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  • Title: Memória e Amor
    Matching lines:
    • Hoje, gostaria de falar sobre como a vida do homem na Terra é, em certo sentido, uma imagem inversa dessas experiências. A vida humana terrestre é compreendida apenas quando suas manifestações particulares podem ser relacionadas aos seus complementos no mundo espiritual, onde o homem passa a maior parte de sua existência.
    • Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo físico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. Poderíamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
    • Na vida espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento, prevalece exatamente o oposto. Lá, realmente sabemos o que está dentro de nós. É como se aqui na Terra não víssemos árvores nem nuvens lá fora, mas olhássemos principalmente para dentro de nós, dizendo: aqui está o pulmão, aqui está o coração, aqui está o estômago. No mundo espiritual contemplamos nosso próprio interior. Mas o que vemos é o mundo dos seres espirituais, o mundo que aprendemos a conhecer em nossa literatura antroposófica como o mundo das hierarquias superiores. Esse é o nosso mundo interior. E entre a morte e o renascimento, sentimo-nos realmente ser o mundo inteiro – quando falo do todo é apenas figurativamente, mas é inteiramente verdade – às vezes cada um de nós se sente ser o mundo inteiro. E nos momentos mais importantes de nossa existência espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento sentimos nosso interior e experimentamos o mundo dos seres espirituais, conscientes deles. É tão verdade que lá temos consciência de espíritos do mundo superior dentro de nós quanto é verdade que aqui na Terra não temos consciência de nosso interior: do fígado, dos pulmões e assim por diante. O que é mais característico é que, na experiência espiritual, toda nossa experiência física é invertida. Gradualmente, por meio do conhecimento da iniciação, aprendemos como isso deve ser entendido.
    • Ora, meus queridos amigos, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento não tivéssemos a experiência de olhar para dentro de nós mesmos e de encontrar o mundo do espírito, aqui na Terra não haveria tal coisa como moral. O que retemos dessa experiência dos seres no mundo espiritual, quando entramos na vida terrena, é uma inclinação para a vida moral. A força dessa inclinação se dá proporcionalmente à clareza com que, entre a morte e o novo nascimento, o homem experimentou a convivência com os espíritos do mundo superior. E qualquer um que, em um sentido espiritualmente correto, examine essas coisas, sabe que os homens imorais, como resultado de sua vida anterior na Terra, tiveram uma experiência muito embotada dessa existência espiritual. Mas, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento, pudéssemos experimentar apenas o que nos torna um com os seres do mundo superior, e nunca pudéssemos experimentar a nós mesmos, então seria impossível alcançarmos, na Terra, a liberdade, consciência da liberdade, consciência da nossa personalidade, que é fundamentalmente idêntica à consciência da liberdade. Assim, quando, na Terra, desenvolvemos moralidade e liberdade, elas são memórias do ritmo que experimentamos no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar à alma, podemos falar mais precisamente sobre o que nela ecoa: por um lado, tornar-se um com os seres espirituais e, por outro, nossa experiência da consciência espiritual do eu. O que durante a vida terrena permanece em nossa alma como um eco de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual é a capacidade para o amor. Essa capacidade para o amor está mais intimamente relacionada à vida moral do que se pensa.Pois sem a capacidade para o amor, não haveria vida moral aqui na Terra; tudo isso surge da compreensão com que nos depar
    • amos com a alma de outrem, e do esforço para realizar o que fazemos a partir dessa compreensão. Comportarmo-nos abnegadamente com os demais e agirmos moralmente no amor são essencialmente ecos de nossa vida em comunhão com seres espirituais, entre a morte e o renascimento; e isso permanece conosco depois da nossa experiência do que se poderia chamar de solidão – pois é sentida como solitária a experiência do nosso eu no mundo espiritual quando, por assim dizer, expiramos. A inspiração é como uma experiência de seres espirituais; a expiração é como uma experiência do nosso eu. Mas sentir-se solitário – bem, esse sentimento tem seu eco aqui na Terra na nossa capacidade para a lembrança, nossa memória. Como seres humanos, não teríamos memória se ela não fosse um eco do que descrevemos como um sentimento de solidão. Somos indivíduos reais no mundo espiritual porque – não posso dizer que seja porque nos retiramos para dentro de nós mesmos – mas porque somos capazes de nos libertar dos espíritos superiores dentro de nós. Isso nos torna independentes no mundo espiritual. Aqui na Terra somos independentes porque somos capazes de lembrar nossas experiências. Pense no que seria de sua independência se, em seus pensamentos, você tivesse que viver sempre no presente. Seus pensamentos lembrados são o que possibilita que você tenha uma vida interior. Lembrar nos torna personalidades aqui na Terra. E lembrar é o eco do que descrevi como a experiência de solidão no mundo espiritual.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Assim, entre ir dormir e acordar, o homem experiencia de fato uma espécie de repetição ao contrário do que realizou no decorrer do dia. Não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar – o sono pode ser bastante curto, e então as coisas são condensadas –... não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar o homemtenha uma visão retrospectiva de suas experiências durante o dia – uma visão inconsciente, pois naturalmente deve ser inconsciente. Não; quando a alma, durante o sono, se torna realmente clarividente, ou quando a alma clarividente relembra na memória as experiências entre ir dormir e acordar, vê-se que o homemrealmente experiencia no sentido reverso o que havia vivenciado desde a última vez que despertou. Se ele dorme a noite toda da forma usual, ele retrocede no que fez durante o dia. O último evento ocorre imediatamente após seu adormecer, e assim por diante. Todo o seu sono funciona de uma forma maravilhosamente reguladora. Só lhes posso falar sobre o que pode ser investigado pela ciência espiritual. Quando vocês adormecem por quinze minutos, o início do sono sabe quando acabará, e nesse quarto de hora vocês experimentam, na ordem inversa, o que trouxeram desde a última vez que acordaram. A tudo é dado a proporção correta – por mais maravilhoso que isso possa parecer. E pode-se dizer que essa experiência retrospectiva reside entre a realidade e a aparência.
    • Se alguém tem uma imagem na memória de algo experimentado na vida física vinte anos antes, uma pessoa saudável e reflexiva não a considerará uma experiência presente; é da natureza da própria imagem da memória que a relacionemos a uma experiência passada. Quem olha de forma clarividente para o que a alma vivencia durante o sono, em ordem inversa, não conecta isso ao presente; mas ao futuro após a morte. Assim como qualquer pessoa percebe que sua lembrança de algo vivido vinte anos antes se refere àquele tempo passado, também quem vê o estado de sono por meio da clarividência sabe que o que enxerga não tem significado para o presente, mas prenuncia o que deverá ser experimentado após a morte, quando tivermos que percorrer, ao reverso, tudo o que tivermos feito na Terra. É por isso que essa imagem do sono é meio-realidade, meio-aparência: está relacionada ao futuro. Logo, para a consciência comum, é uma experiência inconsciente daquilo por que o homem tem de passar, que chamei em meu livroTeosofia de mundo da alma. E a consciência intuitiva e inspirada, descrita em meu livroO conhecimento dos mundos superiores, reúne, a partir da observação do sono, o que o homem tem que passar durante o primeiro estágio após a morte. Essas coisas não são meras fabricações; são claramente observadas, uma vez que o dom da observação tenha sido adquirido. Portanto, desde ir dormir até despertar, o homem vivencia, sem o seu corpo, o que fez com ele quando acordado.
    • Durante nossa vida na Terra, entre o nascimento e a morte, nossas memórias são extraordinariamente fugazes; apenas imagens permanecem. Reflita sobre quão pouco essas imagens retêm dos eventos vivenciados. Basta se lembrar da indescritível tristeza sofrida diante da morte de alguém muito próximo, e imaginar intensamente o estado interior da alma a isso associado; e então observar como isso aparece como uma experiência interior quando, depois de dez anos, você a evoca. Tornou-se uma sombra pálida, quase abstrata. Assim é a nossa capacidade de recordação: pálida e abstrata, em comparação com o pleno vigor da vida imediata. Por que nossa lembrança é tão fraca e sombria? Ela é, de fato, a sombra de nossa experiência do eu entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Compreendida nessa experiência do eu está a faculdade de lembrar, de modo que ela realmente nos confere a nossa existência. Aquilo que nos dá carne e sangue aqui na Terra nos confere, entre a morte e um novo nascimento, a faculdade da memória. Lá a memória é robusta e vigorosa – se é que posso usar tais expressões para o que é espiritual – depois ela incorpora carne e enfraquece. Quando morremos, durante alguns dias – tenho frequentemente descrito isso –, o último resquício de memória ainda fica presente no corpo etérico. Se, ao atravessarmos o portão da morte, voltamos o olhar para nossa vida passada na Terra, a memória se esvai. E dessa memória desabrocha o que a força do amor na Terra nos deu como força para a vida após a morte. Assim, a força da memória é a herança que recebemos de nossa vida pré-terrena, e a força do amor é a semente para o além-morte. Eis a relação entre a vida terrena e o mundo espiritual.
