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The Central Question of Economic Life

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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The Central Question of Economic Life

Question/Economic Life: Notes

Schmidt Number: S-4673

On-line since: 8th February, 2016



By invitation of the State Economic Society Lecture VIII also took place in the Great Hall of the University before theoretical as well as practical economists.

Words of thanks by the President of the Theological Society and Rudolf Steiner's reply:

“By your lecture you have given us rich food for thought and have shown us the anthroposophical will and world view in a glowing way. Doctor, you are one of those who can elicit admiration through personal strength of spirit. Doctor, as one of the great sons of Germany and of spiritual life, I give you our heartfelt thanks.”

Dr. Steiner: “I thank you warmly. You can believe me that it gave me great satisfaction to speak now just in this circle after having for quite a while given a course for German theologians and having seen the one or other soul in this circle who needs something which perhaps in a modest way Anthroposophy can give. That is why it gives me great satisfaction that I could speak now to you and believe me that I am deeply grateful to this society, also in the name of the most important matter that I presented, for the opportunity that you gave me to talk about some of these matters to you here in the Theological Society.”

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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