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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • the simple world of the senses and the understanding related to
    • the senses? Maybe it has already arisen before us, so that we
    • to the senses and to the understanding that is related to the
    • sense world, it spirals upwards above and away from this
    • is martyrdom in a certain sense, and it is so precisely on the
    • characteristics, which the soul has in the sense-world, that
    • physical-sense world as selfishness, that must be strengthened,
    • relation to the physical sense-world: that the latter must make
    • appears in its meaning for the physical-sense world, since this
    • physical-sense world: what is useful to him/her as worthy
    • prepare for ourselves such a physical sense being, so that in
    • must remain connected to the sense world, and how our karma,
    • our destiny must bind us to the sense world, until we
    • needs in order to be a spiritual being, what in a certain sense
    • sense world.
    • we use them in the life of the physical sense world. If you
    • of the physical sense world, and let the soul be penetrated by
    • physical sense world, then there they will take us further,
    • spiritual in the opposite way in the sense world, that leads to
    • when they observe the sense world and say: we cannot penetrate
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • We should endeavor to sharpen and develop the child's senses. His fantasy
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • world which we perceive through our senses: it is the one which man
    • into another world, but he simply acquired a new sense. After death,
    • senses for the perception of the physical world are eliminated and we
    • with also after death. If we no longer open our senses to the physical
    • world, the senses of the astral world disclose themselves. When we become
    • was formed out of the sense of beauty of that time. Each house, each
    • things which excite the senses. ...
    • Our eyes and ears, all our sense-organs, are merely instruments used
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • in this world, how everyone seeks to satisfy his senses. What a human
    • chains him to the world of the senses. It is influenced entirely by
    • to his senses, his life in Kamaloca will be long and difficult. Ordinarily
    • of the senses. In the case of suicides this will be most difficult of all,
    • violently severing themselves from the life of the senses, they will
    • and the simplest sense-impressions. With each incarnation his senses
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • sense of devotion for facts which others criticize. Here we may apply
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • from real knowledge. This is one fact which, in a certain sense, I should like to mention as
    • sense is a poetic way, but in fact produces a true picture. Attention was also drawn to how in
    • were pursued but only a sense that was developed for the external world of facts. Attention was
    • that the ransom had been paid to Death. Thus, in a certain sense, it was a sort of redemption
    • It is not discussed in such a way that in a certain sense both personalities, the Greek and the
    • turned his gaze to the world of the senses around him, and said: This sense-world is spread out
    • something real. The oriental sensed something in contrast to the phenomena of the world which the
    • European still senses at most in the realm of real numbers.
    • life as, on the other side and in an opposite sense, are fifty francs of credit. In this area the
    • a certain sense, the 'I' is smothered
    • intense sense, is necessary for the good of human beings even though there is a reaction against
    • — not from a belief in authority but out of common sense and out of agreement based on
    • common sense. But, to begin with, the instincts oppose this and people believe that some sort of
    • certain sense, simply speaking for the masses. We are approaching more and more that time when
    • in a higher or lower sense, is called a school, we need the frame of mind I have already tried to
    • international life, in the right sense! I would like, in this request, to round off today what,
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • increasingly stronger and all the phenomena of life — of life in the broadest sense
    • is utterly unimportant. And anyone who does not see, in the most intense sense, something of
    • natural-scientific mode of thought and the character of Anglo-Saxondom. And this was sensed deep
    • arose. On the other hand, in the West where thinking follows the lines of economics in the sense
    • about such a problem as reincarnation, because one cannot speak about it in the abstract sense
    • particular attraction to what, in a sense, are the elemental forces of the earth; that have an
    • inclination towards, a feeling for the elemental forces of the earth and are thus able to sense
    • sense, wishes to work for the spread of this threefold impulse must be aware that he has also to
    • sense, the human being cannot become a full human being; that hard on the heels of this Eastern
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • a kind of earth-boundness has, in a certain sense, been prepared in such human beings as I
    • and at everything in the physical-sense world that expresses itself out of these spiritual
    • senses.
    • see how here, in a certain sense, body and soul are overwhelmed by an abstract scientific spirit
    • in the young Goethe and which one senses strongly when one reads the scenes, which gushed from
    • anything which goes beyond the physical-sense life. Instead of a real teaching on the spirit you
    • the sense-world — for our physical world — soul and spirit should be made manifest by
    • the world-view of science. You can sense this if you let the — albeit rather coquettish
    • senses and revelation for the supersensible truths which can be drawn only from the Bible and
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • senses, to the world of instincts, of desires, he is given over to his bodily-physical nature and
    • sense perception
    • this work of Kant's which was abstract, but in a completely different sense. And just as he seems
    • other the senses with their sensual needs, as Schiller said, and the third, the middle condition
    • Schiller presents as sense-life and the life of reason. And what Schiller characterizes
    • a pictorial way. And we have, in a certain sense, an indication — but in the Goethean way
    • is described in this sense in my
    • Goethe sensed something of the tragedy of Central European civilization — certainly not
    • consciously, but they sensed it nevertheless. Both felt — and one can read this everywhere
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • another force, whether as a sense of longing or as a more or less clear facet of consciousness.
    • nature, they sensed, they perceived, how spiritual elemental beings worked in the individual
    • the senses was given by Orient. One knew theocracy, the 'rule of cosmic order', One's mission
    • here in the world of the senses was given by the spiritual world above. The feeling that said
    • done. They believe that one can shut out what the centuries have brought. That is nonsense! But
    • people today love this nonsense so tremendously because they are too complacent to grasp the new
    • towards the economic. The desire is, in a certain sense, to embody the intellect in the economic
    • permeate what is gained by sense-knowledge.
    • mathematician, a biologist in the usual sense. But also no one can be proud of being a merchant,
    • an industrialist in the old sense. But this 'old sense' is the only thing we have today. Nowhere
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • here people could no longer themselves behold the Mystery in the sense of the old spirituality,
    • fortify this authority — to put, in a sense, everything that proceeds from the Mystery of
    • Golgotha is lost if the Gospels are not understood in a spiritual sense. One experiences people
    • utter such nonsense about Anthroposophy are really only concerned with keeping their office in
    • slightest spark of any sense of truth.
