked, cold darkness. Out of it warmth must come to us,
    • out of it must come light which illumines our own Self, which
    • Guardian of the Threshold therefore teaches us about thinking
    • earth-element. We have already heard about treading the
    • as a mirror is a boundary. What comes to us from without
    • should comport ourselves in respect to the outer world.
    • if we think about what we are willing in the physical-sensory
    • calls out to us in the most earnest moments.
    • not yet gotten over forming mere thoughts about light's shining
    • need this rescuing, for we are about to cross over the abyss.
    • light, if we only carry over the vague feelings about
    • this School should only live within the School and not outside
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • Once again, I must say that the introduction about the
    • told us so much about the meaning of the spiritual world, over
    • our human earthly existence. If we want to carry out something
    • in the near future, we consider it first, so what we carry out
    • out in impulses of will. We feel that it is worthy. We feel
    • a thought about it. Or we go beyond that and carry out a deed
    • the organism; the organism acts, carries out the thought; we
    • see what we have carried out, again with thought. But the will
    • out of the darkness gleaming, living shapes are moving. We say
    • sense psychically, spreads out below us. What we recognize
    • from out of the darkness.
    • out-streaming from below, which has at most a whiff of
    • outwardly an imitation of the world's shape, we feel then, in
    • breathe it out again. The world in all its grandeur and majesty
    • thought, as though it were being pushed out. We must sense the
    • thought being pushed out as when we stretch out an arm: thus,
    • dear sisters and brothers: Learn to extend your thoughts out to
    • the world as you learn to stretch out your hands through
    • remains feeling, but rays out to thinking on one side and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • outset of the First World War made it's continuance impossible. However,
    • this esoteric school be the body for something which flows out
    • school presents the outer expression of an activity which in
    • esoteric school could not have been created without first
    • representatives of anthroposophy; and the decision about
    • clairvoyantly, he certainly can do nothing about it.
    • esoteric school should stream out to the whole anthroposophical
    • gloom, about which you had to say that it will become inner
    • [An outline of a human being is drawn on the blackboard.]
    • knows that he perceives the outer world through the senses,
    • red arrows] from out of which streams the force of will into
    • streaming out of his body into the head, which create the will,
    • tells us, and imagine dead thinking being cast out into the
    • before you something like a gray outline of what you saw over
    • there, but avoid drawing anything except the outline of the
    • Then, if one succeeds in seeing this gray outline of a figure,
    • distance. The gray figure outline is also there, but it is
    • appears to us from out of sleeping feeling. We feel ourselves
    • That is what the Guardian of the Threshold admonishes us about
    • nothing about it, that Rudolf Steiner was being ironic here,
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • introductory explorations, I only need to point out how,
    • crystallized out of this so-called war has sprung out of fear
    • Out
    • viewpoint of theoretical science, nor out of mere notions and
    • something completely different to what is spoken about.
    • about the question of spiritual science. From the standpoint of
    • social question for decades. If you hear about people who
    • convincing result will solve some relevant question out of
    • pointed out in the striving within social life, drives away
    • desire to find a solution for the social question out of this
    • ideology, a grey theory. Out of thoughts, out of mere spiritual
    • not lie in what they are talking about, but it lies in their
    • you in the most imminent way — a movement born out of thoughts.