    • Estudem a criança até a troca de dentes. Notarão como o poder da lembrança, da memória, gradualmente se desdobra. Inicialmente, é bastante elementar. A criança possui certa memória, mas ela se torna uma força independente apenas no momento de troca da dentição, estando completa em seu desenvolvimento quando a criança está madura para a escola. Só a partir daí que podemos começar a edificar a memória. Antes disso, ao enfatizarmos a memória, tornamos a criança rígida e criamos uma condição de alma esclerótica para sua vida posterior. Quando lidamos com crianças antes da troca de dentes, trata-se de receberem as impressões do presente da maneira correta. É entre a troca da dentição e a puberdade que podemos empreender a edificação da memória.
    • Hoje a ciência da fisiologia não atingiu o ponto em que pode descrever detalhadamente o processo que acabamos de desenhar. A ciência espiritual é capaz disso e a ciência fisiológica certamente alcançará tal entendimento, pois essas coisas podem ser descobertas a partir da observação atenta da natureza humana. Pode-se dizer que, quando emitimos um som ou uma nota, primeiramente, a cabeça é acionada. Mas da cabeça procede a mesma faculdade que, interiormente, na alma, confere a memória, que sustenta o som e o tom: isso vem de cima. É inconcebível alguém poder falar sem possuir a faculdade da memória. Se sempre nos esquecêssemos o que está contido no som ou no tom, nunca seríamos capazes de falar ou de cantar. É precisamente a memória incorporada que perdura no tom ou som; por outro lado, no que concerne ao amor, mesmo em seu sentido fisiológico – no processo respiratório que dá origem à fala e ao canto – tem-se um testemunho claro no pleno volume interior do tom que chega ao homem na puberdade, quando o amor encontra expressão fisiológica durante o segundo período importante da vida: isso vem de baixo. Aí estão os dois elementos juntos: de cima, o que está na base fisiológica da memória; de baixo, o que está na base fisiológica do amor. Juntos, eles formam o tom na fala e na canção. Aí está sua interação recíproca. De certa forma, é também um processo de respiração que percorre toda a vida. Assim como inspiramos oxigênio e expiramos dióxido de carbono, temos unidas em nós a força da memória e a força do amor, encontrando-se na fala, encontrando-se no tom. Pode-se dizer que falar e cantar, no homem, são um intercâmbio alternado de permeação pela força da memória e pela força do amor.
    • Obtemos a ideia acertada disso se dissermos: antes de descerem à Terra vocês estavam no mundo espiritual e viviam lá, conforme descrito. O grande esquecimento veio. No que sua boca profere, do que sua alma se lembra, em como sua alma ama, vocês não reconhecem o eco do que eram no mundo espiritual. Na arte, entretanto, recuamos alguns passos da vida, por assim dizer, e nos aproximamos do que éramos em nossa vida pré-natal e do que seremos em nossa vida após a morte. E se formos capazes de reconhecer como a memória é um eco do que tínhamos na vida pré-terrena, e como o desdobramento do amor é a semente do que teremos após a morte; se por meio do conhecimento do espírito imaginarmos o passado e o futuro da existência humana, na arte invocamos ao presente – na medida do possível para o homem em sua organização física – invocamos o que nos une ao espírito.
    • Esta é a glória essencial da arte: ela nos leva, por meios simples, ao mundo espiritual, no presente imediato. Quem é capaz de olhar para a vida interior do homem dirá: de modo geral, o homem se lembra apenas das coisas que vivenciou no curso de sua vida terrena atual. Mas a força pela qual ele se lembra dessas experiências terrenas é a força enfraquecida de sua existência como um eu na vida pré-terrena. E o amor que ele é capaz de desenvolver aqui como um amor universal da humanidade é a força enfraquecida da semente que frutificará após a morte. E assim como no canto e na fala declamatória aquilo que um homem é deve estar unido, pela memória, àquilo que ele pode dar ao mundo por meio do amor, assim também é em toda arte. Um homem pode experimentar uma harmonia de seu eu com o que está fora, mas a menos que seja capaz de mostrar externamente o que está dentro dele – seja no tom, na pintura ou em qualquer outro ramo da arte –, a menos que mostre na superfície o que ele é, o que a vida fez dele, qual é o conteúdo essencial de sua memória, ele não poderá ser um artista. Tampouco é um verdadeiro artista aquele que é acentuadamente inclinado a ser egotista em sua arte. Somente aqueles dispostos a se abrir para o mundo, os que se tornam um com seus semelhantes, os que desdobram o amor, são capazes de unir esse desdobramento do amor intimamente a seu próprio ser. Altruísmo e egotismo se unem em uma única corrente. Confluem naturalmente e mais intimamente nas artes sonoras, mas também nas artes plásticas. E quando, por meio de um certo aprofundamento de nossas forças de conhecimento, nos é revelado como o homem está conectado a um mundo suprassensível, no que diz respeito ao passado e ao futuro, podemos também dizer que o homem tem um antegosto presente desse vínculo, no criar e fruir artístico. Na verdade, a arte nunca adquire todo o seu valor se não estiver, em certa medida, de acordo com a religião. Não que tenha d
  • Title: 640
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    • Bestrebungen innerhalb der neuzeitlichen Geistesentwickelung
    • wesentlich anderen Gestalt. Man kann daher sagen: Wenn sich die
  • Title: 640
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    • gradually acquired his present form; we will now extend our study of
    • the Greeks represent in many artistic forms as the Satyr, the Hermes,
    • joined to substance perceived by the senses — an essential
    • as men were sufficiently mature to receive it direct. Jehovah sent the
    • own countenance to men. Jehovah prepared humanity; he sent them the
    • began to represent his own destiny. In these tragedies he secreted his
    • seen represented in Greek art man had turned more and more to the
  • Title: 6640
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    • This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • extraordinary sentence —
    • need above all the Hermetic Basic Sentence for the explanation
    • laughter and tears, which represent the material image
    • living presentation. The power of the personality must prove to
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • This lecture is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • described, conquering pain, conquering sentiment appeared as an
    • sentiment and pain. Then, as the Stoics thought, they plunge
    • from, we find in this the essential feature of all human evil,
    • essential feature of evil, as far as it proceeds outwards from
    • mankind. The common essential feature of all evil is none other
    • from the bodily: the common essential feature, that comes from
    • selfishness is universally present. We find the true meaning of
    • decorates the garden” is present to a higher degree. If
    • sentence true within the soul that runs: “When a rose
    • sent in arrives into this spiritual world, in accordance with
    • evil, what is essential in spiritual progress, namely self-
    • there is something present however, that could appear to be a
    • we must live there with what is present as strength in our
    • between the last death and the present birth, is clothed in the
    • physical body, then the possibility is present that the person
    • present through the fact that a human being permits his/her
    • present — a capacity for knowledge that cannot penetrate
    • only beings like humans are present, who through their life,
    • present time one could say at once: for the underlying soul
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
    Matching lines:
    • the etheric body clairvoyantly are treated in the same way. At present
    • things will present a very different aspect in a hundred years. In the
    • form of forces which is very much like the human being of the present
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
    Matching lines:
    • even to-day. In the present time it is quite different. In a modern
    • side. Essential thing in the astral world is imaginative vision.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
    Matching lines:
    • of God, sent out to gather honey.
    • of life was changed in Occult Schools. The essential thing there was
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • all his incarnations. When man incarnated for the first time — at present,
    • which does not become our own experience. Here we must apply this sentence:
    • disharmonies. In the present time it is only possible to find a physical
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
    Matching lines:
    • The actions of past lives come to expression in the present life as
    • Another connection presents
    • in the seemingly paradoxical sentence: The parents resemble their children.
    • for each time he underwent an essential transformation. He returns to
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
    Matching lines:
    • the sentence: “With the growth of knowledge and understanding,
    • world upon Atlantis differed from the present one as greatly as the
    • from the present ones, in view of the much higher temperature. The human
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
    Matching lines:
    • are the first representatives of real men with bodies permeated by souls.
    • which the present bones and muscles had still to be built in. An organ
    • this body which, according to present-day concepts was very misshapen?
    • amphibians, though their present-day descendants can in no way be compared
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
    Matching lines:
    • development, its present state may be changed by training, particularly by a
    • approximately in the region of present-day Ireland. The island Poseidonis
    • East. From there, they wandered into the region of present-day India. An
    • these "Planets" are not identical with our present planets, but refer to
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
    Matching lines:
    • several things were mentioned which, particularly at the present
    • metamorphosis, Aristotelianism sets in which, fundamentally, presents a completely different
    • constitution of soul from the Platonic one. Aristotelianism represents a completely different
    • contend against Alcuin, and how in Alcuin, on the other hand, Aristotelianism is already present.
    • presents as the highest tenet of his philosophy the sentence: `I am'. And everything that is
    • The 'I' is indeed present, and is present not dimly, but bores itself into
    • seriousness of the present world situation, knows what a great battle is taking place between the
    • with an open mind at the conditions in which we are placed, must conclude that it is essential
    • life, and also of the spiritual element. But at present the Central countries lie powerless, so
    • so that real provision is made for a new culture that should be presented everywhere in the
    • if the historian, like the poet, can achieve truth in his presentation of past events only by
    • however, he only attains when he pursues for his fellow human beings the simple presentation
    • can be deduced or, rather, which of its own will brings forth a great deal and presents this
    • Presentation of the doctrine of Knowledge). Return
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
    Matching lines:
    • results from this. Above all it is essential that a social life take shape, but a social life
    • into being in our technological age, our intellectual age. I have presented all this, insofar as
    • present there [in the West].
