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  • Title: Memria e Amor
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    • Ocorre o mesmo com o pensamento. Em essência, o pensamento certamente não é um processo cerebral, mas sem o suporte do cérebro ele não poderia ter seu curso terrestre. À luz dessa comparação, obtém-se uma concepção correta da espiritualidade, bem como das limitações físicas do pensamento humano. Em suma, meus queridos amigos, aqui na vida terrena não há nada no homem que não dependa do corpo como sustento. Carregamos nossos órgãos dentro do corpo - pulmão, coração, cérebro e assim por diante. Com saúde normal, não temos percepção consciente de nossos órgãos internos. Nós os percebemos apenas quando doentes, e ainda assim de maneira muito imperfeita. Nunca podemos afirmar que possuímos conhecimento de um órgão por lhe termos olhado diretamente, a menos que estejamos estudando anatomia – mas aí não estamos estudando um órgão vivo. Nunca podemos dizer que temos a mesma visão de um órgão interno que temos de um objeto externo. É característico da vida terrena não conhecermos o interior de nosso corpo por meio da consciência comum. Ainda menos um homem conhece do que ele geralmente considera de maior valor para sua existência corporal – o interior de sua cabeça. Pois quando ele começa a saber alguma coisa a seu respeito, via de regra, o conhecimento se mostra deveras desagradável – dor de cabeça e tudo o que a acompanha.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Assim, entre ir dormir e acordar, o homem experiencia de fato uma espécie de repetição ao contrário do que realizou no decorrer do dia. Não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar – o sono pode ser bastante curto, e então as coisas são condensadas –... não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar o homemtenha uma visão retrospectiva de suas experiências durante o dia – uma visão inconsciente, pois naturalmente deve ser inconsciente. Não; quando a alma, durante o sono, se torna realmente clarividente, ou quando a alma clarividente relembra na memória as experiências entre ir dormir e acordar, vê-se que o homemrealmente experiencia no sentido reverso o que havia vivenciado desde a última vez que despertou. Se ele dorme a noite toda da forma usual, ele retrocede no que fez durante o dia. O último evento ocorre imediatamente após seu adormecer, e assim por diante. Todo o seu sono funciona de uma forma maravilhosamente reguladora. Só lhes posso falar sobre o que pode ser investigado pela ciência espiritual. Quando vocês adormecem por quinze minutos, o início do sono sabe quando acabará, e nesse quarto de hora vocês experimentam, na ordem inversa, o que trouxeram desde a última vez que acordaram. A tudo é dado a proporção correta – por mais maravilhoso que isso possa parecer. E pode-se dizer que essa experiência retrospectiva reside entre a realidade e a aparência.
    • Se alguém tem uma imagem na memória de algo experimentado na vida física vinte anos antes, uma pessoa saudável e reflexiva não a considerará uma experiência presente; é da natureza da própria imagem da memória que a relacionemos a uma experiência passada. Quem olha de forma clarividente para o que a alma vivencia durante o sono, em ordem inversa, não conecta isso ao presente; mas ao futuro após a morte. Assim como qualquer pessoa percebe que sua lembrança de algo vivido vinte anos antes se refere àquele tempo passado, também quem vê o estado de sono por meio da clarividência sabe que o que enxerga não tem significado para o presente, mas prenuncia o que deverá ser experimentado após a morte, quando tivermos que percorrer, ao reverso, tudo o que tivermos feito na Terra. É por isso que essa imagem do sono é meio-realidade, meio-aparência: está relacionada ao futuro. Logo, para a consciência comum, é uma experiência inconsciente daquilo por que o homem tem de passar, que chamei em meu livroTeosofia de mundo da alma. E a consciência intuitiva e inspirada, descrita em meu livroO conhecimento dos mundos superiores, reúne, a partir da observação do sono, o que o homem tem que passar durante o primeiro estágio após a morte. Essas coisas não são meras fabricações; são claramente observadas, uma vez que o dom da observação tenha sido adquirido. Portanto, desde ir dormir até despertar, o homem vivencia, sem o seu corpo, o que fez com ele quando acordado.
    • Mas, meus queridos amigos, o fato é que quando passamos do mundo espiritual para o físico, passamos pelo grande esquecimento. Quem, com consciência comum, vê aqui, na força fraca e sombria da memória, o eco do que éramos como “eu” no mundo espiritual? Quem ainda reconhece na fala, na parte vinda da memória, a pós-vibração do eu? Quem reconhece na formação plástica do discurso, no canto e na fala, um eco dos seres das hierarquias superiores? Ainda assim, não é verdade que quem aprende a ouvir o discurso sem levar em consideração o significado, quem dá ouvidos ao que os tons expressam por sua própria natureza, tem uma sensação – principalmente se tiver inclinação artística – de que mais é revelado na fala e no canto do que a consciência comum percebe? Por que então transformamos a fala comum que temos aqui na Terra como uma faculdade utilitária – por que a transformamos em canção, despojando-a de sua função utilitária e fazendo-a expressar nosso próprio ser em declamação, em música? Por que a transformamos? O que estamos fazendo em tal caso?
    • Prova abundante disso reside na maneira como a arte se desenvolveu. Originalmente era uma com a vida religiosa. Nas eras primitivas da humanidade, ela era imbuída nos cultos religiosos. As imagens que os homens formavam de seus deuses eram a fonte das artes plásticas. A título de exemplo, recordemos os Mistérios da Samotrácia a que alude Goethe na segunda parte de Fausto, onde fala dos Cabiros. [Vide ciclo de palestrasGoetheanism as an impulse for man's transformation,Dornach, janeiro de 1919.] Em meu estúdio em Dornach tentei fazer um desenho desses Cabiros. E o que resultou disso? Foi algo muito interessante. Simplesmente me propus a desvendar intuitivamente a maneira como os Cabiros teriam aparecido nos Mistérios da Samotrácia. E imagine só: cheguei a três jarros, mas jarros, é verdade, moldados plástica e artisticamente. A princípio fiquei pasmo, embora Goethe tenha realmente falado de jarros. O assunto ficou claro para mim apenas quando descobri que esses jarros ficavam sobre um altar: então, algo semelhante a incenso era colocado neles, as palavras sacrificiais eram cantadas, e pelo poder das palavras de sacrifício – que nos tempos mais antigos da humanidade carregavam uma força de estímulo vibratório bastante diferente de qualquer coisa possível hoje – a fumaça do incenso era formada na imagem desejada da divindade. Assim, no ritual, o cântico imediatamente se expressava plasticamente na fumaça do incenso.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • issue. So today, we wish to try and consider what arose from
    • tried to bring to the fore precisely this side of Stoic being
    • Freedom must reside in striving for the ideal of wisdom. But
    • meaning of evil, already resided in ancient Stoic wisdom; and
    • such a view has not just been considered simply in the heads of
    • turns around to say: maybe one should consider more like
    • must be wise that wickedness is there alongside excellence, and
    • evil alongside good; it is just that we cannot see this wisdom.
    • soul-spiritual, so when the soul-spiritual is outside the body
    • within but outside of its body, as far as this knowledge is
    • spiritual outside of the body?
    • human must set aside, who wants to appropriate moral principles
    • which one is bound in the outer world. One must also consider
    • alongside the physical world. Then why do the human faculties
    • opposite. But when one considers evil independently of humanity
    • like a pendulum, that can swing out to one side; and we are
    • placed in the position to swing out to the other side, because
    • spiritual epoch, as considering evil and wickedness, when we
    • spirit world. I have often said, that with such considerations
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • form in the lower parts. A blind-born person considers the description
    • body with our hands. Let us now leave aside the etheric body. Where
    • Seen from the outside, the astral body does not exist at all as far
    • sides of his physical head. Since the etheric body is the carrier of
    • us from outside. In the word “I” the eternal touches the
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • of his being are concerned. Let us now consider man's ascent into the
    • Let us now consider the
    • mirrored picture, upside down, or in the reverse order. In the astral
    • receives anything from outside, it nevertheless bears deep within it
    • indicate something connected with the sympathetic side of life wereas darkly
    • side. Essential thing in the astral world is imaginative vision.
