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The Gospel of St. Matthew
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
The Gospel of St. Matthew
The Gospel of St. Matthew
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
The four Gospels, Steiner says, are meant to supplement one another to form
a comprehensive picture of earthly and spiritual events. The Matthew Gospel
describes Christ Jesus in his human aspects so that he is more near to us
in a human sense. From an understanding of the Gospel of St. Matthew 'can
stream into us courage in life, strength and hope in our labors.'
By Rudolf Steiner
The translator is unknown.
Bn/GA 123
The four Gospels, Steiner says, are meant to supplement one another to
form a comprehensive picture of earthly and spiritual events. The Matthew
Gospel describes Christ Jesus in his human aspects so that he is more near
to us in a human sense. From an understanding of the Gospel of St. Matthew
“can stream into us courage in life, strength and hope in our
These 12 lectures, from the lecture series,
The Gospel of Matthew,
were published in German as,
Das Matthaeus-evangelium.
They are presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf
Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Copyright © 1946
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
The Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co. London
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture has been made available.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
| Lecture I |
September 01, 1910 |
The post-Atlantean migrations. The Iranians and Turanians.
| Lecture II |
September 02, 1910 |
The secrets of space and time. The Moses and Hermes Wisdom.
Comparison of the Turanians and the Hebrews
| Lecture III |
September 03, 1910 |
Interchanging activity of Thoth-Hermes and Moses, as reflection
of a cosmic process. The secret of the Hebrew people. Human
thought the reflection of divine vision. The power of ancient
clairvoyance passes into the inner organization of man. The law
of numbers in respect of heredity in the sequence of
| Lecture IV |
September 04, 1910 |
The ancient Hebrew consciousness of God. The secret of the
development of a people, as image of cosmic development.
Principal and subsidiary currents in the preparation for the
| Lecture V |
September 05, 1910 |
Jesus ben Pandira and Initiation among the Essenes. The secret
of numbers. Reflection of cosmic conditions in human evolution.
The secret of the blood in the line of descent, and the secret
of cosmic space
| Lecture VI |
September 06, 1910 |
Stages of downward penetration of divine nature into a human
individuality, and the going forth of this individuality into
the cosmos. The spiritual nature of man and the earthly Adam.
The superpersonal memory in the blood of the generations. The
Essene and Nazarene colonies. The pupils of Jesus ben Pandira:
Matthai and Netzer. The two Jesus children
| Lecture VII |
September 07, 1910 |
The law concerning the stages of the perfecting of human qualities
(the Eight-fold path). Nature of Initiation in pre-Christian
Mysteries. Descent into the physical body and expansion into
the Macrocosm. The dangers connected with this. The twelve
helpers of the Hierophant. The Christ-event the beginning of
freedom. Christ the model — the fulfilment — of the
great Initiation
| Lecture VIII |
September 08, 1910 |
The bringing forth of the secrets of the Mysteries into the
external world through the historic Christ-event. The Kingdom
of Malchut and the Kingdoms of Heaven. The nature of the Ego in
the Kingdom
| Lecture IX |
September 09, 1910 |
The Initiation of the Ego. The Gospels are the books of the
Mysteries. The Life of Christ, a repetition of Initiation on
the great plane of world history
| Lecture X |
September 10, 1910 |
The gradual endowment of the human ego-forces with the knowledge
of the Mysteries. The Beatitudes. The Healings. The Heavenly
Bread. The new Essene teaching
| Lecture XI |
September 11, 1910 |
The advent of instructing and life-giving powers from the cosmos
through the Christ. Their transmission to the disciples. Their
awakening. The avowal of Peter. The Son of Man — the Son
of the living God. The founding of new communities on the basis
of moral and spiritual relationships. Leading forth of the
disciples into the Macrocosm by the Christ. The inpouring of
the power of the Sun-Word through the mystery of Golgotha. The
gradual growth upwards into the Kingdoms of Heaven
| Lecture XII |
September 12, 1910 |
The upward development of man, and the descent of divine beings
into human souls and bodies. The four points of view of the
Evangelists in accordance with the Initiation of each. The
Baptism in Jordan and the life and death of Christ Jesus as two
stages of Initiation. The Resurrection revealing Christ as the
Spirit of earthly existence. The Sun-Aura in the Earthly-Aura.
The divinity of Man. Human quality of the Gospel of Matthew
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