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Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
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Theosophy of the Rosicrucian
Evolution of Mankind on the Earth. I
Schmidt Number: S-1544
On-line since: 4th July, 2002
WE have come in our studies to the point where the Earth has passed
through its so-called Moon-stage. We have also seen that a kind of
sleep-state of the whole system followed the Moon stage of the Earth.
One must of course realise that all the beings which inhabit the
planet share with it this transitional, intermediate state. During
this time they pass through experiences differing from those of the
actually external state of evolution. We will try to be clear as to
how the beings have undergone various things in this transition
between the Moon-stage of the Earth and the actual Earth evolution.
We have seen that three kinds of beings lived on the Moon, physical
ancestors, so to say, of our present Nature-kingdoms. There existed a
kind of plant-mineral, animal-plant and man-animal; man himself on
this Old Moon was in a state of not yet developed ego-consciousness.
So far man had not attained to an “ I ” dwelling within a
Now during this transitional period something very important came
about in the spiritual part of man — if I may thus express it.
If we form a true picture of the Old Moon sphere, we could describe it
as a being which itself possessed a sort of life, somewhat like a
tree, upon which all manner of living things exist. The Moon was
itself a kind of homogeneous plant-mineral. Its rocks were in fact
only a hardening of the plant-mineral like mass, and its animal-plants
grew out of the mass, while what we can call the men-animals circled
around the Moon. We must at the same time be clear that the
Ego-consciousness still lived more or less in the atmosphere of the
Moon in the Fire-mist, that it was still a part, a member, of a higher
being, in whom existed all the egos which today are to be found in
bodies separated by the skin one from another. Thus as yet there were
no human beings going about as today, equipped with ego consciousness.
On the other hand, however, something else was much more fully
developed than on the Earth.
You know that what is called Folk-soul, Race-soul, has become a
somewhat abstract idea today. Many think nowadays that the individual
soul of man that dwells in his body is the actual reality. And if one
speaks of German, French, Russian National-souls, people look on that
as more or less an abstraction, as a comprehensive concept, embracing
the characteristics which the individual members of these nations
possess. To the occultist this is not so at all. What one calls the
Folk-soul, as the German, French, Russian Folk-soul, is to him an
absolutely independent entity. It is only that in our present
Earth-existence the Folk soul is purely a spiritual being, perceptible
only to one who can ascend to the astral plane; there you could not
deny it, for there it is present as an actual living being. You would
encounter the Folk-soul there, as on the physical plane you encounter
your friends.
On the Moon it would have still less occurred to you to deny this
Group-soul, for at that time it had a still more real existence. It
was the Folk-soul, the Race-soul, which guided the bloodstream down
into the bodies, into those beings which circled round the Moon. It is
the destiny of our age to deny the existence of such beings as possess
an actual life on the astral plane, and are not perceptible here on
the physical plane. And we are at the very height of this
materialistic evolution which prefers to deny such beings as
Folk-souls and Race-souls.
Recently among other things a very characteristic book has appeared,
which has attracted a good deal of publicity. It is a book which has
been praised and considered, with justice, to be a true expression of
our abstract objective thinking, since it is written as out of the
soul of modern man. Such a book had to be written sooner or later. It
denies everything that cannot be seen with the eye or felt with the
hands. It is a scandalous book from the standpoint of the occultist, a
notable book, however, from the standpoint of present-day methods of
thought! I refer to Mauthner's Critique of Language. In his
book a clean sweep is made of everything which cannot be grasped with
the hand. Our age had to produce such a book as a kind of necessity.
That is not meant as criticism, it is only to point out the contrast
between the occult mode of thought and the present time. You can find
in it the exact opposite of all occult methods of thought, it is the
most amazing product of a dying cultural stream of the present day,
and from this point of view it is quite excellent.