    • preserve it by a tyrannical authority in the Jesuitical sense which does not strive for truth but
    • The sense of 'I' which pressed to the surface of
    • however, this sense of 'I' dealt
    • a completely decadent form. A sense for revelation is there still. The intellectual, the purely
    • outer sense-world and supersensible revelation — collided increasingly into one another as
    • — then the sense of 'I' which came to expression in the Centre is submerged in that chaos
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • this chaos, individual souls can emerge who will have a very strong sense of something which I
    • a sense, and it will then become an oppressive characteristic in the feeling-life of civilized
    • times that national chauvinism was aroused in its very worst sense. And it is national chauvinism
    • Now try and sense clearly what is really involved
    • sense, to feel myself as a dwarf compared with what the human being really is.' And out of
    • But the human being must sense the inner schism
    • life and appear like perceptions of the senses. Well, I would like to count up the pages where,
    • the senses, with sense-perceptions. This is dealt with quite extensively. So what is ruling in
    • sense, I wanted to say to you today concerning — to use a trivial word — the spirit
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • reality in the same sense when they look upon the gradual withering and
    • world, it is necessary in the strictest sense of the word to look also at
    • in a true sense of the word, criminal. In this case there is a short lapse
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • clear in the old sense of the word. But there is the real necessity
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • sense, the former Moon-stage is preserved in a later stage, is active
    • a certain sense, carry the Moon man in us. We have developed from the
    • imagine that this diagram in any sense reproduces the truth. In
    • which in a specific sense, belongs to the earth, we would have to
    • sense, repetitions of the Saturn — Sun — and Moon period.
    • into a future where we can sense something very wonderful. That which
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • gradually to have an enhanced feeling in what a lofty sense, in what
    • an extraordinary sense this Christ-riddle is a riddle. We must not
    • the sense of the ancient revelation was not to serve as a means of
    • nonsense. One can only speak of them as living with all that
    • effects of Latin culture, European humanity would in a sense have
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • on the basis of the sense perceptions. We gain this knowledge of
    • with the outer sense world.
    • first instance through the physical body, through the senses, the
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • mere sense perceptions to thinking about percepts
    • Goethe they appeared so in the most eminent sense) as something which
    • now to say in the sense indicated through these words.
    • experience: Only he can be Consul whose senses are still open to
    • in the Mystery of Golgotha. He was in a high sense an initiate of the
    • a certain spiritual eminence in the old sense, the sense of the
    • any sense, which had true meaning in the time of the Roman Republic,
    • especially sought to grasp the Mystery of Golgotha in the sense of
    • lined diagram p.10a) Justinian in this sense was the second stage.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • perceptions, to the sense impressions. Thus, in ordinary life, the
    • his senses, and then combining the observation with his intellect and
    • temptation in the sense of the divine spiritual beings we should
    • think: out there is extended the world of the senses as we see it;
    • Moon-existence and attribute the whole earthly sense world to
    • e earthly-perceived-sense world, we should then have the in us, i.e.,
    • — and while we have sense-perceptions and the
    • surroundings of earth appear to the senses there lights up in us the
    • explanation of all that the senses conjure up before us. We ought to
    • go through the world, our senses turned outwards to sense-existence,
    • one, inasmuch as we turn our senses outwards, the other, inasmuch as
    • confuses the one with the other. Ideas, concepts, sense impressions,
    • Moon behind the ordinary sense-existence, so he ought to see behind
    • one observes with the outer senses is called real, or at least,
    • one observes by means of the senses. People endeavour, however, to
    • make use of the senses for other purposes, they try to grasp
    • everything after the manner of sense observation of external things.
    • perceiving behind the sense impressions what has been characterised
    • to him through such a consciousness in the pure sense of a universal
    • H.P. Blavatsky, who in the most eminent sense of the word, was a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • completely opposite: men makes researches into what their senses see;
    • through sense observation, and they simply do not perceive the
    • something comes into the sense-world which cannot be perceived under
    • human being lives with his senses to the world under the earth. Show
    • sense-world conception in any such way.’ One can raise
    • in a quite high, in a quite exact sense. For as incarnated men we
    • legal sense as a possession, a genuine possession. Now the concept of
    • Sun-existence. Although the first rudiments of our sense-organs had
    • rudiments on Saturn were blind and unperceiving sense-organs. The
    • sense-organs were first opened by the separation of the Sun and the
    • sense-perceptions and the sight of external objects, and running
    • anything. With this development of the senses develops for the first
    • from the development of the senses; these two things run parallel.
    • The senses were on the one side, and something like the
    • we consider in a more comprehensive sense what stands in the
    • senses shall be developed: ‘Your eyes shall be
    • opened.’ He means that all senses shall be opened
    • — the eyes only stand for the senses as a whole.
    • In this way he has guided the senses to external things and at the
    • should have to say: You will become as gods, your senses will be
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • stressed that the first rudiments of the sense-organs were present in
    • of human evolution, is that these sense-organs as such have to do
    • germ of the sense-organs arose as a purely physical rudiment, for the
    • development of the human sense-organs advances by the incorporation
    • sense-organs are today essentially physical organs. You will easily
    • be sure, the lower sense are more of a chemical nature, but
    • ). This physical nature of the sense-organs can be
    • be understood as the incorporation of the entire sense apparatus in
    • interpenetrates to some extent the sense apparatuses, else they would
    • sense is, as it were, a thin zone, a thin outer zone of the physical,
    • physical sense-zone. But if this were really to be the case in man
    • tone; he would not have his sense opened outwards, he would only have
    • the ears, etc. Everywhere Lucifer presses his arms into the senses,
    • thrusting them in from outside. And in our senses there is the
    • through, he takes possession of the physical part of our senses,
    • pictures as the effect of what the Gods give us, but our senses are
    • senses. There where the nerves terminate in the brain the Luciferic
    • ‘Ye shall be as gods, your sense shall be opened
    • sense, the etheric of his own being and the etheric of the
    • few items of more exact knowledge regarding our sense-periphery.
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  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • Logos — rightly identified with the Christ in the sense
    • of the Earth we perceive with our senses, the things that are
    • the sense of early Christian thought, then, there had been a
    • ending there has been, in the sense that the Spiritual can no
    • condition is upon us. This is the sense in which we must
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • first thinker to be considered in this sense is, in fact, Thales.