    • There are other beings besides,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • for they were the prey of an illusion: they do not consider that in
    • compensated in Devachan. When the soul has laid aside its earthly desires,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • and tempests. We are then outside the soul-emotions and can therefore
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • active. The intention that leads to vivisection comes less into consideration.
    • The astral body which he has laid aside is now no longer needed for
    • are called Mahadevas. Also outside Devachan they have a certain significance
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • Let us continue our considerations on
    • dislocated outside the brain.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • 2) From the standpoint of science which considers itself far cleverer
    • to work in the outside world through his will. By a special volitional
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • Let us first consider the structure of the Lemurian continent and the
    • outside the body, it soared above it and drew it with it to an earth
    • may be considered as obsolete, for it is based upon a false train of
    • the earth. Even as the moon of to-day always turns the same side to
    • the earth, its “sun” and never the back side, so at that
    • time the earth-moon planet always turned the same side to the sun.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • may be considered as a last remnant of descending
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • time, it is especially important to consider. With regard to the historical course of humanity's
    • stipulating that history should be treated in such a way that one would not only consider the
    • of humanity and we will do so today in such a way that, through our considerations, certain facts
    • something that isn't real. But we will leave that aside. We want rather to take the argument
    • a particular culture, or the first hints of it, was being prepared alongside that which lived on
    • life as, on the other side and in an opposite sense, are fifty francs of credit. In this area the
    • but of the world, the opposite side of zero from the credit side is truly something very real.
    • necessitated it he felt: Here, on the one side, I experience that which cannot be observed in
    • together than to consider it the work of a human mind, if my philosophy did not logically follow
    • out of the new spiritual science, which does not develop one-sidedly, but considers everything
    • must really consider the threefold aspect also in social life; in this case (as a three-foldness)
    • spirit, politics and economics. For people must get away from a one:sided tendency and must
    • to see what the Purpose of this building is! It is necessary for us to consider What must be done
    • them. And thus we have to consider that, up to now, we have stopped at one Waldorf school which
    • some phenomenon but had to put it to one side, I found that, years later, it all suddenly
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • life, are emerging ever more strongly from the depths of existence. On the one side we have the
    • that materialistic concept of life which has often been characterized here. This arose side by
    • side with materialism or was directly produced through the materialism of other classes. This
    • Consider the fact that from Europe France colonized
    • is borne by the fact that both in the West and the East — we shall consider only these two
    • alongside the political-legal and spiritual facets of the social organism. The beings of the
    • prevent the establishing, alongside the economic life, of an independent democratic life of the
    • spiritual side in the East and from the human side, as described, in the West. Thus we see here
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • beings: how, on the one side, certain beings interfere through individuals of the West —
    • faith, completely estranged from the world, has secured itself a place alongside worldly
    • culture when one considers at first that all three branches of human experience — the
    • Graeco-Roman epoch. We need only consider that of 107 Eastern Roman Emperors only 34 died in
    • one-sided elaboration of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution come from?
    • dominant. He, therefore, also considers the human being only according to body and soul and
    • which was unwilling to consider the human being from the aspect of his spirit. 'Spirit' was only
    • were the people of the West. Initially they left the spirit out of consideration, taking body and
    • consider body and soul; which outwardly did not use science for this but rather the external part
    • one side, and from the spirits of the East on the other. This always caused a kind of schism in
    • moving to the South in order to absorb there what can come from the other side. This is just what
    • the tenet of Scholastic teaching arose that both were valid: reason on the one side and
    • Orient but only in the Occident, must put economic life, political life and spiritual life side
    • by side, quite distinct from one another. Then the economic life of the West, for which the West
    • the spiritual life. Then the Centre can take up beside its political life — which will be
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • this and on the far side of the river, in a pictorial, rich and concrete way; the same thing that
    • development, these two soul-constitutions, which I have characterized for you, stand side by
    • side. They live anyway, so to speak, in every significant Central-European individuality but in
    • Schiller and Goethe they stand in a certain way simultaneously side by side. Schiller and Goethe
    • where things go on in the usual way, the Greeks considered themselves dependant on their gods, on
    • as the side of the scales that would sink far down and therefore has to work destructively. But
    • side by side of the spirits of the West and the spirits of the East is particularly evident. I
    • vacillation between the two sides of this duality, which arises in the swirling, to and fro
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • great turning-point of modern history. People do not consider this. But one could easily imagine
    • become since the beginning of the fifteenth century. People do not consider the completely
    • since the middle of the fifteenth century. And even when we consider the great philosophers of
    • the European side and, on the other hand, by the blockade set up by the Turks who, just at the
    • would prefer to bring back the old conditions of the countryside. They imagine that this can be
    • Let us look at it from another side. Out of the
    • comes into consideration when the real soul-and-spiritual core of the human being is to bring him
    • side by side with the sciences. We will not get any further with what is contained in just one
    • stream but only when this other side of human striving also has its place.
    • our present human evolution: on the one side the traditional bearers of the old spiritual life
    • On the other side one can notice another strong
    • strange way on certain accusations which come from many sides, shows itself most clearly. They
    • has, as it were, to be a challenge to really cooperate on all sides and not to shelter behind
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • dialectical-legal Roman element also bore in its bosom, as it were, its other side. It bore the
    • later Middle Ages; that the faithful were forbidden to read the Bible. It was considered by the
    • from this or that view, since it must always be seen from different sides. I have often said that
    • has discovered. He considers the only
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • disappearance of what, in many areas of our modern times, is still considered by people to be the
    • Consider the following. Since the middle of the
    • modern science. We had occasion here recently to consider the scope of the various branches of
    • evolution. But actually it takes into consideration only that element of man that is animal. It
    • considers man only so far as to be able to say that any organ, any structure in man, derives from
    • as, I should say, a fundamental social demand. Side by side with the inability of the science of
    • recent times to account for the human being, we have, on the other side, claims of all kinds
    • could easily be added. Thus we see on all sides how man has lost insight into the true nature of
    • his being. And let us now consider from a spiritual-scientific standpoint the counter-image of
    • side the human being will feel himself bound to the earth; on the other he will feel himself to
    • considers to be his normal ones are indeed not repressed. Had he only tried a little to find out
    • (1856–1924), President of the United States
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • further course of our considerations, in order to enable you to find your
    • quite specific conditions. You should consider deeply that our life between
    • life between birth and death. But if you also take into consideration what
    • turn children of still others, and so on. If we consider only these
    • upward direction, and it is important for us to consider these in
    • not bother them at all. That is a side effect, something that arises by the
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • grow up, even as children, alongside older people who could have
    • general stuck inside that young man,” and this he really did become
    • daylight it turned sick inside. Above all, it could not be brought
    • from within, the flames from outside, the two flames must strike
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • consider — from a certain view-point, — the above query
    • reality, of course, the Moon man does not sit inside as if he were
    • And now, if we consider
    • concepts of Spiritual Science. If we consider all we are able to think
    • clear perceptions of waking life. And yet this Moon man resides in us,
    • certainty, in the further evolution of the Cosmos. But consider, that
    • we can consider how man will have evolved — as he has progressed
    • earth atom. To-day this resides no longer in the Saturn man, but in the
    • phenomenon than that of men. When one considers death in the animal and
    • All these considerations
    • how one-sided words, and everything else, are used today. We talk,
    • in our Sun man resides that which we must convert into the Jupiterean
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • We have often considered how, in
    • from another side. At a definite period we find distributed over
    • way. My dear friends, let us consider first the Italian peninsula,
    • let us consider it still occupied by the descendants of the old Roman
    • times. So, for instance, it would be interesting to consider the
    • But one can also consider older
    • Europe. It would be interesting to consider what Charlemagne desired
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • of the different one-sided elements in world-existence in order to
    • Now today we will consider the world of
    • it in direct connection with a consideration of the nature of man. We
    • considered more closely and exactly, but for today's study what has
    • through this (red) the ego living outside the physical body during
    • sleep; the part of our astral that lives during sleep outside the
    • Let us now consider the ordinary
    • through which one feels one always stays outside life, never comes
    • inside life. All that philosophers from time immemorial have sweated
    • very considerable alteration in all that we experience during the
    • remains outside, it is not left for us. Ahriman claims it for
    • extraordinarily important matters considered today. These studies
    • outside in the world.
