“Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words
will not pass away.” -or-
From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution
Dornach 3rd June, 1915 Corpus Christi
What way has man to take
during his evolution in the Universe? — The dream of the Moon-man
is the imagination of the Angelos. The Sleep-experiences of the Sun-man
are the inspirations of the Archangels.
The nature of the
Saturn-man in deep sleep produces intuition for the Spirits of
Personality. (Original force.) At the end of the Earth period these
intuitions become dense Cosmic impulses, and later — Jupiter
— forms. The sleep experiences of the Sun-man ripen at the end of
the earth-period and emit Cosmic impulses for Jupiter's vegetable
kingdom through the Archangeloi. The dream-conception of the Moon-man
— (or the dreamer in man) become, with aid of the Angeloi,
densified imaginations for Jupiter and give the foundations for
Jupiter's animal kingdom. The concepts of earth-man develop —
at the end of the earth-period — and through the Soul-contents of
the then highest developed men, turn into impulses for the human
evolution on Jupiter.
and Earth will pass away but my words
will not pass away.” -or-
From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution
All problems of a
conception of the Cosmos — whether that of Spiritual Science or
any other — contain this basic query: What is the evolutionary
path of Man within the Cosmos?
One, who has not yet had
his thoughts educated through Spiritual Science, may also ask: What is
the ultimate aim of human evolution! He would like to know what will
happen to man when arrived at the end of all evolution! We have often
indicated how a question such as this can only come from uneducated
thought, and that, for the mind cultured through Spiritual Science, the
aim is to find the way, to perceive rightly any particular point in
evolution; for when we know the path evolution has taken, we certainly
take a good step forward.
So, let us once again
consider — from a certain view-point, — the above query
— the query of the direction of the evolutionary way.
You all know that human
evolution has arrived at the earth-stage only after passing through
various previous stages, and that this earth-state was preceded by the
Moon-stage. And we must remind ourselves of the fact that, in a certain
sense, the former Moon-stage is preserved in a later stage, is active
therein; we can put it this way: that we are earth men, but that we in
a certain sense, carry the Moon man in us. We have developed from the
Moon-state, yet the Moon-man lives in us, — he is, so to speak,
part of us. We could show this in diagrammatic form thus:

or, in other words, we
can say: we carry with us the Earth man, but the Earth man surrounds
the Moon man.
We can now easily proceed
further, namely that the Moon man also encloses the Sun man, and the
Sin man in turn encloses the Saturn man; so we carry within us, in
addition to the Moon man, the Sun man and Saturn man also.
We must, of course, not
imagine that this diagram in any sense reproduces the truth. In
reality, of course, the Moon man does not sit inside as if he were
surrounded by a shell; but if we wish to imagine the reality related to
this ‘dual’ man, the matter stands thus, for example: That,
which in a specific sense, belongs to the earth, we would have to
imagine as residing chiefly in the trunk, the lower and upper limbs and
as far as the throat region. And if trying to imagine the Moon man we

must visualize him as the surmounting head; the Sun man has certain
— already disintegrating organs in the head, and the Saturn man
has head organs now scarcely discernable.
And now, if we consider
the evolution of the earth, we say: The first, second, third and fourth
earth period (Atlantean) have passed. Now we live in the fifth —
the post-Atlantean period. The three first earth periods were, in a
sense, repetitions of the Saturn — Sun — and Moon period.
Then comes a mean (or middle) period, a time of equalization, of which
the first half again represents a repetition, and the second a
preparation for the future. And only now, in the post-Atlantean epoch,
do we live in a time which, compared with the Saturn, Sun and Moon
periods, is something quite new. Therefore, only since about the middle
of the Atlantean period — though already prepared in the Lemurian
become evolved in the human being that which we now call the earth man;
previously we have to do with evolutions or developments that
were repetitions of the Saturn, Sun and Moon man.
Only in the
post-Atlantean age man begins his development as earth man, his true,
active development. Hence, we find that the first three cultural
periods of the post-Atlantean period — the Indian, Persian and
Egypto-Chaldean — though revealing extensive new changes of
organization — yet contain something of repetition. The real
deciding point came with the fourth post-Atlantean cultural period in
the progress of man, and in our fifth post-Atlantean cultural point we
stand in a most important and significant time.
