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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • permit wisdom, (which humanity must assume, if it wants to
    • wickedness, (if we do not want to penetrate into spiritual
    • really a kingdom below their true humanity. And to want to
    • kingdom! But whoever wants to lead us to the animal kingdom in
    • 180º, are related to a triangle. So, if God wanted to
    • him. So any world that he wanted to create is perforce
    • connected with wickedness and evil. So, he must, if he wanted
    • he must not have wanted to create it, which conflicts with his
    • experience to which we wanted to refer-, one should rather say
    • With this I do not want to say that the arrogant teaching
    • than selfishness. — If I wanted to prove this in detail,
    • human must set aside, who wants to appropriate moral principles
    • valuable for a person who wants to penetrate into the spiritual
    • it will never come to an end, if it does not want to seek, to
    • world description, which only wants to see the outermost
    • Whoever wants to know and describe the living,
    • thought that whoever wants to strive for a world view, should
    • Whoever wants to understand life
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • us, is now want. Hot passion calls up the feeling of horrible chilling
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • he had inherited, had wanted to reach a discerning judgement of the principles of Christianity
    • something that isn't real. But we will leave that aside. We want rather to take the argument
    • from Kant's. Kant, of course, rejects this. He wants nothing to do with the conclusions drawn by
    • about the soul-life in the way Fichte did, who wanted to work out everything from the one point
    • same time, also wanted thereby to include the spiritual life and the economic life, something
    • do not want to create states in which the State itself can run the economy. The Western peoples
    • wanted something for the building in Dornach, or some such thing — as has been shown
    • already. But — and one still finds understanding for this today — if one wants to
    • create sanatoria or the like, one gets money, and as much as one wants! This is not exactly what
    • we want — we don't want to build a host of sanatoria — we agree fully with creating
    • here, happen! In this there rings out what I wanted to say today.
    • Thus Charlemagne once wanted to know from Alcuin what should be made of
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • Europe and the West. And we want now to turn to a phenomenon that can already show us externally
    • Today I want only to indicate the diversity of views
    • being and do not want the human being to be anything other than a kind of stereotype of his race,
    • powers on which one must call when one wants to bring something new into the development of
    • regard this as superstition and do not want to hear that such spiritual beings intrude through
    • want to go through life with a sleeping soul, but with a fully awake soul, can observe the
    • egoism. They want to be absolutely good, they want to be as good as it is ever possible to be.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • one wants to understand how the human beings of the European Centre are wedged in, as it were,
    • everything — indeed, had great geniuses of organization. But it wanted to also take over
    • Empire wanted more and more to creep under the umbrella of the State. Militarism, for example,
    • true spirituality, which we have wanted to present here in our courses of the Free School of
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • Schiller wants to point to a middle state in which the human being has spiritualized his
    • to Schiller that he did not want to treat the problem, this whole riddle, in such a
    • (the Copper King) and in which the Mixed King falls to pieces. Goethe wanted to deal with this in
    • con-fronted the spirits of the West. They wanted to lead him astray into the solely intellectual.
    • the Greeks concerned themselves when they wanted to receive social impulses. Here they ascended
    • Goethe: I want sharply contoured images, not excessive vague ones. For if I were to go any
    • has just past. Suddenly no longer wanting what, a moment ago, was vigorously striven for. A
    • want to abandon semblance. He knew that where one deals purely with the intellect, one comes into
    • But people today do not want to be taken up with having to go into something properly. This is
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • that they have no notion of them because they do not want to know about the spiritual world.
    • four post coaches a week and no one travels in them. If people really want to throw their money
    • what he may want, saying that I said so, even though from me he actually heard the exact
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • wanted to speak only of the man Jesus. But as this whole development took its course it gave rise
    • wanted to describe Jesus the man and believed that with that they could still remain within
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • still cling to a certain piety, a piety that wants to know nothing of what is laying hold of
    • Those who want to prevent a true concept of the Christ from arising today are the theologians!
