Egyptian Myths and Mysteries
Genesis of the Trinity of Sun, Moon, and Earth, Osiris and Typhon
Schmidt Number: S-1827
On-line since: 20th November, 2000
The Genesis of the Trinity
of Sun, Moon, and Earth.
Osiris and Typhon.
UP to this point in these lectures we have tried to construct a
picture of the earth's evolution in connection with the evolution of
man, because we had to demonstrate how the earth's past, how the facts
of its evolution, were reflected in the knowledge displayed by the
various cultural periods of the post-Atlantean time. The deepest
experiences of the pupils of the Rishis were characterized, and it was
shown how these inner experiences of the neophyte portrayed, in inward
clairvoyantly-perceived pictures, the relationships and events that
prevailed in the primeval earth, when sun and moon were still
contained in it. We also saw what a high stage of initiation such a
pupil had to reach in order to build for himself such a
world-conception, which appears as a recapitulation of what occurred
in the remotest past. We also saw what the Greeks thought when, in the
campaigns of Alexander, they became acquainted with what was
experienced by such an Indian neophyte, in whose soul arose the
picture of the divine-spiritual creative force that began to express
itself in the primeval mist when sun and moon were still united with
the earth. This picture, the Brahman of the Indians, which was later
called I-Brahma (Aham Brahma) and which appeared to the Greeks as
Heracles this picture, we sought to bring before our souls as
an inner recapitulation of the facts that actually occurred in the
It was also emphasized that the succeeding evolutionary periods of the
earth were reflected in the Persian and Egyptian cultures. What
occurred in the second epoch, when the sun withdrew from the earth,
appeared in pictures to the Persian initiates. All that happened as
the moon gradually withdrew became the world-conception and the
initiation-principle of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, Babylonians,
Now, in order to look quite clearly into the soul of the ancient
Egyptian, which is the most important thing for us and considering the
Persian initiation only as a sort of preparation we must examine a
little more narrowly just what happened to our earth during the
periods when the sun and moon were separating from it. We shall sketch
how the earth itself gradually evolved during these times. We shall
disregard the great cosmic events and direct our attention to what
happened on the earth itself.
If again we look back on our earth in its primeval condition, when it
was still united with sun and moon, we do not find our animals or
plants, and especially not our minerals. At first the earth was
composed only of man, only of the human germs. Of course it is true
that the animal and plant germs were laid down on the old Sun and the
old Moon, and that they were already contained in the earliest
condition of the Earth, but in a certain way they were still
slumbering, so that one could not perceive that they would really be
able to bring forth anything. It was only when the sun began to
withdraw that the germs that later became animals first became capable
of germinating. Not until the sun had completely withdrawn from the
earth, leaving earth and moon alone, did the same thing happen to the
germs that later became plants. The mineral germs formed themselves
gradually, only when the moon had begun to withdraw. We must keep this
clearly in mind.
Now, for once, let us look at the earth itself. When it still had sun
and moon within itself, the earth was only a sort of etheric mist of
vast extent, within which the human germs were active, while the germs
of the other beings animals, plants, and minerals
slumbered. Since only human germs were present, there were no eyes to
behold these events externally, hence the description given here is
visible only for the clairvoyant vision in retrospect. It is given on
the hypothesis that it is what one would have seen had one been able
at that time to observe from a point in universal space.
On ancient Saturn, too, a physical eye would have seen nothing. In
that primeval condition, the earth was merely a vaporous mist that
could be felt physically only as warmth. Out of this mass, this
primeval etheric mist, there gradually took shape a shining ball of
vapor, which could have been seen had a physical eye been present.
Could one have penetrated this with a feeling-sense, it would have
appeared as a heated space, somewhat like the interior of an oven. But
soon this mist became luminous, and this ball of vapor that thus took
shape contained all the germs of which we have just spoken. We must be
quite clear that this mist was nothing like a fog or cloud-formation
of today; rather did it contain in solution all the substances which
at present are solid or liquid. All metals, all minerals, everything,
were then present in the mist in transparent and translucent form.
There was a translucent vapor, permeated by warmth and light. Think
yourself into this. What had grown out of the etheric mist was a
translucent gas. This grew brighter and brighter, and through the
condensation of the gases the light grew ever stronger, so that
ultimately this vapor-mist appeared like a great sun that shone out
into world-space.
