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The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man
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The Influence of Spiritual Beings on Man
On-line since: 15th August, 2007
By Rudolf Steiner
GA 102
In these eleven lectures, Steiner describes the realms inhabited by
almost limitless varieties of elemental beings, and the working of the
great planetary beings and the higher spiritual hierarchies in cosmic
This translation has been authorized for the western hemisphere by agreement
with the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. The
original edition was issued under the title:
Das Hereinwirken geistiger Wesertheiten in den Menschen.
Copyright © 1982
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The Anthroposophic Press
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| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
| Note |
| Publisher's Note |
| Lecture I |
January 06, 1908 |
Beings of the astral plane and Devachan. The
group souls of animals, plants, minerals. Benevolent and malignant
beings of Mars, Moon, Venus. The inventive and the wild Saturn
beings. Different influences of these beings upon the earth and
upon man. Chyle, lymph, and blood as body of beings of other planets.
Working of the Saturn spirits through the sense organs; (Perfumes).
Saturn and liver; the Prometheus myth.
| Lecture II |
January 27, 1908 |
Planets and Zodiac, Time and Duration. Saturn
as dawn of our planetary condition. Its origin as sacrifice of
the Zodiac. Ascending and descending forces of the Zodiac. All
spiritual beings have seven members of their being. Christ, the
Mystical Lamb, has life-spirit or Budhi as lowest member.
| Lecture III |
February 15, 1908 |
Origin of our solar system from the standpoints
of natural science and spiritual science. The Kant-Laplace theory.
The earlier embodiments of the Earth as deeds of spiritual beings,
standing at different levels of evolution. Additional spiritual
beings and laggard spiritual beings. Separation of the sun, and
the planets Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter as dwelling places of
spiritual beings. The Mars transit and iron. Separation of moon,
its connection with the Sun-spirit, Yahve. The Venus and Mercury
beings as teachers of man. The activity of Mars in the sentient
soul, Mercury in the intellectual soul, Jupiter in the consciousness
| Lecture IV |
February 29, 1908 |
The warmth element on ancient Saturn. The spirits
of Form sent their life-giving forces to Saturn; first inception
of man's physical body. Myth of Chronos and Gaea. On the
Sun the Spirits of Form sacrifice the etheric body, on the Moon,
the astral body, and bring about the first inception of the human
etheric and astral bodies. On the Earth “trickling in”
of the ego in Lemurian Age. In the course of the Atlantean Age,
the ego takes hold of man's astral, etheric, physical bodies
and there arise sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness
soul, spirit-self, and life spirit. The Mystery of Golgotha.
| Lecture V |
March 16, 1908 |
World evolution through Saturn, Sun, Moon,
and Earth. Recapitulation of earlier conditions at the beginning
of Earth evolution. Man as the first-born, prior to the animal,
plant, and mineral kingdoms. Origins of light and air, heart,
systems of breathing, nerves, glands, and bones. The “dance
of matter” to the measure of the harmony of the spheres.
Albumen formation. Origin of sense organs. Origin of ash after
the sun separation. Formation of the mineral through thought,
which makes tone into the Word.
| Lecture VI |
March 24, 1908 |
The time reversal in the recapitulation of
evolutionary conditions. Transformation of the systems of blood,
senses, nerves in the course of evolution. The personality consciousness
on the Earth in contrast to the Moon consciousness. The group
souls and memory through generations. The group souls of the Moon.
The Moon as planet of wisdom, the Earth as planet of love. On
Jupiter love will have became nature as wisdom has on the Earth.
Ascent of the Spirits of Wisdom to Spirits of the Revolution of
Times. Individuality and personality of man in passing through
the incarnations. Christ as Sun Being, as Mystical Lamb, as the
great Sacrifice of the Earth. The Spirits of Wisdom and Yahve, the
Lord of Form. Impulse of the laggard spirits. The future spiritualizing
of the material as Resurrection of the Flesh. Old and New Testament.
Christianity as religion of humanity is greater than all religions.
| Lecture VII |
April 20, 1908 |
The spiritual hierarchies above man. The different
realms of consciousness of man and the hierarchies. Lowest stage
for the Angels: the plant kingdom; for the Archangels: the animal
kingdom. Angels are guardian spirits of individual men, Archangels
are folk spirits, Archai, time spirits. For these, men form the
lowest kingdom of their scale of consciousness. Satan, the unlawful,
Yahve, the lawful, Prince of this World. The highest spirit is
Christ. He uses no compulsion, the human being must come to him
| Lecture VIII |
May 16, 1908 |
The understanding through feeling of spiritual-scientific knowledge.
The threefold nature of man: body, soul, and spirit. Beings higher
than man possess soul and spirit, the animals, body and soul.
The elemental beings too have body and soul, though the body is
invisible. Goblins, Gnomes. Fourfold nature of man: physical body,
etheric body, astral body, and ego. As physical substance continues
upwards as etheric body, astral body, so it does downwards in
the direction of the sub-physical members of the Goblins, Gnomes,
Sylphs, Undines. The origin of such beings. Human beings who unite
too strongly with the bodily nature can become elemental beings
in the Jupiter evolution. The myth of Ahasuerus. The “Sixteen
Paths of Perdition.” Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines are laggard
beings of earlier stages of evolution; Salamanders are cut off
from animal group souls. They are ego-like.
| Lecture IX |
June 01, 1908 |
Birth and death in animal and man. Group souls
know only metamorphoses, not death. Connection between bees and
sylphs. The evolution of human souls from group souls to individuality
in its various degrees. Old Testament, Germanic mythology. Men
grow away from connection with family, tribe, folk, race. In the
future, spiritual truth will create the union between individualities.
The group souls of the future will not impair the freedom of the
individual. The origin of elemental beings at border regions:
Nymphs and Undines at the meeting of water and rock, Gnomes at
the meeting of metal and earth, Salamanders through relationships
of man and animal.
| Lecture X |
June 04, 1908 |
The four systems of man's physical body: senses system as
expression of the physical: Saturn. Glandular system as expression
of the etheric: Sun. Nervous system as expression of the astral:
Moon. Blood system as expression of the ego: Earth. In sleep,
when astral body and ego are outside the physical and etheric
bodies, man's nerve and blood systems are cared for by spiritual
beings. According to man's behaviour during the waking state,
these beings can be supplanted by elemental beings. Thus arise
phantoms through lies and slander, spectres through bad social
conditions and organizations, demons through intolerance, compulsion
of opinions, and so forth. The increasingly firm establishment
of the etheric body in the physical body; towards the future a
loosening of the etheric body takes place again. Inner spiritual
life will again give style to man's environment. The future
permeation of the world with spirit is symbolized by the Whitsuntide
| Lecture XI |
June 11, 1908 |
Man's union with spiritual beings through
art. Architecture as union with the etheric bodies, (Greek temple),
music as union with the astral bodies of spiritual beings. In
sleep man enters into relationship with beings who provide him
with forces for daily life. In the interaction between the inner
soul nature and these spiritual beings man can grasp the space
forces which take the form of architecture for the physical body,
as well as the form forces which take the form of sculpture for
the etheric body, painting for the sentient soul. The harmonies
of the spheres take the form of music for the intellectual soul.
The words of the spiritual world which the consciousness soul
receives in the night take the form of poetry in the day consciousness.
Richard Wagner and his relation to art. His attempt to unite Shakespeare
and Beethoven. Glance into future times when all external things
in man's surroundings (e.g rail-way stations, and so forth),
will again be image of the spiritual reality. The mission of Spiritual
Science in the evolution of mankind.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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