You will all be aware that in
this our fifth post-Atlantean age mankind has gradually replaced the
old clairvoyance inherited from the Moon with the real, outer,
objective perception of things, which later became the scientific
attitude that has led to a materialistic conception of the Universe,
— and that, this materialism we endeavour to impregnate with the
concepts of Spiritual Science. If we consider all we are able to think
and know of the world, — all, that constitutes man's
perceptions, conceptions and ideas today — we have all this as
faculties, because our psychic-Spiritual is reflected on our physical
body, so that in our waking life on earth we are able to perceive
because the psycho-Spiritual in us evokes certain processes in the
physical part, and that these processes become a kind of reflective
medium, which, in turn, constitutes the content of our consciousness.
As we thus possess a certain content of our earth-consciousness between
awaking and falling asleep, — by these ‘contents’ we mean
all perceptions, emotions, will impulses, etc. — so is the
physical earth-man rightly the apparatus for everything that he has
accumulated during his life on earth as content of his consciousness.
And so, during waking
life on earth, we experience by means of our physical earth-man, but we
also have in us the Moon man. This Moon man is incapable of serving us
as a direct instrument of perception. Upon the Moon he could build up
the old dreamlike perceptions; but today he is unsuitable to form the
clear perceptions of waking life. And yet this Moon man resides in us,
and he is not idle! How is he occupied? Well, he continues what he did
on the Moon: he dreams. And because, during waking life, we do not
usually perceive these dreams within our subconsciousness, we fail to
take notice of them. As we go through the world with our waking
consciousness, the burden of this dreamer also accompanies us. Even
though you are perfectly unaware of this dreamer, other Beings know
him, and they are the Beings of the Hierarchy of Angeloi — and
the dreams of this dreamer are transposed by them into their own
 Diagram I.
Thus, during the Moon age
this dreamer developed the only possible consciousness that could
evolve on the Moon. As earth man came, the dreamer entered into him;
but his experiences in the earth man are developed into clear,
conscious ideas, which, for them, are imaginations. Our dreams are
transformed into imaginations. In other words — the dreamer in us
becomes ideas for the Angeloi Beings, and they change these to
imaginations: what man dreams, the Angelos imagines. (Diagram I.)
We may now go a step
further to something that can be depicted by diagram, which this time
is true to fact. The man in us has a still duller consciousness —
one similar to that of the plants (Diagram II). Thus, we carry not only
 Diagram II.
the dreamer in us, but also a kind of plant man, who always sleeps like
the plants. His dull imaginations are transmitted by the Beings of the
Hierarchy of the Archangeloi to inspirations. So: what the Sun man
experiences in sleep, the Archangelos inspires.
In a still deeper sleep
is our Saturn man; so deep is it that it can be likened to the sleep of
the minerals. This Saturn man, in his turn, with his deep-sleep
consciousness, gives the Beings of the Hierarchy of Archai the material
— the means to create intuitions. Hence: The Saturn man in his
deep sleep becomes intuition of the Spirit of Personality. (original
Force) (Diagram III)
And now it is necessary
to be quite clear of the fact that imaginations, inspirations and
intuitions are no mere abstract things like our own thoughts, concepts
or feelings. Imaginations are something very real, inspirations
something still more real. For, inspirations do not remain pent up
within a Being, but resound out into the universe as the music of the
Spheres and are productive forces. Intuitions are actualities entering
the universe and filling it. The state or condition of the Saturn man
in his deep sleep is sent out into the worlds by the Spirits of
Personality as intuitions.
And so it is to-day. But
the earth will pass through another evolutionary period in the future.
Then will the intuitions of the Spirits of Personality become more and
more densified. In our own age they still are extremely attenuated
forms, but as we progress from the 5th to the 6th and 7th earth-periods
these intuitions become denser. The earth will pass away, but these
intuitions are preserved within the Spirits of Personality. But when
Jupiter begins to exist, these Spirits of Personality advance to the
rank of Spirits of Form, and. the impulses they have learned to form
during the earth-age now become actual forms; and because they are
Saturn forms, they will be mineral. Thus: at the end of the earth
period these intuitions become densified cosmic impulses and later,
forms. (Jupiter) (Diagram III.) And when they become forms upon
 Diagram III.