    • This I don't say purely out of consideration. If I'm permitted
    • can hardly understand how it came about, one could call it,
    • wish to speak about the content of this philosophy at all. The
    • about his personal thoughts, desires and experiences seem
    • social question. Other sharp criticisms about the origin of the
    • that without the enormous turnaround, without the technical
    • as its origins are claimed out of purely scientific impulses,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • today's lecture I would like to make a provisional outline for
    • possibilities for the social question which do not come out of
    • some one-sided remark about some or other class, some or other
    • a class, out of some part of the social organism, then one does
    • aspect of the human being as an outline in my book
    • I am clear about all the
    • systems each have a particular relationship to the outer world;
    • not progressed as far as these ideas I'm indicating here, out
    • misunderstood. Since Schäffle wrote a book about
    • take the belief you learnt about natural organisms and apply
    • learn about its laws, in that moment the game of analogy
    • we will speak about this division of branches afterwards
    • are actually reversed in comparison with what comes out of mere
    • as an independent organism throughout for its success towards
    • everything which the human being brings out of nature as his
    • system in relation to the lungs and outer air, the processing
    • of this outer air, how this differs from the manner and way
    • outer world, the second system which must exist in the social
    • system, involved with everything which is created out of the
    • out of independence and from a point of awareness carry out the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • During the lectures last week, I pointed out that the present
    • developed out of quite a specific peculiarity in thought habits
    • creation of criticism about social facts of the present day are
    • Whoever — I may say it about myself, by presenting these
    • many, will stand out, that the modern Proletarian, considered
    • proletariat, through their observations, know what to say about
    • which should be brought about?’ — From their point of
    • of view takes on less importance as we are distracted about
    • what people have to say about their feelings, how they
    • experience their own lives, how they think about other classes
    • question about the status of the proletarians' lives. To a
    • or other theoretical analysis, but out of the Proletarians
    • outside of the proletariat who now take it as payment developed
    • impulse out of the life of the modern proletariat: the teaching
    • class without decadence, with unused intellectuality, with so
    • instinct can be considered as follows: If I point out to the
    • those who have come out of Marxism; that in all kinds of
    • when these things are considered without bias, without
    • criticism and does not enable real impulses created out of
    • has thinking processes grown out of these facts. It is obvious
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • how its origins actually developed out of two different human
    • development; results arrive without a leap out of what went
    • these crises arrive out of elementary organic foundations, just
    • understanding of life and to point out such things with radical
    • mankind we can point out as having taken place at the turn of
    • the taking up of the social impulse out of the instinctive and
    • developed out of the structures of medieval community life.
    • into the state structure. I pointed out such economic sectors
    • two mentioned social classes. So it must come about as we will
    • not just in theory. For this reason, I point out that the health
    • respectively and they think in this or that way about the
    • — formed out of ways of thinking, habits of thinking. It
    • thinking had the intention of organizing economic life out of
    • left to what it would fall into if humanity freely, simply out
    • economy. One thinks about these opposites only when one
    • life, through its own thriving and sprouting impulses of life,
    • From the following we see what it's really all about. Economic
    • This can also not happen when in a one-sided way the state out
    • only come about if the economic organism can be allowed to
    • develop fully out of its own latent forces, is allowed to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • being, developed out of the manikin. According to Goethe it
    • something out of mere theory, mere outer dry and sober facts
    • taking abstractions drawn from outer life and forming something
    • developing out of certain principles, certain foundations which
    • opinions, they want it carried out themselves, which means,
    • stuck on mere instinctive will impulses, that simply out of the
    • structure out of a conscious will. If it is to be prepared
    • derived out of abstractions but out of reality; they would be
    • from a social structure formed out of a life many experience as
    • only apply one's best aspirations by finding it out of people
    • What has arisen out of the modern capitalist economic life has
    • can lie about it, a gap which can hardly be bridged if not at
    • This mistrust has come out of the origins, which up to now did
    • met with one final important trust and they, not out of their
    • convictions but by feeling, have been tricked out of this final
    • important trust. You see, we are talking about the Proletarian
    • into an expression, actually knew nothing about the origins of
    • these thoughts and will impulses. What comes as challenges out
    • say: the Proletarian, the social culture has thus come about,
    • and the life, rules the inheritance out of just those
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • mouths and they are no longer able to swim in this sea. They
    • rescue boat with conditions they usually insist upon. About
    • come about yesterday. In the way one speaks about it today, it
    • up to the social question is much, much older; it has come out
    • of the entire development of modern times and out of the last
    • progressed. One can hear how it has come about that humanity
    • don't need to mention all the praise declarations about this
    • civilization has developed out of a foundation. Without this
    • there were increasingly more people who out of their deepest
    • civilisation, but out of which they can only feel satisfied
    • the all too necessary facts. This development brought about the
    • So it came about that the Proletariat on the one hand within
    • it more basically as ingratiating phrases which came out of
    • than as from empty phrases, the one who experiences it out of
    • came about which was more important than the modern
    • However, these concepts — I only want to point out how
    • Isn't it typical that those who know about these things must
    • about the Proletariat but among those individualities who have
    • ruling circles, this I report out of no grey theory; I maintain
    • action, directed towards a new era developed out of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • people say: ‘You tell us all kinds of things about Richard Wagner, but
    • approach is fully justified. Does a botanist not think about a plant
    • anyone deny him the right to speak about the plant from this aspect
    • consciously realised by the plant. I say this at the outset in order
    • associated ‘Mysticism’ with all ideas about which there is something
    • element of life. He speaks in a wonderful way about symphonic music.