    • symptomatic importance in such things as the present
    • has no understanding at all of the foment of deeper forces in the whole of our present
    • completely different spirituality is working into present-day human beings and it will be an
    • essential task to be able to take up a stand towards life from this point of view.
    • take into account spiritual factors like these that are present in human evolution. Indeed the
    • expression of the present epoch — in economic concepts, economic thinking.
    • legacy of the East. But the real glory of this religious-spiritual life was present in the East
    • heritage and, on the other, there is also working in him that which comes out of the present
    • with the economic element, with the public conditions of the present-day in general. These are
    • This, too, is an egoistic sentiment. This is something that can be called, paradoxically, an
    • 10. In October 1920, professors and doctors of Oxford University sent an
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • differentiation that exists among the peoples of the present civilized world. I indicated how the
    • present, the impulse of the threefolding of the social organism.
    • imaginations, put into practice in present cultural development what these beings introduce. If
    • so much in the abstract concepts of Marxism, but essentially in the fact that its bearers are
    • whole civilized world. Rome ended in complete decadence, brought about essentially by the fact
    • Spain, over present-day France, and also over a part of Britain. These were Roman people who
    • essentially Germanic blood overlain by the Roman language-element. It can only really be
    • those whom we call the Latin peoples. Thus there is a far more malleable balance present here in
    • Puritanism certainly represented an abstract sphere of belief, this freer element was
    • prejudice at the results of Darwin's research will understand that something was present there
    • soul in the way they are represented particularly in Darwin's descriptions and simply put an
    • which we can clearly observe even into the present.
    • with the essential Germanic element; namely, a certain wish to be one with the language. But it
    • treated by psychology presented in the third part of Hegel's philosophy. But what comes out of it
    • Pan-Slavism, in Slavophilism. And it led finally to the creation of the present conditions from
    • true spirituality, which we have wanted to present here in our courses of the Free School of
    • A presentation of the individual motifs of the small cupola can be found in
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
    Matching lines:
    • that if human beings are educated to this middle mood they will also represent a social community
    • philosophical treatise. This way of presenting concepts, of developing ideas, was not unfamiliar
    • not picture the human being so simply, or present human development so simply, and thus he wrote
    • by presenting the two realms on
    • Schiller presents as sense-life and the life of reason. And what Schiller characterizes
    • disintegrates, represents the 'Uniform State' which can have no permanence in itself.
    • one finds about twenty forces — which Goethe then presents in his twenty archetypal
    • two presentations of the same thing. One by Schiller, from the intellect as it were, though not
    • difference between some dry, average, professional philistine presenting something on the human
    • D or X deals with the subject because what is presented does not arise from the whole human
    • of the modern development of humanity which is of essential importance — because Schiller
    • human element and the social life, did simply present itself in such pictures. But he was allowed
    • science was not yet present on the earth he could not go further than to the web of imaginations
    • well as the threefold differentiation of the social community representing, as these do, the most
    • immediate and essential aims and problems of the individual human being and of the way human
    • In Greece one can see how the social element is presented in myth — that is, also in
    • intellect, of necessity works destructively in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. In the present age
    • organism, one should be under no illusion that the economic thinking of the present is a
    • at school, something is given to us; something is sent down from the spiritual world. We take
    • — that one can just read it through. Every sentence in a book such as this, written out of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
    Matching lines:
    • the first half of the nineteenth century, we are presented with ingenious elaborations of the
    • clairvoyance — though not the old clairvoyance itself — were still present even in
    • at present only in the small circle of anthroposophically-striving human beings but which must
    • human being of the present that such a discovery will be made, people will nevertheless discover
    • demonic beings; so, too, must the human being of present times learn to see demonic beings in
    • will again develop a kind of group-soul, taking in hand what the individual at present cannot
    • our present human evolution: on the one side the traditional bearers of the old spiritual life
    • Anthroposophy has actually acted as mild propaganda for it. These representatives of a redundant
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
    Matching lines:
    • particular characteristic of the ancient oriental peoples and existed essentially in its last
    • remnants of old clairvoyance — this was Christian Gnosis. And the presentation of the
    • simply knew that in the human beings that were sent as children from the spiritual worlds into
    • the ancient Mysteries had beheld and recognized as being sent from the spiritual worlds. In
    • present, according to his comprehension, the entry of the Christ-force into the world. The fact
    • knew full well that the way the Church itself presented the Mystery of Golgotha was
    • essential that all human education and instruction be given from this point of view.
    • continuation of what, in a completely different form, was present in the spirit world before
    • here in Central Europe, scenes take place — though at the present time still very much
    • present conditions. They make innocent women dance naked before them and then thrust bayonets
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
    Matching lines:
    • Christ there really is at the present time. The course of human evolution has brought it about
    • scientific thought of today and thus he presents an ever-greater riddle to himself. Only a very
    • earth-planet, upon which the human being has to experience his present destiny, is the
    • essentially an inheritance from the first, second, third and fourth conditions. What he bears as
    • body is the result of the third and fourth conditions. And now, in our present earth-evolution,
    • present time.
    • you will see that, essentially,
    • magnetic healing-forces. And with this sort of talk a present-day doctor of theology enjoys
    • success with the present-day public! And he enjoys success when a Heinzelmann-hobgoblin (see
    • fundamental principle in our present time. For the damage of our time has its source in our
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
    Matching lines:
    • This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • the present spiritual-scientific movement, at this time when it is not in
    • When we look upon our present time, we must say that on the one hand we
    • people of the present time; that they concern themselves with something
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
    Matching lines:
    • This translation is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • it is clearly present within them. What they feel clearly and very
    • with each other are downright unimportant; the essential thing is
    • more rigorously and have sent out the following question to young
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
    Matching lines:
    • Here we present a single lecture, the seventh of thirteen lectures, given by
    • Here we present a single lecture, the seventh of thirteen lectures, given by
    • This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • the first half again represents a repetition, and the second a
    • in his deep sleep is sent out into the worlds by the Spirits of
    • The task of the (present)
    • — I might say — a very objective, but essential remark.
    • erected in the east — with the representative of humanity in the
    • result would be a symbolical representation of an idea — part of
    • of the fact that our Bau represents a beginning only, we shall view it
    • have up to the present become, through the contributions earthly man
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
    Matching lines:
    • and Evil they must be banished from their present abode, so that they
    • doubt, but its essentials are still to be recognised. Now the
    • region of present France, in the region of the present British Isles,
    • There is an age when we find the Ostrogoths in the south of present
    • element we have the expression of the Folk Soul in the Sentient-soul,
    • left between these sentences
    • European South and West is the Germanic element which is present in
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
    Matching lines:
    • the Luciferic influence, a knowledge that represents the course of
    • which exists under the present ‘normal’
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
    Matching lines:
    • confront us at the present time.
    • life, and that the concepts are inner presentations of what he
    • fact that every thought is essentially different from what people
    • the human being representing it.
    • the present time has an entirely different task. We now have the task
    • present: something new must being (diagram Page 109 (a)). This
    • people fully clear wherein lay the quite essentially new element
    • books presenting the time of the Roman Republic as far as the Empire,
    • thought, felt too as regards public life, was something essentially
    • different from what the present-day man feels. It was however
    • hold such sentiments, and this finally led to the end of the Roman
    • the subconscious, and was only present in the consciousness of the
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • is the essential character of this Luciferic influence? The essential
    • the present, and should see through the Luciferic deceptive picture
    • A sentence
    • the next sentence reads: because in all other cases, in the animal
    • at the present time, it must be realised that in the past it too was
    • essential substance which then appeared in the Luke Jesus, the Nathan
    • present day, and that if He perhaps wished to speak in the future to
    • essentially the process of self- mediumship. The medium who becomes a
    • territories. Now if he simply goes ahead and represents in his own
    • before mankind, what is now presented comes out in quite a different
    • not bring it to the world by standing up and presenting their views,
    • when it is a question of spreading spiritual science, one sentence
    • moment, however, that it becomes a question of presenting a teaching
    • to the world, then the one who represents it must himself accept the
    • light. That is absolutely essential. It is a reality, not a mere
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
    Matching lines:
    • speak of in connection with our present subject.
    • processes he will represent the one as cause and the further
    • represents a one-sided world-conception which is quite correct ...
    • this meaning already present, in the old evolution of the Moon, the
    • do now. Such perceptions were naturally not present during the
    • in the historical presentation there is an indication of the
    • feeling of facts, and the presentation plunges into symbolism. When
    • that the Old Moon is actually present, has remained, and that it is
    • earth through the possession-idea. They will then present something
    • determines the essential nature of earth existence, that a 'red' is
    • already shows you that our present existence is inconceivable without
    • the space-concept. Yes, for our present perception and life, this
    • present there — and he would soon see the futility
    • — extending to the Moon and still present as the
    • it happened here too, a lady reciter sent her excuses and at once a
    • presented to them: he runs to see it close to! And now the next line,
    • sentence, ‘
    • representative of the whole of Nature — every
    • Again as the representative of the whole of Nature.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
    Matching lines:
    • stressed that the first rudiments of the sense-organs were present in
    • sense-organs are today essentially physical organs. You will easily
    • are above all present when a man thinks he does not in the least
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • text is entitled: Perspektiven der Menschheitsentwicklung. From a
    • Perspektiven der Menschheitsentwicklung.
