Preface (written in 1918)
Lecture One Angels, Folk Spirits, Time Spirits: their
part in the Evolution of Mankind
7th June 1910
Lecture Two Normal and abnormal Archangels and Time
Spirits. The Spirits of Language and of Modes of Thought
8th June,
Lecture Three The inner life of the Folk Spirits.
Formation of the Races
9th, June, 1910
Lecture Four The Evolution of Races and Civilization.
0th June, 1910
Lecture Five Manifestation of the Hierarchies in the
Elements of Nature. The Mission of the planetary Epochs of Old
Saturn, Old Sun, Old Moon and Earth
11th June, 1910
Lecture Six The five Root Races of Mankind
12th June 1910 (morning)
Lecture Seven Advance of Folk Spirits to the Rank of
Time Spirits. Monotheism and Pluralism. Exoteric and Esoteric
12th June, 1910 (evening)
Lecture Eight The five post-Atlantean
Civilizations. Greek and Teutonic Mythology
14th June, 1910
Lecture Nine Loki. Hodur and Baldur.
Twilight of the Gods
15th June, 1910
Lecture Ten The Mission of individual Peoples and
cultures in the Past, Present and Future. Solovieff
16th June, 1910
Lecture Eleven Nerthus, Freyja and Gerda. Twilight of
the Gods. Vidar and the new Revelation of Christ
17th June, 1910
Appendix by translator Odin; Odin and the Fenris Wolf;
Odin and Thor
List of relevant literature
Summarized plan of the Complete Edition of the Works of Rudolf Steiner in
the original German