    • narrowest sense, the philosopher par excellence — Aristotle. All other
    • Plato nor Pythagoras is a philosopher in the real sense of the word,
    • investigation of the outer world by means of his senses, or be it due to
    • senses, and on the other as revelation. But if any matter, however given,
    • in sense-observation; further, it may press forward a stage, even up to
    • ourselves. In the Kantian sense, we see external things as through a
    • consider the doctrine of the specific energies of the senses, there would
    • sense-perception the resemblance to the original cannot be so close as even
    • be conceived except in the sense of the ideas given above. I often recall a
    • our sense-perception. Sense presents to us the individual thing. When we,
    • differentiates in the only true and possible sense. It would entail a
    • a universal, in contradistinction to the thing grasped by the senses, which
    • between animal and man in a genuinely spiritual sense. What is inherent in
    • of the same “form.” It is permissible, in the sense of
    • entire process is perceived as physical reality is perceived by the senses.
    • Scholastic sense, of the relation of a concept to that which it represents,
    • sense, it would say: “I am entirely wax; no brass passes over into
    • senses. Let us imagine we wish to form the conception of a circle. We can,
    • to the senses. I can construct, in thought, the sum of all places which are
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • — it is of course true that we hardly have a real sense,
    • a valid sense for what is meant by the esoteric. We believe today that what
    • sense to thinking scientifically — this he may do as a
    • nature, that it should be built up in the widest sense on a knowledge of
    • experimenting, in the purest sense of the word. I can't really do very
    • proper sort of inward modesty, this sense that we ourselves are still in
    • in the widest sense. We cannot have the same class twice over and send out
    • astral out- breathing. Only we must have a certain sense for dynamics, if
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • and instruction we are not able to sense inwardly the whole human being.
    • strongly by the nerve-sense system, operating from above downward. The
    • a gnome. While we instruct and educate him, we are forming him. We sense
    • enthusiasm and a sense of guardianship — these three
    • sense how unsatisfactory it must always be to make use of conventional
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • see. Other sense qualities are intermingled with what we hear on the one
    • so-called sensory nerves, that apparently run from the senses to the brain
    • system of nerves and senses. Perception, alone, is conveyed by the
    • nerve-senses system, and we only understand a picture process, for example,
    • sense organisation in the ear is inwardly connected in a very delicate way
    • remembered in the same realm where visual things have their sense-nerve
    • to be sense-nerve organs, and external physiology calls them that, yet in
    • evolution consists in gradually bringing down into the sense world what
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • approach life with a sense of music (
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • supersensible world. In reality it is like this: The world of the senses
    • neither perceive these supersensible forces by means of our ordinary senses
    • nor by means of our intellect bound to our ordinary senses. We perceive
    • we have the sense world, supersensible forces and subsensible forces. Where
    • physiological sense until we understand it. — I told you
    • for people really to develop a sense for the other person's being. This
    • and he says that nearly every chapter is pure nonsense. You can understand people
    • saying it is pure nonsense. Why, it is quite obvious that they often say it
    • to the senses will also not acquire any knowledge of man. They do not see
    • that, social people will be good people in a social sense, and anti-social
    • as human beings if you do not develop a sense for supersensible knowledge.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • other Gospels, that in a certain sense one would get the same understanding
    • other three gospels would not be in the sense of spiritual research. For
    • these gospels in this way, one gets to know them in a certain sense. I have
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • egoistic. In a sense, a pinnacle had to be attained in evolving the human
    • maturation, by way of extended experience, this sense has reached the
    • needs and ought to seek, between the sense world in which he lives
    • killed the sense for this connection of the sensible and supersensible.
    • are right. If we sense the approximate arithmetical middle of all this,
    • anthroposophical spiritual science will know to sense it rightly as a
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • contemplate the works of Raphael, we have the sense that
    • sense world, such as we find in today's conventional science,
    • objects with his senses, sensing at the same time, in having
    • from the things themselves, from making use of their sense
    • organs. A withdrawal from sense impressions, in giving oneself
    • that what may be called, in the best sense of the word,
    • but was simply there and as natural as sense perception. Then
    • externally in the sense world. In Greece the sensory and the
    • sense perception as in the time preceding Greece. The spiritual
    • separate, but as something felt in directing the senses out
    • spirituality as what presented itself to their senses. — Then
    • along with sense impressions. These are times in which the
    • progressive internalization in the sense of what has been said
    • quite special sense the beginning of the turn toward
    • Raphael, taking account of his progression, we can sense with
    • region, so far as the sense world was concerned. Only in spirit
    • we can sense this image the chronicler
    • the old, but in a new sense. There was not much trace of
    • to the Madonna. In considering human evolution in the sense of
    • Perugia quite especially, one can have the sense that the eye
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  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • kind already indicated. One has the sense moreover that here a
    • “Last Supper?” One has the sense that he went away
    • the sense indicated. All the other countenances can be
    • orient themselves to what is presented to the senses, to reason
    • it is said, to the external sense world and to what human
    • reason is able to comprehend by means of sense perception.
    • Human beings directed their attention first of all to the sense
    • not do so by means of sense perception, but by virtue of
    • on sense perception. What was the result? It was believed, the
    • not to rely on sense observation. He had the courage to say
    • that no empirical discoveries are made in relying on sense
    • that humanity placed reliance only on the senses.