    • This translation is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • Father God sent forth in order that He (the Logos) might create
    • created by the Father God. The Father God sent forth the Son,
    • by speaking of God not as essentia but as
    • super-essentia, by speaking not of personality,
    • Logos is the creator of the world. Think of what was present
    • All interpretations which present true Christianity as if it
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    Matching lines:
    • Presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner
    • soul; it may be more or less unconscious, but it is always present. It may
    • ideal of Natural Science. Yet it is essential that we should, in the face
    • calling attention, at the present day, to the fact that an inwardly real
    • presentations we find that a beginning is made with Thales, and the course
    • differed essentially from later methods of knowledge. Its origin as an
    • essential characteristic of the philosopher, manifested for the first time
    • from which we depart. Aristotle remains the representative philosopher for
    • Aristotle, logic had not advanced by so much as a single sentence.
    • quarters.] Indeed, this statement is in all essentials true of the
    • present day; the fundamental teachings embodying a logical system of
    • judgment is possible at the present time in this connection, unless we are
    • movement of the present day often bases — its appeal upon totally
    • spiritual truth. Here the Scholastic, in all humility, presents a portion
    • the founders themselves presented in the right way. Instead of looking to
    • Kant. He is, virtually, the last representative thinker whose methods can
    • history; but this would lead too far from the present subject, moreover the
    • of far greater interest to us at the present moment is this web in the
    • philosophical thought of the nineteenth century, until the present day,
    • our sense-perception. Sense presents to us the individual thing. When we,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • shape out of this the education necessary for the present time
    • so: here matters are quite different. The essential point is that you can
    • clear that our present work is to prepare this next generation for definite
    • presents itself, they can pursue further what they have learned from us in
    • zoologist. If, on the contrary, we could plan our lessons, when presenting
    • of the students, then, in the present state of affairs in education, we
    • leading philosopher of the present time, in complete contradiction with
    • father of one of your pupils who likes you particularly may have sent you a
    • are to present. Thus we should really be in a position as we picture one
    • class to tragedy or sentimentality or humour. If we are able to do this,
    • then we shall be aware that tragedy, sentimentality and humour are of
    • our teaching be buoyed up by an alternation between humour, sentimentality
    • we are really able, after presenting something for which we need a certain
    • is tragedy, what is sentimentality, what is a heavy mood of soul? It is
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • years, when that battle is still present and you are working also upon his
    • essentially in a position to ease for people what the Catholics call the
    • But another force is present, one which we suck in from the outer world, by
    • accompanied each of these sentences with a gesture. An indication for the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • essential, in life, that man's connections with his environment are
    • by man. This shows you that the essential thing is that certain things
    • education. Here, the essential thing is to know what we ought to learn and
    • is essential that we really understand these processes right down to the
    • are basically the same nerve strands, .and the essential thing is only that
    • with all the nerves that present-day physiology calls motor nerves, but
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • then that which we see is essentially the incorporation of the ego.
    • rightly when we develop it truly out of art. It is essential that we really
    • present day embryologist, studying the evolution of the human
    • altogether. What matters is that fertilization affects essentially only the
    • (Aulagezum) of the human head is present already in the unfertilized human
    • presenting himself (
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • supersensible knowledge is becoming more and more essential to man, just in
    • aspect of what is presented in a material way and following up the material
    • aspect of what is presented as idea. The spiritual quality of a world
    • but the essential quality of a really spiritual world conception lies in
    • Let us represent diagrammatically by means of this line this world that is
    • blood. It was built into him to do it. The important change in our present
    • time — and the present extends over a long period of
    • important changes taking place in humanity at the present time are based on
    • our present day consciousness it would be like learning that man consists
    • invented so many abstract educational systems. The essential thing today,
    • sufficient to rely on life. The blood did everything. Now it is essential
    • essential thing is to make the sort of arrangements that allow for human
    • an entirely new situation. Nevertheless the essential thing is that people
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • must always remember, is not easy to grasp and to present so simply. The
    • presented differently.
    • new presentation. One does not yet know this event sufficiently in the mere
    • him at the presentation of Jesus in the temple and could therefore say,
    • presented in the Gospel of Matthew, a certain difference appears which has
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • of exploring how the event of Palestine presents itself, without drawing on
    • especially to the understanding of the outer, present physical world. Above
    • more this present state of consciousness becomes a dreamlike, twilight
    • himself, it had to be in a shell which had the essential qualities of his
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • present age is little prepared to approach the social question in its
    • the leading classes have essentially concocted for themselves. As regards
    • common spiritual life, aiming to represent all human beings as equal
    • times that essentially replaced the old pictorial element with what is
    • present age at the point where it has become almost impossible for one
    • “The Representative of Humanity between Lucifer and
    • depict this Representative of Humanity in a way that otherwise
    • and gesture as being connected to the soul life. In the Representative of
    • form not at all. Thus if we were to form the Representative of Humanity
    • addition to nature. It represents something new placed into this world.
    • ‘Non-representational painting is a protest against
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • This lecture is presented here with the kind permission of
    • his death, reaching to the present. If Herman Grimm was able to
    • in human evolution. It does not want merely to present what
    • crystallizing quite naturally into what I wish to present.
    • presents itself as a kind of middle epoch in the development of
    • certain respect with the founding of Christianity, presents a
    • spirituality as what presented itself to their senses. — Then
    • turning point represented by Christianity and the culture of
    • inwardness. And what follows him presents a new chapter in this
    • in today's presentation may sound like a kind of symbolic
    • we see the essential being of Man descend, that in truth can
    • present themselves to us again in sleep, upon awakening or in
    • and outer splendour. Greek paganism was represented in its gods
    • re-arisen from a time in which Christianity was not yet present
    • Christianity appear in an age that, all around him, presents
    • said: The lawful continuum of mankind's spiritual life presents
    • approaching the secrets of existence presents itself to us in
    • depicted. The other picture presents what is attained by means
    • spirit we are presented with the human soul in its entire
    • Fine Art Presentations – e.Gallery.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • represents.
    • element. Indeed, a wonderfully dramatic moment presents itself
    • in his picture. Earlier, calmer representations seem to express
    • Jesus and Judas were to be represented in the picture: two of
    • not remotely represent what lived in his soul.
    • Dover Publications edition, 2005.] Here the essential nature of
    • of painting are presented as only the greatest genius could
    • have presented them. It is marvellous, for instance, to read
    • everywhere in his own painting to study how reality presents
    • see the relationships of light everywhere represented in the
    • brush that trembled in his hand in attempting to present what
    • art of representation as it was at the time, to bring this to
    • With what it carries over into the present from earlier lives,
    • orient themselves to what is presented to the senses, to reason
    • believe that natural science attained its present height in
    • how he is sent for by Francis I [king of France from 1515-1547]
    • What I wanted to put forward today should not be presented in
    • Hence the greatness of this spirit presents itself to us as
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • essential nature of the fairy tale itself is destroyed through
    • in a particular destiny, as this is presented to us.
    • the need to understand the specific human beings presented to
    • of which we have no presentiment in daily life. Every
    • investigation presents itself at the moment of
    • presenting themselves as boundless in relation to
    • is merely the consciousness belonging to the present,
    • the soul, just as hunger is present in the bodily organism. And
    • such a sense of joy over the immediate picture presented,
    • in a personal sense. The essential point will become
    • Earth-existence, as having been present in a primeval
    • investigated in this way presents a world with which the
    • in the deepest recesses of our souls. It is always present,
    • were the highest animal organisms, where the present sun,
    • the present moon, arose and split off from the Earth. In
    • present world. In this world he created, a difference
    • every sentence, so to speak, something of world secrets,
    • depths of the human soul. These fairy tales are presented in
    • has been presented artistically in pictures is interpreted
    • tales present what the soul needs on account of its
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • the present. However, it can only appear so to one who
    • represented by a prominent personality of modern cultural life,
    • while she presents herself as a child grasping at the strings.
    • spirit. Even if some things as presented in the letters are
    • Goethe's essential being, his magical power, his natural
    • sentences without feeling: all this affects one as though the
    • himself as a representative of Goethe's ethos. But he did
    • made to present a picture of humanity's development. Although
    • from the earliest epochs up to the present, i.e., from the
    • period, the age of Goethe. They therefore represent an ongoing
    • attempts to present the gods in Homer's sense as portraying, so
    • spiritual science presents. That he takes account of such
    • world that, as already mentioned, Herman Grimm presents as
    • of Art]; he attempted to show how pictorial representations of
    • and again Herman Grimm sought to present in lectures give to
    • present-day culture — having this sink with him into the
    • becoming in this way a representative of the spirit. And he
    • mere presentation of world history: “Raphael is a citizen
    • letting such a sentence duly affect one, Herman Grimm's
    • imagine that Raphael will present ever new riddles to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • historically, not so much referring to the present — that can
    • conscious of its relationship to the total phenomena of the present
    • present-day phenomena in order to characterize the public's ability
    • the future it will again have to be spoken about as being present
    • has led for example to the Protestant mentality. But the essential
    • as interpenetrated with divinity, as representatives. That is very
    • do this? Dionysus the Areopagite presents it as though in this
    • that the deacons, priests, bishops, archbishops are the representatives
    • were the leaders tending more towards being divine representatives,
    • side more secular, but nevertheless representative of God, on the
    • other side more church oriented, also representative of God. That
    • God's representatives. The Roman Catholic Church's propagation tended
    • representative or envoy, which held through the entire middle ages,
    • representatives. And that had to be continually confirmed, for of
    • in human consciousness, the representative of the empire was powerful
    • consciousness that earthly men were representatives of God was lost.
