Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
The Eternal in the Human Soul. Immortality and Freedom
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
The Eternal in the Human Soul. Immortality and Freedom
On-line since: 31st August, 2018
The Eternal in the Human Soul. Immortality and Freedom
Rudolf Steiner Archive Document
Lectures Section
This First Edition English translation lecture series was given
at Berlin by Rudolf Steiner in January through April of 1918. It was
published in German as, Das Ewige in der Menschenseele Unsterblichkeit
und Freiheit.
By Rudolf Steiner
Translator is Anonymous
Bn 67; GA 67; CW 67
This First Edition English translation lecture series was given at
Berlin by Rudolf Steiner in January through April of 1918.
It was published in German as,
Das Ewige in der Menschenseele Unsterblichkeit und Freiheit.
This translation is presented here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 67, GA 67, CW 67.
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
Various e.Text Transcribers
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture Series has been made available.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
Lecture I: | Aim and Being of Spiritual Research |
January 24, 1918 |
Lecture II: | The Human Being as Being of Soul and Spirit | February 07, 1918 |
Lecture III: | Goethe as Father of Spiritual Research |
February 21, 1918 |
Lecture IV: | Mind, Soul and Body of the Human Being |
February 28, 1918 |
Lecture V: | Nature and Her Riddles in the Light of Spiritual Science |
March 07, 1918 |
Lecture VI: | The Historical Life of Humanity and Its Riddles |
March 14, 1918 |
The Supersensible Human Being (3 talks) |
Lecture VIII: | The Animal and Human Realms. Their Origin and Development |
April 15, 1918 |
Lecture IX: | The Supersensible Human Being |
April 18, 1918 |
Lecture X: | The Questions of Free Will and Immortality | April 20, 1918 |
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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