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An Esoteric Cosmology
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
An Esoteric Cosmology
Schmidt Number: S-1343
On-line since: 15th January, 2001
It has been said many times in the course of these lectures that
Christianity marks the turning point of human evolution. All the
religions have their raison d'etre and have been partial
manifestations of the Logos, but none have changed the world so deeply
as Christianity. — Those who ‘have not seen’ are those
who have not known the Mysteries. Through Christianity, certain
fundamental teachings of the ancient Mysteries — for instance
those which dealt with morality, the immortality of the soul by
Resurrection or the ‘second birth’ — were given to the
whole world.
Before Christianity, super-sensible truth was revealed in the rites and
dramatic ritual of the Mysteries. Since then, we have believed in it
as it was revealed in the Divine Personality of Christ. But in every
epoch there has been a difference between esoteric truth as known to
the Initiates and its exoteric form which has been adapted to the
multitude and expressed in the religions. The same applies to
Christianity. What is written in the Gospels is the message, the good
tidings announced to all the world. But there was a more profound
teaching; it is contained in the Apocalypse in the form of symbols
There is a way of reading the Apocalypse which only now can be made
public. But it was practised in the Middle Ages, in the occult schools
of the Rosicrucians. They paid less attention to the historic aspect
of the writing, the question of its author and all the problems which
occupy the minds of modern theologians who only seek to discover the
outer, historical circumstances. Theology today only knows the shell
of the Apocalypse and has neglected its essence and core. The
Rosicrucians were concerned with the prophetic utterances, with the
eternal truths.
Occultism in general is not concerned with the history of a single
evolutionary cycle or period but with the inner history of human
evolution as a whole. True, occultism is at pains to discover the
first manifestations of the life of our planetary system and the
earlier stages of man's existence, but it looks forward through the
millennia to a divine humanity, to a time when the Earth herself will
have changed in substance and in form. Is it possible to predict the
far distant future? It is indeed possible, because all that has
finally to become physical in the future, already exists in germ, in
archetypal form. The plan of evolution is contained in archetypal
thought. Nothing comes into being in the physical world which in its
broad lines has not been foreseen and prefigured in the devachanic
world. Individual freedom and power of initiative depends upon the
manner of the realisation of this truth.
Esoteric Christianity is not based upon vague and sentimental
idealism, but upon a realisation born of a knowledge of the higher
worlds. Such was the knowledge possessed by the author of the
Apocalypse, the Seer of Patmos, who gave a picture of the future of
Let us try to envisage this future in the light of the cosmological
principles which we have been studying in these lectures. Certain
visions of the past and also of the future were revealed to the pupils
in the Rosicrucian Schools and then, in order that they might
interpret these visions, they were told to study the Apocalypse. We
will proceed in the same way and consider how man has gradually become
what he is today and what lies before him in the future. We have
spoken of the ancient continent of Atlantis, and of the Atlanteans who
had only a primitive consciousness of the ‘I’ towards the
end of their period. The Post-Atlantean civilisations were as follows:
- Pre-Vedic civilisation in the south of Asia and in India — the
beginning of Aryan culture.
- The epoch of Zoroaster, comprising the civilisation of ancient Persia.
- Egyptian civilisation (including the Chaldean and Semitic). The
first germs of Christianity were laid down in this epoch among the
Hebrew peoples.
- Graeco-Roman civilisation, the era of the birth of Christianity.
- A new epoch commenced at the time of the migrations of the peoples
and of the invasions. The heritage of the Graeco-Roman civilisation
was taken over by the races of the North: the Celts, the Germanic
peoples and the Slavs. We ourselves are living in this epoch. It is
a later transformation of the Graeco-Roman culture, brought about by
the invigorating impulses of new races under the influence of
Christianity mingled with the leaven of the East which was brought
into Europe by the Arabs. The essential mission of this epoch of
civilisation is to adapt man to the physical plane to develop reason
and practical logic, to immerse intelligence in physical matter so
that matter may be understood and finally mastered. In this hard and
difficult task which is reaching its culminating point in our own day,
man has temporarily forgotten the higher worlds whence he came. If we
compare our intellectuality with that of the Chaldeans, for example,
it is easy to see how much we have acquired and yet how much we have
lost. When a Chaldean Magus looked at the sky — which for us
simply presents problems of heavenly mechanics — his
feelings were quite different from ours. Whereas modern astronomy is
concerned with calculations and abstractions, the Magus of old Chaldea
sensed the deep harmony of the heavens as that of a living and divine
Being. When he looked at Mercury, Venus, Moon or Sun, he not only
perceived the physical light of these celestial bodies; he perceived
their souls and he knew that his own soul was in communion
with these mighty souls of the heavens. Their forces of attraction or
repulsion seemed to be a marvelous symphony of divine will; the music
of the macrocosm sounded in his being. Thus the ‘Music of the
Spheres’ was a reality uniting man to the heavens. The
superiority of the scholar in our modern age lies in a knowledge
of the physical world, of mineral matter. What was once spiritual
knowledge has descended to the physical world, to the world we know
so well. But from now onwards we must strive to reach a knowledge of
the astral world and of the world of pure Spirit by true clairvoyance.