    • the world of sense and to think only by means of reason bound
    • the cosmos. In the times when Greek art arose, one sensed, for
    • we sense that the artist created as Nature does, in standing
    • Thus, with him we sense the helplessness with which a soul had
    • surrounded him; who had to sense a tremendous contrast between
    • Something takes place parallel to the sense-perceptible stream,
    • countenance and sense the genius of humanity itself looking out
    • only becomes clear to us in having a sense for what he was not
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • One senses how impossible any other approach is in speaking out
    • destiny as a result of particular inner experiences. We sense
    • immerses itself, so as to make use of the senses and of
    • time, as though a shrinking back, a sense of helplessness as
    • falling asleep. Having withdrawn itself from the senses and
    • from the limbs, having in a sense left the external body
    • behind in the physical sense-world, what then approaches
    • attachment to the sense world with which it is burdened
    • normal today in the waking state, we receive sense impressions
    • Applying the word in the positive sense, these were clairvoyant
    • understanding them, it sensed more or less consciously
    • we can sense this simple experience in the fairy tale which
    • soul can sense something re-echo of what it experiences
    • such a sense of joy over the immediate picture presented,
    • in a personal sense. The essential point will become
    • perceptible to the senses, among the animals, only
    • sleeps, this sleeping human body is in a sense equivalent to a
    • something of what, in the sense of spiritual science, the soul
    • sense how they reverberate in the fairy tale
    • occupying the body. What the soul senses there as a battle,
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  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • to see today by means of the senses. In this way, the
    • their sense-perceptible side, not finding in them what she is
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • narrow-hearted sense, seeing in it nothing more than a sum of
    • connected in a quite special sense with everything associated
    • elegance. Everywhere, one senses his origins in having
    • We sense in Herman Grimm's style a liberation from all that can
    • gain a clear sense of how Herman Grimm viewed a personality
    • sense of the actual course of events in the development of
    • attempts to present the gods in Homer's sense as portraying, so
    • previously, enters for Herman Grimm (in Homer's sense) into
    • at the animal species in the sense of the Darwinian theory that
    • conceived of Christ once again in a narrow sense only.
    • sense conscious of itself, the soul immerses itself in the
    • sense of a modern spiritual discourse. Just as the Gospels
    • normally objective in the sense of what is normally demanded
    • Grimm's Goethe portrayal, we sense everywhere that he had grown
    • sense a wrestling with the material, with the spiritual image
    • a mere figment of her imagination, but in the sense of someone
    • breathing, However, a moment later, with a sense of pressure
    • behind the entire sense world. It could appear a form of
    • that, as spiritual researchers, we seek behind the sense
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • imperialism, historically, but in a spiritual-scientific sense.
    • among us just as the sense world is — then what results is what
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • — that the Holy Roman Empire no longer made any sense. And the
    • to exist because no sense could be found behind the symbols. And the
    • in these lodges today made some sense. Then they became symbolic. The
    • sense is long gone. One can say that what goes on in the lodges today
    • reality in public opinion today. Whoever has a sense for reality
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • try to judge whether this will was justified or not makes no sense.
    • human form should or should not do this or that made no sense. In
    • in preparation; for a parliament only makes sense when it is possible
    • He would have to have lost all sense of reality to even conceive of
    • individual's religion play a part in the lodges, in a certain sense
    • from the most varied sides, and it is senseless to try and nail down
    • something meant in a spiritual-scientific sense with a mere yes or no
    • terrible urgency. In a certain sense we have reached the climax of
    • certain Schirmer. This Mr. Schirmer is in a certain sense quite a
    • his own way in the sense of the social triformation in the school
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • then misunderstandings arise — somewhat in the sense that
    • has to be admitted. However, Goethe had in a certain sense, as
    • Everything remains the same, no perception of the senses need
    • senses harmony within the experience of creating mathematical
    • meant that what the outer world offered the senses were seen as
    • sense perceptive phenomenon into the atomic content behind it,
    • elements of sense-perceptible appearances relating to it.
    • in my scientific sense for the further development of the
    • the empiricism of the outer senses. This was extraordinarily
    • sense for observing the outer material world, will make the
    • phenomenological sense — and within, the soul-spiritual
    • reject materialism in an enthusiastic sense. Look at the entire
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • sense, between animal and human organisms. If an organisation
    • appears in both man and animal, and this relates to the sense
    • organs. The sense organs, or better said, the functions of the
    • sense organs are more or less vital in everything which takes
    • purely digestive processes, a function of a primitive sense
    • life. Certainly one could say: what for instance do the senses
    • sense life unfolds — as I have indicated years ago how it is
    • claimed five senses, but in a clear discernible number of
    • twelve human senses. Now, we are only talking about human
    • about twelve senses in the same way as for five or six — from
    • it is valid that one can speak for instance about the sense of
    • senses about what takes place in the process of seeing; so that
    • we may speak about the sense of equilibrium as we speak about a
    • sense of seeing. Let us be clear about this. When we speak
    • about the sense of equilibrium we turn ourselves more towards
    • fosters its basis as a sense perceptible function. In the same
    • way we can expand the number of senses on the other side. When
    • process of judgement comes out of a perceptive process, a sense
    • process; so we need to speak about it as having a sense of
    • speech — or a sense of language, a sense of the word — just as
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • Logos, sense how a reflection of these undetermined experiences
    • to remain within this outer sense-world of facts. There was
    • but exist in what the sense world presented to them, simply
    • being pushed directly into the senses here in the West, there
    • experienced inwardly. He senses the entirely vague mystical
    • we look then at the outer world, the sense perceptible objects
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • on the sense world, have their peculiarity by being in the
    • service of theoretical interests, and being of the sense-world
    • sense world, by contrast it is characteristic of the ideas from
    • the child in the fullest sense of the word, didn't really live
    • fullest sense of the word, comes from his surroundings, with
    • researched through the outer senses is lifted up into the
    • bring all of this about in a living sense.
    • the development of a sense for life, that life doesn't go by
    • the children. Whoever looks in a lively sense — not with
    • been before he came down into the physical sense world. Up to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • question. Yes, most people at present can hardly sense that the
    • it in a utopian sense by asking: How will this be, how will
    • involvement in economic life — in the old sense; under the
    • sense with the “Key notes” to understand them
    • these old cultures, that factual thinking, in the sense as it
    • grandiose way to outer sense perceptible nature and its laws.
    • introduced, and how the abstract principles — in a bad sense
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • misunderstood in the most profound sense, if it is regarded as
    • trivial but in a deeper sense — have come to human
    • epistemologically clear in what sense the scientific methods or
    • not in the sense of scientific methodology not to be developed
    • precision, in a natural scientific sense which can result in
    • senses” — certainly on the other hand, Leibniz's
    • be created out of the senses, only the mind itself can't be
    • created out of the senses.