You will understand that on this Old Moon a more common consciousness
prevailed than here on Earth. On Earth a man feels himself as an
individual, on the Moon this was not the case. On the Moon the
Group-soul was active, which then appeared on the Earth in such an
attenuated form as Folk-soul; hence the whole Moon-globe had a common
consciousness in a high degree. This common consciousness on the Moon
felt itself as feminine. And now you know that the Moon was irradiated
by the Sun, and the Sun was experienced as the masculine. This is
preserved in the old Egyptian myth, for instance, Moon as
feminine-Isis; Sun Osiris, masculine. An ego-consciousness, however,
enclosed in the human body was altogether lacking. That was contained
in the Moon's atmosphere.
Now during the intermediate state from Moon to the Earth, various
beings worked in from the atmosphere of the Moon, and made the human
etheric body and human astral body ready to possess an
ego-consciousness. Now what happened when the Sun again shone forth in
which were still contained the Moon and the Earth? In the environment
of this now newly awakened Sun-globe were the beings who today form
your souls, and during the intermediate stage they had incorporated
the ego consciousness into the astral and etheric bodies. As yet the
physical body did not possess it, and this emerged at first as the
man-animal as it had been on the Moon. Thus these two parts were no
longer in harmony. On the Moon they had still harmonised. What had now
descended into the astral and etheric bodies was no longer quite in
harmony with what existed below as physical, and the consequence of
this was that before a harmony could arise the earlier states of
Saturn, Sun and Moon had to be recapitulated. Thus we have three
recapitulations before our actual Earth could appear.
To begin with, the Saturn existence came forth with the physical
bodies of the animal-men, but in a certain respect no longer as simple
as they were on Saturn. At that time the sense organs existed as
rudimentary germs; now the glandular and nerve organs were present in
addition, but they were incapable of taking in what was above. A short
recapitulation of the Saturn existence had to take place. The Spirits
of Ego-hood and independence must work once more on the physical
bodies, in order to implant in them the power of taking up the Ego. In
the same way the Sun-state must be passed through, so that these
physical bodies in respect of the organs formed on the Sun were
capable of receiving an Ego. And in the same way the Moon condition
was repeated in order to make the nervous system fitted for it. Thus
there was first a kind of repetition of the Saturn stage. In this the
beings who were earlier animal-men now wandered on the Earth like
automata or a kind of machine. Then began the time when this repeated
Saturn condition went over into the Sun condition; there these human
bodies were like sleeping plants. Next entered the repetition of the
Moon-state, where the Sun had already released itself. Everything
remained behind that had earlier already detached itself as Moon. Once
again then the whole Moon-cycle was repeated, except that now the
capacity to receive an Ego was implanted into the beings.
This repetition of the Moon-cycle was for the Earth, if one may say
so, an evil period of its evolution, for considered spiritually, the
ego-hood had been implanted into the human body consisting of physical
body, etheric body and astral body, but without the refining power of
thought. During the time when the Sun had already withdrawn and the
Earth had not yet cast out the Moon, man was in a condition in which
his astral body was the bearer of the most savage lusts, for every bad
force was implanted in him and there was no counterbalance. After the
separation of the Sun there was a globe in which, if one wished to
express it today, the human beings were still entirely group-souls,
but of the most sensual order with the worst instincts.
During this passage through a veritable hell, and under the influence
of the departed pure Sun forces (not only of the physical sun, but
also of the Sun-beings, who had withdrawn to the Sun) the
recapitulating Moon gradually matured so far that it could throw out
the terrible instincts and powers, and retain on the Earth whatever
was capable of evolving. With the departure of the present moon all
those sensual forces went away; therefore in the present moon you have
the remains, in its spiritual significance, of all the evil influences
which were at that time present in the human realm; and therefore too
the moon is looked upon as having a detrimental influence.
Thus it was everything capable of evolution that remained on the Earth
after the separation of the Sun and the Moon.