    • are talking about, speak of music. The ‘Music of the Spheres’
    • open, the higher world will emerge out of the darkness. To the
    • that a poet with Goethe's deep insight would use such an image without
    • To Richard Wagner the tones of outer music were an expression, a
    • was not one of those artists who think they must ‘out’ with everything
    • can tell us more about Richard Wagner than Nietzsche was able to do.
    • set himself the task of bringing about this re-union in what he termed
    • it unfolds in outer happenings. He saw in Beethoven the artist who was
    • inner and outer life is directed and controlled by himself; he
    • outwards and as it becomes articulate is striving to unite that which
    • direction, and out of this feeling was born his idea of a
    • could express itself outwardly in action. That which cannot be
    • in outer life. It was just because Richard Wagner's aim was to give
    • human being to another? To outer eyes, men stand there, side by side;
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • Aristotle, and the kind of knowledge that made its appearance about
    • in regard to the outstanding figures of the early Christian centuries
    • things and never notice that they are out-and-out nonsense. It is
    • to say about Indian wisdom. Nevertheless, if we ask for something
    • bring about agreement in the terrible quarrels between the adherents
    • Naturally one could not have spoken to such men of outer Nature in the
    • contains merely the outward expression of the spiritual world. Nor let
    • and space. Gazing out into the expanses of the cosmos, we see how the
    • This wisdom was well suited to bring about reconciliation between the
    • different religions, not as the outcome of vague sentiment but of the
    • spiritual life, efforts were made to wipe out the principles whereby
    • teachers in the Southern regions of Europe not even the names have
    • South of Europe during the first four centuries after the Mystery of
    • coloured by the Roman spirit. The living wisdom was wiped out, and
    • Out of this milieu came Julian, the so-called Apostate, who had
    • place among the other racial Gods. Julian the Apostate was not out to
    • the School which not only set out to exterminate the old principle of
    • remain without enlightenment about certain mysteries, enlightenment
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • since Sylvester Eve of 1922-23, there stands out in the
    • spiritual movement through its growth brings about in the minds
    • should come about to erect a building for the Anthroposophical
    • the Eurythmy movements out of the interior architecture and
    • out of the architectural and sculptural forms. If one stood on
    • the platform and spoke with one's whole heart out of the
    • Anthroposophical friends, can bestow out of its pain, out of
    • sacrificial spirit, this devoted labor, have come about in the
    • out of various underlying conditions — and must reflect
    • very much — about how the Anthroposophical Society needs
    • oneself today out of deepest inner experience of longer
    • ought really to be carried out under the influence of this
    • in these days — again, out of fully justifiable
    • words when one reflects about what those who have been
    • especially in a spiritual movement which takes its rise out of
    • without the sun — though the sun also suffers eclipse
    • — not without the sun, in the appropriate meaning of the
    • need the right mood, out of which alone this can be
    • extraordinarily gratifying youth movement. On the basis of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • the Anthroposophical Society, about very special
    • like in connection with this to say something about the manner
    • one can take it without this.
