The six lectures, translated from the German,
which appear in this volume, formed part of a series of
discourses delivered by Rudolf Steiner in Berlin, during the
years 1911 and 1912. Their object was to draw special attention
to certain outstanding periods in Spiritual History, epochs which
have been of profound significance in the progress and
development of mankind, and to throw the light of Spiritual
Science upon various questions associated with these so-called
'Turning-Points'. Further, to contrast and compare the results of
external investigation with the knowledge born of the spiritual
scientific method. The reader will find that this most
interesting series of lectures opens up new avenues of thought,
and brings a great illumination to bear upon many obscure points
occurring in the Bible, and in connection with certain religious
It is essential, in order to realize the
significance and import of the text, to have an understanding of
what is implied by the term Spiritual Science, and to know that
its methods are true and have been proved of actual positive
value, sometimes leading to results which have been found to
harmonize with those of subsequent external scientific research.
Spiritual Science is not some new fantastic concept, but a
logical mode of probing and penetrating the deep secrets of the
cosmos and the Spirit-World, and Rudolf Steiner has shown how its
methods may be employed to obtain inner illumination and guidance
in the conduct of life.
At the commencement of a volume entitled
Investigations in Occultism, by Rudolf Steiner,
published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, will be found an introduction
by H. Collison, the editor of the English translations of
Steiner's works. In this introduction the editor sets forth
clearly and concisely the main features of Steiner's philosophy
and the principles underlying Spiritual Science. Upon this source
of information the following brief statement concerning the
latter is based.
Rudolf Steiner defined 'Anthroposophy' or
'Spiritual Science' (the terms are synonymous) as 'Knowledge
produced by the higher self in man'. The word Anthroposophy is
derived from the Greek -- ànthrôpos, man, and
sophia, wisdom. In virtue of his great spiritual gifts
and profound understanding of the ancient occult teachings,
Steiner was enabled to devise and evolve certain methods, whereby
it is possible for man, if he will but of his own effort raise
the latent powers of his soul and overcome all earthly passions
and desires, to enter upon a state in which he experiences
simultaneous association with two planes of existence, the
material and the spiritual, and while still retaining complete
consciousness of all things pertaining to the external world, his
eyes are opened and his inner vision reveals to him the presence
and the activities of the spirit realms. During this clairvoyant
condition, which is unlike that of the customary mediumistic
trance familiar to spiritualists, man finds himself in actual
contact with things divine; the finer vehicles of his being,
namely, the Soul or Astral Body, and the Ego or Body of
Consciousness, leave for a time the Etheric and Physical Bodies
(see footnote, page 190). The two former, however, still
maintain, what might be termed, conscious union with the latter
and it is the quality and power of the conscious union which
determines the difference between this truly clairvoyant state,
and that of mere sleep or ordinary trance. Throughout the whole
period of such limited separation, although the soul and Ego have
entered and become associated with the Spirit-World, nevertheless
actual individual consciousness prevails, the personality
remaining in touch with the etheric and physical bodily elements,
while conscious of that life which lies beyond man's normal
awareness and material vision.
When through the exaltation of the soul's powers
this condition has been attained, man finds himself in a new
world, the World of Spirit, and he can apprehend its reality and
penetrate its secrets; that knowledge and wisdom which comes to
him endures, and through it he may bring back comfort and
enlightenment to aid and to benefit humanity. During such time as
the Ego is directly associated with the spirit realms, man
acquires a veritable understanding of truth and illusion, of good
and of evil; and by having thus raised himself to the level of
the departed, he is enabled to commune with them, not as does the
spiritualist by bidding them descend to him, but through exalting
himself to that higher sphere of life in which they
Thus Steiner has shown that it is possible for
mankind, even in these modern times, to have more than a mere
fleeting contact with the Spirit-World, and thereby to gain
knowledge and understanding, not alone of spiritual things, but
also of matters of moment connected with the proper conduct of
man's life in the material world. But the power and the quality
necessary to this end, come alone through earnest and unceasing
endeavour, so that all feeling, thinking, and willing, may be
directed toward spiritual unfoldment, and an ethical development
of man's inner being through the uplifting of the soul --
this discipline is essential.
The methods of Spiritual Science, by which the
soul may be raised, and man's Ego truly enter upon and apprehend
the reality and the activities of the spiritual realms, are known
as meditation or concentration exercises. These are described in
great detail by Rudolf Steiner in certain of his books, entitled:
The Threshold of the Spiritual World,
A Road to Self-Knowledge and The Way of
Initiation -- the latter is now known as
Knowledge of Higher Worlds; all are published by G. P.
Putnam's Sons. Further information is obtainable from the various
Anthroposophical Centres. The chief object of the exercises is to
strengthen and harmonize the three principal components of man's
being, namely, body, soul and spirit, in order to bring about
close touch and sympathy with those glorious regions wherein lies
the source of Divine power, and through the enlightenment thus
gained, a clearer understanding of the material world.
The above is a brief outline of the Methods of
Spiritual Science, through which Rudolf Steiner acquired his
great spiritual discernment and his outstanding intellectual
power. Steiner felt that it was his mission and his duty, to
expound and develop a Christian interpretation of the Gospels and
of the Trinity, and to bring forward a proper and reasonable
means of communication between the living and the dead. Further,
he was ever ready to utilize the knowledge born of his spiritual
experiences for the benefit of humanity, by giving a new impulse
in any direction which he deemed worthy, and of real import in
the development of mankind.
The inspiring introduction to this volume, by
Marie Steiner, is indeed a fitting foreword to the beauty and the
spirituality of the remarkable and impressive lectures which
The works of Rudolf Steiner will live on, and as
time passes, he will ever be regarded as one of those who has
accomplished a great and glorious mission.