    • sense, I wanted to say to you today concerning — to use a trivial word — the spirit
    • experience, people will not be able to meet it. If people today want, out of complacency, out of
    • inner pleasure-seeking, to bow down to tradition — and if people do not want to be aware
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • wanted to apply materialistic thinking consistently, he would examine the
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • as happened to me in Norway. A very young high school lad wanted to
    • grade, I should listen to him. “All of us High School students want
    • there in the subconscious that wants to be completely honest and
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • know is in our physical body. He helps us perpetually when we want to
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • inwardly alive. They want to keep it of a Moon-nature, cut off from
    • the inner life element that is connected with the Sun, they want to
    • it overcomes its own boundaries; all that forms walls really wants to
    • — for wherever they stand they really want to be
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • If we want
    • even if difficult. So what does Lucifer want? What do these Luciferic
    • angels that are in our intellect want?
    • time they did not want to take the step of the union of the moon with
    • thinking wished to unite with our inner being, wanted to belong to
    • be wanting in an understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha. For we
    • themselves: what it is will soon be evident. They wanted to know
    • possible for imposters to appear who want to make propaganda for some
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • like this, they would never have the urge to want to possess
    • reflection and meditation of each individual who wants to assimilate
    • introduce any concept of space or time. To be sure, if a man wants to
    • need to think you are spatially distant from something when you want
    • wants to give the red a boundary. It was not difficult like this for
    • falls there on an external object; I want to possess it; I will
    • the thought that he wants to have for himself what Nature wishes to
    • He wants to possess
    • it, he wants to pluck the little rose, he wants to take it home with
    • thee) the whole mystery of Nature, who wants to protect herself from
    • natural object actually says this when one wants to possess it. And
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • this lecture I wanted first of all to speak of John Scotus
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • people, if we want to be effective. Above all we must be clear that we
    • we want to apply these things. It is not always appropriate on the heels of
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • eurythmy class contour these forms or movements that he wants to make of
    • movements from what the etheric body wants to do; these are actually the
    • child wants and also not what I want, but the product of both. If I am able
    • teacher and educator. And if we wanted to create something externally,
    • For that reason I wanted to make this final point.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • teacher every moment of the time. I want to put this point as an
    • receptive to the spiritual world, for the movements want to come down from
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • we notice that the ego of a child does not want to enter into the organism
    • are whole subjects which help us when we want to protect the ego from being
    • there movement is our native element. Should we want to continue this
    • the spirit of the pedagogy which we want to nurture here has entered the
    • them in a different way. If you want to consider the changes which take
    • if one wants to assess rightly a human being whose arms and legs have grown
    • instance, someone wanting to become a composer thought he could learn to
    • in a school by following a manual on pedagogy it would be just like wanting
    • a teacher needs quite specially if he wants to be a good
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • have, and that is what we will talk about tomorrow. Today I just want to
    • This wanting to remember but not being able to remember entirely, arises
    • bit between your soul and your body if you want to dwell in memory. If your
    • unconscious between a soul process and a bodily process every time you want
    • line as well. If we actually want to include the whole of the imperceptible
    • active. If you want to see an actual manifestation of the forces of the
    • people who do not want to know anything about their thoughts shows that
    • every department you find well-meaning people today, who want to reform
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • just in the abstract. If you want to understand how this happens in
    • If we want to
    • it, what the old Hebrew spiritual current was? We want to see how we have
    • compassion and love. If we want to understand this, we must tell ourselves
    • Imagine that someone wants to artificially make a human being develop
    • incapable of certain powers coming out later. I therefore want to wait
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • wanting to enter lovingly into what is spiritual. Today, the intention is
    • karma, the human being lives in repeated earth lives. It wants to teach
    • greater extremes arising from the same cultural life. If one then wants
    • not want to.” This is a most important saying, one the modern
    • science wants to say. What anthroposophical spiritual science wants to
    • But that comes from only wanting to occupy oneself with
    • soul question. That is what I wanted to say to you today.
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • All the world will want to know about the life-work of such a human
    • From this translation: “Human beings will always want to know about
    • in human evolution. It does not want merely to present what
    • the spirit, in wanting to contemplate what underlies the
    • aspires to in wanting to ascend to an understanding of
    • Human beings will always want to know about Raphael; about the
    • the world will want to know about the life-work of such a human
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • expressive. He wanted to conjure the subtlest emotions onto the
    • recognized his great gifts and wanted something from him.