This was the period when the earth still contained the sun, when the
earth was still irradiated by light and rayed its light into
world-space. But this light made it possible, not only that man should
live with the earth in that primeval condition, but that in the
fullness of the light there should also live all those other high
beings who, although not assuming a physical body, were connected with
the evolution of man: Angels, Archangels and Principalities. But not
only were these present. In the fullness of the light lived still
higher beings also: the Powers, or Exusiai, or Spirits of Form; the
Virtues, or Dynameis, or Spirits of Motion; the Dominions, or
Kyriotetes, or Spirits of Wisdom; those spirits who are called the
Thrones, or Spirits of Will; finally, in looser connection with the
fullness of the light, more and more detaching themselves therefrom,
the Cherubim and Seraphim. The earth was a world inhabited by a whole
hierarchy of lower and higher beings, all sublime. What radiated out
into space as light, the light with which the earth-body was
permeated, was not light only but also what was later the mission of
the earth: It was the force of love. This contained the light as its
most important component. We must imagine that not only light was
rayed forth, not physical light alone, but that this light was
ensouled, inspirited, by the force of love. This is difficult for the
modern mind to grasp. There are people today who describe the sun as
though it were a gaseous ball that simply radiates light. Such a
purely material conception of the sun prevails exclusively today. The
occultists are the only exception. One who reads a description of the
sun today as it is represented in popular books, in the books that are
the spiritual nourishment of countless people, does not learn to know
the true being of the sun. What these books say about the sun is worth
about as much as if one described a corpse as the true being of man.
The corpse is no more man than what astrophysics says of the sun is
really the sun.
Just as one who describes a corpse leaves out the most important thing
about man, so the physicist who describes the sun today leaves out the
most important thing. He does not reach its essence, although he may
believe that with the help of spectroanalysis he has found its inner
elements. What is described is only the outer body of the sun.* In every sunbeam there streams down on all
the inhabitants of the earth the force of those higher beings who live
on the sun, and in the light of the sun there descends the force of
love, which here on earth streams from man to man, from heart to
heart. The sun can never send mere physical light to earth; the
warmest, most ardent, feeling of love is invisibly present in the
sunlight. With the sunlight there stream to earth the forces of the
Thrones, the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and the whole hierarchy of
higher beings who inhabit the sun and have no need of any body other
than the light. But since all this that is present in the sun today
was at that time still united with the earth, those higher beings
themselves were also united with the earth. Even today they are
connected with earth-evolution.
We must reflect that man, the lowest of the higher beings, was at that
time already present in the germ as the new child of the earth, borne
and nourished in the womb by these divine beings. The man who lived in
the period of earth-evolution that we are now considering, had to have
a much more refined body, since he was still in the womb of these
beings. The clairvoyant consciousness perceives that the body of the
man of that time consisted only of a fine mist-form or vapor-form; it
was a body of air or gas, a gas-body rayed through and entirely
permeated by light. If we imagine a cloud formed with some regularity,
a chalice-like formation expanding in an upward direction, the chalice
glowing with inner light, we have the men of that time who, for the
first time in this earth-evolution, began to have a dim consciousness,
such a consciousness as the plant-world has today. These men were not
like plants in the modern sense. They were cloud-masses in
chalice-like form, illuminated and warmed by the light, with no firm
boundaries dividing them from the collective earth-mass.
This was once the form of man, a form that was a physical light-body,
participating still in the forces of the light. Because of the
refinement of this body there could descend into it not only an
etheric and an astral body, not only the ego in its first beginnings,
but also the higher spiritual beings who were connected with the
earth. Man was, as it were, rooted above in the divine spiritual
beings, and these permeated him. It is really not easy to portray the
splendor of the earth at that time. We must picture it as a
light-filled globe, shone round by light-bearing clouds and generating
wonderful phenomena of light and color. Had one been able to feel this
earth with his hands, he would have perceived warmth-phenomena. The
luminous masses surged back and forth. Within them were all the human
beings of today, woven through by all the spiritual beings, who rayed
forth light in manifold grandeur and beauty. Outside was the
earth-cosmos in its great variety; inside, with the light flowing
about him, was man, in close connection with the divine-spiritual
beings, raying streams of light into the outer light-sphere. As though
by an umbilical cord that sprang from the divine, man hung upon this
totality, on the light-womb, the world-womb of our earth. It was a
collective world-womb in which the light-plant man lived at that time,
feeling himself one with the light-mantle of the earth. In this
refined vaporous plant-form, man hung as though on the umbilical cord
of the earth-mother and he was cherished and nourished by the whole
mother earth. As in a cruder sense the child of today is cherished and
nourished in the maternal body, so the human germ was cherished and
nourished at that time. Thus did man live in the primeval age of the
Then the sun began to withdraw itself, taking the finest substances
with it. There came a time when the high sun-beings forsook men, for
all that today belongs to the sun forsook our earth and left the
coarser substances behind. As a result of this departure of the sun,
the mist cooled to water; and where there was formerly a mist-earth,
now there was a water-sphere. In the middle were the primeval waters,
but not surrounded by air; going outward, the waters changed into
thick, heavy mist, which gradually became more refined. The earth of
that time was a water-earth. It contained various materials in a soft
state, which were enveloped by mists that became ever finer until, in
the highest spheres, they became extremely rarefied. Thus did our
earth once appear and thus was it altered. Men had to sink the
formerly luminous gas-form into the turbid waters and incarnate there
as shaped water-masses swimming in the water, as previously they had
been air-forms floating in the air. Man became a water-form, but not
entirely. Never did man descend entirely into the water.