    • wish at first to point out that there have, of course, been
    • of interchange. We know then that the person can pass out of
    • about this and you will find that such is the case. Such a
    • the one out of the every-day consciousness — or,
    • the other out of the consciousness which is really competent to
    • about things belonging to the external reality. And when a
    • tolerance of soul. But this has, of course, to be brought about
    • expressed, for example, by him and another person about one
    • experiencing of that which is revealed in theory out of the
    • simply out of the fact that, when people have a sensational
    • occupied with the search for knowledge out of the higher
    • fellow men with proper sense of responsibility something out of
    • another here or there. There it was customary to think about
    • much about it openly. Experience demonstrates that it has not
    • been possible for a long time to carry out such a principle in
    • be created by this loose association — I say this without
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • of time. I have also pointed out that there are certain
    • beings had to find out, as it were, how human life can be
    • the things we are given for granted, without giving them
    • remains of the human activity out of which our thinking
    • peculiar thing about this was that it related to the
    • outer world in a way that is quite different from the
    • isolated within the world. The world is outside us, it
    • ourselves entirely outside them. Indeed we often feel
    • that we are best able to think about those external
    • clouds, we think about them, but we do not feel that the
    • and active in the cloud out there produce images in my
    • feel isolated from everything that goes on outside us in
    • of the pulses beating throughout the universe. Our
    • to say that everything that happened in nature outside
    • himself happened out of will impulses of the spirits of
    • this without getting caught up in preconceived notions we
    • superficial in their thinking about such things. We look
    • plant. When we talk about plants today we are really
    • not about the plants themselves. It is important that we
    • out for sins, i.e. for something belonging to a sphere
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • moment. We shall then have to act out of our realization
    • took the opposite route and people coming to colonize
    • reach the soul and spirit of the world without resorting
    • the great culture which had grown out of the soul and
    • done, for example, the outcome in no way represents the
    • spirit of ancient Asia. It is necessary to point this out
    • outer authority says so. It does not help to avoid saying
    • the truth about these things — even if it means
    • intellectual life based on soul and spirit and out of
    • understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha, out of the
    • tradition only survived in empty outer phrases among
    • have a poor translation of it. It gradually came about
    • really all one had was the outer shell of the Word of old
    • spoken about these things quite often and in many
    • only within Germany but also outside its borders. [
    • Note 08 ] I told you about
    • to talk to you today about a matter that in the opinion
    • spiritual way I have talked about. It will have to come
    • only one way out of this dependence on one's followers
    • ideas. A social system born wholly out of Western
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • English-speaking peoples has come about — I have
    • ideas about these things, ideas that fully relate to
    • groups. Subsequently states developed out of this, and
    • not even inclined to think about them.
    • necessary to stop harbouring confused notions about these
    • form an opinion about the identity of their ruler.
    • ruler had been such that the outer physical form was
    • about in physical form but also gods. The divine world
    • continuing in an outer form and losing their inner
    • forced him to take the route prescribed by the priest. It
    • nothing at all about it and still says nothing now to
    • interesting to find out, for example, that Dionysius the
    • truth about public institutions — people believed
    • begin to disagree about such things, old ideas are coming
    • They are then out of place, anachronistic, luciferic.
    • lost and words become empty symbols, signs without
    • about in human form. During the third stage one can only
    • people have more or less tried to get out of the habit in
    • belonged to a united nation. People have forgotten about
    • people arise who are to be the leaders of humanity. Out
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • rather secretive about its work. It is however
    • heading of Jesuitism. Many people talk about Jesuitism
    • but it is now out of date. Some people have gone very
    • outline. Basically the only opposition to these trends
    • about it. The other movements on the other hand are
    • humankind without bias. We must make an effort and become
    • truly serious about certain basic principles—not
    • about the virulent propaganda campaign being launched
    • know that our aim is to speak of the Christ Mystery out
    • of the truth, and of social order out of the triune
    • point is saying anything else about some of the things
    • issue without prejudice would find that it has nothing
    • masquerading as Christian dogma would be scared out of
    • their wits that people might find out about this, that
    • People might find out that their priests were not
    • after is that people do not find out where these things
    • preachers can talk about things that in fact have their
    • origin in gnosis. It is the preachers who talk about
    • who speak about what has grown in the soil of spiritual
    • Articles full of lies are systematically put out with the
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • true causes. The peculiar thing about materialism is that
    • the world outside. Basically the heart is a sense organ
    • much harm if people have entirely the wrong idea about
    • the wrong idea about the nature of the human heart that
    • right or the wrong idea about the heart.’ But this
    • serious about it, that being hung up on wrong ideas would
    • stretches out, as it were, to perceive, and two others
    • out my hand, stretch out my arm, even if I do not
    • about it, it is part of my ordinary conscious life.