Let us consider first the animal-men themselves. They were gradually
matured far enough for the Ego to be incorporated Thus we now have
wandering on the Earth the human being who consisted of four members
(physical body, etheric body, astral body and ego). It is now for the
first time that the earlier swimming, floating position changes and
man begins gradually to arrive at the upright position. His spine, his
spinal nerve-cord, became vertical, in contrast to the completely
horizontal position which it had during the Moon period, and with this
rise into an upright position went parallel the widening out of the
mass of the spinal marrow into the brain; and yet another development
ran parallel with it. For the floating, swimming motion which man had
both in the Moon period and during the repetition of the Moon period
when the Fire-mist forces were still present in the environment, he
needed a kind of swimming bladder, and this was actually a part of
man's composition, as is the case with the fishes of the present day.
But now the Fire-mist (we have called it “Ruach”) was
precipitated. This took place quite gradually and slowly. The air, to
be sure, was still filled with thick vapour, but the worst was
precipitated and with this began the time when from a gill-breather
man became a lung-breather. The swimming bladder was transformed into
lungs. Through this man became capable of receiving into himself the
higher spiritual beings, namely, the first rudiments of that which
stands above the Ego-Spirit-Self or Manas. This metamorphosis of the
swimming bladder into the lungs is expressed in the Bible in the
wonderful monumental words: “And God breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life and man became a living soul.” Here is
expressed what had taken place in the human being during millions of
years. And all the beings which we have learnt to know, the
plant-animals as well as the animal-men of the Moon and their
descendants during the Moon period of the Earth, all of them as yet
had not red blood. What they possessed resembled the blood of the
present day lower creatures which is not yet red. Blood-like substance
flowed in and out of them from above. In order to be able to harbour
the red blood in themselves something else was necessary. We shall
understand that when we know that until the casting out of the Moon in
the evolution of our planet no part had been played by iron. Till then
there was no iron on our planet, it received it when the planet Mars
passed through our Earth, and so to say, left iron behind. Hence the
influence of iron in the red blood is derived from Mars.
Legend has preserved this well by ascribing to Mars the qualities
which iron brought to the blood — strong and warlike forces. Thus
the influence which came in then with the change in the breathing
process, was supported by the introduction of iron into our evolution.
This was of the utmost importance in our terrestrial evolution. Under
these influences the human organism was perfected to the point of
beginning to purify and refine the bodies which it had earlier
received on Saturn, Sun and Moon. It began to work first, of course,
on the body which had been last received, the astral body, and this
purification of the astral body constitutes our present civilisation.
If you could observe that human being, still in process of
transforming the lungs and taking the first steps towards the
development of red blood, you would find him very dissimilar to the
present human form. He was so different that one really hesitates to
describe man at that period, for it would appear grotesque to the
present day materialistic thinker. He had more or less the development
of an amphibian, a reptile, which was just beginning to breathe
through lungs, and from the former floating, swimming motion was
learning little by little to raise and support himself on the earth.
When we say that man in the Lemurian Epoch had a mode of progression
that alternated between a hop, scarcely to be called a step, and then
a flight into the air, we have the nearest approach to some memory of
it in the old Saurians. Nothing remains to be discovered by the
geologist as solidification's or fossils, for the body was quite soft,
it contained as yet no kind of bony structure.
And now how did the Earth appear, after having freed itself from the
Moon? It had formerly been surrounded by fire-mists, as in a seething
steaming vessel, and then by degrees the dense watery vapours
withdrew. The Earth was now covered by a very thin hardened crust,
beneath which lay a bubbling churning sea of fire, the remains of the
fire-mist of the former atmosphere,. Then gradually tiny islands
emerged, the first beginnings of our present mineral kingdom. Whereas
on the Moon a plant-mineral kingdom still existed, there now appeared
the earliest foundations of our modern rocks and stones in consequence
of the hardening, mineralising of this mass. Earlier still the
animal-plant kingdom had developed more or less to our present plant
kingdom. And the beings on the Moon who were animal-men had divided
into two groups, one of which had kept pace with evolution and taken
on the human form. But there were some who had not advanced with
evolution; these are the present higher animals, they had stayed
behind at an earlier level and since they could not share in the
advance, they fell back more and more. All our present mammals are
relics of the Moon animal-men who stayed behind. You must therefore
never imagine that the human being was ever such an animal as those
existing on earth today. The bodies of those animals were not at that
time capable of receiving the I, the Ego; they had remained with the
group nature of the Moon. The last which had almost achieved the
additional principle of the earth, but which nevertheless proved later
on too weak to be the vehicle of an individual soul, are the apes, the
present Ape species. They too, however, were never actual ancestors of
mankind, but beings which had degenerated.