    • Science, which seeks to overcome both the one-sided aspects. It is
    • outside the earth sphere before the Mystery of Golgotha, and who
    • the Christ alone, in a one-sided way, but of Christ Jesus. What
    • centre, the Ahrimanic and Luciferic beings at the sides. So that in
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • When we consider European life we find
    • the moon from the sun there now took their course side by side the
    • one-sidedness. It came about that certain beings of the Hierarchy of
    • swing of the pendulum to one side, man goes too far in this activity
    • peculiarity of all life; it swings out sometimes to the one side,
    • simply on what we have now considered, we shall find in Greece the
    • will have Lucifer on the one side and Ahriman on the other. What is
    • manner of a President of a modern republic. Not much difference
    • was handed down from the old time. We will consider just three of
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • and will has nothing to do with anything in the outside world, in the
    • notion that truth is imparted to him from two sides, that he attains
    • we consider these matters still more closely, we come to an important
    • to have done during the Moon-evolution. When you consider this
    • with the Sun-nature outside the earth realm, and what the cosmos is
    • Consider a corpse. Can you say that this corpse is the man? No, this
    • be understood, must be really grasped, as standing outside everything
    • outside, lives in itself. And the Jahve-God has concealed in a world
    • grey or black direction, one-sided information is carried into the
    • world. The particular one-sided grey or black spiritual-scientists do
    • was really undertaken from a certain side in order to test men and
    • to consider how the spreading of the spiritual science outlook can
    • Spiritual Science, that we shall consider in what way it is an
    • one-sided world concept and make use of a mediumistic personality in
    • order to introduce this one-sided world concept to the world. Just as
    • as an imposter and implanted a one-sided world concept in Blavatsky,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • about inside and learns by its creeping about to know the roots of
    • represents a one-sided world-conception which is quite correct ...
    • except that it lacks what man considers the most important of all.
    • outside. That had to come about, otherwise nothing could have
    • and now let their activity shine in from outside upon the earth. That
    • our own person unites itself with something which is outside the
    • possessing something which is outside could not be formed in us at
    • The senses were on the one side, and something like the
    • possession-concept on the other side. Other concepts can also be
    • we consider in a more comprehensive sense what stands in the
    • Just consider, how one can picture that concretely in detail, think
    • of the sun's rays from outside upon the earth. So that in a true
    • sense I can say: the sunbeam falls on earth from outside. That
    • sun's must first come in from outside, must harness sense-perceptions
    • And now consider with full human feeling this gainsaying of Nature,
    • line always the very thing that ought to be there! Consider for a
    • intensification was outside, —
    • so young and morning-fair,’ the enhancement outside, and
    • him and that which appears outside as the object
    • from outside. It actually calls forth on the one hand the little rose
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • not be life apparatuses; but outside the sphere of the etheric
    • must be drawn in this way, with something left outside the
    • obscura, where the objects from outside create their images as in a
    • Earth-existence. Thus, there remains, as it were, outside this
    • outside into the interior (see drawing).
    • thrusting them in from outside. And in our senses there is the
    • from outside one must so draw it that Lucifer thrusts forward and
    • be justified, but all the same Lucifer stands at the side. There is
    • Lucifer thus projects his tentacles in from outside, for instance,
    • admit Ahriman from the other side, so that he takes hold from the
    • other side. He penetrates not only speech but thinking, and out of
    • and who, standing outside, say: these spiritual scientists certainly
    • shown — that outside the contesting that surrounds
    • outside thought. Our thought is stimulated by our astral body, but it
    • and what remains inside as empty, that would be the human being (see
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • outside us, that have become earthly, do not proceed from these
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • side, and has faced about towards Mysticism and mystical immersion in the
    • one side for supposedly not doing justice to Natural Science, while upon
    • first thinker to be considered in this sense is, in fact, Thales.
    • this extremity. Upon the one side they adhered firmly to the truth of
    • of the modern era. It was maintained on the scientific side (and we may
    • consider many of the statements as well founded) that no progress could be
    • other side we see an entirely different development. An aversion to the
    • hard words; but when considered from the standpoint of the new era, they
    • consider the doctrine of the specific energies of the senses, there would
    • of cognition who pride themselves on understanding Kant, consider every man
    • connection, into what is here of importance. For only consider for a moment
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • ideas considered reasonable in Central Europe today, you would find their
    • find it not merely totally different from what is generally considered
    • side of the teacher when the students poke fun at him, or more on the side
    • consider anyone a right-minded artist who doesn't say to himself on
    • finishing a work: only now are you able to do this. I don't consider a man
    • now consider that the following has come to pass. You have been responsible
    • will. Consider that you have gone once through all the classes of an
    • around with us. As teachers we must train ourselves to lay aside these
    • mood that should be taken into consideration by the teacher as he teaches,
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • considered far more than later on. We know this whole man embraces the ego,
    • from within, these forces come now from outside and proceed from there down
    • from the world outside of man, from the observation of nature and its
    • configuration of tones or the content of language, this comes from outside.
    • And against what is coming from outside works — but now
    • outside. This struggle finds expression in the change of voice and what
    • element from outside battles with a willed element from within, and this
    • musical-lingual, proceeding from the outer world, coming from outside,
    • placed together as in a museum. The animal always manifests a one-sidedness
    • are matters we should consider carefully; they show us what feelings we
    • language and music have been laid aside, works over into the future. Music
    • until he lays it aside — you are familiar with this from
    • roughly until the time he lays his astral body aside. Then in the life
    • This is the positive side of kamaloca, and if we know this we are
    • the other side of the threshold, men here are actually like savages; only
    • beyond it on all sides. There we find another such battlefield. Here the
    • two forces, the one working inward from outside, the other working outward
    • our consciousness: you are not letting something outside of you in, you are
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • should be taken in from outside in a particular form, and acquire their
    • limb organisation. Everything musical has to penetrate deep inside our
    • calls the red-yellow side of the spectrum warm and the blue-violet side
    • perception of sound closer together. According to him the red-yellow side
    • of the spectrum 'sounds' different from the blue-violet side, as it were,
    • outside us have a pronounced visual nature and a subtle sound nature that
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • Considering this incorporation of the ego we can characterise what is
    • one side we can call the birth of the etheric body, seen from another side
    • two-sided description of one and the same fact. Indeed, we gain a true
    • from different sides and then combining the different aspects to one
    • melody in a single tone. You must characterise it from different sides.
    • be kept too much outside. If it settles down too firmly in the human
    • one side of the scales — if the weight is too small, the
    • other side will not rise; if it is too large, it will rise too high and we
    • factors of life which are all important so that we never bring out one side
    • happen that it remains too much outside, and the consequence will be that
    • does not stay outside the rest of the organism, but penetrates it in the
    • have characterized, or protect the ego from remaining outside too much if
    • take such things seriously into consideration. Take for instance the
    • at one moment in our body, at another outside it; we breathe in, we breathe
    • from inside, when we are asleep we do it from outside, we direct it from
    • versa, the constitution of the air outside as a mixture of oxygen and
    • they are of the order of the soul. Outside, in nature, we have to deal with
    • the physical laws prevailing between oxygen and nitrogen; inside, in man,
    • there is yet something else which we shall have to consider. What is it
    • someone who looks at things only from outside, before we get ready to be
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • transformed inside your body into the sort of substance that serves life,
    • there are forces above this line, supersensible forces (red side). We
    • (orange side).
    • forces from one side and subsensible forces from the other side work into
    • and pour into us as it were from outside, from the outside of the planet.