    • outer form and configuration depends entirely on these
    • concrete facts about the human being. It does not get
    • People anywhere to know about repeated earth lives and so
    • imagine it without the head, of course. The head you see
    • talk about setting up adult education thinking that the
    • that so far have come about because the wrong lead was
    • simply by teaching outside the universities what until
    • possible. It was therefore important to me to point out
    • about, but rather to use anthroposophy to enliven the
    • proletarian circles about the view that the modes and
    • pointed out on other occasions that in reality things are
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • decline — you know about the book by Oswald
    • eaten its way into everything spread about by way of
    • spread about like this, irrespective of whether it comes
    • about in the present time, though they are of course
    • informed about these things and out of this very
    • Anthroposophy cannot be evolved out of a blue haze, it
    • eyes and look out at the whole starry firmament, the
    • kind of outer reality—like a solid bridge with its
    • phenomena; they come and go out of another reality that
    • not to look for matter in the outer world.
    • by people who despise outer materiality, people who say:
    • ‘The things we perceive in an outer way are mere
    • quite wrong. The things we perceive outside are not
    • be speaking out of spiritual science working towards
    • matter is to be found within the outside world, which we
    • express their views out of a sick or a healthy mind. Then
    • so-called philosophies that spread their mists about. For
    • has been made to outline one particular aspect, to
    • again without any of the theorizing that is so common.
    • withdrawing from outer life and entering deeply into
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • physical substance, can be found to the outer world of
    • through spiritual science. Our eyes behold the outside
    • world, our ears hear the outside world, and we come to
    • other senses. We then think we know something about outer
    • the laws pertaining to it in that outer nature.
    • outside world. People saying they do not want to know
    • about the outside world because it is a material world,
    • much as people who simply interpret the outside world in
    • is to be found in the outside world. The people of more
    • essential nature of matter in the outside world. To put
    • look for the nature of matter in the outside world and be
    • understood that all that exists in the outside world is
    • shall never find anything material in that outside
    • erroneously looking for in the outside world, may be
    • not to be found by applying science to the outside world,
    • is the place where we can find out about the physical
    • inner and not the outer life. It could indeed happen that
    • right inner attitude. The outer world as we perceive it
    • origin lies inside our own skins. Anything we see outside
    • outside us is phenomenon. The root and origin of the
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • way we perceive colours and sounds outside us. There was
    • activity out of their own resources. In a way the gods
    • beings would find the right way of growing out of that
    • documents to bear outer witness to that time. Such an
    • knowledge at a time when it was out of date, when the
    • divine knowledge, which they had grown out of by that
    • Certain defects throughout the course of Earth evolution.
    • Science has nevertheless come about, for sufficient
    • come about. It has taken the road I have often
    • so on to explore the outer world of the senses and make
    • outer science triumph. People must want to use that same
    • We must want the attitude and approach used in outer
    • be built between outer knowledge or science and anything
    • stringent standards as the outer science of the
    • be the outcome if the group of people to whom we are
    • about? The aim is to do the opposite of what those
    • understood that Protestantism as it has evolved out of
    • There names were still more than an outer label. The
    • will not tell you what your ideas about the world ought
    • with human evolution. The outcome has been that
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • all the sensory organism which faces the outside world.