    • certain individuals were representatives of God is Protestantism
    • — protest against the idea of men as representatives of God.
    • transubstantiation at the altar, Jesus Christ must be present in the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • essential to see how contemporary occurrences, which were once real
    • at present we must be immersed in the element of the platitude.
    • of such truth is present in the peoples of the west, whereas the
    • November 1918; it is those who are presently in power. The
    • decades only became apparent when the present rulers appeared. The
    • of the present. The state of affairs which existed beneath the
    • presented as examples are often nebulous, perhaps even quackery. They
    • the rituals. This is the real reason for present day social
    • reality, whereas at the present time the period has begun in which
    • codex you find remarkable sentences. For example: What is justice?
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • spirit was considered directly present, during the second stage
    • symbol for what is not actually present in the physical world, but
    • everything, thinks that to criticize and discuss was always present
    • personal judging was not at all present in respect to public affairs.
    • speech, and involves lawyers and courts, is essentially a
    • describes this with the following sentences: “The final
    • the German Empire. Much of present day public opinion derives from
    • possible. The third stage is when economic life is the essential
    • reality. And yesterday we showed how this [present] age of platitudes
    • or ordinary judgments. We try to create images, to present things
    • present at the altar. This clearly shows that the institution of the
    • not think about the future. This is part of the present-day approach
    • some kind of super-sensible forces will be present. When we eat, when
    • Esthetics may be symbolically present, but the actual clothing is the
    • question of whether we can arise to a recognition of the present-day
    • are the verbal representatives of the old concepts that stagger
    • At present the tendency is the reverse. But
    • Because only what is considered good for the present will be
    • impulse. The bell tolls with extreme urgency at present — with
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • Welcome, all who are present here! It was the wish of the
    • sentence today which I made in the eighties of the previous
    • science.’ I want to still support this sentence today because I
    • which Goethe presented to Schiller on paper. — Schiller
    • Essentially he wanted — but he couldn't continue —
    • present there, does it involve a need to start with the
    • principles are adhered to, nature itself presents something
    • content to the content of the natural laws, which presents us
    • that the present day representatives of science haven't crossed
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • Welcome, all who are present here! In this second lecture I
    • hearing Dr Kolisko's lecture today, and not present it myself.
    • must be pointed out in particular how the present
    • if you admit to everything which has been presented by recent
    • to the essential way the human organism is placed differently
    • animals, we have to admit that their essential aspect is that
    • result prove, what I want to present now.
    • experience. In the direct present process of vision there is
    • [In the next few sentences some word-gaps
    • present it more as a hypothesis — we must see in the human
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • when we have the word “Logic” in a sentence we
    • examination the present will produce something special.
    • is essentially as follows. Looking at the time of German
    • science which should present a general world view, right from
    • front of us we have the representatives who can epitomise our
    • but exist in what the sense world presented to them, simply
    • present time, but he saw them in mental pictures, thrown on to
    • When people are presented with Hegel, they say: ‘This is a dark
    • what he actually presents is a full experience of spirituality
    • empiricism, as it had happened with Hegel — this is not present
    • thinking can be. Anthroposophists resent it when this
    • things are presented to those who confront scientific thinking
    • will present them, like Haeckel in his genial way did it
    • — these results are presented in a western way of
    • are presented above all as questions. The totality of natural
    • according to our present viewpoints, which lie decades behind
    • This is the problem I wanted to present in the introduction
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • these observations are presented to unprepared people.
    • with their research results being presented in such a way that
    • the conditions of present civilisation — but as proof of
    • bring them into present-day cultural conditions, into practical
    • science”, the attempt was undertaken to represent certain
    • and teaching of our children. In the present it is repeatedly
    • a practical situation is present, through psychology, through
    • in his environment. He learns to perceive the most essential of
    • 19th century in the pedagogical sphere, presented by
    • and wants to present what the most beautiful educational
    • present it as is required at that particular age of the child.
    • human knowledge is present. Such a kind of intimate human
    • the child is given a kind of witnessing presented by the teacher
    • different character than what had been presented since the
    • than is usually done. I want to present an example of this.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • say regarding today's task, I want to limit myself to essential
    • theoretical standpoint. Today — I mean at this very present
    • in relation to the present time of world development. It is
    • this economic life at present which is intimately intertwined
    • question. Yes, most people at present can hardly sense that the
    • and initiatives. However, we presently live at a time in which
    • eastern European states were essentially different. Not from
    • presented in a utopian manner, that an image can be presented
    • sentences — I came across the article “Postponing the
    • from intellectual sentences — like for instance Ricardo, Adam
    • present an image of the future but to say from which
    • times! Those who considered the relationships of the present in
    • which I am trying to present to you to discuss through these
    • present.
    • the economic life knows they have essentially changed since the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • my presentation because otherwise I would have to once again
    • point Anthroposophy had, insofar as it presents a work sphere
    • say, it wants to work out of present day spiritual science.
    • outer sensory observations this sentence is valid: “there
    • any other people living in the present. His contemporaries for
    • example by one of those present here today, a very honourable
    • relationship to religious streams of the present, it actually
    • they observe and process whatever is presented to them in their
    • find that for example in the presentations of the great
    • present as an indefinite inner experience. This experience
    • Anthroposophy tries to present the Christ event as the most
    • through which the Christ event is presented in Anthroposophy is
    • Catholic priests were present at the lecture. After the lecture
    • how you present it. We must add that you speak to people
    • — also no concrete anthroposophy which is presented to
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • is no easy task at present. Once in Stuttgart I gave a short
    • the course of thought. What is presented as an object of
    • stream. That which is momentarily present in the consciousness,
    • what is present as we speak, that is only partially the actual
    • object essential for our observation. One can, if one remains
    • present in a modest way an example which could perhaps
    • Anthroposophy, wherever it is presented, I always speak German
    • objects present themselves, or one can clean them up through
    • what the object essentially is which one wants to examine. So
    • as essentially the same and can condense them into one word,
    • undergo essential psychological processes first, to experience
    • today, it was essentially something different. We must clearly
    • an inner re-experience of imaginations, which presents an
    • present and how this results in the consonants being imitated,
    • observed within the science and he represents it thus, then
    • his second, Wundt presents his “theory of wonder”
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • are members who really want to be representatives of
    • First of all, I would like to present to your hearts and to
    • Where sentient Beings, strong in will
    • Where sentient Beings, strong in will
    • educated according to the present time, in which the Ahrimanic
    • Where sentient Beings, strong in will
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • present who were not here last time. We shall therefore start
    • Where the sentient beings, powerful in will,
    • knowledge is not present at first in the soul, but cowardice
    • This earnestness should not be expressed as sentimentality.
    • with mere game-playing, it is not sentimentality, false piety
    • thinking, devoid of the force of life, is clearly present in
    • present cosmic age. But man has to a great extent driven this
    • makes you human, even when it is dead in the present age.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • That is the essential thing, that when a person approaches the
    • into the presently existing universe. It disperses, as it were,
    • spiritual world between your last death and your present earth
    • that one is essentially a very good person.
    • sentient Beings, strong in will
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • minds. For here we enter an area which is essentially different
    • towards them. When artistically presented, however, I can
    • esoteric things, they are so strongly present within the
    • present in the Ancient Moon organism could not have existed had
    • for my present earthly existence. The tree is necessary in
    • the moment when someone does not want to be a representative of
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • must see how the awakened consciousness presents nature.
    • That the element of warmth is extremely essential to man is
    • light present within us.
    • and waves around it, in this space many beings are present, as
    • undertone to be present. One looks back the few days after
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • what the solid earth consists of is also present in the
    • present is not only air, for the air is always penetrated by
    • are animals. And because the earth-element is always present,
    • inner language of breathing which acts as representations in
    • organs it creates my mental pictures [representations]. But
    • Essentially plant-like dull
    • Essentially plant-like dull
    • environment, then very little danger is present. If memories
    • still present, although it is the easiest to observe. And
    • according to the guidebook as events present themselves. We
    • not know this sentence: “Your own soul will threaten you
    • Essentially plant-like dull
    • list]: the representation [mental picture] of the perception
    • element, to general Cosmic Life. What is still present there is
    • will which, however, is present as in sleep, as I have often
    • men spoke as representatives of the spiritual powers of the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • Quite a large number of new members of this School are present,
    • First if all, this School represents the impulse of the
    • representatives of the anthroposophical movement. In this
    • member if it considers that he cannot be a representative of
    • Committee, as it is presently constituted, as an esoteric
    • presently reigning spiritual powers; something which has been
    • persons are saying: Those who represent the principles of the
    • most dangerous movements of the present, and they are the
    • represent will, then he will realize how the heart contains the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • anthroposophical movement represented the inflow of spiritual
    • can and should be obtained for our present time directly from
    • in one sentence: Until then, anthroposophy was administered by
    • members must believe or agree to were not presented;
    • least present. It has been suggested that I have a rubber stamp
    • Anthroposophical society for a certain time - presently the
    • representative of anthroposophy to the world. That is necessary
    • cannot be a true representative of anthroposophy to the world,
    • newsletter that Dr Wegman sent to the physicians who were thus
    • institution of the spiritual world for the present time - as
    • consider that each member is a true representative of
    • anthroposophy in the world, and that every member represents
    • School must frankly and freely declare: I am a representative
    • present who had not yet participated in the School. And this is
    • inmost source of my being is not present. It is elsewhere. Full
    • physical body is not present.