    • wanted to create and then begin making studies. But how was it
    • of things that amused or alarmed them. For, he wanted to study
    • again and again — drawings he then wanted to use for
    • made a few brushstrokes and went away again. When he wanted to
    • almost of itself. For, if Leonardo had wanted on the one hand
    • He wanted to make clear that this Christ countenance stands
    • already arrived — when people wanted only to look into
    • What I wanted to put forward today should not be presented in
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • Lily, wanting, in his fashion, to bring to
    • such a soul companion, and now wants to talk it out of this
    • wants the toad to eat some of her bread as well. The mother
    • amazed, but he wants still more, and she is to spin straw into
    • the king wants still more. And when she now sits for the third
    • promise, the miller's daughter wants a postponement. The
    • learning every name, she wants to find out what the little
    • matter of course from the whole tone of the soul in wanting to
    • it!” But, until the bears are there, he wants a good wage
    • great deal, Goethe wanted to say in pictures what he felt
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • in a flash. Were human beings not to want to participate in
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • that he wanted to have this conversation with me — about
    • in wanting, from a modern viewpoint, to immerse oneself in the
    • he would go along with those who want to see Christ Jesus only
    • Someone wanting to contemplate this novel merely
    • alive again. She wanted to call out, but could not; she wanted
    • we turn gladly to Herman Grimm, wanting only to continue
    • for truth — wanting to approach this creative phantasy
    • what I actually wanted to say in the following words; One could
    • illusion: If higher spirits, other-worldly spirits wanted to
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • We do not want to delve so deeply
    • humanity, but we do want to go at least as far back as several
    • could believe whatever they wanted. Belief — personal opinion
    • formulated by Chamberlain and others. But today we want to consider
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • want to hold on to the old realities, even when they have become
    • spiritual power. That is why the Catholic Church, wanting to keep
    • You see, to want the threefold society means
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • involved must remain. They want to continue to exercise their
    • opinion. People today always want to do that, but it isn't possible.
    • clearly indicate what most people don't want to see, what they want
    • That, my dear friends, was what I wanted to
    • truth. Before I leave for Germany, this is what I wanted to say to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • that Anthroposophy in relation to natural science doesn't want
    • development something else needs understanding, if one wants to
    • thoughts, as it stands, you now want to extend when you enter
    • phenomena in nature, in order to understand it. You would want
    • metamorphosed idea need to be contained, so that if you want to
    • Whoever wants to find proof why one can't use concepts gleaned
    • science.’ I want to still support this sentence today because I
    • he wanted to arrive at a certain causal understanding of the
    • experiences.’ In this way Goethe wanted to draw his
    • this manner Goethe wanted all of science to take shape.
    • Essentially he wanted — but he couldn't continue —
    • as hopeless. One can say for instance: When one wants to merely
    • underlying to obtain clarity. In this way phenomenology wants
    • doesn't want to express himself inexpertly, to deny that this
    • dogmatic and say: ‘There are people who want to explain the
    • wants to keep the route free from the creation of thought
    • only want to “read”, that means, what I finally get
    • structures. This is what I briefly wanted to sketch for you,
    • This shows us how Anthroposophy consistently does not want to
    • this it wants to supplement what has only mathematically been
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • roughly cover the details which Dr Kolisko wanted to convey to
    • beings. For those who want to understand if one could speak
    • result prove, what I want to present now.
    • cosmic totality, and one can say, and adapt — I don't want to
    • can now say the following: ‘I want to instantly see a show of
    • If you want to recall mechanistic laws you have to access them
    • must — for anthroposophy it is a definite but here I want to
    • actually researched scientifically. What I wanted to bring I
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • Let's look at the West: Herbert Spencer. If I want to be
    • Spencer we meet a personality who wanted to base his philosophy
    • becoming impatient and wanting to rise out of it to some
    • other hand with a spiritual content for people who wanted
    • world (which the West wanted to simply refer to as part of the
    • grandiose manner, he wanted to understand actually only on the
    • level of thinking, that he wanted to understand the experience
    • Consider Hegel's logic — he wanted to return repeatedly
    • wanted to attain a true understanding of the Logos, then the
    • Hegel wanted to use to cross the bridge out of the natural
    • somewhat still maintained, how well the church fathers wanted
    • I want to summarise all of what I have brought into a picture,
    • with Herbert Spencer, speaks the man of the world who wants to
    • negate but only want to put it in its correct place —
    • If one doesn't want to remain with building only an outer
    • other side of Nature”, as Hegel wanted it, but that it
    • This is the problem I wanted to present in the introduction
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • wants to do, to penetrate it and not remain stuck in
    • Thus, Anthroposophy doesn't want to propose new educational
    • principles in an abstract manner; it only wants to be an
    • and wants to present what the most beautiful educational
    • we want to allow incorporation into the childish organism, it
    • only want to mention one thing. Today in various ways teaching
    • dear friends, we don't want to be hostile to culture or become
    • than is usually done. I want to present an example of this.