Jupiter, they constitute the mineral foundation of Jupiter. During the
second evolutionary half period of the earth the Spirits of Personality
continuously work there — penetrate — into our Saturn man;
they win for themselves the impulses which they then ray forth into the
world; and these again send out forms, but these forms are the Jupiter;
Jupiter will be constituted of nothing but these forms. We have in us
the Saturn man, but as this Saturn man is in close connection with the
activity of the Spirits of Personality, he is the germ for Jupiter.
Jupiter will obtain all his mineral foundation from the Saturn man we
carry in us.
So now you have obtained
a glimpse of the Spirits of Personality and their task during earth
evolution. And you will realize that, if this is the fact, we, by means
of everything we may develop in this direction, will be able to evolve
a mineral Jupiter. But this mineral Jupiter will take shape
under any circumstances. That is definitely provided for, and is a
certainty, in the further evolution of the Cosmos. But consider, that
this Jupiter possesses as yet nothing equivalent to our plants, animals
and human beings; we ourselves — as mankind — would find it
impossible to exist upon such a Jupiter, for the hidden Saturn man
within us is transformed to this Jupiter, because this Saturn man in his
deep sleep, dreams what the earth man consciously imagines.
You see, under these
conditions the Sun man could bring it to nothing actual in us. The
Archangelos would realize only inspirations; and were things to proceed
as they have so far been described, a mineral Jupiter would arise and
over and around it would flow inspirations — densified,
certainly, but they would merely pass over Jupiter. In order that some
equivalent to our vegetable kingdom shall come into existence,
something additional is necessary, — we must evolve something
else beyond the earth man. And this is nothing else then something that
earthly man can never again experience with his physical body: it is
what we can imbibe from spiritual Science. Hence, I propose to call
this man the Spiritual-Scientific Man, despite its queer sound, who
aspires to and reaches out for things that extend far beyond the earth
 Diagram IV.
(Diagram IV.)
With all that we absorb
from Spiritual Science, the Sun man in us can really do something. He
can transmute his dim, sleeping, vegetable-like sensations and
conceptions into inspirations, which will become more and more
densified during the remainder of the earth period; and these will
ensure, that not only indefinite sphere harmony shall enclose Jupiter,
but that this harmony of the spheres definitely becomes growth of
vegetation, as this took place also in the case of earthly plants: they
are created by the sphere harmony and drawn out by light.
We therefore come to this
conclusion: If the development which the earth itself has so far
achieved, and which does not lead to the Spiritual-Scientific man, were
alone to permeate the world in the future, there could arise only a
mineral Jupiter in the cosmos. Toward this end all materialistic world
conceptions are aiming. Materialists hate the very idea that Jupiter
should produce a vegetable kingdom; in the depths of their souls they
ask nothing better than that Jupiter be constructed of minerals only.
If today we search through the entire materialistic science,
laboratories, etc., we shall find that everything is working in the
direction of a mineral Jupiter. And without Spiritual Science this
would merely prove to be a dead slagheap, quite incapable of sustaining
growth of plants.
The task of the (present)
Beings of the hierarchy of Archangeloi on Jupiter — the
production of the equivalent of our vegetable kingdom — is
prepared by us when we raise ourselves to the stage of Spiritual
Science. We may therefore say: The experiences of the sleeping Sun
man, mature at the end of the earth period, so as to furnish cosmic
impulses for the Jupiterian plant world through the
And so we will not try
and become conscious of the aim of Spiritual Science; we will learn to
know that our Spiritual Science really does give the Hierarchy of the
Archangeloi the possibility of endowing Jupiter with a cover of
vegetation. What the sun man experiences through the concepts of
Spiritual Science can be used by the Archangeloi in the development of
vegetation upon Jupiter.