    • head. So we have the sensory organism facing the outside
    • depth but at least in outer terms — to the sleeping
    • some respects is similar to the outside world you
    • outside world you perceive with the senses. Human beings
    • outside world we perceive with the senses. When we then
    • impressions of the outside world and immediately
    • organ faces the outside world does not involve an element
    • organs face the outside world and compare this with the
    • human soul and spirit — is in the outside world. We
    • of this outside world; we merely need to understand
    • being is then in an outside world of soul and spirit. The
    • sleep and waking up, the human being is in the outside
    • themselves unconsciously in the outside world of soul and
    • people of the ancient Orient experienced in the outside
    • had perceived. We actually have outer evidence that
    • found themselves in the outer world and their souls and
    • is based on the evidence of the senses concerning outer
    • experienced in the outside world between going to sleep
    • in terms of organs perceptible to the outer senses. They
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • human evolution which we must know about if we want to arrive at a proper
    • civilized humanity differs from earlier times. Let me point out
    • will find, for instance, that during the period preceding the outbreak of
    • immediately preceding the outbreak of war, Germany was producing '79
    • war broke out, the potential was there for that much work to be done. A
    • compared to human energy output. Six and a half million in 1870, 79
    • until this was achieved. When war broke out, therefore, not only were
    • the relative size of something that had really been taken out of the
    • outside themselves that did the same amount of work for every individual
    • outside themselves in modern civilization; forces that work for them day
    • world has become for modern humanity and how quickly this has come about,
    • implications of such a fact. So far I have merely described the outer
    • without people being aware of it a completely new world developed in a
    • without having the support of the Christ force.
    • themselves in life and they arise out of the work done in industry, in
    • that very few people really think about these things — which I also
    • got into the habit of living a lie; they got out of the habit of seeing
    • talk about the campaign of lies we have had in recent years. Yet in all
    • of lies. What reason is there to tell the truth now about the lies that
    • nowadays that is is difficult to talk to them about these things. To show
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • to develop it without taking the earthly realm as our
    • and spirit-man also in outer terms.
    • ourselves we would have to do without spirit-self,
    • something united with this earth that came from outside,
    • say that the Gospels tell us something or other about the
    • that about one thing or another. We know it in a way that
    • scientific spirit. People walk about among all the highly
    • continued to use images, but he was very careful about
    • yet be established. He felt some hesitation about sharply
    • king of outward show — of a life setter please note
    • Imaginations could be applied to outer life.
    • thing had to be made much more real. The outcome was the
    • soon be able to carry these things out into life. It was
    • clear about this: The earth has encouraged us to develop
    • excluded. We would walk about among these
    • early Christians walked about among dead bodies, and
    • to write a doctorate thesis on what arises out of one's
    • would mean taking out yet another book. The whole thing
    • outer physical individual would actually be involved in
    • souls. Spirit-self can only develop out of knowledge made
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  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • we were able to discuss a few things about the ways leading into the
    • permitted to say something about the higher worlds themselves, and we
    • want to pick out one of the most important chapters from the field of
    • the outset in order to prepare ourselves for a complete understanding
    • not merely that essence of a material kind which appears to the outer
    • can look around outside in the natural world and see that everything
    • morning to night, throughout the whole life. There is an invisible
    • one thing in man that can never approach him from the outside. It is
    • soul can this name, this designation "I" sound out. Never can another
    • this; only out of him, out of his own deepest inner being can it come,
    • out through the name "I." All great religions also felt this, that in
    • astral body comes out with the ego-body, while the physical body,
    • body during the waking hours of the day and thus wears it out, appears
    • been worn out by the waking life. The astral body also repairs other
    • higher spheres are also able to report about the conditions after
    • If about any facts is reported, which are not immediately controllable
    • by everyone, then about their correctness only he can decide who really
    • no longer outside of all entities as in this physical world, not facing
    • the corresponding part of the life body is lifted out of this limb for
    • a while. The clairvoyant can then perceive the lifted-out part of the
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • times, attend with so great care to such outward things of
    • great events throbbing through our time.: Out of such feelings
    • man to work himself out of this world-mechanism.