    • at the human heart as the physical imaginative representative
    • of the human soul. As thinking is the abstract representative
    • representative of feeling. And we can look into feeling, as it
    • thinking, we can also perceive feeling, whose representative
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • [Certain essential words are underlined later, as described in
    • first mantra sentence “support” is underlined.]
    • sentence “formers” is underlined.] Still somewhat
    • Here we have nurturer. [In the third mantra sentence
    • [“helpers” in the fourth mantra sentence in
    • can also be summarized in the sentence:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • another group of people who find what is presented by
    • universe are present which pass through the human organism and
    • being to the stars, rise to what the stars represent as
    • Taurus has been represented, but also the symbolic images of
    • for line with a spiritual being present in the dim spiritual
    • the representations of the spiritual being who speaks to us are
    • from my present earth life for I am led back, through the
    • penetrates the present one and shines through it and wanders
    • through it and pulses through it. For here I am. My present I
    • in me from the previous earthly existence into the present one
    • activity is present in the purely spiritual world.
    • that these verses or their interpretation be sent by post. They
    • may not be sent by post, and I ask that this be strictly
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • esoteric was essential to her and she experienced it
    • this School as representing, through us, a renewal of the
    • If you will remember what was presented here in the last
    • humanity must become objectively present in him in the most
    • nerve-sensory man, mostly represented by the human head; the
    • rhythmic man, mostly represented by the breast, in which the
    • Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. But a representative of this movement
    • representative. But just as we carry within us the
    • represented by the sun — in our breathing, in our blood
    • planets, represented by the sun, have to say through
    • present when the meaning dissolves into situation and
    • Steiner worked on the sculpture, The Representative of Humanity.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • that makes an impression on me relative to the present: Can I
    • by the immediate present. It is lighter and more delicate to
    • That is how the mantra which is presented to your souls today
    • attitude. We should only think about what has been presented
    • Essentially it is a question. The answer is found in the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • other organizations are present.
    • sensible organization is only present in order that the
    • the present earth-life.
    • should feel that the meditation is present, that we were once
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • present within the psyche, but which are pathological
    • are still present in this thinking, feeling and willing.
    • transforms the sentence. If the heart is motivated by
    • long as” and forms the sentence in a prideful, arrogant
    • carelessness in formulating sentences, which is common
    • school — also in the present and in the immediate
    • present when one stands before the Guardian of the Threshold
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • been present previously, it will be necessary to say certain
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • present, I must say at least a few words about the meaning of
    • wishes to belong to the School should present himself in life
    • in such a way that he is in every respect a representative of
    • To be a representative of anthroposophy before
    • is represented by the Anthroposophical Society.
    • what has been sent to us from the spiritual world in the form
    • plant-like existence to sentient-feeling
    • grow, warmth is also present; and in the element of air, by
    • plant-like existence, warmth is present. Warmth is
    • that in what they say not an individual entity is present,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • through the rainbow's bridge and sent farther out to the
    • which contains the sentence: I consider no answer to mean yes
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • Nothingness. For in their reality all beings are only present in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • What has been presented to us in mantric words, will stand
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Archangel under whose impulse the spiritual life of the present
    • activity and being in the present. But it is a more important
    • the Michael-School of the present.
    • bring to humanity in the present time. All the words which will
    • in that you are present in the right way in this School. Only
    • then, when you are aware of this, is it possible to be present
    • the responsibility of being a worthy representative of
    • first step. Therefore, what Michael has to say to present-day
    • Where sentient Beings, strong in will
    • Where sentient Beings, strong in will
    • thinks, is constituted today in our present evolutionary cycle
    • present, and what all beings will say to the human beings of
    • present and in the future through the Father-God, the Son-God
    • either by Dr. Wegman or by me. The words may not be sent by
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • School are present today who have not attended the previous
    • to then in the present, and will be said to them in the
    • represents willing, to arise from the yawning abyss of being.
    • being, he lets the second beast arise, representing feeling.
    • beast emerge, which represents thinking.
    • knowledge, which at the present time is in the subconscious of
    • in the past, to what speaks in the present, to what will be
    • mere administrative measure. The verses may not be sent by
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • in the present and will hear in the future, which allow them to
    • how in the present time's consciousness we have not
    • After the Guardian of the Threshold has presented this to our
    • which speaks to humankind in the present and which will speak
    • of someone who is a member of the School and is not present
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • new members are again present, I will not give the
    • present, and will exhort humans in the future. These exhorting
    • which show the true nature of his present willing, feeling and
    • from light and darkness what the plants represent in their
    • equilibrium in the soul is present in the words themselves.
    • Michael's might itself, that Michael is present with his force,
    • psycho-spiritually present among us.
    • is present in the holy will of Michael. It may be confirmed by
    • present during a lesson when verses have been given, may
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the rocks. They sound forth to him in the present; they will
    • first representative of Michael, for the real leader of this
    • We must, if we wish to enter into the essential element of the
    • presents to our souls. Only if we observe them well and have
    • representative at the threshold to the spiritual lands —
    • attitude, Michael's being is present in this room, consecrating
    • certificate. Someone who could not be present at a lesson after
    • the date of his admittance at which he could have been present,
    • effectiveness for those who are present. These are facts, not
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • is already present as a seed in our thoughts. We see it flowing
    • space of this School, Michael is present, which may be
    • it from another member who was present. But for each time this
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • school presents the outer expression of an activity which in
    • representatives of anthroposophy; and the decision about
    • to really be a worthy representative of the anthroposophical
    • being of Michael is present while the revelations from the
    • have the right to be present. And if a member of the School is
    • the present and will speak in the future:
    • the waves of thought from worlds past into our present
    • cosmic life that is present in spirit in all our surroundings.
    • this affirmation, Michael is present in this, his rightfully
    • Michael impresses his seal, the first sentence is spoken with
    • The second sentence with this gesture:
    • The third sentence with this gesture:
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • immediate present.
    • in those present at the beginning of the war. Certainly, a lot
    • of all of this, a thinking person viewing life at present, who
    • wants to become familiar with present day habits, can gather
    • unbelievably tragic is stored against the efforts of present
    • burning social question of the present. However, if you look
    • most important for me is the fact presented: there worked a
    • important to me to characterize the present contradictions in
    • present time, humanity reacted instinctively but that now we
    • enter our present time in full consciousness, it must be
    • their present day relationship to the world and life which gave
    • One can also say that whoever looks at what presently enjoys
    • however scientific battles, economic causes; they represent
    • Because earlier ruling circles presented a science which no
    • still present, even in the last decades of the 19th
    • arising from life's necessities of present day humanity which
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • With reference to my presentations I would like to ask you to
    • pronounced at present and valid for the near future of
    • tried to use, in order to present it in scientific circles as a
    • as it is presented in its natural processes. In a way one could
    • in the present and near future. The first member of the social
    • locally produced bananas present a source of nourishment, how
    • which is represented in some or other social organism in
    • representation is there for the economic and political or
    • representative, enabling this mutual relationship between the
    • that essentially those representations and administrations
    • these essentially work towards the economic organism building
    • into the representative body of political life, the result has
    • linked to the content I presented in my previous lecture, the
    • coming out of various experiences which I want to represent
    • presentations here: I have tried to make it clear to these
    • representative with a spiritual life relate to another
    • representative with a spiritual life in another social state;
    • whether it be an economic or a political representative,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • During the lectures last week, I pointed out that the present
    • last decades up to the present, has its particular thought
    • creation of criticism about social facts of the present day are
    • Whoever — I may say it about myself, by presenting these
    • the present day. We can see this in Paris, in Bern. When one
    • in the present to connect the bourgeois circles to those of the
    • things introduced into the present where their solutions must
    • fact is presented here which has attracted some sceptics.
    • exploring insightful representatives of the modern proletarian
    • representing their opinion; the modern proletariat must impress
    • the evolution of humanity at the present time?’ — The
    • through the way it is expressed. The answer which represents
    • elementary sensitive and sentient proletarian soul, how
    • characterization of the social facts in the present time is
    • answer could be given — then it points to the present
    • question of viewpoints which in real life at present probably
    • humanity at present, standing within the thought forms and
    • present. Whoever is, in full earnestness, able to understand
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • more recent times up to the present. More perhaps than most
    • these origins works into the present, works in such a way that it
    • last time. The essential aspect from this view is that social
    • leading circles and their representation in the state's
    • arrangement of mankind's situation in present times, the
    • existence in confrontation. The essential fact in this fight,
    • which are essential in order for, on the one side the bourgeois
    • That is the essential basic principle of this struggle which
    • into the present.
