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Macrocosm and Microcosm

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Macrocosm and Microcosm

On-line since: 7th July, 2002

Macrocosm and Microcosm

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

The human being's life alternates between the great outer macrocosm and the hidden inner microcosm. Steiner discusses the different paths of development that lead to crossing these two thresholds.

By Rudolf Steiner

Revised translation by D.S.O. and C.D.
Bn 119, GA 119

The human being's life alternates between the great outer macrocosm and the hidden inner microcosm. Steiner discusses the different paths of development that lead to crossing these two thresholds.

Translated from shorthand reports unrevised by the lecturer. In the Complete Edition of the works of Rudolf Steiner the original German text is published with the title: Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos. Die grosse und die kleine Welt. Seelenfragen, Lebensfragen, Geistesfragen. (No. 119 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961).

This English edition is published by permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 119, GA 119.

Copyright © 1968
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.


 Cover Sheet  
Introductory Note
1. The World Behind the Tapestry of Sense-perceptions. Ecstasy and Mystical Experience. March 21, 1910
2. Sleeping and Waking Life in Relation to the Planets March 22, 1910
3. The Inner Path Followed by the Mystic. Experience of the Cycle of the Year. March 23, 1910
4. Faculties of the Human Soul and Their Development March 24, 1910
5. The Egyptian Mysteries of Osiris and Isis March 25, 1910
6. Experiences of Initiation in the Northern Mysteries March 26, 1910
7. The Four Spheres of the Higher Worlds March 28, 1910
8. Mirror-images of the Macrocosm in Man. Rosicrucian Symbols. March 28, 1910
9. Organs of Spiritual Perception. Contemplation of the Ego from Twelve Vantage-points. The Thinking of the Heart. March 29, 1910
10. Transformation of Soul-forces and Stages in the Evolution of Physical Organs. Reading in the Akasha Chronicle. March 30, 1910
11. Man and Planetary Evolution March 31, 1910
Note on Terminology
List of Publications

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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