Then a time will approach
in the evolution of the earth when those who have embraced Spiritual
Science will say: Spiritual Science is all; it is the ultimate
Good, and all those who, in their Soul, accept or practice anything
else, are visionaries and dreamers! — The followers of Spiritual
Science will speak of those others as the materialists do of us. And
just as Spiritual Science of today stands to the materialist; so will,
in future, be found a little community of people who will transcend
Spiritual Science and reach out to something that will constitute
something new, as spiritual Science of to-day is something new in
relation to materialistic science. That will make a great many more
demands upon the activities of man than our Spiritual Science, which
already is found to be very uncomfortable. It will be something which
the dreamer in man, the Moon man, will dream in a tremendously more
intensive manner than the Sun man to-day can experience the conceptions
of Spiritual Science in his sleep. But the experiences of the dreamer
in a future age will be grasped and reformed by the Beings of the
Angeloi and carried by them to Jupiter, to further enrich Jupiter by
adding, upon the mineral and vegetable foundation, another kingdom, the
equivalent of the animals. And we say: The dream conceptions of the
Moon man (or the dreamer in man) becomes for Jupiter condensed
imaginations, foundation of an animal kingdom through the
And finally, something
further will appear during the evolution of the earth. We look forward
into a future where we can sense something very wonderful. That which
will then come to pass will produce the germ which will enable the
human being of the earth himself to erect his kingdom upon Jupiter, and
it will be something entirely new.
Thus, all that to-day can
be developed with the help of the earthly man will progress further,
and then, after the ages during which something new will have
continually been developed, will arise something which this earth man
can now conceive as the highest flower, the apex of the Spiritual
evolution of the earth. And out of this conception will be born the
power by which earth man upon Jupiter can continue his progress through
himself. Thus, we can say: The conceptions of earth man become
impulses — through the Soul-contents of the most evolved of
humanity — for the evolution of humanity upon Jupiter.
Our Spirits of
Personality will then have advanced to Spirits of Form; our Archangeloi
to Spirits of Personality; our Angeloi to Archangeloi; man will have
risen to the ranks of the Angeloi. Then it will be possible for man, by
means of the highest and purest conceptions of earth man, in the
Hierarchy of the Jupiter-angeloi which he himself will then constitute
to continue his Jupiterean Spiritual development. His possession in the
form of evolutionary progress will then be similar to those possessed
by man at the end of the Atlantean period to enable them to inaugurate
the true evolution of the earth!
Now you will see that we
can look deeply into the direction taken by us in the Cosmos. And when
we can consider how man will have evolved — as he has progressed
up to our times — all that the earthly man can yield, and begins
at a higher stage where he will no longer be able to contribute
anything more as earth man — when he must aspire to things beyond
the powers of earthly humanity —when we thus ponder over the
subject, we know why we cultivate Spiritual Science. We then know that
the pursuit of Spiritual science has a profound import, and feel how
brutally abstract are the questions propounded by
philosophical temperaments: What is the ultimate aim of mankind? We
have quite enough to do if we aim at the next goal!
And we might ask: Can not
this Science of the Spirit — conscious of its task in the Cosmos
— truly move our hearts, penetrate our minds and consciousness?
But we feel that in us abides something that is the seed of the future
in the Cosmos! And we can truly transform what we thus carry in us as
knowledge into a pure mental and soul content.
And let us be quite sure
of this: All that is physical world on this earth will be destroyed,
will not merely pass into a state of sleep, but of destruction —
and something new must evolve. But whence will this “something
new” come?