    • considerable difference in this respect in the first, second and third
    • away, as it were, from the influences brought about in him from outside by
    • what comes to meet you from outside, but you re-experience what you took in
    • constituents and they undergo such and such changes inside our body, and we
    • — You visit someone who has a scale standing beside his
    • sorts of questions arise from these considerations, questions that are
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • besides this one. The other parents, however, had other children, four boys
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • participate. One need really only consider how little the cultural life
    • spiritual life in the Middle Ages resided in the images to be found in
    • the form that made it possible to a certain extent that, alongside the
    • today. I ask you to consider, after all, that in order to answer the
    • purely into what is external. If nowadays such considerations are deemed
    • the sort exists in nature, he then considers what art portrays as having
    • acquire understanding for the many-sidedness of human beings, and gain
    • become receptive for what approaches us from outside, so that we really
    • into consideration is quite especially necessary in the age of the
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • natural outcome of considering Raphael's creative activity from
    • quite different aspect from what follows it. If we consider the
    • What has just been said becomes fully evident in considering a
    • alongside any previous work. Thus, out of indeterminate depths,
    • harmoniously, we feel the need to consider it purely for
    • Having thus considered Raphael's inner nature, let us turn to
    • as battles with outside forces. But, roiling every soul in the
    • to the Madonna. In considering human evolution in the sense of
    • considerations into which Raphael is placed, a thought occurs
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • the twelve apostles of Christ Jesus arranged on either side. We
    • Yet, for a considerable time this has no longer been evident on
    • Leonardo felt compelled to turn aside from the kind of
    • considering Leonardo as a complete individual.
    • detail that came into consideration — in a decidedly
    • to sixteen years. Yet much else transpired besides. To further
    • paint on the Christ figure, his hand trembled. And, considering
    • falls from various sides, with the eleven other disciples we
    • correspond with what had lived in his soul. Hence, considering
    • especially in considering human souls that rise above
    • let us consider Leonardo. He enters an age having, in an
    • human form. Things were not viewed from outside, but created
    • and, for the last three years of his life, in the residence
    • is shattering — considering what is given over to
    • which we wish to summarize and conclude today's considerations.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • in fairy tales, one has to a considerable extent the feeling
    • Goethe who attempted, alongside his artistic
    • world in which it unconsciously resides during sleep and
    • soul companion, even perhaps considering it salutary for
    • to feel within it a more profound being inside the
    • consider world evolution in the context of another,
    • “I” — outside the physical body in sleep
    • Considering the fairy tale as a whole there re-echoes, with
    • put an inflated pig's bladder over his head, inside which there
    • considerations as we have presented today. It may be
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • their sense-perceptible side, not finding in them what she is
    • themselves off in love-lessness from what is outside them and
    • take place without the redemption of what is outside us. Human
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • the subject of today's considerations — as
    • considerations can connect especially well onto this
    • one-sidedness, had something else not played a part,
    • what might otherwise have been a one-sided direction. We still
    • commencing these considerations that led to his lectures on
    • took account of the historical documents, he considered what
    • it shows us Herman' Grimm from another side. His gaze is
    • work. In considering with him the arrangement of colours,
    • However, that is not something he considered in a theoretical
    • alongside Raphael — as in an overall stream of evolution
    • would humbly stand aside to let him pass; if Raphael came by, I
    • other matters, as it were. Besides personally acquainting
    • expect remarkable things of him in considering the way viewed
    • we shall be able to consider in what an admirable way the
    • Emmy. A deluded relative considers himself the rightful heir to
    • rationalistically might consider it as concerned with the
    • smiled and was close beside her. She did not see whether he was
    • conclusion, to summarize this evening's considerations with the
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • interspersion into our considerations, because I would like our
    • considered — “Imperial Federation League” is the
    • explained by a true consideration of history.
    • consideration. That a king has real divine power and dignity is
    • considered absurd today, but was a reality in oriental imperialism.
    • side more secular, but nevertheless representative of God, on the
    • other side more church oriented, also representative of God. That
    • formulated by Chamberlain and others. But today we want to consider
    • feelings towards responsibilities. Let's now consider the other side.
    • Let's consider such an ancient empire. In people's minds it was an
    • world. That means that spiritual reality must exist alongside
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • Consider for a moment that the various
    • fermentation side by side: the external, exoteric platitudes of
    • platitudes in symbolic form. It is important that alongside the
    • the age of platitudes. For side by side with the public platitudes
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • When you consider what has been said here
    • in which the people's mentality considered the ruler to be a god and
    • us now consider once again from definite viewpoints what is apparent
    • spirit was considered directly present, during the second stage
    • can hardly be considered as existing during the first stage. And the
    • glory, praised from all sides, these remarks had been held up to
    • one's subjective beliefs play no role. And consider it from this
    • from the most varied sides, and it is senseless to try and nail down
    • consideration — the fact that what occurs in the historical
    • principle already resides in them and they therefore have no wish to
    • exist forever, do not consider being permanent. Of course under the
    • concepts. Just consider for a moment a characteristic example.
    • Because only what is considered good for the present will be
    • living. And one sees it as living only when it is considered in its
    • of opposition are not active from all sides against what strives for
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • particularly from the philosophic-natural scientific side
    • — I'm not only saying the natural scientific side
    • worked on the one side earnestly from empiricism against the
    • Ernst Mach became involved, considering it with his more
    • contents. Finally he declared: ‘When I consider a process and
    • of the triangle. When you consider this, you can see that with
    • scientific consideration. They had both attended a lecture held
    • different sides may appear taking on this or that, adapting
    • system of moving bodies like one has outside in the world
    • side of Anthroposophy is always able, what Goethe calls being
    • material world outside mirrors in my soul-spiritual; the soul
    • spiritual world outside reflects itself in the form of lungs,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • would like you to consider that I had assumed last night, to
    • keep all the relationships in view when considering how Goethe
    • the biological side of the human and animal organisations by
    • way we can expand the number of senses on the other side. When
    • consider the words more anatomically-physiologically,
    • the human realm, on the one side, and the animal realm on the
    • we must try to clarify the problem from the other side, what
    • we could differentiate, on the one side, the process of sight
    • is found through the hearing process. When we consider soul
    • perceptibility, because we keep the imagination inside. We
    • If you apply this same kind of consideration to the sense of
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • one would more or less consider this classical time of German
    • Besides this is the endeavour to develop something out of
    • bridge to a trans-subjective reality existing outside human
    • thought could reach its fully entitled, one-sided development.
    • considered correctly, comes out of the deepest philosophic
    • Consider Hegel's logic — he wanted to return repeatedly
    • terribly moving for someone who enters on the one side into the
    • This is on the one side. Now how did Hegel develop this idea of
    • the Logos on the other side? He starts with “being”
    • imprecise way, which looks like a one-sided experience which
    • science is on the one side and the spiritual on the other side
    • Newton — became one-sidedly stuck to the mechanistic and
    • known that Newton had tried in a one-sided mystical way to
    • clarify the Apocalypse; besides his scientific world view he
    • other half-reality, which observes us from the outside. If we
    • questions because it's only a half-reality. So on the one side
    • organism. This is then the other side of reality, and this side of
    • the other side experience quite materialistic natural phenomena
    • can be fructified from both sides by these living sciences.