    • created out of the sense world. One remains true to that which
    • work it has become, in the strictest sense of the word,
    • Intuition, in his higher senses becomes a more free person than
    • firstly finds perceptions possible through the senses of his
    • sense Christianity reshapes the Father-god and doesn't discern
    • organisation than what was perceived through the senses or the
    • genuine, truest and honest sense in recognising the Mystery of
    • religious person in the Christian sense. Then again, when one
    • Christian sense. We don't introduce abstract Anthroposophy
    • time. Everyone who in this sense wants to work together with
    • who wants to work with her in this sense, is welcome!
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • person who has no sense for the unconscious depths of soul
    • they sensed it, like they sensed hunger and thirst, only in a
    • painting as in today's sense, but in such a way as to
    • ‘a’ something resembling human inwardness is sensed. If one
    • language. We sense our “I” today as something which
    • sense also symbols, and if you deny the ability of words to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • towards what the sense-world has accomplished for humanity when
    • sense-world has provided necessary, practical revelations to
    • senses, it is futile to ask it what we ourselves are as human
    • to come to the frontier of the sense-world, where the spirit's
    • Therefore, at the frontier between the sense-world and the
    • Before him the fields of sense widen,
    • in the area of the senses, but on the other side spreading out
    • in the fields of sense — which we must live during our
    • Before him the fields of sense widen,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • with normal consciousness can grasp the sense-world, which is
    • senses, which however he is not able to identify with his own
    • the senses provide - the exterior world. Now, however, he is
    • Therefore on the border between the sense-world and the
    • Before him lie the far-spread fields of sense-existence,
    • side, in the sense-fields. He points to the other side where
    • beasts arising from the yawning abyss between the sense-world
    • order to sense the importance of what I am saying, my dear
    • sense-world, for the gods of the cosmos is the corpse of our
    • underlined], and if you correctly sense how all three are
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • existence with their senses. Rather should one say: When even
    • leave the world of the senses behind, a world only the
    • observations in the world of senses - life consists of such
    • the sense world to unfold his will, when he proceeds from
    • all the knowledge of the senses and reason you may have gleaned
    • world, which in a certain sense slip under your thoughts,
    • when one enters the spiritual world, he immediately senses that
    • sense-world between birth and death, he feels to be within his
    • only a vague sense of our I - “Selfhood” - we
    • senses:
    • rhythms you have the circulating blood. Seek the sense of these
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • Therefore, it is necessary that in an Esoteric School a sense
    • sense has been developed it will be possible to acquire - in
    • grow together with the world. We must learn to develop a sense
    • deep earthly forces. We sensed correctly the part of our
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • the spiritual world, in a certain sense thinking, feeling and
    • through our senses, but which at first indicate no relationship
    • bridge over this must be built. We must, in a sense, merge with
    • the senses, and how reason understands it, it is certainly not
    • sense them as separate. In fact we are far more sensitive to
    • me. But we are not aware of the fact that, in the sense that we
    • see, light must, in a sense, have a moral effect. And we must
    • with light, it is absorbed in a certain sense, interwoven with
    • Luciferic light-beings would in a certain sense fly away with
    • sense, for example: “My love goes out to you, so that it
    • senses are aware of is only the outer manifestation; behind it
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • earth has developed in such a way that he only senses this
    • element merges in a certain sense with the outer world's watery
    • thinking. When breathing, completely refined, strikes the sense
    • senses is designated as light. Not only what works through the
    • sensed as touch, is light. All perception through the senses is
    • man is transported in a certain sense to inner voluptuousness
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • anthroposophy is and that they are in a certain sense listeners
    • Therefore, more and more a serious, in a certain sense strict
    • School - in the sense of objective truth, will we be able to
    • however, reveal to the senses what it is a reflection of.
    • his senses when within the physical body. He perceives the
    • the soul, to make the senses subdued, close the eyes, hear
    • sleeps in man, we sense the spirit which forms the head from
    • it previously was. Previously the senses were the transmitters
    • of sense-impressions, and one was not aware that the will goes
    • through the sense of warmth, and through every other sense as
    • The senses' multiple heaven-weaving
    • recognizes how will goes through the head and how the senses
    • The senses' manifold heavenly weave.
    • Just as you recognize the senses as will, you also recognize
    • The senses' manifold heavenly weave.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • obtained. In the same sense, when something comes from the
    • nonsense which keeps being repeated must cease, because with
    • our senses, through everything in us, that enters into us and
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • strives for real knowledge, then he must have a sense for the
    • world around him - an open, free sense. For during the time
    • the grand, powerful, sublime, wise, beautiful things his senses
    • is it just then, when he has a correct sense of the sublimity,
    • And we think about our sense-perceptible surroundings on earth
    • the ears, by the sense of warmth, by the other senses. We
    • the spiritual cell behind the sense oriented thinking. But then
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • With common sense we can understand all of anthroposophy, but
    • body were a sense organ. That's why he imitates everything,
    • from doing with its senses what we as adults do with them. The
    • man, touch and sense in your body's being
    • only with the sense of touch, how earth forces act on you and
    • Once we have finished the third part we feel a sense of piety
    • truly religious cosmic sense which can be undergone through
    • spiritual world, we sense how here, on this side, our body
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • O man, touch and sense in your body's being
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • live in a world in which the senses, the whole physical
    • our senses and reason only in connection with the
    • sense-perceptible world which surrounds us, it will be
    • dear friends, as I have often stressed, human common sense can
    • reference to this common sense where a touchstone exists
    • common sense from physicality and the senses to be able to
    • grasp sense-free truth, sense-free knowledge.
    • therefore the extent to which common sense is bound to
    • common sense which understands anthroposophy, then at the
    • independently of corporeality. And this healthy common sense
    • common sense which understands anthroposophy is the beginning
    • starts with this understanding through healthy common sense and
    • therefore in a certain sense undergo a cosmic evolution. Many
    • can come to a sense of veneration for what is expanding out
    • sense-images of the stars disappear and the star-filled sky
    • eye and encompasses him. People in ancient times sensed that
    • robust sense-perceptible reality. But you are blind, you live
    • senses the impulse in the dialog between lines 1 and
    • now senses:
    • earth's darkness. We must sense how a moment of extinguishing
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • are to be renewed, in the fullest sense of the word and in
    • impaired. We sense the head's association to this clearest
    • stars, sense that cosmic space itself is sending us words.
