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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • which is a seed for the life after death, the quality of love; and of
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • befogged by the being of pain and emotion, this seemed a kind
    • see what must often be raised here, as the first step on the
    • see: the concept that many people have who stand before the
    • shall see later that it is important to refer to this in this
    • “Theodysee,” that was a justification of God
    • general, when we observe the cosmos one can see overall order
    • and harmony; evil and wickedness can only be seen in the
    • evil alongside good; it is just that we cannot see this wisdom.
    • will seem more or less pedantic, because they show us with what
    • since today he is seen more as a kind of curiosity. Jakob
    • and is able to perceive in a spiritual world, then it can see
    • see. — This tragic insight into that which we are in
    • everyday life depends on how a human being seeks out the way
    • at least one conquers this one thing: that one can see one's
    • does this come from? When we look closer to see where it comes
    • evil, when we see this striving upwards in the struggle against
    • develop, when one seeks to find the way up to the spiritual
    • selfishness also goes forth, if the human soul is only seen as
    • concealed, we now see that this spiritual world stands in
    • world. In fact, one must be clear, that one sees one's own evil
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • of a seeing person for fantasies; the descriptions of those who perceive
    • Those who are endowed with clairvoyance see the etheric body as follows:
    • are all as real as the former. This is the astral body seen from within.
    • Seen from the outside, the astral body does not exist at all as far
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • they were used to seeing, that they must first grow accustomed to the
    • see the egg and then the chicken that slips out of it; but in the astral
    • world we first see the chicken and then the egg.
    • sees as if they were rushing towards him. To an unexperienced person
    • this is very confusing. He may see all kinds of animal-forms, even terrible
    • fantasies. Yet this is not true, for what he sees, is an image, a mirrored
    • city the things we see no longer appeal to our feeling, nothing touches
    • his astral body and his Ego go out. A clairvoyant sees that at night
    • see and hear nothing — for we have perceptions through the astral body.
    • the organs enabling them to see this. But for a clairvoyant, the night
    • form of dreams. But a trained person sees the astral world in regular
    • falls asleep and sees a reddish-brown shape rising up before him, with
    • clairvoyance, you can see a person's aura, the image of his soul-life,
    • Even as you see the complexion and the hand of a person, you then see
    • sun that we see, is but the physical body of the sun and Goethe knew
    • is called Imagination. Imagination therefore enables one to see, whereas
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • We have seen that when we
    • We have seen that during
    • in this world, how everyone seeks to satisfy his senses. What a human
    • meadows to seek honey and bring it back to the hive. Here on earth the
    • to see, he at first simply perceives through his eyes. Gradually spiritual
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • and moods are lacking. I see myself, my relatives and friends within
    • see through the physical body. But this power of vision was lost and
    • can see in them shapes, which resemble bells shooting with incredible
    • then be added. The astral substance seems to come shooting along of
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • as we have seen, not through the attraction of etheric substance, but
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • clairvoyant sees a great difference in the astral body of a developed
    • or a “Master”, we see the following: When he is born, he
    • correspond with his capacities. He seeks out the family whose bodily
    • in the seemingly paradoxical sentence: The parents resemble their children.
    • the true causes for such transformations, a clairvoyant can see them.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • of Atlantis [See Rudolf Steiner's
    • past with what can be seen through the eyes, but the old science of
    • Testament, where it speaks of the rainbow seen by Noah after the Flood.
    • clairvoyance. They did not see things materially, as we see them to-day,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • sees of the moon, is not the whole moon, for everything in the world
    • [See in this connection: Rudolf Steiner:
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • seed in the East of Europe; it will be the carrier of the spiritual culture
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • encompassing, synthesizing force, would see what is at work in the unfolding of history —
    • Let us suppose that this is a flow of historical facts (see diagram). The driving forces lie, for
    • Let us assume that this (see diagram) took place in
    • seen from such points, the remaining content of world events be recognized. Goethe says of
    • approach to history, might seem insignificant — which one would perhaps not find worthy of
    • what matters here. For to someone who, to a certain extent, can see through the interrelations of
    • similarity. Thus we see how Platonism lives on like an ancient heritage in this Greek who has to
    • indeed, before Plato. So that we see how, since the eighth century BC on the Italian peninsula
    • passed through births and deaths. But he did not see as such that inner feeling which lives in
    • (Gesamtseelenanschauung)
    • be something there when one has debts. The debts that one has oneself may still seem a very
    • the creation of the world out of nothing with `nothing' seen as absolute `zero'. In the Orient,
    • You see, the whole polarity between the ancient
    • we see looming towards us, Christ as judge giving judgment on the good and the evil.
    • something divine. We see this urge, to comprehend the 'I' as something divine, arise in the
    • Middle (or Central) culture — primarily that in which the 'I' is experienced. And we see
    • We then see how, within the I-culture of the
    • We now see how there follows on from Fichte what
    • But we find something curious. We see how Hegel lives in a
    • which a great deal can be traced). You see, Kant was still — this is clearly evident from
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • because of the separateness that we see in the individual human being today when the
    • respect in the West. Even if it seems that the discrepancies which are there could be settled, it
    • only seems so, for such settlements would not be real; very significant effects will issue from
    • is utterly unimportant. And anyone who does not see, in the most intense sense, something of
    • comprehensible only if they can be seen in this light. One can say: To a certain extent,
    • the power of the State, we see in the West how the State is sucked up by the economic life and
    • You see, this is why it is so difficult to speak
    • significant reality in the evolution of humanity, but it can have exceptions. And we see how both
    • the metabolic system of certain people, work into the world and seek out a field of action
    • means even in cases like these, to seek truth; to seek reality where outer appearance is so
    • as a whole restricted to the mere life of economics. They seek gradually to root out everything
    • second type, who make superficiality, phrase-mongering and untruthfulness their task, seek to
    • the beings who seek in the East to hold back the economic life as it is needed in the threefold
    • which, however, is in fact a particularly subtle form of self-seeking, a particulary subtle
    • spiritual side in the East and from the human side, as described, in the West. Thus we see here
    • 1. See
    • 9. See, et al., the lectures from 20 to 22 January 1917,
    • Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seek des Menschen,
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • something which then streamed northwards in three branches (see diagram).
    • culture —what took shape, that is, through the intersection of these two lines (see
    • the language. Thus, in this stream here (see diagram), there was preserved for the West the
    • see how here, in a certain sense, body and soul are overwhelmed by an abstract scientific spirit
    • towards the East (see diagram). But we will first look at something that goes out from ancient
    • And then you see how, on
    • You see how in old age he turns, in Part Two of
    • at the time when he came to his great ancient wisdom. And coming to the 1780s we see how he can
    • North and into the East via Byzantium (see diagram). What was together, though chaotically, in
    • The further eastward we go, the more do we see how
    • be a most interesting ethnological study to see how, in a relatively short time during the last
    • it is all permeated with coquetry, one nevertheless sees how the whole nature of his existence
    • something much deeper. You see, when one looks to the West one finds primarily a certain
    • of in the West — and Puritanism is indeed good proof of this — one sees that there is
    • will see that a great question arose for the spirits of later Central-European Scholasticism,
    • where the Germanic element is meant to be shown with its dualism, you see the
    • — the red-yellow of revelation and the black-brown of reason. You see there, felt in
    • times is of the most terrible kind! We see everything pertaining to the spiritual life becoming
    • Thus we see, spread out over the world, a new
    • In the West we see how the political element has
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • he seeks to characterize a human soul-constitution which shows a
    • freedom? And he sees
    • to him. Anyone who, like myself, has seen how Goethe's own copy of Kant's
    • this work of Kant's which was abstract, but in a completely different sense. And just as he seems
    • Schiller, having arrived at this point here (see diagram), would have gone
    • higher level of the Personality — which I will colour with red (see diagram) — was
    • We see here how, at an important point of European
    • to raise the curve of the lemniscate (see diagram) to a higher level.
    • Golden King, the Silver King, and the Copper King — we see a prefiguration of everything
    • In Greece one can see how the social element is presented in myth — that is, also in
    • further, there is something quite definite that must first be realized. People have to see what
    • course, destroys itself. This is how we must look at things. Thus we must see how at the end of
    • West and the spirits of the East. We have seen today how this shows itself in Goethe and
    • Herman Grimm which I just read out continues as follows: 'You can see it today: no one seemed to
    • One only has to see how people of today are
    • 1. See Rudolf Steiner's own review (GA 51) of his lecture to the Vienna Goethe
    • Vol III, Book IV, Dornach, 1942. See also
    • 2. See
    • 4. See
    • 5. See Lecture One of this volume. Return
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • of transition. And now try and grasp a thought which, however strange it may seem to you, must be
    • before him a cloud, or perhaps a river, or all kinds of vegetation and so on. He did not see in
    • these the dead nature seen by the human being of today — he saw spiritual elemental beings,
    • abstract. But he will very soon make a certain discovery. Strange though it may still seem to the
    • demonic beings; so, too, must the human being of present times learn to see demonic beings in
    • everything must be added to it which supersensible research is seeking to find.