    • mother takes money every morning when she wants to go shopping.
    • wants to have within the teaching and educational being and
    • should show that Anthroposophy doesn't want to be radically
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • dear venerated guests! Besides the introductory words I want to
    • say regarding today's task, I want to limit myself to essential
    • theoretical book on social science. This book wants to give
    • misinterpreted what had been said completely, wanting to turn
    • reject wanting to talk in this way about the possible form
    • external symptoms are wanted. It has little understanding that
    • characteristic common to our age if one wants to discuss the
    • “wait”. “We want to wait” — this has
    • I want to apparently — only apparently — introduce something
    • at such a promising principle as “We want to wait”
    • humanity. What wanted to be done in the economic life simply
    • appear in the way employees and employers — if you want to
    • one now wants to find, I might call it, a connection, a kind of
    • important role. This man who was a stranger to reality wanted
    • abstract, how unrealistic this was which wanted to be brought
    • What I wanted to point out was the following. The solution of
    • desire, the broad outline of what they want at the time and
    • out. When we want to deal with things abstractly, we can create
    • they can achieve the following, which I want to explain through
    • Ernst Muller and now want to attribute him with what at that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
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    • in a few introductory words today. I want to limit myself to a
    • theme: The relationship of Anthroposophy to Theology. I want no
    • others — defends themselves. Anthroposophy wants to
    • say, it wants to work out of present day spiritual science.
    • its own working methods. On the one hand it wants to take into
    • everyone, who wants to live into it, will not merely become
    • reasons, into which I don't want to enter today, it happened
    • to listen and this people don't want these days, so one must
    • validity of Anthroposophy which I want to bring to the
    • in this course. It also wants to point to what happens through
    • this scientific attitude doesn't want to enter into discussing
    • humanity. This is what these words want to say: “I am
    • split what wanted to enter into the human soul into what was
    • out there who want to accept this or that in a special way?
    • theology, and also today I want to utter these words, while it
    • Anthroposophy doesn't want to act as a fighter on the scene but
    • time. Everyone who in this sense wants to work together with
    • Anthroposophy and wants to bring to the surface the fulfilment
    • who wants to work with her in this sense, is welcome!
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • course to a smaller circle regarding the items I want to talk
    • speakers; because when people want to hear something about
    • this lecture I want to indicate the ethical, moral education
    • something — which I want to say verbatim — is
    • characterised. However, with this I want to bring into
    • what the object essentially is which one wants to examine. So
    • of things with their own inner, but restrained gestures, want
    • actually want to, if I might express myself like this, imitate
    • must first make this experience lively if you want to
    • abstract-imagery-life have made greater progress. If we want to
    • wants to really understand literal fluency. One can't
    • in Anthroposophy. Anyway, if you want to look at the language,
    • actually not really what Anthroposophy wants to tell you.
    • everything possible’ — but if one wants to make progress
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • explaining that situation, but I wanted to stress the
    • are members who really want to be representatives of
    • next lessons, whom we will want to know always better and
    • wanting to mock true spiritual knowledge. And when the mockery
    • nowadays can be compared to someone who wants to pick something
    • want to grasp something from the floor. We must activate our
    • thinking if we want to grasp the spirit.