Thus in the old Lemurian Age, the Earth was a kind of fiery mass, in
which the modern mineral was for the most part dissolved and fluid, as
is iron in an iron-foundry, and out of this developed the first
mineral island masses. Upon these there wandered, half hopping, half
hovering, the forefathers of man. The Spirit-Self endeavoured little
by little to gain possession of this human being.
So we must picture the ancient fiery period of the Earth as a time m
which a last echo still lingered of the forces of the Moon, which then
gradually disappeared. They were manifested in the mastery which the
human will possessed over the substances and forces of nature. On the
Moon, of course, man was still fully united with nature and the
Group-soul moulded the conditions of human existence. That was now no
longer the case, but there still continued a magical connection
between human will and the forces of fire. If the human being had a
mild character, then, through the will, he acted on the natural
element of fire in a calming manner, and in this way more land could
be deposited. The passionate man, on the other hand, worked with his
will magically in such a way that the fire-masses became fierce and
turbulent and tore up the thin earth crust. Now once more the whole
savage, passionate power that was peculiar to man on the Moon and
during the repetition of the Moon-period on the Earth burst forth in
the newly arisen individual human souls. The passions had such an
effect on the fiery masses that they became ungovernable; a great part
of the land on which the Lemurians dwelt was destroyed, and only a
small number of the inhabitants of Lemuria were preserved and could
continue the human race.
All of you were living in those times; your souls are the very ones
which saved themselves from the raging fiery mass of Lemuria. The
portion of humanity which had been saved, migrated into the land which
we know as Atlantis, and the main part of which stretched between the
present Europe and America; from there the human race multiplied and
spread. Gradually the Earth's atmosphere had so changed that every
trace of the old “Ruach” had gone, and the air was only
saturated by dense masses of vapour. The Germanic legend has preserved
the memory of this in the Nivelheim or Nebelheim, a land that was
permanently permeated by similar heavy clouds of mist (Nebelmist).
Now what had been working in from outside during the Lemurian Age? At
first, in the Saturn period it was the beings which we call Spirits of
Egoism, of the sense of independence. During the Sun, it was the
Archangels, the Fire-Spirits: during the Moon those beings which were,
so to speak, the good spirits of the Moon time, for which the
Christian designation is Angel, and which are called in Theosophy
“Spirits of Twilight.” We have designated the outstanding
Leader of these spirits as the “Holy Spirit” or the
“Holy Ghost,” the Regent of the Fire Spirits as the
“Christ,” that of Saturn as the “Father God.”
Thus the last Who had been at work with His hosts was the Spirit named
in Christianity “the Holy Spirit,” the Regent of the
Moon-evolution, the Spirit who was still present during the Earth's
repetition of the Moon-period. It was the same Spirit who had formed
man from without, and who now sent a ray of his own essence, so to
say, into the human being. We have to distinguish two kinds of spirits
in the beginning of the Lemurian Age: the spirits who prepare the
lower bodily nature, who implant the ego-consciousness, who fashion
the human sheaths, and that Spirit who himself drew into man at the
moment when the human being learnt to breathe physically.