    • recognized again in his inmost soul-and-spirit being. And just as one will see the demonic
    • element in economic life, so one will also have to begin to see that which the human being bears
    • see that a certain quality in the child is good for this, and another quality is good for that.
    • strange as it may seem. Not because he is good, but because the others are worse.
    • today do we see anything arising like a true association. What is really needed, as a kind of
    • such extremes that even his colleagues were shocked; so that, as it seems, this attack against
    • formidable slanders. Here one sees what one is up against, arising in the form of slanders and so
    • to it if I did not see all sorts of smoke-clouds rising. But I am really only pointing out what
    • see, is in fact an introduction to a study of the Christ-experience in the twentieth century.
    • 1. See
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • particularly in Rome and which can be seen as the wave that prepared the later intellectuality
    • They were able to comprehend and see, or, rather, were able through comprehending vision to
    • Jesus: a Jesuology. Even though Jesus was seen as one reaching beyond all human beings, that
    • from this or that view, since it must always be seen from different sides. I have often said that
    • still see how theologians get hot under the collar whenever there is any talk of Gnosis! We have
    • the modern age arose. And we see this mutual interlocking particularly in the first half of the
    • nineteenth century when the idealistic philosophy of Central Europe was born. We see then how the
    • their eyes so as not to see what the external symptoms are saying. You won't believe how, even
    • West, who conclude a peace of which they understand nothing, cover up their eyes. They do not see
    • some time: the approach of the Christ in the form in which He must be seen from the twentieth
    • century onwards. For, before the middle of this century has passed, the Christ must be seen. But
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • this yesterday already — that the prophecies of those who see the most central matter of
    • their usual habits of thought they would soon see what an immense gulf there really is between
    • in the near future as some deluded scientists seem to think. On the contrary, it will increase
    • with furious speed and we shall see how, out of the chaos of modern civilization, this
    • characteristics. Anyone who is able to view this impartially sees how the human being-today
    • look instead to see whether it comes from the grandmother or grandfather, and soon.
    • could easily be added. Thus we see on all sides how man has lost insight into the true nature of
    • you will see that, essentially,
    • to be the normal thing for a human being to say: 'I see the being of man as something which, in
    • situations. However many more national states you set up you will provide only so many more seeds
    • affairs and have seen that here also people take up an attitude towards the emerging spiritual
    • the spiritual worlds, he would have seen that nothing is artificially suppressed here but that
    • success with the present-day public! And he enjoys success when a Heinzelmann-hobgoblin (see
    • — the modern Scribes and Pharisees — have denied him completely.
    • It is not easy to see through these things with
    • full strength, for one always also sees then how little the people of today are inclined to
    • which weighs down these days upon someone who sees through things. One feels it so often when one
    • instead, one sees how people just let life run its course; how they look at those who direct life
    • necessary in receiving spiritual science and what is actually there. You see, one can disregard
    • inner pleasure-seeking, to bow down to tradition — and if people do not want to be aware
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • of reality when they see the plant shoot up from the root and develop from
    • see the body fall away from our soul-spiritual, is intensified in this
    • order to see how it is ripe for downfall. Here on Earth you are made
    • grains to see how they are composed chemically so that they yield the best
    • it will be interesting to see whether it will be understood or whether even
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • since the turn of the century, the time which those who can see
    • We don't see much light yet. You can
    • beings. We can observe this in the many people who don't seem to
    • seen them a hundred years ago or even earlier. Not only have they
    • have already seen the various groups and the movements young people
    • them hippies today. Tr.] and other youth groups — we've seen them
    • You see,
    • see me but was being discouraged away; people in the house thought
    • You see,
    • we have had to see souls maturing alone into something quite wild.
    • them. I saw young people in those years die early when it seemed
    • There seemed to be an unconscious youth movement that I'd like to
    • understanding. You see, it was an attempt to search out and explore
    • seen anything different but what is written there: the world must be
    • seems to be becoming more and more fashionable (and one has to get
    • 1759-1805. See also Rudolf Steiner,
    • to tell ourselves with a certain amount of courage: “Whenever we seem
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • You see, under these
    • Now you will see that we
    • But we feel that in us abides something that is the seed of the future
    • dispersed into the cosmos, with the exception of all the Saturn seeds,
    • as the physicist sees them. Instead, we must think of these atoms as
    • will be like, will be seen only when we have the group erected. For, to
    • times we see men engaged in a war of words; we see one group passing
    • are today entered into with so much vehemence. It seems singular, of
    • future (and further) progress will be the seed of the animal kingdom on
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • Thus one could see an intensive stream of primeval revelation arise
    • countenance to the European world. And what we see flare up in this
    • element in which Christianity was stirring as a new impulse. We see
    • behind the Mystery of Golgotha. We see how endeavour was made in
    • One should see, for instance, how
    • great and significant personality — but one sees
    • Knowledge of Good and Evil. We can see in the primeval revelations
    • And so we see a dying knowledge
    • struggling with life, we see how desperately it strives to
    • [See ‘The
    • primeval-revelation [See Genesis
    • original European peoples this would be seen with great clarity in
    • And so we see in the history of human evolution the meeting between a
    • though merely mentally as seed of knowledge — it
    • call: Configuration and Speech, and in particular the faculty to see
    • So we see that while in the new Italian
    • in the centre. One can then see, for instance, how pains were taken
    • Centuries one could see that it had no special
    • So we see how, as it were, the Bible
    • not eat of the Tree of Life.’ We see how the Life given
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • that underlies this whole world of facts when we see: in the same
    • draw this somewhat diagrammatically (see p.5a) so that you may
    • perhaps see more exactly what we are concerned with. I might describe
    • the Ahrimanic beings when they seem to wish to have nothing to do
    • ego. This, you see, prevents us from re-living in the night the
    • described; for during the night we should see clearly all that we
    • living and weaving. Science seems a kind of compilation, something
    • have seen him before in our day's experiences. We combine the one day
    • concrete form, it does not come to the point where one really sees it
    • sees.
    • Thus you see: Faith is Knowledge held
    • the knowledge whose faith is taken away through Lucifer. See that
    • Science, which seeks to overcome both the one-sided aspects. It is
    • consciously. And this he will do when he seeks through Spiritual
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • the feeling that because he sees the trees etc. concepts come to
    • Seen with the eyes of spiritual science
    • in a high degree that one must seek for this feeling of an inner
    • in thinking one must seek for the inwardly forming, shaping of the
    • of in this connection always seems made of
    • When in this way one sees Socrates
    • outwards, and this became in Greece philosophy, art, sculpture. (See
    • of a modern republic, because nowadays people see everything through
    • the spectacles of what they see directly in their own environment.
    • they heard of them seemed to be like warmed-up ancient wisdom. It was
    • had taught this and that. This generally seemed to them false and
    • seemed enormously grand and splendid. Out of this atmosphere we can
    • Augustus was the first stage. (see the
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • point of merely seeing images of something external in what he
    • think: out there is extended the world of the senses as we see it;
    • following is what we should experience: If we call that (see diagram)
    • the present, and should see through the Luciferic deceptive picture
    • mighty memory of the Old Moon. We do not see continually in the
    • solved in any case with earthly understanding. But we have seen that
    • Moon behind the ordinary sense-existence, so he ought to see behind
    • In feeling and willing he should see — as the
    • Golgotha. You see, in ordinary life and also in modern science what
    • to us from the Old. Moon. Just as on seeing a human corpse we
    • We see
    • Imagination, whereas those in their turn can often very well see that
    • seems to come from the unspoiled intellect of man #1 as if it were a
    • You see,
    • with the departed. So we see how mediumism certainly formed a
    • You see,
    • so also was it possible for people not to see that behind her stood a
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • see, it is quite clear to you, I think, that this worm-philosophy
    • You see,
    • completely opposite: men makes researches into what their senses see;
    • worm should suddenly come out and see the sun, he could discover that
    • fact, what other beings up above are seeing, and that his
    • see from this how the much vaunted inner completeness of a
    • soul, we see what stands behind of great importance: we note how
    • dwells. You see from this that you cannot rely on so-called proofs,
    • one sees the reality. Insofar as our soul is enclosed in the body, as
    • actually contained in the seed, so, naturally, there was already
    • a certain meaning to what goes on around us, we must as it were see
    • we see something rests upon the fact that the sun's rays or other
    • sun to shine from the midst of the earth, we should see nothing of
    • objects, we should not see them. Thus something else still is
    • constellation, the possibility of seeing and perceiving objects as we
    • departure of the Moon from the earth. You see from this that two
    • clearly to be seen the desire to work oneself out of space and time.