    • may say without hesitation that the great movement of the
    • serious times, we did not hold outward festival, but
    • in place of the elementary flow of truth out of the human soul
    • anything, outside of this growth of “the phrase,”
    • acquired, out of “obedience,” but through man's own
    • and that outside of him are the three natural kingdoms, the
    • the three kingdoms as outside of themselves, because their view
    • their outer structure. The pattern of humanity has altered and
    • spiritual observation that, with the actual working out of this
    • would only take time and trouble to observe even the outer
    • important thing now is to seek afresh, from ourselves outwards,
    • of that work, what we unveil out of the spiritual world through
    • feelings belonging to us, which we acquire out of the spiritual
    • so much the more difficult, is to seek this connection from out
    • course, lasts through centuries. Outer observations will not
    • out of that of the Intellectual Soul — which was the
    • time is beginning when we may not leave this out of
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • Archai. Hitherto it has been out of their own interests and
    • worlds, out of free will and of their own accord. If we would
    • can only arouse their interest anew if out of our own souls we
    • all truth about the question — the thought of utter
    • different language about immortality from that to which they
    • through a physical evolution about its seventh year with the
    • outwardly less noticeable. In olden times this was not so; what
    • instructing about the true ideals of education! He began by
    • uttering some very high-sounding words, then read out the
    • proved that old age no longer understands its own youth,”
    • and went out. I replied that I quite saw we had not understood
    • about twenty years of age he feels shame at the idea of
    • youth, but through its whole span between birth and death. For
    • stimulated from without.
    • certain extent, at the events of the coming day, but without
    • things must be spoken of now, to point out how man must learn
    • should be able to experience throughout his whole life the
    • again we must observe something. The creeds speak much about
    • years. Many have asked about the “causes” of, these
    • talk about “causes” and “war-guilt” or
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • fact, dreaming about life.
    • mentioned about the activity men must unfold in their
    • present stage of culture, without such a consciousness men live
    • childhood. Once developed they remain throughout life; we have
    • century A.D. When about a third of this period had elapsed,
    • out of the depths of Spiritual Science, must lead to a new
    • what is said about the League now; the two cannot be
    • Nations by outside political arrangement. These things must
    • Anthroposophical Spiritual Science has the duty of pointing out
    • man were absent, the Earth would develop without him, bring
    • Earth would have developed without man, just as it has done
    • emphatically not without significance, that from birth to death
    • brings an unusual earnestness of outlook on life, a deepened
    • Commonwealth can and must be given to the outer, exoteric
    • as we carry with us out of that world the forces which above
    • that are given out. I am obliged to draw attention to such
    • please us, without listening to the voice of truth. It is not
    • pleasant to speak the truth about these things, but when we see
    • confessions, from speaking our mind about such fanatics, in
    • different from the mental outfit of the men to whom we owe our
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • noticed what changes have come about inside the ranks of the
    • form it took at the moment of the outbreak of the appalling
    • place about us might have become the great instructors of
    • or could, be any guide for all that was forcing its way out in
    • facts, which had grown above their heads, out of reach. This
    • not see it. Three or four hundred years of routine in business
    • subjects, I was forced, months before the outbreak of the
    • seemed to me the view we ought to hold about the social
    • later, the so-called practical men were giving out
    • “practical outlook” and “gloomy
    • might say the same thing about the life of rights or the
    • economic life in detail as about the wider institutions of
    • merely. to look round on the proletariat to find out how they
    • refute logically what the masses and their leaders think about
    • a sort of precipitate, formed out of the intensely active
    • poured out over the proletariat by its leaders. “In
    • life's destiny not only to think about the masses or
    • of the new era, will know more about this question that I have,
    • revolution-profiteer, a superficial chatterer about revolution,
    • taken the trouble to teach directly out of our common human
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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