Now if you think that everything which on Saturn formed a kind of
fiery mass surrounded by a finer atmosphere, was gaseous on the Sun,
and then on the Moon was surrounded by those masses of fire-mist, then
you must regard the evolutionary process of the Earth as one of
purification, even as the evolution of humanity itself is a purifying
process. What one calls air today only gradually became free of all
that filled it as a kind of steam and smoke. We must be clear that
what separated itself out from the atmosphere are the substances from
which all bodies have built themselves up. The air is the purest of
what has remained behind, it is the best corporeal medium for the
guiding Spirits of the Moon, whom one calls “Angel” in
Christian terminology. Therefore in the purified air, in the air which
had been refined, men felt the bodily nature of the new guiding Spirit
of the Earth, the Spirit Who now was Leader, Jehovah. In the stirring
of the wind men experienced that which led and guided the Earth. And
so they lived over into the Atlantean times, on the continent which
forms the present bed of the Atlantic Ocean, sensing in the breath
which they drew, the bodily nature of the Godhead.
That magical influence which the human beings had upon the Fire-ocean,
upon the processes of the Earth, gradually disappeared, but in the
early Atlantean Age another connection remained instead. A man still
possessed a certain magical power over the growth of plants. If he
lifted his hand, which at that time had a quite different form, above
a plant, he was able to bring it to rapid growth, through the
influence of his will. He stood in intimate relation with the being of
Nature. The whole life of the Atlantean was in accordance with Nature.
What today is called the power of synthesis, the intelligence, logical
thinking, was not yet in existence. On the other hand man had
developed other things to a high degree, memory, for instance, of the
marvelous development of which we can nowadays form not the slightest
idea. Man could not calculate, not even that 2 x 2 = 4, but he knew it
out of his memory; on each occasion he remembered the previous
experience. Another memory lingering into Atlantean times was that
although a man no longer felt the Folk-soul directly within him as on
the Moon yet he experienced the influence of the old Folk Souls,
Race-souls. This influence was so strong that it would have been quite
impossible in those times for anyone who belonged to one Race or
Folk-soul ever to unite with one who belonged to another race. There
was a deep antipathy between the peoples of the various Folk-souls,
love only existed between those belonging to the same. We may say that
the common blood which earlier in the Moon-period had been poured down
from the Folk-soul was the basis of this kinship. And men remembered
not only in some dim way, but quite clearly, the experiences of their
forefathers, they felt members of the chain of ancestors just as you
feel your hand to be a member of your organism. This feeling of
kinship was a part of evolution inasmuch as in this transitionary
period which we have been considering and which took place when the
Sun withdrew and the Moon was cast out, another important event took
place. It is connected with all that was proceeding on the Earth as a
sort of hardening process. The mineral kingdom appeared and at the
same time a similar hardening took place in the interior of human
nature. Something more solid formed itself by degrees out of the soft
mass, and hardened first to cartilage and then to bone. And not until
this bony structure was formed did the human being begin to walk.
With the insertion of the skeleton another process ran parallel. In
consequence of the advance of human evolution on the casting out of
the Moon and the retention of only what was able to develop, two
different forces arose in the beings inhabiting the Earth. The Sun and
Moon were now outside and their influences affected the Earth from
without. From this intermingling of the Sun-forces and the
Moon-forces, which had previously been in the body of the Earth, but
now streamed in from without, the sex-life made its appearance. For
all the forces connected with sex come under the influence of the Sun
and Moon.
The still united Sun, Moon and Earth of ancient times could from its
activity be looked on as of feminine nature and this was fructified,
so to say, by the forces of the Sun itself. The Sun experienced itself
as male, the Moon as female. Now the Moon drew out, the forces of the
two mingled. In a general way we can describe all the beings which
arose up to the departure of the Moon as being of a feminine nature,
for all the fructifying forces came from without, from the Sun-force.
Only upon an Earth, which had cast out the Moon, so that the Sun shone
upon quite a different cosmic body, could the former undifferentiated
female divide into male and female. With the solidifying, bone-forming
process, therefore, took place the differentiation of the sexes. And
with this was given the possibility of perfecting the Ego in the right
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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