    • timeless, but when you examine myths you will see that you do not
    • myth. The myth seeks to lift itself above space and time. This means
    • You see,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • seen in the fact that during sleep the ears are naturally influenced
    • far as here (see sketch).
    • outside into the interior (see drawing).
    • opened outwards and we see the world itself.
    • You see from this that it lay in the
    • regards those people who, one must say, unhappily cannot yet see that
    • should see its justification, its relative justification.
    • We know that this conceptual life through Lucifer's influence seems
    • body they then stream down as it were into the etheric body. (See
    • spatially, but as forces: then one sees that these thoughts call
    • such as these (see lower diagram). Thereby the etheric body can work
    • This means, we stand there, we see the
    • and what remains inside as empty, that would be the human being (see
    • You see how we must take in hand an
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • we see proceeded not from the Father God and not from the
    • to work. Christ, therefore, taught men to see God not in the
    • and to see God in the wine before the wine passes into
    • see things through the light of the Sun and when we eat the
    • Here, you see, the mind of man is turned not to the kind of
    • blood. But now man must seek for the Divine in acts of purely
    • 9th, 10th and 11th centuries there came the urge to seek the
    • told: He Whom thou seekest is not here. Seek for Him in the
    • may see the world around us as a spiritual world, knowing that
    • higher spiritual being. Men seek for knowledge today with the
    • because men were seeking in the material world for what ought
    • only for these floating blocks, then we see nothing but
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • first advancing beyond them. We must seek access to both methods of
    • seeks and cannot draw near it again.
    • mystic, while seeking to grasp an outer world reaches an inner life which
    • led to see this chasm and to gain the insight that, in respect of true and
    • bridging it. The perception of this chasm leads us to seek an insight into
    • seership being the source from which both of them draw. The chief interest
    • He was a seer, only he expressed his experiences as seer in philosophic
    • be asserted on the right and on the left, and simply seek to characterize
    • being dualistic in nature, as many imagine, it is pure Monism. It sees the
    • other side we see an entirely different development. An aversion to the
    • Critique of Practical Reason, and Practical Reason seeks to handle the
    • ourselves. In the Kantian sense, we see external things as through a
    • seem to be a corroboration of the Kantian theory. At all events that is how
    • technique of concepts and ideas. Anthroposophical Spiritual Science seeks
    • The method by which Anthroposophical Spiritual Science seeks to acquire
    • matter, however grotesque this may seem at first sight. For the sake of a
    • spiritual element that reaches us from external things,* but also to seek
    • for this purpose, put out to sea until we see nothing but water around:
    • in our memory. Most seekers after the knowledge of reality deny the
    • The seeker after knowledge must make the attainment of this insight the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • furnishing a seed for the head of our next incarnation. It is full of life
    • see what matters more than anything else in a teacher is the way he regards
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • you will see that the presence of this feeling will accomplish more than
    • this we see that human speech too, but above all the musical element
    • differentiation between a male and female skeleton, will see in the
    • And thus it is that we gain the right sort of enthusiasm, when we see the
    • exaggeration you will see what I mean), this force working outward from
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • see. Other sense qualities are intermingled with what we hear on the one
    • hand and see on the other, of course, and in certain circumstances these
    • important as seeing and hearing.
    • know that nowadays external science sees a difference between man's
    • can see how frequently these things are misinterpreted by physiology today!
    • closely will see the connections between understanding and actual feeling.
    • Actually we have to see the truth of something we understand before we can
    • position to see that he gets some sound sleep, so that the delicate
    • Here we see the reason why, for instance, Schopenhauer and others brought
    • the same realm as we perceive what we see. We perceive what we hear in the
    • same realm as we remember what we see. And both cross over like a
    • see, if you reflect on these things, you will be impressed by how
    • sounding forth from every colour, as it were. We do not see a colour when
    • we say E or U any more than we hear the tones when we see yellow or blue.
    • and the world of sound overlap here. The colours we see in the world
    • you see that colour is more pronounced in the outer world and sound more
    • body and ego are intensified, as it were. If after seeing a eurythmy
    • performance you could wake up suddenly in the night you would see that you
    • can see these things as an indication that we should look at the marvellous
    • without spirit in it, and on the other hand we see that the spiritual soul
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • then that which we see is essentially the incorporation of the ego.
    • at birth, the etheric body round about the seventh year. So what seen from
    • one side we can call the birth of the etheric body, seen from another side
    • which can be seen really and concretely as I have described it.
    • criminal, it is all the more important that we see to it, that his ego will
    • see to it that the ego unites with the organism in a right way, then it can
    • protected from this by their teacher when he or she sees to it that the ego
    • situation which draws the ego into the organism. You will see from this
    • over years. If one sees that a child becomes too fanciful, gets a bit out
    • one falls asleep and they join again when one wakes up. Thus we can see
    • the ego is involved in this breathing process, you can see that we shall
    • hand, we see how the same thing one step lower down happens in the physical
    • process of out and in breathing. Looking at this we can positively see how
    • not from the seed of the male but from the whole cosmos. The germ
    • case, instead of seeing it from an emotional point of view we will have to
    • face him, in this way you can see what expresses itself musically; you
    • learn another thing when you see him clearly from behind. One should derive
    • to see Fichte as the personality which he was in the world.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • see what a great impact on a person's everyday life these particular truths
    • — You will see that the latter is the case. As my little book
    • tells you, we can see human life running its
    • this you will see that the forces of Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition
    • of memory. You only see the world aright if you see it as being neither
    • spread out around us (see horizontal line of drawing). You will only have a
    • does man himself, as an ordinary person, belong? The part of him you see
    • see spiritual-scientifically that in everything working in the child up
    • active. If you want to see an actual manifestation of the forces of the
    • teachers. You see, if you possess this real knowledge of man and work out
    • to the senses will also not acquire any knowledge of man. They do not see
    • and do not see any real humanity in one another, they will never be able to
    • social. But people cannot be social if they do not see the human quality in
    • officer only helps you to see clerks and officers in other people. The kind
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • body. That Buddha can be seen today only by the clairvoyant. Such a form,
    • life. The clairvoyant would have seen the Nirmanakaya Buddha hovering over
    • have seen your Savior.†— Thus, after five
    • hundred years, the sage saw what he had not been able to see
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • and Buddhism, and we have seen how these two mighty spiritual currents meet
    • actual Jesus of Nazareth, above it we see shining what we called the
    • Nirmanakaya of the Buddha, what we see as the aura of this child. It is
    • when it is seen — like another body, which exists as a
    • physical body on earth. What we see as a physical body with an
    • that was the Buddha into Christianity in this way. Thus we see how Buddhism
    • the most important currents from the world had to flow together. We see
    • it, what the old Hebrew spiritual current was? We want to see how we have
    • preconditions. If we observe the plant in its growth, we see first the
    • You see how this
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • wrong even so to see it as a matter of looking at this alone. Well into
    • and Pharisees, single communities that stood out, that were in possession
    • the church, where everyone could see them, where the highest nobility
    • could see them, where the last of the poor could see them. Spiritual life
    • needs and ought to seek, between the sense world in which he lives
    • will only really be solved, however, in seeing spiritual experience as
    • as they are called. Basically, of the earth element the dead see only
    • result in regular figures, seeing them as empty voids. You can read about
    • Of the plants the dead do not see in the first place the forms we see
    • see of the plant world. For them, the whole of the
    • not see the green plant forms that we see, only a certain movement, the
    • growth process of the plants. They see precisely what escapes the human
    • being. They see the earth as a great unified organism and the
    • outer sensible forms — the dead see only the running
    • can be accounted physical forms, what do the dead see of human beings?
