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Notes: Metamorphoses of the Soul Paths of Experience Vol. 2
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Notes: Metamorphoses of the Soul Paths of Experience Vol. 2
Cf. the lecture
“Sprachwissenschaft”, Dornach, 7th April 1921, in:
Die Befruchtende Wirkung der Anthroposophie auf die
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 76)
Max Müller, 1823–1900.
Noted Orientalist, religious and linguistic researcher.
Cf. the lecture
“Die Seele der Tiere im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft”,
Berlin, 23rd January 1908, in:
Die Erkenntnis der Seele und, des Geistes,
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 56)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
“Entwurf einer Farbenlehre”, des ersten Bandes erster,
didaktischer Teil, in:
Goethes Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften,
ed. Rudolf Steiner, reprint
Dornach 1975, vol. 111, P.88.
Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788–1860,
German philosopher.
Fritz Mauthner, 1849–1923. A
new edition of this work,
Die Kritik der Sprache,
was just being published in 1910.
In 1898 already Rudolf Steiner wrote in his essay
“Noch ein Wort über die Vortragskunst”:
“Artistic speech is often considered today to be failed
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Dramaturgie
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 29)
Cf. also chapter 33 of
Rudolf Steiner, An Autobiography,
Steiner Books, New York, 1980.
Rudolf Steiner repeatedly noted in
his later work that for example the 7th scene of his mystery drama
“The Portal of Initiation” (in: Rudolf Steiner,
Four Mystery Plays,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1983) showed in the most direct sense
this transformation of spiritual experience into sound.
Friedrich von Schiller, Poetry in
Homage to the Arts (Die Huldigung der Künste).
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Faust I,
Genesis 2, 7.
On this subject and the mystics
mentioned in the lecture cf. also Rudolf Steiner,
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age,
Multimedia Publishing Corp., New York, 1980.
Meister Eckhart,
Angelus Silesius, 1624–1677.
Johannes Tauler, c. 1300–1361.
Heinrich Suso, c. 1300–1366.
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, 1646–1716.
Cf. for example his
a short treatise which he wrote in 1714 (without title) as a summary
of his philosophy of unities.
Johann Friedrich Herbart, 1776–1841.
Philosopher and pedagogue.
Angelus Silesius,
Cherubinischer Wandersmann,
Book 4, Verse 56.
Valentin Weigel, 1533–1588.
Jakob Boehme, 1575–1624.
Hermann Diels,
Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker.
Herakleitos aus Ephesus, Nr 45. Also, The art and thought of
Heraclitus. An edition of the fragments with translation and commentary
by Charles H. Kahn. CUP, Cambridge, 1979, No. XXXV.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Faust I,
11. 1699–1702.
Genesis 32, 24–32.
The Lord's Prayer,
Anthroposophic Press Inc., Spring Valley, N.Y., 1977.
Cf. Friedrich Rückert's
poem “Welt und Ich”: “in adorning itself,/The rose
adorns the garden too”.
Miguel de Molinos, 1640–1697,
Spanish mystic. See his
Guida Spirituale
(1675). Molinos was sentenced to life imprisonment in Rome for this
book by the Pope in 1686.
Angelus Silesius,
Cherubinischer Wandersmann,
Book 1, Verse B.
“Wie begreift man Krankheit und Tod”,
Berlin, 13th December 1906, in:
Die Erkenntnis des Übersinnlichen in unserer Zeit und
deren Bedeutung für das heutige Leben,
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 55)
“Der Krankheitswahn im Lichte
der Geisteswissenschaft”,
Berlin, 13th February 1908;
“Das Gesundheitsfieber im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft”,
Berlin, 27th February 1908. The parallel lectures held in Munich
(3rd and 5th December 1907) are printed in
Die Erkenntnis der Seele und des Geistes,
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 56)
19th Book, 1.137 ff.
The reference is to the work
De Natura Rerum
by Isidore of Seville, c. 560-636,
the last Occidental Church Father. Cf.
also Rudolf Steiner's lecture of
18th January 1912
Menschengeschichte im Lichte der Geistesforschung,
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 61)
Francesco Redi, 1626–1698.
Italian doctor, scientist and poet. Cf. his work
Osservazione intorno agli animali viventi che si
trovano negli animali viventi,
Volcano on the West Indian island of
Martinique; largest eruption on 8th May 1902.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Faust I, Prologue in Heaven, 1.317.
See note 20.
Peter Rosegger, 1843–1918.
Styrian writer: “One is a man/Two are people/Any more are
Rudolf Steiner,
Occult Science,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1969.
These words over the entrance to the
Platonic Academy can be found neither in Plato nor in any of his Greek
and Roman contemporaries. They are first found in commentators on
Aristotle in the 6th century AD; thus Elias,
Aristotelis Categorias commentaria,
ed. A. Busse (Comm. in Arist. Graeca XVIII, pars 1),
Berlin 1900, 118.18; and Philoponus Joannes,
Aristotelis de Anima Libris commentaria,
ed. M. Hayduck (Comm. in Arist. Graeca XV), Berlin 1897, 117.29.
Ernst Haeckel, 1834–1919.
Die Welträtsel Gemeinverständliche Studien über
monistische Philosophie,
Bonn 1899.
See Aristotle,
chapter 6.
See note 23.
The reference is likely to be to
Johann Gottlieb Fichte, whose philosophy of the ego bases on the
principle that the true ego, as the founding principle which determines
subject and object, can never become object itself.
Wilhelm Wundt, 1832–1920.
Rudolf Steiner,
The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1980.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Faust II,
Act 1, Imperial Palace, 11.5063/64.
Cf. the Introduction to G.W.F. Hegel's
Philosophy of Right.
(Grundlinien einer Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrecht und
Staatswissenschaft im Grundriss).
Held by his teacher and friend
Karl Julius Schröer, 1825–1900.
Cf. also Rudolf Steiner's remarks in the lecture of
29th October 1914
in Berlin, in:
Aus schicksaltragender Zeit,
Rudolf Steiner Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland. (GA 64)
See notes 14 and 13.
See J.G. Fichte,
Die Bestimmung des Menschen,
1800, Book 3: Glaube.
Bartholomew Carnieri, 1821–1909.
Cf. his characterisation of conscience in the introduction to
Der moderne Mensch. Versuch einer Lebensführung,
Stuttgart, 1904.
Paul Ree, 1849–1901.
Die Entstehung des Gewissens,
Berlin, 1885.
Socrates, 470–399 BC
Plato, 427–347 BC
Aeschylus, 525–456 BC,
in his
Euripides, c. 480–406 BC,
deals with this subject in
and in
See note 4.
Baruch Spinoza, 1632–1677.
For Goethe's relationship to Spinoza cf. Goethe's description in
Dichtung und Wahrheit,
Part III Book 14.
Johann Heinrich Merck, 1741–1791.
Italienische Reise,
Rome, 6th September 1787.
See Goethe,
“Sprüche in Prosa”,
Goethes Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften,
ed. Rudolf Steiner, reprint Dornach 1975, vol. V, p. 495.
Cf. “Beethoven,”
1870, in vol. XI of Wagner's
Gesammelte Schriften und Dichtungen.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Zahme Xenien
VIII, dated 23rd July 1824.
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, 1724–1803.
He concluded his “Messias” in 1773.
Concluding lines to
Goethe's Faust
(Faust II,
1. 12, 104ff.).
Friedrich von Schiller in the poem
“Die Künstler”.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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