    • is not my purpose to present the social thinking of the newer
    • of thinking, ways of presenting the interweaving of economic
    • value. This creation of value is accomplished essentially by
    • but a formulation of relationships is to be presented here.
    • This needs to be taken as essential today if human progress is
    • coalitions which essentially exist on the understanding of the
    • state life has to be based essentially on public law; based on
    • Just as the creation of prices and values are the essentials
    • another, are essential in life of the political state. Can it
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • movement has brought into the present, and is expressed far
    • over a long time, up to our present times and to notice how the
    • course of history up to the present resulted in thoughts
    • nothing from the present ruling class if they build on their
    • view sent roots and spread into human impulses as the modern
    • social present.
    • connected to representations of what old spiritual viewpoints
    • entire present day social movement which can't be grasped by
    • branches — we got to know three — of the present
    • us now examine what the actual laws represent. I'm not thinking
    • three independent systems rule — I have presented this
    • Out of this parliament's representation originated
    • economic circles. These economic circles were not represented
    • representatives from the most varied fields, pure economic
    • long ago that the social question has taken on its present form
    • to be gone through to get to the present moment. Then again you
    • you consider what I have wanted to present, the fixing of
    • be aware of a large number of workers who present their
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • We present a First Edition, never before translated into English,
    • present-day humans. He expresses how the social will should be the
    • has actually happened and what is going on at present, for
    • future and the facts of the present carried it into abundance.
    • resisted everything which presented itself as an understanding
    • People who do not agree with this should really not be resented
    • present Proletarian world view, but it is necessary to point
    • namely their anticipation and their presentiments, who
    • thinks this through can't discriminate like the present leading
    • speak out of the present social conditions in such a way that
    • representative of goods, namely money, for labour.’ And as a
    • presented by purely human foundations. Then labour determines
    • ideas contradict thought habits of some people at present, the
    • says money is a commodity or at least represents a commodity,
    • question. Today I will present no unreal, no theoretical
    • the time has now come for the social question to present
    • would have to yield to the spirit which I've presented in my
    • understand, sentence by sentence, what I've said — I have
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • into the culture of the present and immediate future. It will begin to
    • more than a mere adjunct to existence, was indeed the most essential
    • represented in the instruments. What these instruments express can
    • domains. The great riddles of the universe were presented to those who
    • the human being. The whole evolution of the World-Spirit was presented
    • with their eyes, they also heard with their ears. Wisdom was presented
    • to-day. Cosmic laws were presented in a garb of beauty —
    • representation were part of one whole, and when Wagner looked back to
    • revelation of an unknown world, that the instruments represent primal
    • happening invisibly between the Dutchman and Senta, and are we not
    • represent the last echo of the ancient clairvoyant experiences of men.
    • of egoism was entirely absent. Now the age-old symbol of a wisdom that
    • world of phantasy and imagination. Gold represents the remaining
    • This consciousness is represented in the figure of Erda:
    • another. Elsa, the feminine principle, represents the soul who is
    • evolution is represented in the Initiates who come from mysterious
    • of Christendom these two streams were present: the stream expressed in
    • freedom. The former represented the power of Jehovah, whose
    • as those emissaries who were sent from civilised States to the courts
    • together, represent the cross.’ This is the original signification of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • which is present in all the Ideas. — Such is Deussen's argument.
    • My only object in saying this is to show that in the present age there
    • known to represent a confluence of forces streaming from the spiritual
    • universe. Great and sublime was the wisdom presented in the schools of
    • different religions, not as the outcome of vague sentiment but of the
    • that the Divine is present in the course of the Sun and Moon. —
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • an external testimonial of its essential nature. But in the
    • presented in the Dornach Goetheanum building must certainly
    • striven to achieve for Anthroposophy in our present age.
    • attitude of mind. If we are reflecting very much at present,
    • worries we feel during these present days. This, after all, is
    • should not be recognized within this circle as they present
    • viewed elsewhere in the life of the present day.
    • day. The present ideal of community-building results from an
    • the present traditional religious denominations. And I had to
    • that no small number of present-day sermons are completely
    • must endeavor to present that which is lifted up into conscious
    • Renewal, there was needed a ritual in harmony with the present
    • spiritualized sentiment, when we have learned to feel that even
    • there will be present a real spiritual Being. Just as the
    • divine forces are present in a sensible way in the ritualistic
    • supersensibly present by means of our inner soul mood, in the
    • speaking, our sentiments, our thinking, our impulses of will,
    • — a Being really present in the spirit. We must have a
    • number of persons, there is present a Group Spirit. So,
    • present, this constitutes the road, not only to ideas of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • order to present the counterpart of what I spoke of yesterday,
    • present — which may be described by saying that a true
    • all, but, when he has finished a quarter of his sentence, the
    • understand from what I presented to you yesterday and today
    • time to discover through research what is being presented by me
    • essentially different since 1919 on inner Anthroposophical
    • stumbling block before his feet by presenting him with these
    • noticed that the representative of Anthroposophy was speaking,
    • that persons were present who observed what I greatly desire to
    • member. But, under the present social conditions, this cannot
    • point of view of vision. Similar things have been presented
    • that for which the present age was clamoring. But all of that
    • This is something of which the dear friends here present must
    • can present this to you in a quite definite example. Because
    • gradually proves, in its most extreme representatives, that the
    • For, if this does not occur, we present ourselves in the world
    • proofs, for everything that can be presented against what I say
    • present will be found to have been said already by me myself.
    • the Society in which youth should be represented primarily: the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • challenges presented by our age really have to be faced
    • many ways in which life is different in the present age,
    • particular feature of the present age is that
    • and continue to be present side by side with those that
    • in our dreams today. Present-day thinking is the fruit of
    • preceded the present one. We have got used to calling it
    • form that preceded the present one, the human being, the
    • universe in which the cloud revealed its essential nature
    • and we are separate from the essential origins and causes
    • essential spiritual element was present in the phenomenon
    • present-day sense organs, for it did not yet include
    • be the way it presents itself to our observation. Then,
    • mineral inclusion. Human beings living on the present
    • the present time in particular people are not prepared to
    • consent. I should like to give you a brief example which
    • is always necessary to limit the subject matter presented
    • been objective and dispassionate in presenting the
    • tortures when people of the present age want to tell you
    • absolutely vital that having presented the large outline
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • I presented the subject from a slightly different point
    • science and grow aware of the gravity of the present
    • present-day tenor of the human mind and spirit and how we
    • that the human race in its present state of civilization
    • occupied an area between present-day Europe, Africa and
    • the present day are in fact the descendants of the
    • earlier stage it became the essential characteristic of
    • essentially a civilization based on soul qualities. The
    • done, for example, the outcome in no way represents the
    • present situation absolutely demands that there shall be
    • evolved. Europeans of the present time will need to
    • spiritual science is not presented as a theory but flows
    • the vocation of humankind for the present day: namely, to
    • present time. It is a sad sign of the times for example
    • of representatives of initiation knowledge, Western
    • representatives in particular, should not be
    • representatives of initiation knowledge will tell you
    • the West present initiation knowledge in books available
    • attitude has its roots in the essential nature of Western
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • forerunners of our present-day priests. People had quite
    • present day. He tells me this and that, I tell him this
    • office. The things we look for and find in present-day
    • incredibly strange to present-day people. It is however
    • means. No, they were present in the mysteries as the
    • present-day history normally covers.
    • here or there in the present age, except that it no
    • older times and have lost their meaning in the present
    • age. Some people representing certain confessions know
    • the essential nature of such a second stage ruler we have
    • second stage he represented what that spirit signified;
    • represent the god or gods and are symbols for them.
    • genuine than orthodox science imagines, presented the
    • think of the god being present in an invisible world that
    • unthinkable for a present-day protestant Christian to
    • Present-day
    • still have their effect in the present day, and because
    • that there is need for something in the present time that
    • present situation is, and out of this realization were to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • that must inevitably take our present civilization to the
    • going on at present. On the other hand many of our fellow
    • reasonable to say that at the present time little effort
    • its extremes this movement is represented by people who
    • particularly energetic representatives of the different
    • as regards the way they form ideas, present-day people
    • good as nil at the present time.
    • nowadays with regard to souls fast asleep in the present
    • some of the things I have told you. What is the essential
    • else today? The essential point is that our powers of
    • whole of our essential human nature between our last
    • present life on earth. When we are thinking here and now,
    • shadows being taken up into a container and presenting
    • the present earth life. Just think that there you have
    • our faculties of thought. Having entered into my present
    • soul up above, a fresh new soul; it is then sent down to
    • that Aristotle represented these ideas on the basis of
    • Aristotelian thoughts presented as Christian dogma, the
    • people wishing to represent such Aristotelian ideas
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • analyzing it bit by bit as it presents itself to the eye.
    • absolutely essential if one wishes to understand the
    • could represent the two visual axes; I could draw the two
    • the cosmic sphere are present in the subconscious. With
    • previous earth life, and that the rest of our present
    • leading personalities. This is now to be presented to the
    • This may sound radical, but it is absolutely essential
    • and to present a clear picture. My aim therefore was not
    • essential point is that spiritual science prepares us to
    • present age.