    • other side of Nature”, as Hegel wanted it, but that it
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • it is also possible to carry out the pedagogical-didactic side
    • to pursue how the functions of the one takes place beside the
    • usual, then this warmth from other circumstances is considered
    • dissident children and if these lessons had not been organized
    • looked at but the whole person being considered. It would be
    • consider a child's organism as something coming into being,
    • the progress of the child is judged. It depends on the one side
    • conviction which hasn't been adopted from outside, but has come
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • dear venerated guests! Besides the introductory words I want to
    • on the other side of the standpoint, that in overcoming these
    • is the least understood from that side and that everything
    • Valuta-misery came about which has to be considered in quite a
    • “scientific”. If one considers what stands in the
    • from the other side, how the extraordinary symptoms of human
    • later appeared right up to Karl Marx — on the one side demanded
    • but it was grasped with thoughts, however on the other side,
    • economic observations would become thoroughly one-sided, so
    • considered and events between single nations or groups are
    • times! Those who considered the relationships of the present in
    • are at work, and besides that a third member, where only those
    • considered out of its own conditions, then the state life can
    • even those very ideas which were considered at that time as
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • against anthroposophy from the side of theology have taken
    • further and not as if, from the side of science Heackel's
    • which is considered popular, which we call understandable. You
    • and to exclude any polemic considerations. Things don't always
    • audible confession because that could be considered as a matter
    • experience, as an independent experience, exists beside the
    • especially Thomistic theology which was considered by
    • evangelist priest. Only for the dissident children there is a
    • other side, to start a struggle between Anthroposophy and
    • theological side.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • words appear, please consider the alternative as well.
    • outer handling in order to have the object outside oneself and
    • thus able to research it. To consider speech it is necessary to
    • one can, where speech is the subject, not merely consider what
    • lives in human consciousness, but in considering speech one
    • “reason” (Vernunft), they consider both these words
    • bring this process into consciousness, as if on the one side we
    • express — and on the other side the thoughts swim in the
    • through gestures all that lives and weaves outside of us; but
    • beside another, one brings about boundaries and contours. It is
    • all sides, this is how the Greek or even the Latin experienced
    • by such a consideration. It is necessary in the research of
    • ancient times, the language had a considerably different
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • you will be able to consider this School as an institution
    • speaks, telling us how we should be and what we must set aside
    • what is found not on this side of the yawning abyss, that is,
    • in the area of the senses, but on the other side spreading out
    • all those who consider themselves members of this School should
    • and that, put aside this and that according to the warnings of
    • very civilization, and which he must put aside before he can
    • will hear, my dear friends, from this or that side arguments
    • side has installed spirits of fear, and that we are tainted by
    • against those spirits of fear which reside as monsters in our
    • alongside the Guardian of the Threshold for today's humanity.
    • Threshold in a similar way. It emerges alongside the other
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • side, in the sense-fields. He points to the other side where
    • for us is unmitigated darkness while we are on this side, but
    • obtain on this side of the threshold of spiritual existence,
    • things of the outside world and doesn't realize that such
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • side of the threshold is the spiritual world.
    • Consider for a moment what I just said. You see, memory is
    • approach with the wind from all sides. We are invited to
    • retrospection. If you close yourself off from the outside world
    • Your selfhood then should well consider
    • aside thinking and try to observe your own feelings. In
    • is used to outside semblance and appearance. It tends towards
    • into thought; now selfhood should “consider”. The
    • Your selfhood then should well consider
    • consider well
    • something else into consideration. Read the first verse:
    • Your selfhood then should well consider
    • consider well:
    • Your selfhood then should well consider
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • spiritual world is on the other side of this threshold. So when
    • nowadays consider clairvoyant, but he entered into a
    • be considered to be mature enough.
    • Your selfhood then should well consider
    • consciousness. Outside, they must be held together by the gods.
    • my inner world than what I considered to be the interior of my
    • today we will consider three verses, mantric verses, through
    • height and to see what surrounds the earth on all sides and
    • earth. We consider breath and light as things that have no
    • consciousness. Think, my dear friends, about standing outside
    • stand on, which we consider to be so important that it only
    • it; place both mantric verses alongside each other: the mood is
    • alongside each other, how different their styles are:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • which disappears from sight on the opposite side in the
    • the world while outside of us are the forces which are active
    • only human physicality is taken into consideration.
    • light comes to him from outside himself.
    • The air is outside, the same air which is inside me a moment
    • later, then it is again outside, the same air which was within
    • Threshold: nature, which was previously quietly outside us and
    • turn to the opposite side and seek relief in darkness, against
    • if you turn to the opposite side, then the nitrogen forces, the
    • become related to death you begin to consider it as something
    • side - that of the Ahrimanic nitrogen-spirits - we are thrown
    • aside into the nothingness of life. We then want to act in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • During these meetings, we are considering the truths which can
    • carry out his own will impulses, etc. Man considers them to be
    • of nature in the outside world. But as you know, my dear
    • which exist outside of ourselves. We do not consider what is
    • inside us as having clear boundaries. We do not see our lungs
    • consider it as the content of the world and of ourselves. So we
    • Imagine, my dear friends, a very vivid nightmare and consider
    • existing outside of us. When, however, we recognize the
    • the plants, animals and minerals exist outside of us, are
    • what is considered positive - that whoever enters into esoteric
    • a refined breathing process. On one side, the breathing-in
    • coarse way, into our blood circulation; on the other side, but
    • the sun's light shines. Also, as though one were inside and
    • which are relatively easy to control, come into consideration,
    • everything is outside and beyond him. Man must be within
    • friends. Consider this School as being constituted directly
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • have repeatedly spoken - also outside [Dornach] - about what
    • member if it considers that he cannot be a representative of
    • it must be an inner obligation to consider the Executive
    • Furthermore, all those who consider themselves to be legitimate
    • consider their membership in this School with heartfelt
    • considerations of these Class lessons, my dear friends, have
    • something to what has already been considered.
    • what it means to be outside the physical body with the human I
    • then outside the physical body. But when he is asleep outside
    • when outside the physical body the person perceives his
    • spiritual world while outside the physical body.
    • circumstances he is not aware of what he could see when outside
    • the other side of the abyss, how differently he sees himself on
    • the other, physical side. He sees himself differently. He sees
    • on seeing the head from the other side of the threshold one
    • know that when thinking is not considered as a function of the
    • consider the Three, which only in the sensory world are
    • we have a complete reversal. Whereas normally we consider
    • upward in man, on the other side [of the threshold] we
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • consider it right that spiritual light, which can come through
    • to take over the presidency of the Anthroposophical Society
    • must be an administration. But that is not what it considers to
    • through which those who reside elsewhere can participate in the
    • esoteric work outside the confines of this School and
    • consider that each member is a true representative of
    • Before I was President of the Anthroposophical Society an
    • people, which cannot be answered outside the esoteric.
    • it gradually, may choose to exercise their opinion outside the
    • begin, and listen to this introduction. So, we can consider the
    • one gradually comes to feel himself outside his body; and he
    • human organization, we consider to be our own. And we point up:
    • being outside us. We are within our organs. We are outside of
    • perceive without the body, that is, outside the body in the
    • consider this a foundation for building later on at a time to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • [Alongside the first eight lines of the mantra is written:]
    • [Alongside the tenth and eleventh lines is written:]
    • [Alongside the thirteenth and fourteenth lines is written:]
    • spiritual world, we sense how here, on this side, our body
    • we say to ourselves when we have arrived on the other side of
    • other side of the threshold, they are divided so that thinking
    • come to feel myself as a human being outside my body in the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • by means of the various considerations and the summarizing of
    • such considerations in individual verses, which may then be
    • anthroposophical truths, lets them work on him and considers
    • between people. For if you honestly consider that you possess a
    • consider appropriate for you. But you should apply them
    • my dear sisters and brothers, consider the people of today who
    • consideration of earthly relationships one stands spiritually
    • the imaginations from the other side [arrows]. At first we live
    • the zodiac from the other side and read what from the earth we
    • consists of seeing from the other side — not a matter of
    • imaginations, read them from the other side, the spiritual
    • other side of the universe. It is necessary in such a process
    • other side:
    • side.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • Outside are the stars; our heads receive the effects of the
    • are the places where the gods reside. It is where the gods
    • where the gods reside, which are the places worthy of the
    • from all sides:
    • from all sides of the cosmos, also what the movements of the
    • It resounds majestically from all sides. That is what we must
    • considered to be uncivilized. Outer temples stood there, and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • short, when you are completely outside of the world's tumult,
    • other side of the threshold standing before the Guardian in the
    • Thus, coming from all sides of the distant universe:
    • [“Angeloi” is written beside
    • part 1, “Archangeloi” beside part 2,
    • “Archai” beside part 3.]