    • thinking and we want to activate thinking, if we do not wish to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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    • being. And we want to first develop this sensation before
    • we want to enter the spiritual world this feeling must rise up
    • our willing work the spiritual powers which want to strip our
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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    • wants to follow feeling one must ask: Where are you now? When
    • the moment one's volition, which wants to proceed to previous
    • tranquility. He does not want it to deprive him of life's
    • powers of the spiritual world if he wants to participate in it,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • is recalled. If you had wanted to undertake something together
    • you see, if we want to make our feelings warm in the right way,
    • can continue to walk in them. For the gods do not want to leave
    • us alone on earth, but want to bring us into their spheres.
    • They want to make us into beings who live among them. The deep
    • earth forces want to separate us from the godly forces.
    • wants to lead us. When we turn to the second beast, and the
    • when we approach the first beast, which wants to hinder us from
    • what the earth's depths want from you.
    • the moment when someone does not want to be a representative of
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • Today we want to approach these things esoterically. So it may
    • light-beings' will. They want to draw man to them through his
    • light-beings who want to pull human beings away from the earth
    • who wants to unite us with its light and pull us away from the
    • the tempting beings appear in the light of the sun who want to
    • light-beings, that is when we want to escape from them, if we
    • self, which wanted to surge out into the bright shining
    • extinguished. If we want to enter into matter, into dark
    • warmth-beings appear, who want to give the human being an
    • lives: warmth. They want all his feelings to be soaked up by
    • Whereas in the element of life the spirits want to hold us in
    • aside into the nothingness of life. We then want to act in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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    • complacency. A terrible wantonness overcomes man. He becomes
    • Lucifer reigns. He wants to tear man away from the
    • after each sleep he no longer wants to return down to the
    • rise to angel rank. Lucifer's temptation consists of wanting to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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    • become members of this School declare that they want to be true
    • one of the tasks for the members of this School. We want to
    • yourselves for the first time: I want to take the Guardian of
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • Goetheanum in their teaching or impulse. Whoever wants to do
    • about anthroposophy, prepare people slowly, whoever wants to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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    • The answer to this must be: most people don't want to
    • sensory-organ. But we must, if we want to experience the human
    • myself attracted to the starry sky; I want to go up there and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
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    • or if you really want to be affected by it, in reality. Behold
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
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    • wants something different than really standing within the
    • spiritual world. One wants something which is similar to the
    • The one who wants to shows to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • be given to you by the one who wants a spiritual ground in the
    • The one who wants to shows to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • 1.) The one who wants to show to you
    • 2.) The one who wants to carry you,
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • 3.) The one speaks who wants to create
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • the whole exercise – but we want to place it once more
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • The one who wants to show to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • intimate concepts if you want to penetrate into what the
    • I want to feel the being of Christ
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • But if the person wants to bring over into the spiritual world
    • if it wants to replace the temporal with the eternal, which
    • Beforehand, my dear sisters and brothers, I want to draw
    • In immense pride the I — ensnared by Lucifer — wants
    • The heart motivated by Ahriman answers as though it wants to keep
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
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    • over the abyss as earthly beings and that we do not want the
    • Lucifer will always spur us on and tempt us to want
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • want to be closer to it, then not only one hierarchy can
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
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    • this clear to others who want to participate.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
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    • Two), so many new members had joined, or wanted to join, that
    • entrust those who wanted to try something, to let them try. In
    • prosper can stream into it. That is what I wanted to say as an
    • so now we want to bring to our souls the words which resound to
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • how these opposing powers, by usurping our will, want to bring
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
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    • into the cosmos, into the world with all its forces if we want
    • want to localize our will. We must feel ourselves one with the
    • free ourselves from the earth's gravity if we want to let our
    • in wanting to integrate our feeling into the cosmos, he does
    • And when the Guardian of the Threshold wants to
    • wants to receive the powers of thought in what comes with grace
    • from above, if it wants to follow a higher striving. We stand
    • When it wants, striving to follow,
    • When it wants, striving, to follow,
    • must look above if our thinking wants to unite itself with the
    • where we must feel ourselves to be if our feeling wants to
    • because he wants to instruct us about thinking, feeling and
    • are placed between light and darkness. Light wants our Self,
    • darkness wants our Self. We are to find the path between light
    • when someone wants to receive the verses because he was not
    • Wegman or me. But not the one who wants them is to ask, but the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • words that urge the soul of man, if he wants to hear them, from
    • to the one he wants to lift up, how he points, on the one hand,
    • the light which wants to guide thinking along the right track,
    • and the powers of darkness, who want to divert thinking from
    • want to be knowledgeable in the battle between light and
    • wants to bring us to a state of spiritual powerlessness, so to
    • speak; the darkness wants to make us lose ourselves in matter.