    • That is the sense of
    • of which we sense in us. When we concentrate in meditation on
    • our head, we sense rest. When we meditate on our breast, we
    • sense of the planets' course; our own intimate speech; the
    • “rumbling” not in an antipathetic sense, but only
    • visible to the senses —
    • What do I sense moving?
    • What do I sense arching over me? It is something; it is
    • nothing. I sense walls, I don't see them.
    • What I sensed —
    • walls. It is all becoming clear for the soul's senses, making
    • appears. The temple, which I only sensed at first, becomes
    • there, visible to the soul's senses. It has been
    • dome is sensed after the first verse; see the temple around
    • us with the soul's senses. The temple is complete, and the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • spiritual sense, can lead to cosmic knowledge. And it has often
    • sense perceptible world. It is super-sensible though, and can
    • seen through the senses. This imaginative-super-sensible
    • try to sense how the reciting reacts within you. Try to come to
    • the point where you can sense the speaking, that you sense the
    • you are speaking. Try to sense the speaking in your organism,
    • how it passes through. You will sense it as all kinds of
    • And when you have sensed this, ask yourselves: When I think
    • also sense that?
    • Well, if you have learned to sense speaking, then you will
    • easily be able to sense the thinking which is directly induced
    • sense than speaking, but it can be sensed. And you can learn to
    • sense, to feel thinking by sensing speech.
    • Then, just as you can sense speech, you can also sense
    • profile]. When speaking is sensed so that it must be moved here
    • [red], you will sense thinking here above
    • [green]. That is, the sense of thinking is moved
    • well now, and try to sense, to feel such a remembrance-thought.
    • outer events of the day is necessary in order to sense this. It
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • Behold your senses' shining radiance.
    • come to sense the thinking above the place of speech in the
    • sense of spirit from earthly will.
    • understood at first. Because the profound sense in which it
    • learn to sense it. And then we will sense the interweaving,
    • the cosmos we sense the Seraphim's speech:
    • Cherubim are already more hidden. We can sense how the
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • normal sense-perception and normal consciousness is full will
    • For in your senses' interweaving
    • I entered this world of sense-perception,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • stimulation exercised on his senses by the outer world. What,
    • though, are the senses?
    • My dear sisters and brothers, the senses
    • expands to all the senses. As it lives in the lung, it lives
    • senses, very fine silicic acid is formed
    • lives upward into the zone of his sense-nervous system by
    • passes around the senses it generates silicic acid —
    • the senses and back from the senses to the breathing process
    • words, my dear sisters and brothers, when in a sense we hear
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • questions which cut deeply into our souls. We sense that to
    • of nature here in the world of the senses.
    • Angeloi really live in them. And when we feel with our senses
    • Seraphim, we will not sense how a force must awaken in our
    • at home in spiritual surroundings just as sense-perceptible
    • beings we feel at home in sense-perceptible surroundings. We
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • to the senses. The person who wishes to be truly human can do
    • nothing other than intimately relate to the sense-perceptible
    • other senses perceive, what we can grasp with our reason.
    • and sense-perceptible is spread out before us. We find it to
    • grandiose and beautiful and sublime to the senses, is blocked
    • habits which correspond to the physical sense-perceptible
    • once we have overflown the abyss and gradually sense
    • not yet see, but sense — how the darkness, which was at
    • him as long as we were in the field of the senses. Then we
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • physical sense-perceptible rainbow's glow are shining in
    • sense-perceptible may be brought into the spiritual domain, to
    • Sense our thoughts
    • We carry the mirage of the senses
    • Sense our thoughts
    • We carry the mirage of the senses
    • thoughts are taken from the illusion of the senses and become
    • Sense our thoughts
    • We carry the mirage of the senses
    • a sense-perceptible picture what takes place in a purely
    • I walked in this world of senses,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • Sense our thoughts
    • We carry the mirage of the senses
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • We look back to the world of senses and we feel
    • I entered in this world of senses,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • Sense our thoughts
    • We carry the mirage of the senses
    • sense Leib indicates a kind of soul function which
    • In a certain sense, my sisters and brothers,
    • to hear the choirs of the hierarchies. In a certain sense
    • certain sense we have completed the first section of this
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • that sense. And so for the members of the School who are here
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • senses and becomes our perception: beauty, truth, purity,
    • are not in what your senses reveal to you.
    • realize it — his soul-senses have not opened. He doesn't
    • Before him the fields of sense widen,
    • Before him the fields of sense widen,
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • — selfhood in the good sense of the word is — tends
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • give it in the sense of the Rose Cross, with the symbol of the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • human in the true sense of the word.
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • — selfhood in the good sense — arises with half its
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • unbiased sense that in them lies the exhortation to seek true
    • this self-knowledge in the true sense of the word, which is the
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • the right sense of feeling for knowledge.
    • belong with our senses, become darker and darker as it becomes
    • touch it the sense of touch is what makes a finger, or whatever
    • tower: you sense — just as you sense at the tip of your
    • the process of touching you sense the unity in your soles of
    • your feet, where you sense the weight of gravity.
    • meditation we must also sense the inner, meaningful structure
    • universe in the true sense. There the cosmos begins to intone
    • we sense and feel this in the right way, we are internalized by
    • That is how we should feel. And, in a certain sense, we should
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • extent we can perceive it with the senses and with our reason
    • souls for living thinking. When we sense how lame in feeling we
    • You sense in the waves of air
    • You sense in the waves of air
    • Will stifle in you the sense of self-hood;
    • sense real being in godly permeated willing.
    • — that is, not when we sense the world-form with our
    • And stifles in you the sense of self-hood;
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • all that creeps and flies, in all that our senses perceive in
    • to ourselves — because we sense that the kind of thoughts
    • sense psychically, spreads out below us. What we recognize
    • banality: that our head is the source of all our senses and
    • thinking: All our senses and thoughts are distributed over the
    • participates in our heartbeat. What is sensed in our heart is
    • should concentrate on this line in order to sense the mantric
    • striving for knowledge — to sense the wings which carry
    • Sense the heart's cosmic beat
    • the cosmic beat can be sensed in the heart
    • Sense
    • thought, as though it were being pushed out. We must sense the
    • things perceived by our senses, whereas they came to us
    • The senses' multi-forming heaven-weave;
    • be different. Just as willing becomes “the senses'
    • can also be called “glow” in the sense of
    • The senses' multi-formed heaven's interweaving.