    • Well, the dead see nothing at all of human beings, with the exception of
    • then do the dead begin to see the form. If you look at a normal,
    • people see them — of such a so-called work of art the
    • dead see nothing at all. Our sculptural figure could only be made visible
    • opinion on art to be derived? After all, on seeing a statue in marble or
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • For another version of this lecture, see:
    • see them as they re-emerged in the soul of Raphael. Only there
    • special light. We see how a uniform spiritual element flows
    • development. Spiritual science seeks meaning and significance
    • inwardly is still seen in connection with what goes on
    • seem with regard to the spirits of ancient Greece! There we see
    • ancient Greece in the development of humanity. We see this
    • looking to the future. Thus, we can foresee a time in which a
    • if we contemplate such a four-year period, we see Raphael at a
    • harmonious disposition. However, we then see him transplanted
    • [Astorre Baglione. See:
    • odd. In lively fashion, we see a member of the city's nobility
    • Then in the year 1504 we again see Raphael transplanted, now to
    • some sort were to be founded. And we then see Savonarola fall
    • Florence. We see Raphael transposed into this atmosphere in the
    • external circumstances in which he found himself. We see the
    • the same time Raphael's patrons. We see Raphael in the service
    • ideas appear in many respects in a new form. We see the most
    • see how disparate were the actual circumstances and Raphael's
    • history of mankind. We see the Mother and Child float toward us
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • this picture! Vividly personified, we see a significant moment,
    • see these twelve apostles with profoundly expressive movements
    • After these words have been uttered we see what goes on in each
    • speaker, who look up to Him so reverently — we see all
    • in his picture. Earlier, calmer representations seem to express
    • Santa Maria delle Grazie, one sees on the wall
    • it has not been possible to see much of what people witnessed
    • picture so that hardly anything is to be seen of the original
    • self-portrait in Turin, we see a portrait of the old
    • seems to me, one arrives at this question, as a matter of
    • contemplating the life of Leonardo as a whole. We see him born
    • fostered out. Seeing the child grow up in isolation, communing
    • figure on one occasion, and that the master decided on seeing
    • see him growing up in Florence, his talent in painting
    • which we can see what he actually intended. He would, for
    • example, draw a countenance and see what would result in making
    • Pursuing Leonardo further in Milan, we see two tasks entrusted
    • see Leonardo at work on these projects for a period of fifteen
    • nature to what is still to be seen today of the “Last
    • see Leonardo supporting the court in Milan in every conceivable
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • number of things make it seem precarious to speak about fairy
    • up from seemingly unfathomable sources of the folk-spirit or of
    • arise. Actual experience would seem to gainsay the second
    • That is to say, whoever seeks to come to the aforementioned
    • external world. These are in many respects hard to foresee,
    • for us, we may feel, in seeing the human being — for
    • enjoyment in tasting. The two things have seemingly
    • be designated the battle of the solitary soul seeking its
    • — to seek nourishment from the pictures we possess today
    • fascinating to seek out in deep soul experiences what re-echoes
    • greatest skill. It can grant you wings, enabling you to see an
    • now see shining in the sky, as well as from the moon, also a
    • make its way into the body again in the morning, seeing itself
    • see how the soul transposes this literally into a picture
    • window of his castle. He sees the man with the sign
    • says to him: “You see, the problem is, whole packs of
    • smashing the pig's bladder. Seeing the blood that spurted
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • primeval times. At that time, had one been able to see in the
    • same way as today, one would have seen an organ, like a shining
    • this, they could see not only bodies, but also souls, and what
    • see physical forms around them with defined contours.
    • mother of humanity, searches the world, seeking for what will
    • because she no longer sees what she was once able to see when
    • to see today by means of the senses. In this way, the
    • The power of spiritual seeing will come alive again in human
    • beings. That power of spiritual seeing which is an attribute of
    • of human beings, and they will come to see not only the
    • looking for, human beings of the future will again see the
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • narrow-hearted sense, seeing in it nothing more than a sum of
    • life in various ways. It will be seen that this manner of
    • appeared to him as though it lived on. And in seeking out what
    • It seemed appropriate, if not self-evident to see him as having
    • spiritual contemplation. We see Goethe ascend to spiritual
    • personality to another, seeing it as a spiritual process
    • earth. Even if Herman Grimm, in his more realistic way, sees
    • he would go along with those who want to see Christ Jesus only
    • which consists in immense gentleness. Herman Grimm sees the
    • on seeing them against the background of the ongoing stream of
    • manner. It seemed entirely natural for Herman Grimm to look at
    • whole of western cultural development, seen as folk phantasy,
    • indeed not come to such a rewriting. We had to see Herman Grimm
    • from the breadth of his horizons, we see how he approached the
    • forth in his other writings, one sees that Herman Grimm
    • is miraculous when, in his audacious way — seemingly
    • would follow him, to see whether or not I might have the
    • today as having been surpassed. Seen against the background of
    • discourse we see the profound uprightness, the profound honesty
    • come across concerning Goethe fell short. What seems like
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • everything, I would say, seems to be hanging in the air, which more
    • the conditions which are known historically make it possible to see
    • This is so paradoxical for the contemporary mind, that it seems
    • Europe, it can only be found in the way Percival found it: one seeks
    • terrible, isn't it. But you see, it's a question of guiding the
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • essential to see how contemporary occurrences, which were once real
    • super-sensible world; for a spiritual life which does not seek
    • and digestion. As long as we have not seen through the platitudes and
    • exist that prevent the illusions from being seen through so thoroughly,
    • so radically, as they can be seen through by the English-speaking
    • without was only an illusion. What was the reality? You see, with
    • You can really study history when you seek
    • You see, to want the threefold society means
    • up and says: “Yes, but how can one know that what he sees
    • way — that a sufficiently large number of people see through
    • when one sees through the fact that everything he says is necessarily
    • Wilson, when ones sees through the fact that Wilsonian politics were
    • Without seeing through these things, without
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • during the past two days you will see that what belongs to the
    • times the will of the individual who was seen as divine was the
    • can see how this definition consists of nothing but platitudes. He
    • pernicious for the soul by seeing clearly what is happening.
    • in Great Britain see in the state something that can well have a will
    • mired in platitudes must be to see the social organism as something
    • living. And one sees it as living only when it is considered in its
    • were seeking mystical spirituality turned to those whom they had
    • That's not how it is. And I would like to see that the words spoken
    • that someone who finds his way to such a movement often seeks
    • You see, this has nothing to do with
    • clearly indicate what most people don't want to see, what they want
    • activities. You will have seen that I have not spoken in favor or
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • 19th Century. It seems to me that among all the
    • is significant in what happened: we have seen in the course of
    • can also be seen in the history of science, how the concept of
    • course — and how one can see that these three corners at
    • of the triangle. When you consider this, you can see that with
    • then I can see my ideas with my eyes.’
    • corners add up to 180 degrees by themselves; when I have seen
    • science. One can very clearly see, when Goethe writes about
    • to say: ‘Then I see my ideas with my eyes.’ He saw them with
    • meant that what the outer world offered the senses were seen as
    • phenomena observed in inorganic nature; the organic is seen as
    • naively: ‘Then I see my ideas in Nature’ — which were
    • person sees that his horse is brown or a gray
    • Anthroposophy must see an important evolutionary principle in
    • when it is correctly understood, can't be seen as wanting to
    • the bridge to Anthroposophy to see how it also wants to be
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • seeing, hearing smelling, tasting, feeling or touch — for those
    • senses about what takes place in the process of seeing; so that
    • sense of seeing. Let us be clear about this. When we speak
    • to know that a person is standing in front of us, when we see
    • person is stuck in there, because we see that in us there is
    • the seeing, hearing or taste processes. It is important to see
    • how the entire organisation is adjusted. We will also see how
    • Let's take the process of seeing. We could create divisions
    • will see the differences between the imagined remnant obtained
    • life, there is even less found in it than the seeing and
    • plays a role but in reality, less than with the seeing and
    • can now say the following: ‘I want to instantly see a show of
    • I can see through my eyes.’ We would then enter into a visual
    • it only doesn't develop as quickly as the seeing process. The
    • present it more as a hypothesis — we must see in the human
    • relevant — will see how the human being's particular
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • in the rising scientific world view sees what should be taking
    • must be won by natural science.’ So we see how Spencer searched
    • together in the seed, and he tried to translate such concepts
    • scientific exploration. So we see with Herbert Spencer, who in
    • by scientific researchers and philosophers as well. We see how
    • the Newtonian colour theory. We can see how the Hegelian system
    • utterance to Schiller was obvious: “I see my ideas with
    • me Hegel's logic looks like the seed of a plant in which one
    • can hardly see what it will become and yet still carries the
    • me it appears that when this seed sprouts, when one lovingly
    • character to work in on us. We see in Soloviev both the
    • we see being developed in terms of human scientific striving?
    • Here we see how actually this method of thinking, found mostly
    • was seeking, could so to speak be illustrated. In comparison,
    • strived for. Then in the East, with Soloviev we see how it was
    • we see how the threefold nature of the philosophic world view
    • humanity in the West, the centre and the East, we can see that
    • is still a human-personal matter. We see today in different
    • see recently — as with Oswald Külpe — how it
    • we look back at what has happened, we see with Herbert Spencer
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • this accusation, however justified it seems, belongs to the
    • through anthroposophical ideas, one can see how the actions of
    • need to give one detail in which it can be seen how true
    • justified by science — if it hasn't yet been seen today
    • influence of imitation. One can see how the child, in the
    • the change of teeth. Here we see how forces develop in the
    • seen in such a way that everything which develops in the child
    • see that through this manner of observation you can reach a
    • upon the other, and so on. People simply see the soul-spiritual
    • is clearly seen in the child's development — and later, after
    • superficial definitions, you would soon see what kind of a
    • often even see rigid concepts introduced and that the child is
    • So the child sees a kind of mirror image of himself, and this
    • We see how the human being only when he has reached puberty,
    • a person can say: There is no reason to see this as stealing;
    • body is connected to the physical world. We become able to see
    • observation of the smallest movement of the child's life, see
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • [See Die Kernpunkte der sozialen Frage]
    • our expertise and see if we can handle these issues by finding
    • conditions of olden times; all this would be good to be seen
    • can't fit between the lines of intellectualism, we see as not
    • could be seen as continuing to work in economic practice. On
    • way, then one sees the situation one is in.