    • powers of beauty, the powers of brightness, the powers who want
    • life. Then it is as though the powers of life want to seize us,
    • powers of death, the latter wanting to confine us in a
    • the spiritual world if he wants to be a real seeker after
    • of the Threshold teaches us how we, in wanting to choose the
    • we want the spirit to feel at one with the universe, we can
    • wants to give the verses to another. Therefore, the one who
    • wants to receive them should not request them; it would serve
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
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    • — which the human being must tread if he wants to follow
    • You must practice deep, inner, intimate modesty, always wanting
    • earth and the air in thought and imagine ourselves wanting to
    • — It is as though the Guardian wanted to bring our
    • Only the person who wants to give the verses to another may
    • make the request to Dr. Wegman or to me, not the one who wants
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
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    • our human earthly existence. If we want to carry out something
    • thought that we want this or that; the thought appears, grasps
    • wanted — is grasped; then this thought merges with
    • that we want to view the head from within, how this perspective
    • myself. It would be useless for the one who wants to receive
    • them should ask. So, if one wants to have the verses, he must
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
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    • in our times as a spiritual institution. All those who want to
    • who, in every aspect of their lives, want to be worthy
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
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    • wants to become familiar with present day habits, can gather
    • of words do I want to express it, but as the result of a real
    • history is only considered in this way, as it wants to do now
    • said — when one wants to briefly characterise this serious fact
    • for fulfilment, wants to unfold its entire circumference. The
    • did not want to cooperate with scientific developments. At the
    • when science freed itself more and more from religion, wanting
    • longer wanted to uphold a living relationship with the actual
    • depletion of life. Those who as life practitioners want to work
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
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    • the social question. Whoever wants to consider what we know as
    • not been penetrated by the listener. This I don't want
    • transplanted on to the social organisation. What I want is for
    • want to call your attention now to how this play of analogies
    • You could, if you wanted to play the analogy game, believe that
    • every human being also wants the necessity for freedom to be
    • of art and so on. While I only want to mention this today, in
    • coming out of various experiences which I want to represent
    • ‘We want to head towards a healthy social goal.’ — The
    • in another form to some people on whom one wanted to depend
    • who want to make a reality of the seed towards an inclination
    • This is what I wanted to sketch for you today to support the
    • wants to bring about a healing of life out of the actual
    • when it transforms outer reality in the way they want it to
    • foundation of the entire meaning and intention which I want to
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
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    • people, one could call it, among those who want to consciously
    • thoughts also want to penetrate the understanding and
    • wants to enter into real life, this very thinking has
    • adherents of this view of life possibly only want to be in the
    • reflected also in thought habits: one world movement wants to
    • remain in soul spiritual heights and does not want to build
    • if humanity wants to advance in knowledge it may experience
    • spiritual participation, like spiritual science wanting to
    • theories or mere religious ideas, but with someone who wants to
    • live, who wants to be creative, with a will to create
    • into chaos and a random organism which they want to continue to
    • presented need to be entered into if one wants to get their
    • Thus, I have set out what people want to muddle together into a
    • first point I want to touch on is from this view I'm
    • want to say. Let us take some or other young student, in other
    • he wants; may find friends for these poems, as many as he
    • held up, how has it wanted to hold since more than half a
    • want to still make another observation. Even in relation to the
    • only want to go into the substrate of life. Whoever studies the
    • proper way. I just want to point out one thing. It has been and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
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    • wanted to make the state ever more into the economist. This
    • circles, because of it wanting to conquer the state's
    • leading circles want the economy to become gradually captured
    • Proletarians want to conquer from the state the element where
    • mentioned — to what is actually hidden. What wants to
    • — whatever you want to call it, it is the same thing
    • time. I only want to draw your attention to one thing —
    • life be responsible for its own natural laws, wanting it to be
    • want to play the game of analogy between physiology and
    • could, if you wanted to bring something more or less concretely
    • penetrated fairly and comprehended regarding what I now want to
    • economic life wants to accomplish in error, is to once again
    • mere legal state, when it wants to become economic, paralyzes
    • the economic life; the economic organism, when it wants to
    • This is what I wanted to add to what had been said in previous
    • I may say, want to be ruled through constraint according to a
    • last four and a half years! I only want to say one thing: if
    • don't want to offer criticism about this statement in as far as
    • corresponds to observations which want to be realized in
    • such a point as to where it must start I want to point out
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
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    • instincts of many of our contemporaries who want to address the
    • they want to accomplish, or, as you can hear from various
    • opinions, they want it carried out themselves, which means,
    • themselves. If I want to briefly express what I mean, I must
    • want to clarify this by an example. For many years I shared a
    • one wants to talk about the practical aspects of the first
    • don't really want to enter into a game of analogy between
    • want to go into all of that, it is not relevant here. What is
    • created.’ — I don't want to offer general remedies but I
    • only want to say how humanity must become members of the social
    • Just take for once — I want to use radically clear
    • the relationship between capitalism and ground rental if I want
    • two members of the healthy social organism, if he doesn't want
    • you consider what I have wanted to present, the fixing of
    • in practical areas. This is what I wanted to add.
