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Deeper Secrets of Human History
in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew

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Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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Deeper Secrets of Human History
in the Light of the Gospel of St. Matthew

Deeper Secrets: Notes

On-line since: 31st July, 2008


0. This book puts the date of the first lecture in this lecture-series to be November 1st 1909, however, all indications from many other sources have the date set at November 2nd 1909. — e.Ed.

1. The lecture-courses here referred to are the following: The Gospel of St. John. 12 lectures. Hamburg, May, 1908. The Gospel of St. John in relation to the three other Gospels, with particular reference to the Gospel of St. Luke. 14 lectures. Cassel, June/July, 1909. The Gospel of St. Luke. 10 lectures. Basle, September, 1909.

2. Lectures on the Gospel of St. Mark were given in Berlin, p.17 October, 1910. The course of 14 lectures entitled The Gospel of St. Mark, was given in Berlin, September, 1912.

3. These are the recognised names in spiritual science for the p.26 earlier planetary conditions of the Earth. See An Outline Of Occult Science.

4. “Discursive thinking” would be an alternative translation p.27 of das urteilende Denken, the expression used by Rudolf Steiner here. “Discursive as opposed to intuitive cognition, is attained by a series of inferences rather than by direct insight.” (Runes: Dictionary of Philosophy, 4th ed. New York, 1942).

5. This point, that the Hebrew heritage was not a matter merely p.32 of natural descent, but of divine choice and gift, is developed by St. Paul from a somewhat different view-point in Romans IX, 8. “It is not the children of the flesh (Ishmael) that are children of God, but the children of the promise (Isaac) are reckoned for a seed.” Cp. also Romans IV, 13-21.

6. Genesis XXII, 17.

7. In his book Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and its Attainment, p. 131 ff, Rudolf Steiner speaks of the “lotus-flowers” as organs in the astral body connected with the development of supersensible perception. He points out that the name “lotus-flower” is only a traditional metaphorical designation. These organs are also known in technical esoteric language as “wheels ” or “chakrams.”

8. This role of Moses is indicated in his traditional representation as having two ram's horns springing from his forehead.

9. See Rudolf Steiner's lecture-course: The Gospel of St. Luke.

10. The spiritual reality resulting from his earthly existence.

11. According to Biblical commentaries, Nazarene means ‘branch’, or ‘separated one’. In lecture VI of the Course entitled The Gospel of St. Matthew, Rudolf Steiner refers to a community of the Essene sect connected particularly with Netzer, a pupil of Jeshu ben Pandira, in Nazareth, or Netzereth.

12. Locust — the fruit of the carob-tree; a locust-bean. The Greek name äxeis, properly denoting the insect, is applied in the Levant to the carob-pod, from some resemblance in form: and from very early times it has been believed by many that the “locusts” eaten by John the Baptist were these pods. Oxford English Dictionary.

13. This statement is corroborated by a passage in Origen's work, Concerning Prayer. “John the Baptist knew certain secret teaching about prayer, which he imparted, probably not to all who were being baptized, but to those who were being instructed in the secret doctrine as a preparation for baptism.” This throws light on the words of the disciples to Christ: “Lord teach us to pray, even as John also taught his disciples.” (St. Luke XI, 1). Rudolf Steiner's statement that John had instructed his disciples about the Lamb also throws light upon the seemingly abrupt announcement by John the Baptist to his disciples, “Behold the Lamb of God.” (St. John I, 29).

14. Cp. Romans, VIII, 19. “The earnest expectation of the created world waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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