This descent into materialism was necessary in order that the fifth
epoch might fulfil its mission. It was essential that astral and
spiritual clairvoyance should grow dim in order that the intellect
might develop by dint of precise, minute and mathematical observation
of the physical world. Physical Science must be supplemented by
Spiritual Science. Here is an example: Comparisons are often made
between Ptolemy's chart of the heavens and that of Copernicus. It is
said that Ptolemy's chart is erroneous. Now this in itself is not
correct. Both are true from different points of view. Ptolemy's chart
is concerned with the astral world where the Earth is seen in the
centre of the planets, including the Sun. The map of the heavens given
by Copernicus was prepared from the point of view of the physical
world — the Sun is at the centre of the solar system. The
significance of Ptolemy's system will be recognised again in ages to
Our fifth epoch will be followed by another, the sixth. This sixth
epoch will see the development of brotherhood among men, clairvoyance
and creative power. What will Christianity be in the sixth epoch? To
the priest in the Mysteries before Christ, there was harmony between
science and faith. Science and faith were one and the same. When he
looked up to the heavens, the priest knew that the soul was a drop of
water from the celestial ocean, led down to Earth by the great streams
of life flowing through space. Now that the attention of men is wholly
directed to the physical world, faith has need of a refuge, of
religion. Hence the separation between science and faith. Faith in the
Person of Christ, of the God-Man on Earth has temporarily replaced
Occult Science and the Mysteries of antiquity. But in the sixth epoch,
the two streams will again unite. Mechanical science will become
spiritually creative. This will be Gnosis-spiritual consciousness.
This sixth epoch which will be radically different from our own, will
be preceded by mighty cataclysms. It will be as spiritual as ours has
been material. But the transformation can only be brought about by
physical catastrophes. The sixth epoch will prepare for a seventh
epoch. This seventh epoch will be the end of the Post-Atlantean
civilisations and conditions of earthly life will be entirely
different from those we know. At the end of the seventh epoch there
will be a revolution of the elements analogous to that which put an
end to Atlantis, and the subsequent eras will know a spirituality
prepared by the two preceding Post-Atlantean periods.
Thus there are seven great epochs of Aryan civilisation in which the
laws of evolution slowly come to expression. At first, man has
within him what he later sees around him. All that is
actually around us now, passed out from us in a preceding epoch when
our being was still mingled with the Earth, Moon and Sun. This cosmic
being from whom the man of today and all the kingdoms of nature have
issued, is referred to in the Cabala as Adam-Cadmon. Adam-Cadmon
embraced all the manifold aspects of man as we know him today in the
various races and peoples.
All that lives today in the inner being of man, his thoughts, his
feelings, will find expression in the outer world and become his
surroundings. The future lies within man. He is free to make it good
or evil. Just as he has already left the animal kingdom behind him, so
the evil in him today will form a race of degenerate beings. In our
age man can to a certain extent hide the good or evil within him. But
a time will come when he will no longer be able to do so, when the
good and the evil will be written in indelible characters upon his
countenance, upon his body, nay even upon the very face of the Earth.
Humanity will then divide into two races. Just as today we see rocks
or animals, in that future age we shall encounter beings who are
wholly evil, wholly ugly. In our time it is only the clairvoyant who
is able to see moral goodness or moral ugliness in human beings. But
when man's very features express his karma, human beings will divide
into groups of themselves, according to the stream to which they
manifestly belong, according to whether the lower nature has been
conquered or whether it has conquered the Spirit. This differentiation
is beginning to operate little by little. When we derive understanding
of the future from the past, and strive to realise the ideal of this
future, its plan begins to unfold before us. A new race will come into
being to be the link between the man of the present and the spiritual
man of the future.
It was taught in Manicheism that from our age onwards the souls of men
would begin to transmute into good the evil which will manifest in
full force in the sixth epoch. In other words: human souls must be
strong enough to bring good out of evil by a process of spiritual
When the Earth begins to recapitulate the previous phases of its
evolution, there will first be a re-union with the Moon, and then of
this Earth-Moon with the Sun. The re-union with the Moon will mark the
culminating point of evil on the Earth; the re-union with the Sun will
signify, on the other hand, the advent of happiness, the reign of the
‘elect.’ Man will bear the signs of the seven great phases
of the Earth. The Book with the Seven Seals, spoken of in the
Apocalypse, will be opened. The Woman clothed with the Sun who has the
Moon under her feet, refers to the age when the Earth will once again
be united with Sun and Moon. The Trumpets of Judgment will sound for
the Earth will have passed into the Devachanic condition where the
ruling principle is not light but sound. The hallmark of the
end of earthly existence will be that the Christ-Principle permeates
all humanity. Having become like unto Christ, men will gather around
Him as the hosts around the Lamb, and the great harvest of evolution
will constitute the new Jerusalem.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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