    • it is not possible to say everything one wants to in a single
    • psyche, that I don't want to take the modern labour movement
    • in the modern labour movement, waited, I want to say, with a
    • statements. Understandably I don't want to discuss such
    • Now, should one want to discuss such a thing in detail, then
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
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    • such an interpretation I don't want to speak this evening. It
    • This was something which the earlier ruling classes didn't want
    • However, these concepts — I only want to point out how
    • want to bring about through this mere healing of this economic
    • want him to be left illiterate, through this the modern
    • organism. Tonight, I really don't want to play with various
    • modern step which this modern progress wants.
    • today. On the one hand, there is the entrepreneur who wants to
    • order for those who, out of their class consciousness, want to
    • I wanted to say to you today: think with the Proletariat, don't
    • past for people who only want to serve their interests and
    • solution or attempt to give one. I want to make you aware that
    • seemed to focus on in relation to what I actually wanted.
    • This is what I wanted to say about this issue.
    • intellectuals, then I may do it too.’ Really, when you want to
    • what it comes down to, for me. This is what I want to say in
    • is what I wanted to say about this.
    • satisfaction look back at what I've wanted to achieve this
    • evening. I really haven't wanted to convince you right into the
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • that happens to be living in their soul. He wanted to realise his
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • before. Thinking of this you will want to be aware of the
    • the approach we must use if we want to see clearly that
    • tortures when people of the present age want to tell you
    • felt about it. I really want to hear exactly what it was.
    • understand. All the time they want to describe their
    • want to hear an objective report of what they actually
    • They want to keep everything connected with Earth
    • point of having a mineral organization. They want to make
    • organization is concerned. The luciferic powers want to
    • ahrimanic powers. The luciferic spirits want to get human
    • we want to understand human life; all we would be doing
    • wanted to tell you this in conclusion, as yet another
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • If you want to show up the clear difference which exists
    • want to get Europeans to appreciate Asian ideas, as
    • say: Let us cast off the old tradition; we want to put
    • want to know how Schelling, for instance, to take just
    • it highly dangerous to touch on them even today. I want
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • few things I want to add to the points we have been
    • When such a ruler wanted something, decreed something, it
    • was a god who wanted it. To the minds of earliest
    • all a ‘god’ who wanted it.
    • gets used to, things one does not want to see. Today we
    • their heads with illusions, wanting to understand history
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • movement that has come together because people want to
    • also know very well what they want. They are the
    • three movements work for the things they want to bring to
    • on the surface seems very intelligent. The animal wants
    • want is to hold on to the old ideas. If we had some kind
    • certain quarters that we want the truth. There is no
    • of their souls because they do not want it to come to
    • must fight, of course, even if we do not want to, against
    • the people professing those beliefs want to make
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • intend to lead up gradually to what I really want to say.