Well, from the stones of
earth, from the plants and animals of earth — in short —
from the physical bodies of the earth — nothing new can evolve,
— they are there in order to be discarded — but from the
Saturn man in you the mineral Jupiter comes into existence. So true is
this, as it is true that in the fowl that runs out of your way nothing
exists of this parent fowl but a tiny germ within the egg — so
nothing exists upon the earth as a basis for the future Jupiter than
the Saturn germs that live in the human body. That is all that will
pass intact through the pralaya to Jupiter; all the rest is
discarded — falls away from the physical earth. (I am now
referring to the physical earth, not to souls). And should anyone
harbour the notion that the physical earth will become transformed, he
holds a nebulous idea, for the concrete fact is that everything is
dispersed into the cosmos, with the exception of all the Saturn seeds,
which are absorbed by the Archai, to be transmuted into the atoms
intended to form the mineral atoms on Jupiter. Many years ago, to a
small circle in Berlin, I spoke upon this subject. I endeavoured to
explain how childish an idea it is, to imagine the atoms of the earth
as the physicist sees them. Instead, we must think of these atoms as
the most inner essence of the Moon man — i.e., the man on the old
moon — but used by those Beings who were in advance of man in
evolution, who transmuted this very central part of the Moon man to an
earth atom. To-day this resides no longer in the Saturn man, but in the
This is the atom in its
reality, compared with which the physicist's atom is a very
childish concept. For this atom in actual fact has come into being in a
most complicated manner. Think for a moment that this atom must evolve
from that which man has developed upon Saturn, and which he has
preserved during the Sun, Moon and earth periods, and that later is to
be changed to an atom for Jupiter by the Spirits of Personality, who,
upon Jupiter, will hold the rank of Spirits of Form. Thus, is the world
I have often referred to
the way we have to look at these things: I have illustrated it as
follows: Suppose the time is 3 p.m. At that time, we find two persons A
and B, standing together at a street corner. We go away and relate this
to a third person. But let us also suppose that A has been standing
there since 9 a.m. while B arrived there at 12 noon, went away again,
and returned at 3 p.m.! — We discovered the same fact — two
persons standing together at 3 p.m. But the one who has been standing
there for six hours and the other who walked away and back again are
not alike. These human beings differ fundamentally, and that is the
important thing — they are not equal but different.
This will show you that
it is not the observation of a fact, but rather the circumstances
through which the fact is brought about that matters. For example, a
man who microcosmically examines living beings cannot penetrate to
their inner nature, but must be content with the outer fact. Very
naturally, people will say: “I do not merely substantiate the
fact, but I also trace its evolution.” But they only trace the
evolution of the physical, — they always cling to the fact.
Through this has arisen
the error which mixes up phenomena that have a very different value and
significance for the various kingdoms of nature, — for instance,
the death of an animal or man, to say nothing of plants. Death is, by
no means, the same process in the human kingdom as in the animal world.
When death comes to a man, it comes to a being who has behind him the
earth — Moon — Sun and Saturn evolutions, while the animal
has evolved through the earth evolution in part, and the Moon and Sun
evolutions; therefore is the death of an animal a very different
phenomenon than that of men. When one considers death in the animal and
human kingdoms this abstract manner as identical, one could with equal
justification, call the evaporation of a drop of Mercury
And I have already said
that man in our time thinks and judges along that line: Certain
biologists, thinking themselves particularly advanced, say: As many
plants have the characteristic quality of consuming insects, such
plants possess something akin to the animal or human soul! An outer
analogy causes them to make this assert. But it is no more logical than
to say that a mouse-trap possesses a soul!
It is that monstrous
superficiality, this clinging to externals, that manage to give an
impression of a terribly attractive logic, but which has originated
only in an unreal, dead Ahrimanic thinking. And more and more will
mankind submit to this kind of thinking unless impregnated by Spiritual
All these considerations
ultimately aim at the realisation of the importance of the incidence of
Spiritual Science into the human evolution on earth. We must not ignore
this simulated logic, though lifeless as it is, to which our Ahrimanic
culture has brought us. This Ahrimanic culture can do nothing but pass
the key, like Mephistopheles. But we must develop the Faustian attitude
towards that which the Ahrimanic spirits call “the nothing”
(of chaos) — the attitude that says: “within thy Nothing I
hope to find the All.”
But we must permeate
ourselves entirely with this idea. We must not expect that we can carry
over into the future new evolution, anything of this old culture!
Though we don't do so consciously, yet unconsciously can Ahriman
again and again become the tempter. Of highest importance is it that we
absorb the fundamentals of Spiritual Science, however uncomfortable
they may appear to be. The culture of Spiritual Science demands deep
earnestness in our devotion to it. Therefore must all flowers gained
from the evolutionary progress of the soul be placed at the disposal of
the impulses emerging from the heart of Spiritual Science.
And now I shall make
— I might say — a very objective, but essential remark.