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • a certain sense the spiritual world had to manifest the will
    • possessed, in the strictest sense of the word, by those who
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
    • despite all the beauty and greatness accessible to the senses,
    • what seems at first, to the senses, to be black, night-cloaked
    • knows that he perceives the outer world through the senses,
    • to the senses - that is light-creating essence. The brain,
    • How the will streams into thinking can be sensed.
    • Into your senses' sense of being?
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • the proletariat in the modern sense; how through even the
    • could a sense of man's worth be brought about. They aimed at
    • track. The nervous system and senses centralised in the head is
    • nothing other than the limitation of their senses by the
    • Regarding the sense in which solutions can be found to the
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • works incorporating the nerves and senses. One could call the
    • senses are centralized, the head organisation.
    • the head system through the senses, the circulation or rhythmic
    • with the laws in the nervous and sense systems. The system
    • sense-life, which is its spiritual system. Certainly the life
    • digestive and the nerve-sense systems where the rhythmic system
    • laws of human sense and nerve existence but the spiritual life
    • sense system is relatively independent in the human organism.
    • either for single regions or in the radical social sense, which
    • region in a narrower sense, as the region of public law, as the
    • system has its own lungs, just as the nerve-sense system has
    • Because as soon as the true sense of these three ideals become
    • in the widest sense which includes spiritual life, the practice
    • political sense, and so on.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • as a reality. Actually, for those who have a sense for
    • sense for reality based observation, that the proletariat
    • ordinary sense call a social ideal. What lives in it doesn't
    • It is already in a certain sense a mirror image expressed by
    • within consciousness which can be sensed in the higher sense,
    • I dealt with the misfortune, in a certain sense, of modern
    • narrower sense to the political state life, not consolidated
    • find no outcome to this question because the imminent sense of
    • legal-state member, in a narrower sense the political-state
    • political life of the state in a narrower sense, as is
    • Genesis of this terrible war, which is no war in the old sense
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • prepared, and that which can make sense, even still today only
    • the widest sense, legal- or political life which means state
    • life in a narrower sense and lastly, the economic life. Only in
    • being tyrannized by the state in a narrow sense, that economic
    • very practical and have a sense for what is real, are still
    • terribly consumed by a certain sense for abstraction, for
    • is the economic life on the one side and in a narrower sense
    • who have the intention that in the sense of wellbeing of
    • life of the political state in a narrower sense, of the second
    • has absorbed political life and in a narrower sense spiritual
    • is becoming a limiting factor, even in the real sense it is
    • bias. Oh, how much nonsense is being said in relation to
    • politics and the army! So much nonsense has been uttered in the
    • sense as if one would say: “Divorce is the continuation of
    • This kind of nonsense springs from unnatural thinking, which
    • themselves in the sense of the Threefoldness of a healthy
    • choice to either apply good sense today or to go and encounter
    • although in a narrower sense it doesn't belong to this lecture
    • most imminent sense, enter into the new social task.
    • again because in a certain sense humanity's evolution comes up
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • relationship with regards to human feelings for their sense of
    • of the Proletarian Movement. One could clearly sense what
    • the widest sense. If the spiritual life member should be
    • subconscious sense regarding human worth; the modern
    • talking about consumption in the narrower sense where the
    • is in this sense that I ask you to accept what I have allowed
    • the regulation in the sense of labour laws. By contrast, the
    • the nerve-sense system, lung-breathing system and the digestive
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • truest sense of the word an education towards a spiritual life.
    • sense-nervous system is there as carrier of the soul life, the
    • in the narrower sense, as state-political.
    • one another will rest, in a narrower sense, the actual
    • narrowest sense, and the religious life, the economic life, the
    • achieved according to the sense of modern capitalism. Now it
    • healthy sense of judgment for the recognition of truth.
    • which you can already sense that because I've been able to live
    • healing. Not a restriction in the bourgeois sense, not a
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • in the domain of true Mysticism, and it is purely in this sense that
    • behind the physical world of sense there is an invisible world into
    • faculty of spiritual sight to awaken in a man. When his higher senses
    • It is nonsense to say that the myths are merely records of struggles
    • to clouds. That is the kind of nonsense we are expected to believe!
    • world behind the world of sense. And so he wrote a modern version of
    • of a consciousness of brotherhood in the truest sense of the word.
    • In what sense has man accomplished the complete turn? According to the
    • sense, like a plant. He has acquired the consciousness that is his
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • reason could not in any sense be regarded as knowledge emanating from
    • sense in which the latter was understood in the Middle Ages), he would
    • things and never notice that they are out-and-out nonsense. It is
    • sense in which we speak of Nature to-day. In their schools they spoke
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • been made, and one could sense this, and it is for this reason
    • set it up, in a certain sense, as a memory in our hearts.