    • see, it first has to be explained what is meant by such things.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • growth processes seen in the plant and animal. One remains
    • admits that out of the seedling, if you have an inner image of
    • observe the human mind as a seedling which can grow within.
    • Someone who honestly says what he sees, knows how polemic comes
    • of course radical to say because illness is ordinarily seen
    • intervened even in our modern time. We see how in the west,
    • the (European) east by contrast, where people's minds don't see
    • comes to seeing before his own eyes, the Mystery of Golgotha,
    • religions, then we see how the images they made of their gods,
    • We see how the minds of people all over the world are lifted to
    • We see how the point of origin for earthly mankind's
    • to where he can lift his soul into seeing extra-terrestrially,
    • once been seen; this can be pursued in art. Then the Mystery of
    • Anthroposophy sees the streaming in of that spirit which
    • Golgotha happened on earth — can see Christ walking; he
    • human evolution: through directly pointing to what can be seen
    • substantiality of the Mystery of Golgotha could be seen and
    • acknowledged in the first Christian centuries. We then see how
    • this diminished gradually; we see it completely fade in the
    • figure of Scotus Erigena, we see medieval theology spreading
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • You are going to see that in the soul of central Europeans, in
    • stage which is even further back. Now you don't see ice floes
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • derives, and the Center can be seen by those who wish to be
    • appropriate seriousness, no one should seek what lies beyond
    • honest seeking. For all this can only constitute a basis for
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • the influence of “Know thyself”, he only sees what
    • Then do you turn your anxious seeking soul
    • person who seeks the spirit, it is necessary to repeatedly feel
    • you see, this is connected to the life-blood of the
    • three beasts are the enemies of knowledge. We see them in the
    • man seeks the paths of his karma, at least for ordinary
    • person who lives only for himself, and seeks only his own way.
    • In thinking: one seeks the path which all men seek. In feeling:
    • one seeks the path which his group seeks. In feeling we
    • concentrate on the will's unconscious impulses in order to see
    • which he seeks his karma.
    • further the warning to the human being seeking knowledge and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • which one will actually take when seeking access to the
    • and not merely for those who already seek the transformation
    • himself: What is true is what is seen, what is real is what is
    • we have already seen, only darkness streams at first from this
    • world, because it could well be that whatever it is that seems
    • attention to what is palpable, to what can only be seen by
    • where does this come from? You see, when you confront the outer
    • threshold of the spiritual world it seems to him that his
    • Consider for a moment what I just said. You see, memory is
    • cosmic thoughts. Your feelings seem to go back in time in the
    • really meditates honestly will see what drives live in his soul
    • exist in mediation. When it is there we can see what the will's
    • that we eat and drink , that we see and hear, must something be
    • See in
    • See
    • See in
    • So plunge into what's seemingly being:
    • So plunge into what's seemingly being
    • what results from feeling. It is seemingly being, a mixture of
    • “So plunge into what's seemingly being”: when we
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • not preserve it in your memory alone. You should wait and see
    • is said to you today. For you see, memory, that capacity for
    • you see, if we want to make our feelings warm in the right way,
    • we see it in this way, the School's existence will give us the
    • toward us in streams and seeks to pour itself into human
    • See in
    • So plunge into what's seemingly being:
    • see, my dear friends, we do not consciously relate what binds
    • height and to see what surrounds the earth on all sides and
    • first glance there seems to be little difference between
    • see, the last time we saw that we practice an inner rhythm when
    • When you see the third beast's glassy eye, stand firm and feel
    • When you see the second beast's mocking face, lovingly receive
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • have seen the changes which take place in a person who
    • essence of this Guardian. In particular, we have seen how what
    • have seen how through his will man is greatly influenced by
    • Well, you see, at the moment when one enters the esoteric, a
    • also when looking into the inner human we see what for normal
    • we see a relationship between nature and the inner life of man.
    • must see how the awakened consciousness presents nature.
    • dreams to see how dependent they are on irregularities,
    • aware of how intimately he is related to what otherwise seems
    • see, light must, in a sense, have a moral effect. And we must
    • turn to the opposite side and seek relief in darkness, against
    • threshold, we see how the middle gods, the good gods of normal
    • seems as little dangerous as it does for a sleepwalker who has
    • because one does not see the abyss on the left or right.
    • man - that he does not let the abyss be seen until his own
    • With his volition man enters a world which seems quite near to
    • tempt you. This is not the death which we see in the physical
    • ether, one looks back and sees the pictures of the earth-life
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • may not simply continue to see things as first glances provide;
    • Since the modern phase of human evolution began, we seldom see
    • what is revealed between the things. We see the three kingdoms
    • which we see before us in sharply defined contours. But in the
    • inside us as having clear boundaries. We do not see our lungs
    • are made into objects, in anatomy, do we see them so. But just
    • Well, my dear friends, you have already seen from the previous
    • can see how in reality all thinking - this is unknown to people
    • strike my eye: it lives in me as what I see as color. It is the
    • animal nature, he seems like some kind of animal - at least in
    • it is as when one sees the surface of the sea upon whose waves
    • School should be seen as having been founded by the spiritual
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • members of this School see the School as not having been
    • quote almost verbatim. And you can see that the difficulties
    • can see from this that anthroposophy - the movement for
    • world. The opponents see that it contains a strong inner force;
    • circumstances he is not aware of what he could see when outside
    • human being: See, that is how you are over there, as you appear
    • the other side of the abyss, how differently he sees himself on
    • the other, physical side. He sees himself differently. He sees
    • himself as a tripartite being. He sees himself as a tripartite
    • in the physical world. And what the person sees there resounds
    • O see the three
    • O see the three
    • O see the three
    • into the distance, where the universe seems to reach its
    • as cosmic music. When we hear the human heart beating it seems
    • O see the three
    • now we see that willing is something quite different from what
    • well. Now we see that everything the eye experiences as
    • on seeing the head from the other side of the threshold one
    • O see the three
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • questions about any field of life posed by honestly seeking
    • world, in the kingdoms of nature, see the colors and the
    • radiance manifested, see what lives above in the shining stars,
    • recognition of this causes us to seek the state of
    • dear friends, my dear sisters and brothers, we seek light in
    • order to see in the light the origin of our own being. At first
    • darkness reigns. This light which we seek must radiate out from
    • people on the earth see as components of the universe. And we
    • the human being in this way. One comes to know him and sees him
    • gradually we learn to see through this thinking. Within the
    • the physical world. When one looks at man, one sees at first
    • if we look within to the spiritual cell behind, we see the
    • we observe what lives in us as will: we see it as thinking in
    • See
    • will. And one sees then how from out of man the will arises
    • See behind thinking's sensory
    • See in
    • See
    • See in
    • cannot say: “See behind”, “See into”.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • “inwardly” is meant the following: We have seen the
    • same way in which it vibrates within him, it seeks to emerge by
    • man, see yourself in the kingdom of elements.
    • And you shall see yourself
    • Only seen thus does the human body appear in its true form.
    • And you shall see yourself
    • O man, see yourself in the kingdom of elements.
    • And you shall see yourself
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • You see my
    • pictures in their constellations. And, you see, if we can
    • space. They did not see the constellations which physical eyes
    • see. But they actually perceived those pictures, those
    • You see,
    • seeing as follows: When I look at a person something leaves my
    • think, well,the eye is here, the object seen is there. So the
    • You see,
    • imaginations for us in the cosmos — when we arrive we see
    • see virtually from behind, as Moses was told that he always had
    • consists of seeing from the other side — not a matter of
    • Now you see,
    • if we can see it so, lines 9, 10, 11, 12 also acquire the
    • is in a process, it is a seed which will have meaning once I
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • It would be unseemly to say more now as she has just left
    • bearer of the clearest human earthly activity, but it seems
    • What is actually going on? When do we see ourselves
    • third hierarchy. Seen this way it is a deeply penetrating
    • extinguishing what has always seemed to be one's ordinary
    • is my environment; it is there and I see and touch it. But
    • nothing. I sense walls, I don't see them.
    • Menschen-Seelen-Weben
    • dome is sensed after the first verse; see the temple around
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • seen through the senses. This imaginative-super-sensible
    • That is third. First we should see the radiance of the senses, then
    • attitude. We must seek this mental attitude above all. For
    • German originals (see below) here and in future lessons end
    • English, which seems the correct thing to do.