In one of my last
lectures I mentioned something relative to the idea — which must
be realised if we are to complete our Bau —of the Group to be
erected in the east — with the representative of humanity in the
centre — (you may call him the Christ, if you wish), with Lucifer
above, falling with broken wings, Ahriman below in a cave, crouching
down under his feeling of defeat. That is the idea. What its completion
will be like, will be seen only when we have the group erected. For, to
the inner significance or meaning of it, belongs not only all that has
been said (in the preceding pages) but also to every characteristic in
the features of the Christ, Lucifer, and Ahriman. Should anyone attempt
to incorporate this concept into a composition (group), he would no
doubt make use of the old materials, and that would be wrong, for the
result would be a symbolical representation of an idea — part of
materialistic art! Or it would have to be taken from clairvoyant
perception; each separate form must be artistically created — I
might say — out of the primeval elements. That, indeed, is
possible only if one can really become absorbed in the impulses of
Spiritual Science. But one must take time, and not work further with
the old mediums of artistic production.
It is difficult to
implant the germ of Spiritual Science into all our cultural impulses,
but from what has here been said will emerge the necessity for that
effort. Naturally this cannot be accomplished today or tomorrow, but
only very gradually. A beginning must be made; if we are not conscious
of the fact that our Bau represents a beginning only, we shall view it
from the wrong angle. A very long time must elapse before the
attainment, (the consummation of all that is intended.)
The great task is to
transform the entire frame of mind and mood of the Soul from what they
have up to the present become, through the contributions earthly man
has been able to make towards that end. Of course, it would be entirely
wrong for someone to say: Well then, all that earthly man has been able
to give, is useless; away with it!... wrong because earthly men carries
in him the Moon, Sun, and Saturn man, and the new man of Spiritual
Science will, in his turn, carry also the earthly man in him. We must
carry this in us, — this earth culture. It is therefore not
unnecessary for us to learn all there is to know in this earth
But little by little we
must, even now, absorb a sort of Spiritual Science consciousness, not
with pride or a feeling of superiority, but with humility. It will
never do for people who belong to the Spiritual Science movement to
keep on saying: “What we learn (or practice) is esoteric! What you
learn is only exoteric! We have something, something quite new!
That is most undesirable,
and only instigated by pride and arrogance, as so much else within our
movement! The fewer of those sort of remarks the better, on the other
hand, the more we try to impregnate our entire Soul moods with
Spiritual Science, so much the better.
One would hardly believe
how one-sided words, and everything else, are used today. We talk,
without any sort of attempt to understand the other — to
“think ourselves into his mind”, as it were. All this must
vanish if the Spiritual impulses are really to take a place of honor in
our Souls. And so much has arrived at the culminating point today which
must be removed through Spiritual Science. — In our sorrowful
times we see men engaged in a war of words; we see one group passing
judgment upon the other. The Spiritual Scientist must realize that such
arguments and judgment are of no more value than a person who says:
“that is a house”, while the other disagrees and claims that
“it is a villa!”
That may be expressed
rather coarsely, but it indicates the worth of those discussions which
are today entered into with so much vehemence. It seems singular, of
course, when one tried to describe some complicated idea in so crass
and simple a form as above, but it is most desirable to ponder over the
relationship between great world-discussions and the simple idea! One
will then discover the reality behind the comparison.
And when we look back
upon much that has, during the last few years, revealed itself before
our souls as Spiritual truth, we will find that we can again and again
confirm ourselves in those feelings and perceptions that we can make
our own, concerning the impulses of Spiritual Science. When we think
that all the Spiritual culture that men can attain here will form the
inner foundation of Jupiter; that the endeavours of our Spiritual
Science will form the future vegetable kingdom upon Jupiter; and that
future (and further) progress will be the seed of the animal kingdom on
Jupiter, and, finally, seriously ponder over the truth that within the
Saturn man in us lies the germ for the physical shell of Jupiter, that
in our Sun man resides that which we must convert into the Jupiterean
vegetation, again the Moon man holds potencies that will be transformed
into the animal kingdom of Jupiter — and that everything
belonging to the earth — including the stars, will cease to be
— will enter into pralaya — when we ponder over these
marvels, we become a pupil of Him who said:
“Heaven and earth
will pass away but my words will not pass away.”