    • present this to you again today in a slightly different
    • us understand the essential nature of the human being. It
    • fifth or sixth person would still present the same facts.
    • absolutely essential to realize that an untruth in the
    • the grain with them. The first and most essential thing
    • present.
    • if spiritual science as it is presented here is to come
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • proper regard must be paid to the gravity of the present
    • accomplished by the soul. It is essential for us today to
    • presented nowadays. They could however play a role in
    • traditional religious faiths officially represented by
    • spirit, to present it in material form. Materialism has
    • ‘true’; it is present in everything that is
    • serious account when we form our ideas of the present,
    • about in the present time, though they are of course
    • presented in a materialistic way, in materialistic
    • the present age have brought to light. We must be fully
    • the present time to give full consideration to what
    • feeling, the very feeling that many people of the present
    • age, and above all academics of the present age, do not
    • even present in the things we perceive through the
    • reality be satisfied with this. The essential thing is to
    • essential to go through a change that is a very real
    • present situation is such that the pathological nature of
    • published during the war that was also sent to the men at
    • explain that the essential nature of gravity is not
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • matter, its infrastructure and essential nature, in the
    • essential nature of matter in the outside world. To put
    • things right essentially means that we must no longer
    • shall find its laws. The essential nature of gravity is
    • experiences. I have tried to demonstrate the essential
    • this now. These things present themselves to human minds
    • spiritual science working towards anthroposophy presents
    • but it is essential to make this point with real
    • presenting his own views in opposition to Oswald Spengler
    • In future the essential point in characterizing a person
    • in representing materialism, for that calls for a
    • intelligence to represent platitudinous mysticism. A
    • we have seen in the present time. All in all it can be
    • What does it rally represent? What in fact are
    • that presents itself in the physical world is an image of
    • of the Threshold, you can only hold to the essential
    • essential spirit. You can merely hold to a spirit of the
    • one I unite with. Let others present their affairs in
    • as we look beyond the threshold we find three essential
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • being made at the present time — and indeed have
    • know that everything that is presented here from the
    • to the physical world. It represents knowledge,
    • is to help us understand why in the present age humankind
    • was present inside their skin. That is also the origin of
    • the rightful representatives of mystery knowledge were
    • was that a form of divine knowledge was presented to
    • Considering this in present-day terms — because it
    • material world’ — to put it in present-day
    • they presented to humanity, notions that the ideal was to
    • present time. According to present-day initiation
    • freedom, as it were. Essentially modern science still
    • something into human evolution that now presents itself
    • between knowledge and belief was presented to human minds
    • knowledge that was no longer appropriate. Present intent
    • other, representatives of the supersensible world. In
    • call themselves representatives of the spiritual world.
    • is the historical untruth of the present age. This must
    • essential characteristics of the person or persons
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • the head and that they are in fact present everywhere in
    • presents you with a kind of surrounding scenery that in
    • presents them with images that, in a way, derive from the
    • clearly that the essential soul and spirit of the human
    • wisdom of that culture took the form of representing the
    • essential point of ancient oriental cultures. Human
    • presented life on earth as a continuation of life in
    • culture as it essentially is today you will find that the
    • of something that once presented itself to the soul as
    • He presented a historical approach to everything that
    • actually experience is at present coming to conscious
    • stages of such a humanity are already present in the
    • present attention focuses on the body. Yet everything is
    • present people are still entirely caught up in the
    • education. They were presented to human minds in the
    • Beautiful Lily basically presents the idea of the
    • organism which is present in our minds has evolved in
    • philosophy and Goethe had it beautifully present in his
    • world, on animal nature. Darwin presented a magnificent
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • into the present and will still make themselves felt for a long time, we
    • their actions are not at all in accord with the needs of the present
    • ideas which has continued into the present from prehistoric times has
    • Let me present the major
    • characteristic features of the present age. I have merely given the most
    • the essential spirit of natural phenomena. This is called superstition,
    • nowadays. That is the view taken by the present age. We know, however,
    • They saw elemental in everything nature presented to them. Thus we may
    • These forces are present in the human environment, and in major events
    • drifting into an ahrimanic world. And at present this is happening at
    • completely lose their bearings among the demonic powers that are present
    • present-day thinking has led to a desire to militarize the economy and
    • ahrimanic sphere. Luciferic elements are of course still present in many
    • earth, the Christ who will represent the power that once walked on earth
    • degree in the near future. Profound spiritual insight into the present
    • brought the fruits of those earlier earth lives into our present life.
    • intellect to present an event in four different ways the way it has been
    • Our present life, the life
    • come to the earth from outside through the essential Christ who is about
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • physical body, a life body, an astral or sentient body,
    • four. Essentially the first four refer to aspects that
    • are fully developed at the present time. Three more have
    • them to be fully developed at the present time. We can
    • call our I or ego relates essentially to the earth as it
    • is at present.
    • present earth? It means that inherent in the elements of
    • is not yet fully developed but in its essential nature
    • relates to the present earth. This immediately suggests
    • and its forces in developing our essential human nature,
    • At present,
    • Christ we are able to join our own essential nature to
    • essential human nature, when we are able to see the way
    • this is the most important issue at the present time.
    • possible at the present time. They are making attempts in
    • essential nature of which I have already characterized
    • Christ spirit was not present in modern scientific
    • presented to Goethe. Goethe was quite a different type of
    • of the essential human nature, of human evolution and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission of the
    • still present as a continuous fighter against this decay of the
    • member of which is the astral body or sentient body, and the fourth
    • Everything that man was as a sentient being in the physical body does
    • various desires are represented, which must now first be discarded or
    • present state of development of man, have taken over the work of
    • drastic changes of his condition as they are present today as birth and
    • listening to the here presented relations about repeated earth lives,
    • lawless. They are not new bonds. They were already present in previous
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • At the present time man's soul is of, necessity involved in
    • of the present do, of course, wear a “democratic”
    • appreciation of beauty, but it is essential, if a really social
    • present day displays a thoroughly egoistic character. It is
    • In times like the present, filled with bewilderment, in which
    • subjects connected with the seriousness of the present time,
    • earnestness we consider the present day, we cannot forget how
    • frequently what is present in, consciousness and finds
    • which has flourished so much in the present age, as
    • Nothing is so essential to-day as to work our own way through
    • received. To-day the essential things are not to be so
    • serious a matter and people resent it so deeply.
    • Men's present duties differ from those of the immediate past.
    • at that point and has developed up to the present time--this
    • of the kingdoms of nature was essentially different. In earlier
    • essentially finished their task in our age. This picture of
    • time; but we would fail in our, duty to the present if we did
    • that to reach a proper relation to the present we must close
    • you an idea of the necessities of our present age. I speak in
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • it is for men of the present day to turn the eye of the soul
    • thoughts, sentiments, and impulses of will, into which
    • creeds of the present day are based on the egoism of man, as we
    • essential thing is an attitude which never forgets that
    • Cultural Committee where present-day education was discussed
    • secret, intimately connected with the present stage of
    • the interaction of human beings at the present time, we have
    • German town, though it was a truth necessary for the present
    • the leading classes of the present day have a decadent
    • realize this fact. The very people to whom the present
    • etheric brain. We are at present confronted with the fact that
    • present-day humanity must learn that also. Our educated classes
    • abstract connection. This view is essentially Roman, as is
    • disentangle them again. To understand that these three strata
    • to the present; that means to make ourselves capable of
    • forms of which people at present have no idea. We must grasp
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • have told you how at the present epoch in the history of human
    • present stage of culture, without such a consciousness men live
    • which we may call “the present,” much must be made
    • know that at the present time there are a remarkable number of
    • Nations” is supposed to represent? Look at everything
    • “vanquished.” That was an essential condition.
    • present-day man in no way partakes with his soul in what is
    • be united by the Christ-Impulse, as presented by Spiritual
    • man were absent, the Earth would develop without him, bring
    • and in this present epoch it is so interwoven in a
    • body to the earth, it means to present-day science no more than
    • nowadays it is essential that men should absorb them into their
    • bodies although at the present epoch it is fore-ordained that
    • presents itself the fruit we carry through the gate of death
    • convenient. There are plenty of people who apply to the present
    • sense-reality. Nothing does so much harm in the present day as
    • a sense of reality in our knowledge of the present. It is
    • need such a force. We must grasp something essentially
    • present position. We must have the courage to lay hold of
    • essential need of the present can be brought near to the human
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • proletariat, to achieve an essentially different attitude to
    • development of the present conditions. I then said that for
    • to the enlightened representatives of the people that the
    • taking note of active forces and impulses, more essentially
    • pouring in the present-day development of humanity with such
    • social question present themselves. To have learnt through his
    • further, how the form of education will differ from our present
    • exists in life. Then, too, we can see the essential problem of
    • thirteen years of age are sent down. In the middle of the
    • especially as it relates to men of the present age and the
    • the present age are those to whom we owe the first really free
    • short: the subject of teaching was presented by means of
    • represent these facts, pointing out how healthy it may be to
    • kinship with that of the present-day unitary State. The whole
    • we survey the State, in its present development, we find
    • representation. In future, therefore, we must have an
    • the present State of Might.
    • created at present in our industrial life will never disappear
    • goods. And how is the essential fact of an economic life which
    • preserve present conditions as they are. What I have said shows
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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