This is an important moment. It has been described how the earth was a
water-earth, but man was only partially a water-being. He protruded
into the mist-sheath, so that he was half a water, half a vapor-being.
Below, in the water, man could not be reached by the sun; the
water-mass was so thick that the sunlight could not penetrate it. The
light of the sun could penetrate into the vapor to some extent, so
that man dwelt partly in the dark light-deprived water and partly in
the light-permeated vapor. Of one thing, however, the water was not
deprived, and this we must describe more minutely.
From the beginning, the earth was not only glowing and shining, but
was also resounding, and the tone had remained in the earth, so that
when the light departed the water became dark, but also became
drenched with tone. It was the tone that gave form to the water, as
one may learn from the well-known experiment in physics. We see that
tone is something formative, a shaping force, since through tone the
parts are arranged in order. Tone is a shaping power, and it was this
that formed the body out of the water. That was the force of tone,
which had remained in the earth. It was tone, it was the sound that
rings through the earth, out of which the human form shaped itself.
The light could reach only to the part of man that protruded out of
the water. Below was a water-body; above was a vapor-body, which the
external light touched, and which, in this light, was accessible to
the beings who had gone out with the sun. Formerly, when the sun was
still united with the earth, man felt himself to be in their womb. Now
they shone down on him in the light and irradiated him with their
We must not forget, however, that in what remained behind after the
separation of the sun other forces, the Moon-forces, were present. The
earth had to separate these forces from itself.
Here we have a period during which only the sun was withdrawn, when
the plant-man had to descend gradually into the water-earth. This
stage, at which man had then arrived in his body, we see preserved
today in a degenerated form in fishes. The fishes that we see in the
water today are relics of those men, although naturally in a decadent
form. We must think of a goldfish, for example, in a fantastic
plant-form, agile, but with a feeling of sadness because the light had
been withdrawn from the water. It was a very deep longing that arose.
The light was no longer there, but the desire for the light called up
this longing. There was a moment in the earth's evolution when the sun
was not yet entirely outside the earth; there one can see that form
still permeated with light man with his upper part still at the
sun-stage, while below he is already in the shape preserved in the
Through the fact that man lived in darkness with half his being, he
had in his lower parts a baser nature, for in the submerged parts he
had the Moon-forces. This part was not petrified like lava, as in the
present moon, but these were dark forces. Only the worst parts of the
astral could penetrate here. Above was a vapor-form, resembling the
head parts, into which the light shone from outside and gave him form.
So man consisted of a lower and an upper part. Swimming and floating,
he moved about in the vaporous atmosphere. This thick atmosphere of
the earth was not yet air; it was vapor, and the sun could not
penetrate it. Warmth could penetrate, but not light. The sun-rays
could not kiss the whole earth, but only its surface; the earth-ocean
remained dark. In this ocean were the forces that later went out as
the moon.
As the light-forces penetrated into the earth, so also did the gods
penetrate. Thus we have, below, the godless, god-deserted mantle of
waters, permeated only by the force of tone, and, all around this, the
vapor, into which extended the forces of the sun. Therefore in this
vapor-body, which rose above the surface of the water, man still
participated in what streamed to him as light and love from the
spiritual world. But why did the world of tone permeate the dark
watery core? Because one of the high sun-spirits had remained behind,
binding his existence to the earth. This is the same spirit whom we
know as Yahweh or Jehovah. Yahweh alone remained with the earth,
sacrificing himself. It was he whose inner being resounded through the
water-earth as shaping tone.