    • Du hörst es seelenkräftig,
    • Erfühlend in Raumes Seelenleere,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • not make it easy for us to see them. They are more hidden
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • to see what our relation is to the Guardian of the Threshold
    • knowledge, he comes to an abyss, which at first seems bottomless.
    • must be overcome. And in a graphic image one sees how his
    • Seelenverfassung = soul-constitution].
    • What is seen — in many respects modified on this side of the
    • say “my I”, for they see the I with the eyes of
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • nobility; that we must seek it in a world separated from our
    • own self in order to seek the foundation of cosmic knowledge
    • Now we to situational meditation: how to see ourselves already
    • we learn to see. The Guardian speaks again with respect to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • recall it to our souls too often. We see before us everything
    • heavenly bodies; we see the floating clouds; we see the wind
    • and the waves, the thunder and lightning. We see everything
    • appreciate what our eyes see, what our ears hear, what the
    • we gaze before us and see that this sunny field, which is
    • by a dark, night-bedecked wall. We see ourselves entering
    • darkness is our self's true origin; but we cannot see
    • not yet see, but sense — how the darkness, which was at
    • beyond it, first we feel — not yet see — how the
    • recorded in the cosmic ether and we see it recorded there
    • moving toward the Guardian of the Threshold. We had only seen
    • Guardian of the Threshold seeking help. It is a unique
    • And what he now says seems as though in
    • “O man, know thyself!” We will see how we, as
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
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    • light about which we can say that he sees it.
    • speak, light appears which is seen by the spirit's eye.
    • But the human being cannot enter already seeing into this light
    • exact words): Try, with the force you normally use to see with
    • becomes a powerful bowl, a cosmic bowl. And we no longer see a
    • bow, we see a powerful bowl extending over half the sky, within
    • See the ether-rainbow arc's
    • See the ether-rainbow arc's
    • See the ether-rainbow arc's
    • the I, then we see how the beings of the third hierarchy —
    • cosmic bowl with its flood of colors seen from the other side of
    • spirit-world. We now hear from them what we see when we behold
    • colors flooding within — which we normally see toned down
    • And we see how the beings of the second hierarchy receive from
    • living by them; and we see that a powerful resurrection of a new
    • Then we see how the remarkable secret of the cosmos works. We see
    • that beams in the rays. But we fail to see, when the rays reach
    • the rays of the sun. We now see with the eye of the spirit how
    • If we have heard and have absorbed all this, then we will see
    • already seen how earthly thoughts are made living ones by the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • See the ether-rainbow arc's
    • And we see how through the flooding light in the
    • third hierarchy illuminate and are illuminated; we see the
    • seem to us there in the world of sensory illusion, which we left
    • spirit revealed to our souls. Over there we did not see what is
    • drawn here in red. We are too weak there to see what is drawn
    • we see Nothing, call it minerals, one kind of
    • We see Nothing because we are too weak to see
    • We look up and see how the choir turns to the
    • Our spiritual view goes farther. We see the
    • seems to indicate that this means sometime in the future.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • out to us to seek self-knowledge, for it is the foundation
    • perception. We have seen in this spiritual world how the
    • See the ether-rainbow arc's
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
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    • even those who are far advanced on the esoteric path see in it
    • is otherwise when one seeks to enter this School. Then, based
    • That this is taken seriously, my dear friends, can be seen by
    • human soul flows — to seek the source of human life.
    • seeking, my dear sisters and brothers, you will be rewarded to
    • We must seek: Where are the sources of what lives in the human
    • phenomena and instead seeking an abstractly chaotic path; but
    • black, night-cloaked darkness begins. Like a previously unseen
    • being and that we must seek beyond the yawning abyss of
    • human being the true darkness; that we must seek there, in the
    • appear to us as seen from the viewpoint of the eternal divine
    • first words “Ex deo nascimur” [See note]:
    • see note]:
    • Michael-Sign [see note]
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • have seen how the person who follows these words coming to him
    • we have seen as we approached the path leading there in thought
    • must see and feel how normal feeling, which we believe is alive
    • human beings on the earth we see anything else but seeming.
    • One can do nothing else but submerge into the seeming of
    • our selfhood at least feels wavering in the world's seeming,
    • naught but seeming. But what we feel stands at least halfway
    • something unclear in it, and it is also never firm: seeming and
    • being are intermixed in feeling. The selfhood which we seek
    • towards seeming. We should now submerge into seeming, into a
    • being that is only apparent, into a seeming that energizes
    • not mere seeming, but halfway to being: cosmic soul forces.
    • thinking is seeming. 
    • seeming and creates our own being, our own true being. We
    • See in yourself the weaving thoughts:
    • Cosmic seeming confronts you,
    • Plunge down beneath the seeming:
    • Where seeming and being within you merge,
    • Your selfhood tends towards the seeming;
    • So plunge down in seeming being:
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
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    • down into our thinking, but that this thinking is of a seeming
    • feeling being and seeming are united, how there our being
    • is perishable and seeming in our being arises, but also the
    • into our selfhood. Seeming transforms itself into being. It
    • See in yourself the weaving thoughts:
    • Seeming world is what you see,
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • Within you mingle seeming and being,
    • Your selfhood tends towards the seeming;
    • So plunge into your seeming being:
    • Which rises out of all the seeming,
    • See in yourself the weaving thoughts:
    • Seeming world is what you see,
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • Within you mingle seeming and being,
    • Your selfhood tends towards the seeming;
    • So plunge into your seeming being:
    • Rising out of all the seeming
    • See in yourself the weaving thoughts:
    • Seeming world is what you see,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • unbiased sense that in them lies the exhortation to seek true
    • have seen how the seeker of knowledge approaches the Guardian
    • of the Threshold, how — after the seeker of knowledge has
    • the right way, by seeking knowledge, the origins of our
    • But we must seek the state of equilibrium between them —
    • then when we consider our feeling, we must see — in that
    • the spiritual world if he wants to be a real seeker after
    • seekers after knowledge, we stand now before the Guardian of
    • entire world, and only seem to be separated from the
    • “O man, know thyself” should be seen as nine rays
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
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    • if we devote ourselves unilaterally to it, how we must seek our
    • when we seek willing in the earthly depths we find ourselves in
    • sculptor, as we have seen. And it is just when we become
    • breathe in the air-element, how ossified will we seem. But just
    • see behind the memory-wall. But here the Guardian of the
    • lives in us in what seem to be thoughts. It is light
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
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    • hierarchies, if he has the necessary sensibility, to seek his
    • which leads us to where we become aware that, when we seek our
    • is already present as a seed in our thoughts. We see it flowing
    • see what we have carried out, again with thought. But the will
    • the initiate sees the thoughts in their living state, which
    • supersensible world to the sensory one. He sees radiant being
    • in the thoughts. But this radiant being he sees is not the
    • then we see something further down. We have the feeling —
    • admonishing gesture — we see how the darkness below is
    • See the Three,
    • will's thinking, your thinking's will, the awakening seed of
    • The awakening seed of cosmic life:
    • The awakening seed of cosmic life:
    • Awakening seed of cosmic life.
    • [Across the mantra “See the three” on the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
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    • mention this so that you can see how little arbitrariness is
    • and turns around and looks back, he sees himself as an earthly
    • seek it on the other side of the yawning abyss of being, in
    • what seems at first, to the senses, to be black, night-cloaked
    • is like looking into a dark cell, for you do not see the
    • thinking over there in the sensory world is mere seeming, mere
    • thinking, as seeming thinking in the coffin of our bodies. And
    • cosmic nothingness, for it is only seeming. And the willing
    • See behind thinking's sensory light,
    • See behind thinking's sensory light,
    • Then, if one succeeds in seeing this gray outline of a figure,
    • one is able to keep inner calm, one sees the moon in the
    • ourselves are, and he admonishes that we are to see this
    • feeling as a dim dream. In fact, we see feeling - which makes
    • illusion, whereas feeling is half reality - we see the person's
    • feeling, and we can see human feeling interwoven with the
    • See in feeling's weaving in the soul,
    • See in
    • spiritual cognition and spiritual seeing. Normal consciousness
    • asleep. We should see this as a firm mental image. Then, when
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
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    • question works itself into every emotion of fear, clearly seen
    • course of the war we see how personalities, who are active
    • infiltrated in a type of crisis, we see specific results have
    • this doubt. One sees how important personalities within the
    • about his personal thoughts, desires and experiences seem
    • social question I do not wish to repeat. However, it seems
    • being seen as mere cause and effect — one could call it the
    • humanity's development objectively often sees it as completely
    • then you see that the most pervasive statement it has to admit
    • be recognised in its true nature if you have the ability to see
    • nothing other than seeing the spiritual as an ideology. It
    • see how old instincts within this proletarian movement were
    • the nineties we see under the influence of this impulse which
    • (Von Seelenrätseln).
