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Eurythmy as Visible Singing

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.


Rudolf Steiner

Verbatim report of a course of lectures
held in Dornach 19.2.24 – 27.2.24,

newly translated, including a facsimile,
transcription and translation of the Lecturer's
Notes, with an introduction and index,


Alan Stott

The Anderida Music Trust,
in co-operation with
The Robinswood Press, Stourbridge, England


From shorthand reports un revised by the lecturer.
The German text published under the title
Eurythmie als sichtbarer Gesang.

1st German edition Dornach 1927
2nd German edition Dornach 1956
3rd German edition, revised and enlarged, Dornach 1975
4th German edition Dornach 1984 (editor Eva Froböse)

GA278 (Bibliographic Survey 1961, No. 278)

First published in English (including a lecture given at Penmaenmawr 26.8.23) by Anthroposophical Publishing Co., London, and Anthroposophic Press, New York 1932, as Eurythmy as Visible Song, translated by V. and J. Compton-Burnett; Foreword and Synopsis of Lectures by Marie Steiner; Introduction to eurythmy performance. Dornach 24.6.23, “The Festival of St John,” by R. Steiner.

Second English edition, Eurythmy as Visible Music, Rudolf Steiner Press, London 1977; a reprint translation of the lectures. This third English edition 1996, is a fresh translation of the fourth German edition. Drawings in the text from the lecturer's blackboard sketches, executed by Assja Turgenieff. Sketch (Fig. 1) from a photograph of the blackboard drawing. Fig. 2. derives from the 2nd German edition. A figured base has been added to Fig. 21.

Original facsimile of the Lecturer's Notes © 1975 Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. This translation, transcription of the Lecturer's Notes, Introduction, together with the compiler's Preface, the Notes to the Lectures, and the Appendices contained in Vol. 2 © 1996 Alan Stott. Published as Vol. 1 of a two-volume set by The Anderida Music Trust, Churton House, Audnam, Stourbridge, West Midlands DYS 4JA, England, in co-operation with The Robinswood Press, Stourbridge Printed by The Cromwell Press Ltd, Broughton Gifford, Melksham, Wiltshire, England.

ISBN for complete set of 2 volumes 0-9527454-0-2
ISBN for this volume 0-9527454-1-0

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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