But since the worst forces had remained as the ingredients of the
water-earth, and since these forces were dreadful elements, man's
vapor-portion was drawn ever further down, and out of the earlier
plant-form a being gradually evolved that stood at the stage of the
amphibian. In saga and myth this form, which stood far below later
humanity, is described as the dragon, the human amphibian, the
lindworm. Man's other part, which was a citizen of the realm of light,
is presented as a being which cannot descend, which fights the lower
nature; for example, as Michael, the dragon-slayer, or as Saint George
combating the dragon. Even in the figure of Siegfried with the dragon,
although transformed, we have pictures of man's rudiments in their
primeval duality. Warmth penetrated into the upper part of the earth
and into the upper part of physical man, and formed something like a
fiery dragon. But above that rose the ether body, in which the sun's
force was preserved. Thus we have a form that the Old Testament well
describes as the tempting serpent, which is also an amphibian.
The time was now approaching during which the basest forces were
hurled out. Mighty catastrophes shook the earth, and for the occultist
the basalt formations appear as remnants of the cleansing forces that
rocked the globe when the moon had to separate from the earth. This
was also the time when the water-core of the earth condensed more and
more, and the firm mineral kernel gradually evolved. On the one hand,
the earth grew denser through the departure of the moon; on the other
the upper parts gave off their heavier, coarser substances to the
lower. Above, there arose something which, although still permeated by
water, became more and more similar to our air. The earth gradually
acquired a firm kernel in the middle, around which was the water
everywhere. At first, the mist was still impenetrable for the sun's
rays, but by relinquishing its substances the mist grew thinner and
thinner. Later, much later, air developed out of this, and gradually
the sun's rays, which earlier could not reach the earth itself, were
able to penetrate it.
Now came a stage that we, must picture correctly. Earlier, man dived
down into the water and extended up into the mist. Now, through the
condensation of the earth, the water-man slowly acquired the
possibility of solidifying his form and taking on a hard bony system.
Man hardened himself within himself. Thereby he transformed his upper
part in such a way that it became suited for something new. This new
thing, which previously was impossible, was the breathing of air. Now
we find the first beginning of the lungs. In the upper part there has
previously been something that took up the light, but could do nothing
more. Now man felt the light again in his dull consciousness. He could
feel what streamed down in it as divine forces coming toward him. In
this transitional stage man felt that what streamed down upon him was
divided into two parts. The air penetrated into him as breath.
Previously only the light had reached him, but now the air was
inside him. Feeling this, man had to say to himself, Formerly I
felt that the force that is above me gave me what I now use for
breathing. The light was my breath.
What now streamed into him appeared to man as two brothers. Light and
air were two brothers for him; they had become a duality for him. All
earthly breath that streamed into man was at the same time an
annunciation that he had to learn to feel something entirely new. As
long as there was light alone, he did not know birth and death. The
light-permeated cloud transformed itself perpetually, but man felt
this only as the changing of a garment. He did not feel that he was
born or that he died. He felt that he was eternal, and that birth and
death were only episodes. With the first drawing of breath, the
consciousness of birth and death entered into him. He felt that the
air-breath, which had split off from its brother the light-ray, and
which thereby had split off also the beings who earlier had flowed in
with the light, had brought death to him.
Formerly, man had the consciousness, I have a dark form, but I
am connected with the eternal being. Who was it that destroyed
this consciousness? It was the air-breath that entered into man
Typhon. Typhon is the name of the air-breath. When the Egyptian soul
experienced within itself how the formerly united stream divided
itself into light and air, the cosmic event became a symbolic picture
for this soul the murder of Osiris by Typhon, or Set, the
A mighty cosmic event is hidden in the Egyptian myth that allows
Osiris to be killed by Typhon. The
Egyptian experienced the god who came from the sun and was still in
harmony with his brother, as Osiris. Typhon was the air-breath that
had brought mortality to man. Here we see one of the most pregnant
examples of how the facts of cosmic evolution repeat themselves in
man's inner knowledge.
In this way the trinity of sun, moon, and earth came into being. All
of this was communicated to the Egyptian pupil in deep and consciously
formed pictures.
* Note 1: This sentiment as to the sun is eloquently expressed in English by D. H. Lawrence in his Apocalypse (New York, Viking, 1932), pp. 41-46.
Note 2: Fairly complete versions of this myth may be found in Padraic Colum: Orpheus Myths of the World (New York, Macmillan, 1930) and in Lewis Spence: Mysteries of Egypt (London, Rider & Co., 1929).
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