    • Then we hear again, resounding from all sides of the
    • [Exusiai is written alongside part1; Dynamis alongside part
    • 2, Kyriotetes alongside part 3.]
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • reside, so to speak: the Angels, Archangels and
    • What remains for us to consider today, my dear
    • [“Thrones” is written beside part 1,
    • “Cherubim” beside part 2, “Seraphim”
    • beside part 3.]
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • We have been considering the human being's relation to the
    • consideration.
    • I will repeat what has been considered in the previous lessons
    • Nevertheless, from all sides the words resound as the
    • can be a reality within him: the one on this side
    • the abyss, outside the physical and etheric bodies —
    • Here on this side of the threshold we are standing on the earth,
    • have arrived on the other side, my dear sisters and brothers.
    • person has arrived on the other side, where the truths and
    • He stands on the other side. The Guardian of the Threshold
    • is on the other side of the threshold, where one lives within
    • side of the threshold because of having the earth's support,
    • ahrimanic powers on this side. So that much of what happened
    • What is seen — in many respects modified on this side of the
    • over to this side the state of mind applicable to beyond the
    • threshold, and that he may not carry over to the other side
    • the state of mind applicable to this side. Rather must he
    • — for this side and for beyond the threshold.
    • standing on the other side of the threshold. The Guardian
    • is the case. He calls to us once we stand on the other side
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • which rings out to human beings from all sides of cosmic
    • on the other side of the abyss, but still under the influence
    • spiritual world on the other side of the abyss, still in
    • strongly feel ourselves on the other side of this threshold
    • side; in us the voices which pull human beings in different
    • which shows us the right direction, while Lucifer on one side
    • outside of us the essence of stone, of the mineral kingdom,
    • darkness on the other side of the threshold in the spiritual
    • verse is to work correctly in our souls. Outside of us the
    • consider to best meet the requirements of his meaning.
    • within us as weaving, waving and undulating, as we do outside us.
    • Threshold's side deeply feeling that admonition which
    • realm of spirit, and realize our Self from both sides of
    • reality: from the side of nature and from the side of the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • give what it has to give to whom it considers right to do so.
    • it considers necessary because of certain events. And, my
    • side, that we are living in another world. And the world in
    • During the last lesson we considered the
    • these questions. From one side the third hierarchy —
    • Angeloi, Archangeloi, Archai — from the other side the
    • second hierarchy, from a third side the third
    • by the hierarchies — come from all sides: first
    • words, trumpet-like, powerful, majestic, from all sides of
    • become aware of how these forces, which from outside appear
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • heard how the person who arrives on the other side of the
    • and reveals itself to be a moral element on the other side of the
    • and to the other side.
    • which is on the other side, to look back from that cosmic
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
    • cosmic bowl with its flood of colors seen from the other side of
    • spirit-beings appear, the residents of the sun, who only appear
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
    • outside and be organized in a different way. Therefore, I must
    • be considered which is not directed to the secretary of the
    • directed to either one of these two addresses will be considered.
    • which contains the sentence: I consider no answer to mean yes
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • beginning of our considerations.
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
    • is outside this red is nothing. This is placed before our souls.
    • And now let us consider the path we have taken in
    • consider how the impressions there acted on our souls; let us
    • We have arrived on the other side, passing the earnest
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • Observe from the other side's vantage point
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • stage. We should therefore consider this lesson of today in
    • about three to four centuries. And when we consider the
    • stands, when we consider Michael, we have the Archangelos who
    • Threshold stands before us on this side of the abyss. We call
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • long as we consider thinking as something living, we are not
    • experiencing the truth; only when we consider our body as the
    • get outside and thereby become ineffective. It is a fundamental
    • [beside the lower seal is written:]
    • [beside the middle seal is written:]
    • [beside the upper seal is written:]
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • alongside the process; in that we first arrive at the
    • will. We stand alongside being. Two high-toned syllables
    • [“trochaic” is written alongside the first verse];
    • here iambic [“iambic” is written alongside the
    • alongside the third verse].
    • now we must again consider, looking back at earthly life
    • — so now let us again consider the admonition which was
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • world. And we are exhorted from all sides, from all the Beings
    • all sides, from the east and the west, from the south and the
    • then when we consider our feeling, we must see — in that
    • on the other side are the powers of cold, the coldness of soul
    • and how. Just consider exactly what learning streams in those
    • room or outside on the bare earth. The point is that you feel,
    • outside of us as support. We know little about how the water
    • abstract form, how they rang out to us from all sides of
    • to remember what is happening on this side of the threshold.
    • And on this side of the threshold every stone and every plant,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • there on the other side of the yawning abyss deep,
    • only retain the illusion of light if we don't consider the
    • on the other side; powerless feeling, asleep, destroys the
    • on this side. We must carry over a stronger soul than we have
    • the other side, we find “light's shining force”. It
    • this School should only live within the School and not outside
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • lives in the residents of the stars, in the spiritual
    • live on earth appears on the other side of the yawning abyss of
    • in the near future, we consider it first, so what we carry out
    • stand beside the Guardian of the Threshold. The abyss of being
    • we consider how our limbs work through willing, it gives us the
    • strength to not only will what is within us. Consider for a
    • the Guardian of the Threshold's side he points over to the
    • Consider the cosmic force of the limbs.
    • [Alongside the first sign on the blackboard is written:]
    • [Alongside the second sign is written:]
    • [Alongside the third sign is written:]
    • Consider the limbs' cosmic force
    • the cosmic force can be considered in the movement of the limbs.
    • Consider
    • remains feeling, but rays out to thinking on one side and
    • beside ourselves. Then the will's thinking becomes the thinking
    • we know, this first gesture means [beside the lower gesture is
    • second gesture means [beside the second gesture is
    • as if it is coming from the other side:
    • the following lessons, what resounds on the other side of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • not consider this, my sisters and brothers, as a limitation of
    • These are things which must be considered in connection with
    • it and not sidestep it by declaring pure dedication to
    • the human being experiences when he stands on the other side of
    • seek it on the other side of the yawning abyss of being, in
    • now we look back from the other side of the threshold at how
    • that then arises we should consider as what comes over from
    • first words we hear on the other side, as we look back at the
    • the other side who you yourself are; you turn around again and
    • to be on the other side of the threshold, on the other side of
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • not from one sided party views in the last decades, those would
    • consider themselves practical you can certainly doubt that a
    • This I don't say purely out of consideration. If I'm permitted
    • point of view of theoretic consideration like in a clever play
    • basis. Nevertheless, if all of this is considered — I've
    • hardly important when considered through a penetrating
    • forces if considered through penetrating soul observations of
    • scientific approach who considers all that is human, the
    • history is only considered in this way, as it wants to do now
    • evolution are not considered as being alive in reality, but are
    • consider what happens between the seventh and fourteenth years,
    • side by the power of machines and on the other side into modern
    • extent placed on the pinnacle of the personal beside the
    • the opportunity to proletarians while being positioned beside
    • do still believe that the entire consideration of the social
    • always approached from one or other party. Whoever considers
    • considered as ideological. At least this throws an impulse back
    • produces methods which are only suitable on the one side for
    • justice to the demands of human worth from the side of the
    • employees made impossible. Thus, the Proletarians considered
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • some one-sided remark about some or other class, some or other
    • into the modern community. Besides this claim for human
    • could call the nerve of a comprehensive, many-sided observation
    • of the social question. Please consider that with a comparison
    • the social question. Whoever wants to consider what we know as
    • operative systems working side by side in the human form. These
    • consider what I would like to call the rhythmic system, in
    • say an organisation of people, and on the other side, a human
    • to what we are considering here. Those who at the end of this
    • then it shows you are unwilling to develop a capability to consider
    • when considered objectively. On the one side, you can
    • side the objective, independent members of the social organism.