    • Since, in a sense, through the very intimacy of feeling I have
    • endeavor, in the right sense of the expression, toward
    • sense, with the small residue of the liturgical rites that
    • nature, something that goes beyond language. And this is sensed
    • actual forces into the world of the senses, ft is a drawing out
    • with all the other content of the sense world, but we really
    • perceived here in the world of the senses, if you lift it up to
    • your sense experience, you move with it in the direction
    • attain in a certain sense what is given in this description. We
    • forms which are being carried out in the world of the senses,
    • we must learn to guide in a spiritual sense, not in an abstract
    • sense but in such a sense that we shall feel as if a Being
    • in a spiritual sense. And I shall probably have occasion to
    • not mean this in the least in a critical sense, but only in the
    • sense of a solicitous admonition. We have really had the
    • sense substantially more than the preceding Committee —
    • point. What ought to have occurred in an Anthroposophical sense
    • sense, as we have not understood in recent years, if we set
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
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    • more exclusive sense, if not to all of you together at one
    • certain sense, as I said yesterday, through the fact that a
    • what is in the sense world. You must learn to transform your
    • something has really only very little sense in the higher
    • certain sense a transformation of soul. Some people, however,
    • sense world. You must admit that one who communicates to his
    • fellow men with proper sense of responsibility something out of
    • with a proper sense of responsibility what he discovers in the
    • to the sense of responsibility simply for the truth also a
    • that which then existed in a restricted sense for Anthroposophy
    • sense. That meant to build a home for the productions of
    • constituted in the best sense of the word an Anthroposophical
    • sense of the term, harmonized in a wonderful way with the style
    • must be born again out of Anthroposophy. Here there is no sense
    • sense for the Anthroposophical Society. All these things must
    • most genuine sense of the word of the Anthroposophical
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • present-day sense organs, for it did not yet include
    • perception. Consider a system of forces that in a sense
    • senses, has absorbed. That is how it is even with a
    • apparent to the senses, tend to stick too close to the
    • sense-perceptible world. That is the only way in which
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • perceptible to the senses but with the first among
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • is not perceptible to the senses. Everything people were
    • banished beyond the sense-perceptible world. During the
    • living in an age when it would be a nonsense to look to a
    • lacks the power to develop a sense of truth.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • nor merely to religion in the narrower sense, but to all
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • sense organ incorporated within the human organism to
    • the world outside. Basically the heart is a sense organ
    • nonsense, and I also said so recently in a public
    • the human organism is an organism of nerves and senses,
    • to the social organism’. This is nonsense of
    • had to say has in a sense met with rejection, and it
    • widest sense must come to its senses and get rid of the
    • sense of reality. The threefold idea is true to reality
    • number of people. We must have the necessary sense of
    • reality and practical common sense.
    • sense of reality we cannot base ourselves on the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • around us in the world we perceive with the senses,
    • perceive through the senses if we treat it as a
    • senses. We must therefore develop the feeling — we
    • things we encounter through our senses as phenomena,
    • it may affect our sense of touch, it should still be
    • impresses itself on the senses. You will come to see this
    • with the senses — is mistaken, and the error
    • perceive with the senses’, they cannot be said to
    • perceive with the senses, and to tell them to change
    • senses, but that anyone who considers that what his
    • senses perceive is physical substance is truly on the
    • sense.
    • where we have been materialistic in the above sense,
    • outside world that impresses us through the senses. We
    • produces the flame.' That would be nonsense of course. It
    • is also nonsense to look for the reality of the spirit in
    • phenomena surrounding us in the world of the senses does
    • be found in the world of the senses must be gained
    • Experiencing the outer world of the senses we have truth
    • a true sense of life. The sense of life holds the balance
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • other senses. We then think we know something about outer
    • with the senses offers only phenomena; it does not reveal
    • sense of touch is also involved when we perceive the
    • compared to a rainbow is that other senses are also
    • Germany—is nonsense. One follows a spiritual entity
    • a nonsense. The effectiveness of the Society of Jesus is
    • common sense nowadays—and not the human dwarf who
    • it is far too little considered in the sense which I have
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • senses, or at most with things that can be established
    • the finite, transitory realm of the senses and belief in
    • remained as it was, people would in a sense have
    • senses.
    • to the senses or may be established on the basis of
    • so on to explore the outer world of the senses and make
    • entirely in the world of the senses, and strictly
    • observation based on the physical senses and by
    • sense-perceptible world to a science of the spirit. This
    • sense-perceptible world.
    • physical, sense-perceptible world is the root.
    • the sense-perceptible world was to be firmly retained and
    • sense-perceptible world. In those early times the
    • is to let people have only sense-bound knowledge, making
    • always been applied in a sense that would be in accord
    • sense-perceptible world can become knowledge of spheres
    • beyond the senses.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • nerves and senses merely have their main concentration in
    • Perceive with the senses. It contains images from the
    • outside world you perceive with the senses. Human beings
    • outside world we perceive with the senses. When we then
    • our senses have ceased to act and our dream life only
    • contains images that echo the life of the senses. The
    • life of the senses has therefore also been watered
    • sense organ when we dream. A sense organ receives
    • processes them, at least to some extent. The way a sense
    • of will, however. If you consider the way the sense
    • sense organ. It has become more of a sense organ than it
    • a sense organ when we are awake for it shows none of the
    • properties of a sense organ in that state.
    • sense organ even when we are dreaming, it must do so to
    • position to make use of this sense organ in normal life.
    • when human beings were able to use the brain as a sense
    • the brain always becomes a sense organ between going to
    • brain was still very much a sense organ when they were
    • asleep. It was a sense organ, however, which did not
    • in their brains, which had become sense organs. They were
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • world of the senses, and united with the physical human being Jesus. Such
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • considerations. In a sense these will continue the theme
    • evolution. In a sense we relate the physical body to the
    • to feel, the full gravity of this question. In a sense we
    • apparent to the senses. The object of natural necessity,
    • senses. Schiller therefore concluded that art and
    • in its true sense, believe that the Christ principle is
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • senses, which we can feel with our hands and which is bound to the
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • of soul. If the social sense were more natural and obvious,
    • the objective sense. The very seriousness of our times demands
    • have done that if they had possessed, a straightforward sense
    • certain sense come to a conclusion. Among the many activities
    • sense?” All the arguments on the question are: simply
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • gradually to form the being of man as time goes by. In a sense
    • however, the world be considered in no restricted sense but as
    • external world: I see what my senses convey to me, what I use
    • outer world which affects the senses — including
    • sense in the same case as were the people of Europe during the,
    • possessed a clear, sense. We occupy our young people, not with
    • State.” A man, in the Roman sense, is not really
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • power. It is in this sense that we must understand the feeling
    • by inorganic, chemistry. But that is all pure nonsense. It is
    • a sense, at the level of childhood, not allowing his astral
    • this sense we must come to understand race-psychology. In the
    • same sense, too, we ought for decades to have perceived the
    • existence into the physical sense-world. These forces continue
    • a sense we do “on our own” because we are part of
    • sense-reality. Nothing does so much harm in the present day as
    • defective sense of reality is witnessed by the amazing things
    • a sense of reality in our knowledge of the present. It is
    • the times. He alone is an Anthroposophist, in the real sense of
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • not intended in a personal sense. In the spring of 1914, in a
    • when carried to its logical conclusion with practical sense and

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