    • practical people, also socialistic life practitioners, they see
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • and science regarding the human organism which will see how
    • analogy. See, the social organism lies opposite the economic
    • course of these lectures see it has to be an independent member
    • does happen we will see it is valid for the third member as
    • who want to make a reality of the seed towards an inclination
    • also, as we will soon see, could regulate labour and wage
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
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    • discuss the underlying impulses rather than see how they
    • the present day. We can see this in Paris, in Bern. When one
    • at the one place also seems to be most remotely felt by the
    • must have seen how even the most difficult, seen from other
    • urgent and burning. Just right now one sees how people are
    • thoughtful and scientific knowledge seeking inner life like
    • soul spiritual heights. Simultaneously we see in those good
    • see how two streams have developed side by side in the world,
    • bridges between what is seen as a religious order and the
    • seemingly be built between the belief of godly grace and
    • see how people go about out of a certain ethical religious
    • sides by fanatics who see themselves sometimes as good
    • personalities we know today and see as practical in life, could
    • see, ears can hear or touched by our hands. This viewpoint is
    • ideology and because ideology was seen as nothing, the soul was
    • have seen how this economic life has become quite committed,
    • areas and the chambers of commerce. You see nothing about basic
    • with one another. Before people will not see that this bungling
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • medieval and ancient humanity. Here we see immediately how with
    • endeavour took on a certain course and we see that within
    • see: how prepared both the classes are in their struggle for
    • economy. So we see the so-called social or national economics
    • many theoretically orientated souls in current times will see
    • can unfold as we have seen in the example of the human
    • From the following we see what it's really all about. Economic
    • uniform state: in a region such as Austria. Here one can see
    • judges from the German region. You can see how beneficial this
    • will see this as well, that the innermost life of science, art
    • foreseeable future. One could say that before this terrible
    • not see. The result has been that the rest of the world turned
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • into the social mood of recent times which can seem like a
    • uniform abstract formulation, should be seen in a threefold
    • see, as technology and capitalism moved into our more recent
    • at all see this belief as something unfounded — a belief
    • important trust. You see, we are talking about the Proletarian
    • many may see it, the actual, purely scientifically orientated
    • Certainly there will still be many today who will see no
    • however see that, in reality, only the ruling spirit of mankind
    • life in the right way and see the necessity, that whatever is
    • psychological orientated circles still see that, but taking the
    • state we must see as something which in recent times has grown
    • see in what follows, the economic life couldn't tolerate being
    • sprouted from a law. Everything which we see as material
    • of relevance is to see how, in a single natural human organism,
    • be seen: the spiritual system, the judicial system — now
    • see, I'm not giving you some or other principle, or theory:
    • foundation of economic processes. We very clearly see these
    • is how it can be seen from the one side.
    • These relationships can only be indicated today. You can see,
    • Whoever has seen over the last decades how the social question
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
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    • remedy the dangers which one is believed to be able to see? Was
    • Proletarian's work, something which was full of seeds for the
    • to see, that among thousands, yes thousands of Proletarian
    • What can we now see as a central focus in the Proletarian
    • as the Proletarian progress? In the centre of this we see what
    • cherish, for they do not yet see results coming from the
    • out that this Proletarian world view have seeds of progress,
    • modern worker and modern science. There one could to see how,
    • state life, and now is taken further. So we see that in recent
    • value of the goods. Everyone can see this if one looks deeper
    • social organism in an ever so lively a way, as we can see today
    • necessarily be seen how there has to be a peeling apart on both
    • life by the state. People were unable to see through the
    • can see in the way in which, right into the terrible war
    • mankind. Each individual will then see the direction taken by
    • independence of the spiritual life, then you will see, will
    • workers because they are not seen from both sides in the
    • economic process; within a healthy spiritual life they are seen
    • minds. I can see this. For years I have been involved with
    • then only through this could the seedling be discovered, which
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • And now let us see whether we can explain these words of Wagner in the
    • which he does not see. But if a successful operation is performed upon
    • — we shall see out of what depths of spiritual scientific
    • Sun and moon were only seen through a rainbow-haze. Moreover man's
    • Central Europe. It seemed to them that the waters of the Rhine had
    • can see how through his intuition Wagner was able to draw upon amounts
    • And now let us see how this sublime ideal lived on the heart and soul
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • and space. Gazing out into the expanses of the cosmos, we see how the
    • Initiation, the preparation of the individual for Initiation. We see a
    • In very creatures of nature they see the Divine-Spiritual. This is
    • sinful, impious. It is sacrilege to see the Divine-Spiritual in
    • Truly these things are grave when we see them as they really are. I
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • might seem to be justified that a movement which directs its
    • that of art. For example, the friends who have seen Eurythmy
    • the more intensely seek for a spiritual home in our hearts to
    • time as an additional member certainly sees much to be
    • depths of the human soul which seeks for community-building, 1
    • I mean to say, whose nature seems to our feeling similar to
    • matter how beautiful the pictures we may see in the isolation
    • likewise, when he lifts up into the ideal something he has seen
    • point of realizing that it is impossible to see how study can
    • matters stand at present, however, I see in this hall two
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • into discord with others because they cannot see into his
    • this by reason — paradoxical as it may seem — of
    • loose association. For you will see how many more channels will
    • experiment that may seem to you very insignificant, I was
    • be otherwise than by seeking to bring about a living
    • see that the Society is in such a state as to be able to take
    • of Eurythmy, for example, the lines of the Goetheanum seem to
    • destiny of the Society. These two things seem to lie very near
    • Anthroposophical Society to see into that fact. As such a
    • see that, in all cases where proof in this manner is
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • he experienced with what went on in the world. We see the
    • see. A plant is really something entirely beyond sensory
    • of forces. I see this mineral aspect, though it is merely
    • 01 ] of being anthropomorphists. We have seen more
    • than enough of this kind of thing. We have seen the legal
    • beyond this earth and seen more as imperfections in the
    • the approach we must use if we want to see clearly that
    • you are speaking for everybody. You see, I speak to those
    • thing we would not be doing is to see human life in such
    • again come to see the way the human being is connected
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • edifice that seen in its entirety can show us the
    • necessary to see the Mystery of Golgotha in a new light.
    • then be seen in a new light. We shall have to say that
    • more alive than ever seen before in the evolution of
    • seek to grasp the spiritual worlds by developing further
    • said that I had only ever seen the former emperor briefly
    • see a single object. In the same way you will not
    • initiate unless you can see your own ideas repeated by
    • important today. So you see that exactly when it comes to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • go back to earlier stages of human development to see
    • their idea of a god. These things inevitably must seem
    • seem strange to modern minds, but modern minds will
    • gets used to, things one does not want to see. Today we
    • earthly principle were seen to be one: the Holy Roman
    • Empire, an empire seen to be based on the power of
    • that it should be seen to be the image of a heavenly
    • content. On the one hand, then, we see certain secret
    • meaning in an earlier age. On the other hand we see how
    • become able to see things as they are. Sometimes we fail
    • see in the first instance — we'll leave aside the
    • history, seeing them in the right light—not that
    • important thing is that human beings come to see humanity
    • need to strike this note a few times and we shall see
    • seen in the light of spiritual science I discussed during
    • should not fail to see it. These social impulses can only
    • doubt on seeing the external course followed by people in
    • that are happening. You can see that when people are told
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • seen during the worst periods of oriental tyranny.