    • considered through certain fundamental experiences as the
    • considered as unrefined, the most materialistic, the digestive
    • Whoever can consider things for themselves and stay far away
    • to the social organism. The social organism must be considered
    • member, to begin with from the one side — one could
    • understandably also start on the side of the spiritual life but
    • for now we will start on the economic side as this obviously
    • We will soon consider its characteristics in order to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • sides.
    • all sides into the thought habits of the bourgeois circle
    • leaders on the one side and on the other the soul impulses of
    • in true reality hardly be considered.
    • many, will stand out, that the modern Proletarian, considered
    • Considering the sceptics will not be considered here, instead
    • outside of the proletariat who now take it as payment developed
    • instinct can be considered as follows: If I point out to the
    • side, can be overcome. What remains, however, is a certain
    • the other side perhaps in a counter observation, is realised by
    • will be the first consideration. What kind of experience is had
    • when these things are considered without bias, without
    • point of view being considered here, just now within this world
    • see how two streams have developed side by side in the world,
    • sides by fanatics who see themselves sometimes as good
    • side it is fanaticism when someone, without being cognisant of
    • outside are in space and events outside happen in time. When
    • considering today comprises the following: the life of
    • independent basis, must be placed alongside the rest of the
    • important.’ — Well yes, from the side of this observation
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • Proletarian circles. I consider this to be the most tragic
    • which are essential in order for, on the one side the bourgeois
    • Proletarians themselves, and on the other side that the
    • beside one another and already in a certain independence as I
    • have depicted from different viewpoints, now work together side
    • by side. Up to now certain preconditions directed actual
    • exploring certain sides of human thinking, you can feel what I
    • because modern humanity, even though they consider themselves
    • theoretical one sidedness. Should one try to prove in how many
    • an actualized one-sidedness, realized one sided theory, then
    • considers the social organism as something which allows itself
    • the placing beside one another within the real social organism
    • is the economic life on the one side and in a narrower sense
    • the state life on the other side, which must be joined by the
    • lively into abstract forms, even if from a one-sided view in
    • fulfilled, human labour being considered as goods. In this way
    • in the social organism, because it is being considered in its
    • This can also not happen when in a one-sided way the state out
    • two branches need to be side by side and that they each develop
    • themselves independently because they are working side by side
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • I consider necessary with regard to the facts which the social
    • other side, having something sneaking into this social will,
    • me that the basic question, which is considered today as a
    • beside the economic question to above all also a spiritual
    • the consideration of spiritual life involves me in particular,
    • impulses which are being considered by the Proletarians
    • side of human beings, who didn't invent the modern machine age,
    • such people who from one or the other side became the carriers
    • circles.’ — If you consider intelligent middle-class
    • — You should not consider her formulation but what kind
    • Purely considering the concept, I actually meant to say: The
    • from the side of spiritual goods. The spiritual goods can only
    • the modern social question, that one considers the spiritual
    • thing from quite the wrong side — one so personal, the
    • direction belongs directly to what must be considered
    • I also don't consider that from one day to the next, everything
    • spiritual life has been put on one side and the economy on the
    • other side; in the middle, the state is positioned.
    • which eliminates it from the spiritual life on the one side, as
    • characterized earlier, and eliminated on the other side from
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • consider their situation; they didn't arrive at an instinctive
    • world must consider regarding dignity?’
    • for. Don't we hear it from all possible sides — from the
    • Christian-social side, from the bourgeois-socialist aspirants
    • These leading circles didn't experience it but the other side
    • development next proceeded to the viewpoint of considering
    • taken up what could really be considered a fruitful development
    • proletarian consciousness. This should have been considered
    • understand its needs to be considered as a question of human
    • movement and the Proletarian yearnings, which can be considered
    • side so that it doesn't appear in the full light but through
    • be considered as goods?
    • Through this we come to consider things in broader terms,
    • another but that they unfold side by side, and as a result
    • exactly the opposite direction it must be considered, not
    • amalgamation of capitalism with land rental. So on the one side
    • we have the power, excluded from such rights; on the other side
    • goods. From both sides, nothing other than the actualized white
    • measure from one side. Likewise, as the economic life is
    • determined from this side, so from the other side the economic
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • life. To-day we shall consider how an impulse akin to that of
    • And now let us briefly consider the nature of the Mysteries. What were
    • the one side and of Beethoven on the other. This was the idea
    • human being to another? To outer eyes, men stand there, side by side;
    • wisdom it was created. But first we must consider certain things which
    • And now let us consider the time of transition from the old phase of
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • considered to be beyond the scope of man's ordinary powers of
    • Julian the Apostate heard of these things. But on the other side there
    • side, now from another. A deep love for Hellenism grew up within him
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • foundation which gives it, not the one-sided character of any
    • strength and power may come in turn from another side for
    • moments something besides language of a community-building
    • the side of the Movement for Religious Renewal.
    • rationalistic everyday considerations, I was profoundly
    • considerations. Matters of the daily life flowed of themselves
    • inevitable that those on one side must speak out of an
    • the other side there is no interest in this experience. I do
    • simply brushed aside what has been brought forth here by
    • wish to learn about them?” On the one side there is an
    • the other side there is something quite uninterested in this,
    • continues to be such that one side does not understand the
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • which he considers his world of reality while he is dreaming.
    • they likewise do not understand him unless they simply consider
    • therefore, consider it justifiable that I myself require much
    • beside one an Anthroposophical Society. For there is then added
    • constitute, by the side of the old Anthroposophical Society, a
    • in as an outsider to hear this Oxford pedagogical cycle of
    • at one-sided views, but, rather, to know and judge every
    • this respect we have the following fact, which I consider
    • persons — or, at least, I so considered myself. The task
    • the outside world suppose that nothing takes place in this
    • erected beside it, which would in turn, be so arranged in their
    • it was. On the other side, however, this created the other
    • ordinary methods of considering things do not suffice if one is
    • consideration, but for the reason that the Anthroposophical
    • consideration of what lies before us out of innumerable cycles
    • take over the Presidency of the Anthroposophical Society which
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • and continue to be present side by side with those that
    • isolated within the world. The world is outside us, it
    • ourselves entirely outside them. Indeed we often feel
    • feel isolated from everything that goes on outside us in
    • to say that everything that happened in nature outside
    • need to consider what it truly means when an organism
    • at a mineral, a stone, and quite rightly consider it to
    • perception. Consider a system of forces that in a sense
    • do not consider a U-shaped bar of iron to be a horse-shoe
    • should not consider human life to be entirely the way it
    • may appear on the outside. If you shoe a horse with
    • course taken by the world that exists outside us. Those
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • of view, that it is important for us to consider the
    • should be considered important in any way, except that
    • of our soul from all sides. It is necessary that we come
    • being considers its role to be that of a soul asleep. If
    • only within Germany but also outside its borders. [
    • these things just for once, though some people consider
    • Europeans and indeed the whole civilized world consider
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • considering. They may help to make some of the ideas on
    • the world today we should really consider the most
    • consideration of things that existed during the past in
    • and we shall find that it was considered a matter of
    • survey and consider larger evolutionary time spans than
    • external appearance but utterly different inside. At the
    • beside the point. At the second stage it began to be
    • exist side be side with the earthly realm, one that has
    • that Dante, who after all must be considered a great
    • for someone to consider himself more than the
    • to discover when we consider human evolution in the light
    • relevance and were considered to be the truth. We still
    • see in the first instance — we'll leave aside the
    • our inner life by considering the great events of world
    • consider that people once felt it to be true to say
    • people who from one side or another come to join the
    • consider without bias how people found their gods walking
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • fact quite considerable. They are of course clever people
    • things need to be considered in forming an opinion on
    • to all kinds of unimportant considerations.
    • Consider
    • Considering what one comes up against
    • movement that one may quite rightly consider to be wrong,
    • towards anthroposophy. Some people even consider it the
    • be our will to consider those wider interests of
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • consideration in public lectures. There are reasons,
    • however, why it is necessary for us to consider some of
    • the world outside. Basically the heart is a sense organ
    • upside-down ideas. One might well think, if one was
    • doing so, people never consider one thing that is
    • here, (b), where we perceive sideways, it makes no
    • simply by teaching outside the universities what until
    • now has been alive inside them. It would mean teaching
    • considering in their proper context.