    • I wanted to
    • understand what I mean if they want to — could be
    • want to criticize, to apportion praise or blame, really,
    • decline people have always wanted to shut their eyes to
    • practical life. If you wanted to use thoughts like these
    • what I wanted to say to you today. It is not addressed to
    • particular. I wanted to give you a clear picture of the
    • wish to hurt anyone's feelings. Nor do I want to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • want above all to refer to something that can help us to
    • We want our
    • age wants to be one-sided and embrace materialism and
    • uncomfortable. When you want to balance the scales you
    • want to understand the language of heaven. Since it has
    • serious times in which we live and on Friday I want to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • outside world. People saying they do not want to know
    • and that they want to follow the inner mystical path to a
    • science with their ordinary mental attitudes. They want
    • outside world; they want to continue in their habitual
    • completely misunderstood by people who want to proceed in
    • want to stress over and over again: we must get beyond
    • want to withdraw completely from public life or perhaps
    • word cannot yet be said, I want to hold back concerning
    • grasped.’ Well, they want to think with their
    • people want to slither into them, want to be sheer matter
    • and want to think, use their will and feel out of matter.
    • We want to give spiritual science working towards
    • people are trying to ignore these things. They want to
    • up and cast down, when we want to despair over a word, or
    • what I have wanted to put to you on these two occasions.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • science if we want to consider the activity of a
    • arising because a well organized association wanted to
    • that there Was a group that still wanted the old
    • members of this association in post-primeval times want
    • such a thing? They wanted to strike at the root, as it
    • were, of the knowledge then evolving. They did not want
    • that did not want human thinking, feeling and will
    • physical, but these individuals wanted to keep theft)
    • I am speaking wanted to prevent this, however.
    • for humanity to develop an inner attitude that wants to
    • outer science triumph. People must want to use that same
    • We must want the attitude and approach used in outer
    • difference is that Jesuitism in particular wants to keep
    • knowledge. Now human beings of the same ilk want to use
    • world; they want human beings to be stuck in that world
    • knowledge. Today those late followers want human beings
    • They achieved their aims not by saying: ‘I want to
    • people who are against this and want to continue to use
    • developing that want to go further into terminology
    • the truth and want to live a life that is worthy of human
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • different points of view. Today I want to take a point of
    • question we want to ask ourselves today is what kind of
    • something of which we must take special note if we want
    • that people want to stay asleep, want to let themselves
    • what we must say today when we want to define the tasks
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • human evolution which we must know about if we want to arrive at a proper
    • however, to consider the people involved. Those people want their dignity
    • people got into a habit where their souls no longer wanted to know the
    • evident. Outer want will become an inner want for the soul, and out of
    • this inner want is to be born the vision of the Christ who will be
    • very well why it did not want the masses to have direct access to the
    • general staff and the like when we want to speak of the way destinies are
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • world, want to shape things in a certain way on this
    • earth; they want the whole potential of human beings to
    • renewal of the Mystery of Golgotha, but I want to refer
    • spiritual science wants to be as scientific in its
    • wanted to make this condition generally applicable to
    • wanted it to be the power that also ruled
    • other that we want to include in a dissertation or in a
    • education. He stayed at the personal level. He wanted
    • Lily. Goethe did not want to go as far as hard and fast
    • did not want to go — Schiller by keeping his
    • things Ahriman wants for us is that we produce lots of
    • Ahriman wants us to do the same. He wants human nature to
    • egotistical instincts, and he wants all the thoughts we
    • Little rises from below in the human being; if one wanted
    • these I want to talk about today, for the longer we have
    • when they wanted to discuss things that it certainly has
    • is in fact the truth. Yet anyone who wants to tell lies
    • ‘What we need. What I want’ in his most
    • spirit — the living spirit — and want only to
    • go on wanting things like this they will destroy
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • want to pick out one of the most important chapters from the field of
    • mysteries if one wants to understand the human being at all.
    • member of which is the ego. These are the four limbs we want to
    • the limb has fallen asleep. Children who want to describe what kind of
    • the Kamaloka time, the Kamaloka state, begins for man. If you want to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • kingdoms of Hierarchies which stand above us. I want to
    • experience consciously if he wants to reach vision in the
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • want to emphasize this point. We should really and truly learn
    • they wanted to express when they set the Hermes-type over
    • he had always been very poor — and that he wanted to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • Of course we do not want to have these times back; we must move
    • here is a man who wants to make the spiritual and

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