    • on the surface seems very intelligent. The animal wants
    • follow only their egotistical instincts, you can see that
    • point when we come to see what humankind needs above all
    • processes You see all around; then think of them merely
    • come, and in the end you will see!’ Well, all I
    • see the kind of mentality one is dealing with. But do not
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • the 20th century. It has a peculiarity that seems
    • facts are rather different, however, and should be seen
    • You see,
    • approximately like this [see (a) in the diagram]. Two
    • perceive gravity and everything connected with it. We see
    • Everything my legs see with regard to gravity and all
    • imagine it without the head, of course. The head you see
    • earth. The rest of the organism as you see it now will be
    • specific, so that you can see the things we are
    • my book Von Seelenrätseln, [
    • see things as they really are and not to produce
    • stomach, liver and spleen. We then come to see that
    • is realized that it is a total delusion to see historical
    • You can see
    • must be made to see that it does not remain this way. It
    • You see,
    • years, for decades. This work must be seen as something
    • of the two things cannot be true. It seems to me that
    • member must reflect and see that here in this very place
    • and abstract. It is a question of really seeing the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • the way recognition of the truth must be seen as a deed,
    • we wish to see materialism in the light of the true
    • everything our eyes see, our ears hear and so on, is not
    • This applies also to atoms seen as points where forces
    • span in seven colours — but see it only as a
    • impresses itself on the senses. You will come to see this
    • again.’ You see it is not enough to correct the
    • metabolism. It seemed to him to work towards the central
    • materiality when we see the bubbling and boiling of the
    • where materiality has to be sought, and we only see
    • instance, that when we see a burning candle we say: 'That
    • actually seeing when we look at a distant planet, say, or
    • seeing? We do not see the green plant cover of the
    • on that we see around us on this earth. The stars and
    • transformed. What we see through the telescope are the
    • through a telescope, would it see our plants, animals and
    • someone looking from outside would see what goes on
    • So you see
    • forget about mere ideas and seek to find them—in
    • and we can see how this peripheral activity is the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • combine the things we see, hear and Perceive with the
    • cannot get a clear idea concerning these things. We see
    • the plants, the animals, the cloud cover; we see the
    • glittering light of the stars, we see rivers, hills and
    • cloud formations, rivers and mountains we see, nothing of
    • origin lies inside our own skins. Anything we see outside
    • It may seem
    • possible to see this by considering the natural phenomena
    • reality, sometimes of course seeking it in the place
    • spirit. People who look to the outside world and seek to
    • if they see matter as point sources of energy or as tiny
    • It therefore has to be said that a seeker who looks to
    • see through the tissue of this mysticism it is
    • that normally belongs to childhood. This is seen in its
    • childishness instead. Once again we see that purely
    • concern about the things one would like to see overcome.
    • seek for the spirit as though it were a system of logic;
    • it not be possible for You to see that more of the spirit
    • to see clearly. It is the reality of the spirit that
    • things we see in ordinary life simply must be considered
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • such depths. Belief is seen as going beyond the physical
    • field. In certain quarters it was foreseen that this was
    • So you see
    • would not expect to see someone come through the door
    • different, but putting them together one sees something
    • various courses of lectures and you will see that I have
    • rigid terms and that is why we now see forms of socialism
    • seeing oneself and other followers as King Jesus' army,
    • certain theologians see Christ only as the ‘simple
    • who had travelled widely and seen something of the world,
    • tried to see how the separation of knowledge and belief
    • beings. This will of course lead us to see education and
    • on earth must be seen as the fulfilling of a mission we
    • plenty more — so that you can see the methods that
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • physical world we see around us between waking up and
    • echo. To see the contents of that ancient oriental wisdom
    • Orient, therefore, we see an ancient, sublime,
    • birth. And we also see the gradual decline of what
    • nature of those great minds and you will see that I am
    • see into life eternal as it comes to revelation before
    • Western world, today, can see that it is a preparatory
    • blood, muscle, skin and bone as we see them today, but in
    • the early signs to be seen today? The first signs are
    • So you see
    • themselves. In the Middle, human beings see themselves as
    • see themselves as merely physical; it is to be their
    • perception. The human being is thus seen as soul and
    • You see
    • in a creature seen as a continuation of the evolutionary
    • materialism holds the seed of a spirituality of the
    • initial stages. We can see that this is most immediately
    • senility on the other hand may be seen in the work of
    • Tolstoy. There we see a concentrated form of something
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • we know of in historical times. We have seen that at the time when the
    • there in the minds of people today. We have seen that this spectre of
    • human beings. We have seen a tremendous development of technology in
    • the way people see it — and rightly so, as people see it — no
    • France. You can see now that it would be quite correct to say that,
    • already said you will see that forces independent of humanity,
    • rest of our life as well. So you see what goes on in a world constructed
    • aspect. We begin to see the inner aspect when we consider the powers
    • the phenomena of nature. Today, people see only dry-as-dust, prosaic
    • like those we have seen in recent years. Human destiny actually depended
    • find it easy to see this, because those powers are acting on the will
    • — and I have often told you that the will is alseep. They work at
    • got into the habit of living a lie; they got out of the habit of seeing
    • event. Out of that longing, the power will arise to see the Christ made
    • walking unseen among human beings, and they will need to hold on to him
    • have seen elemental powers at work in the phenomena of nature. We have
    • ourselves have produced are considered in the same way. All we see are
    • will be born the ability to see the Christ.
    • earth lives. In the past, people came to see elemental spirits active in
    • find this very obvious. The first signs of it are already to be seen
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • earth must be seen as something that cannot in itself
    • seeing that we have only the earth around us, and yet
    • we thus come to see Christ as the One who will redeem our
    • essential human nature, when we are able to see the way
    • through the things modern spiritual science is seeking to
    • seeks to make everything it brings to revelation visual,
    • You see,
    • anthroposophical cosmology teaches. We come to see this
    • that is seems terribly dry and prosaic to hear that
    • spiritual science enables us to do. You see, the
    • inner connection. Seeing through these inner connections
    • we shall be able to see spiritual science in the right
    • us today you will see this phenomenon. In November 1918
    • don't you see now how the various ministers who have held
    • see what we have to do in order to defend ourselves
    • have to defend ourselves? It may seem regrettable that we
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • can look around outside in the natural world and see that everything
    • able to see this. Let us assume that a man stands before us. In this
    • and muscles, than all kinds of chemical components, which we can see
    • night's sleep comes from, and from this it can be seen how important a
    • lecture, you will understand that those people who are able to see into
    • clairvoyant can see. Not always, but sometimes, the part of the etheric
    • see a bridge being built across the stream, but he cannot see the plant
    • So, if occasionally the parents do not seem to be right with the
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • co-operating as in social life. Rightly seen, there is a
    • nineteenth have made it seem justifiable, in the general
    • We see that the real reason in striving for Socialism is that
    • seen some of our contemporaries, in the centre of the
    • within it and see, for instance, their effects in the
    • point of view has disappeared. Men might see this as a very
    • facts of human evolution. In earlier times, as we can see from
    • important thing now is to seek afresh, from ourselves outwards,
    • so much the more difficult, is to seek this connection from out
    • is that we should educate prophetically, foreseeing the task of
    • easily perceived by the forces of seership. When a man goes
    • can see into these secrets — humanity is little disposed
    • fallen to 2.15 centimes, but I have not yet met anyone who sees
    • Reichstag, was not double. We have seen the old parties
    • [Vegetarisierung der Seelen] !
    • Look eastward. There we, see the active beginning of the
    • the soul, and animalization of the body. Or to seek, on
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • with the question; but we shall see that they do provide the
    • the human soul. We can see, from the way in which this question
    • see, the possibility of opening for mankind real perception of
    • cannot rise, since people are disinclined to seek any wider
    • “innocence,” simply because we can see that what
    • developed in two quite different directions. If we would see
    • external world: I see what my senses convey to me, what I use
    • sees his reality in what for the Oriental is
    • will by widening his sphere of interest, by seeing not only
    • to which we ourselves belong, we see the inner world as
    • back at the language of Goethe, of Lessing, we can see that not
    • among the peoples who, as we have seen, sink themselves into
    • Eastern one,” and seeing how elemental forces are stirred
    • We can see from this what is really needful for modern
    • should not be undervalued, seeing that it had contributed to
    • Unless we reach a stage at which we can see things so as to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • Rational or Mind soul, Gemut-Seele, in which human thought and
    • materially. We see that the evolution of civilized mankind in
    • soundly, we may see from a fact like the following:
    • strikes us with full force. It is tragic to see how little it
    • see that we live and move among such a complex of facts.
    • nature, but we see it more and more definitely the further West
    • interesting to see the most important features of the day from
    • in a child's life from year to year, we see the inheritance of
    • into the spiritual world. To the view of one who can see the
    • for the God Whom you must seek in another being than
    • pleasant to speak the truth about these things, but when we see
    • this tormented Central Europe, who have never deigned to see
    • comfortable ideas. In this sphere, also, reality must be seen
    • — to speak. We have seen (but could not talk of what we
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • market.” He who will is able to see that since the social
    • not see it. Three or four hundred years of routine in business
    • life and to regard anyone who sees a little further and can
    • seemed to me the view we ought to hold about the social
    • sensation: it must be mentioned because we can see by this how
    • far-reaching enough to master facts. We shall only see these
    • he could not see the mainsprings which moved it. He might be
    • technical science: we have not seen lying behind the theories
    • to see how clearly three spheres of life are to be
    • seething in the soul-depths of their best members, even in the
    • exists in life. Then, too, we can see the essential problem of
    • side. We can see that, side by side with the rise of the new
    • then the teaching of the future will be seen to have little
    • of income?” I could only reply that it seemed strange to
    • sees into the facts of life. That will give us practical
    • shall see, for instance, how foolish it would be for men in
    • or Rights, through which, as we have seen, labour has to be
    • best make it accessible to the community. That seems natural to
    • property, to treat it in the same way, and see that it should
    • is easy enough to see clearly if we think impartially. We have
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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