    • thinking that puts the human brain side by side with the
    • applies if we consider the real situation in comparing
    • friends that in the ordinary life outside that is now
    • important and I must ask you to consider it carefully
    • you also to consider the following. There is much
    • others, but that his right side and his left would be
    • the left side of this individual will have the most
    • dreadful quarrel with his right side.
    • impulses of those who consider themselves the bearers of
    • the countryside all day trying to buy land. If we have a
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • been a basic theme to everything we have been considering
    • firmly on the ground, considering themselves to be
    • consideration. Traditional historical elements like the
    • the present time to give full consideration to what
    • perceive around us and to consider them to be real, or
    • starting point or whether you consider the idea of such
    • rainbow. No one should consider a rainbow to have some
    • quite wrong. The things we perceive outside are not
    • matter is to be found within the outside world, which we
    • senses, but that anyone who considers that what his
    • right to exist in its one-sidedness as materialism has,
    • providing one perceives this one-sidedness. I have spoken
    • This mystical stream must be considered in more detail,
    • considering themselves superior to such things — as
    • Consider even the most sublime mystic — what is he
    • outside world that impresses us through the senses. We
    • must be considered to gain an interpretation of activity
    • processes that go on inside our skin ignite the way a
    • inner experiences mysticism provides in its one-sideness
    • and physiology inside the human skin. Mysticism gives us
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • through spiritual science. Our eyes behold the outside
    • world, our ears hear the outside world, and we come to
    • outside world. People saying they do not want to know
    • about the outside world because it is a material world,
    • much as people who simply interpret the outside world in
    • is to be found in the outside world. The people of more
    • essential nature of matter in the outside world. To put
    • look for the nature of matter in the outside world and be
    • understood that all that exists in the outside world is
    • shall never find anything material in that outside
    • erroneously looking for in the outside world, may be
    • we become one-sided, abstract mystics. The contents of a
    • processes involving our physical organs. Considering the
    • not to be found by applying science to the outside world,
    • inside. We can gain inner experience of a property of
    • kingdoms. He would only perceive what goes on inside the
    • think it is but the flame that is cooked inside us. That
    • flame inside us. To find the right path it will be
    • origin lies inside our own skins. Anything we see outside
    • outside us is phenomenon. The root and origin of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • into certain knowledge. Thus we have science on one side,
    • to be considered as fully equal to the science relating
    • way we perceive colours and sounds outside us. There was
    • was present inside their skin. That is also the origin of
    • considered it their mission to go against the proper
    • science if we want to consider the activity of a
    • Considering this in present-day terms — because it
    • considers only physical things to be valid and exact; it
    • is only prepared to consider things that are perceptible
    • words to give a one-sided characterization. The subject
    • the outside world, an approach that will also have to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • already considered the rhythmical alternation between
    • considering this alternation between sleeping and
    • all the sensory organism which faces the outside world.
    • The actual brain organism lies more on the inside. We
    • head. So we have the sensory organism facing the outside
    • and the brain organism situated inside.
    • consider this dream life you will be able to say that it
    • some respects is similar to the outside world you
    • outside world you perceive with the senses. Human beings
    • outside world we perceive with the senses. When we then
    • take a closer look at the dream world, considering it in
    • we discover as we consider our dream life — and
    • impressions of the outside world and immediately
    • organ faces the outside world does not involve an element
    • of will, however. If you consider the way the sense
    • organs face the outside world and compare this with the
    • organ to a very considerable degree. In a way, however,
    • human soul and spirit — is in the outside world. We
    • will not take time at this point to consider the nature
    • of this outside world; we merely need to understand
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • different approaches have been used to consider the effective forces in
    • you consider one of the fundamental aspects of modern technology, let us
    • Considering the facts one
    • his side. This means that the inhabitants of Germany did so much work in
    • outside themselves that did the same amount of work for every individual
    • outside themselves in modern civilization; forces that work for them day
    • ahrimainc forces has increased at a tremendous rate. Just consider those
    • towards Anthroposophy is, moreover, called upon to consider the full
    • aspect. We begin to see the inner aspect when we consider the powers
    • Consider what went on in
    • minds consider it superstitious to look for spiritual Powers in natural
    • however, to consider the people involved. Those people want their dignity
    • On one side all this is
    • other side we have something that is much to the fore in the social
    • Consider the Christian beliefs of the Middle Ages, for those were
    • this earth. It was considered a virtue to rise to a life that was not of
    • that we had those spirits within us. Today we consider nature entirely
    • ourselves have produced are considered in the same way. All we see are
    • lived through — though we refuse to consider them nowadays —
    • deny the Gospels their reality, considering them to be the products of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • considerations. In a sense these will continue the theme
    • aspects of human nature are such that we cannot consider
    • consider the whole evolution of the human being you will
    • consider again the event that is to happen in this
    • something united with this earth that came from outside,
    • consider aesthetic appearance. On the other hand art
    • to a free social society. Schiller therefore considered
    • will find application in life outside.
    • side as something that enslaves and compels us. This is
    • when we come to consider things like these we realize
    • that immediately surrounds us on all sides. Principles
    • impossible to consider personal requests. This is as
    • mud at us from the outside — for that would mean
    • becoming argumentative oneself. It is considered unkind
    • threefold order is often considered too polemical. You
    • a serious Anthroposophy that is considering the great
    • on the outside. We have heard it said again and again
    • considered an outrage by all who have joined our ranks
    • Anthroposophy has to consider serious and sublime
    • have to be left aside, things that people have come to
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • happening in this interim, we must first consider the nature of man.
    • anything new. But we have to consider these things very carefully from
    • can look around outside in the natural world and see that everything
    • the physical eye of man, is considerably larger than the physical body.
    • one thing in man that can never approach him from the outside. It is
    • consider first. And on the way they are connected with each other
    • proceed to consider an even more important alternate state, that
    • reproach of arrogance would lie entirely on the side of those who know
    • no longer outside of all entities as in this physical world, not facing
    • all other things, but as it were inside of them, as if he were crawling
    • steps aside, which does not belong directly to the very nearest, which
    • make clear what kind of state this is, you must consider that man,
    • can get an idea of it if you consider that here man makes the
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • small scale. So the highest festival we can hold is to consider
    • earnestness we consider the present day, we cannot forget how
    • anything, outside of this growth of “the phrase,”
    • and that outside of him are the three natural kingdoms, the
    • the three kingdoms as outside of themselves, because their view
    • while we change on the one side our relation to the three
    • consideration. I will show this in a concrete case.
    • demanded in education on various sides. To give but one
    • sides for the reorganization of social life may be useful, but
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • within reach. At the inconsiderable age of thirty men are
    • must be considerably widened. I will show you how that
    • however, the world be considered in no restricted sense but as
    • spiritual, all outside it is Ideology, Maya. These
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • can no longer be brought to fruition by nations side by side,
    • Nations by outside political arrangement. These things must
    • people who die before 28 — to consider this to-day would
    • standing like shadows beside the great truths destined to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • noticed what changes have come about inside the ranks of the
    • It was itself called upon, to a considerable extent, to set its
    • should consider such things to-day, should be able to keep
    • the one-sided ideas derived from Marx. So we find that in the
    • — on the one side the attitude of the ruling classes who
    • to them. The proletariat stood on one side of the abyss, looked
    • side. We can see that, side by side with the rise of the new
    • said, in a well-considered speech, that the members of this
    • consider themselves advanced thinkers, is that the State should
    • outside of their economic activities. In future this must
    • point to the fact that by the side of the independent spiritual
    • subject to Nature-conditions. On the one side economic life is
    • to consider alteration in a few minor details of the system: we
    • forces outside it. The Associations, on the other hand, as part

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