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Searching The Destinies of Individuals and of Nations

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    Query was: asia

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Destinies of Individuals and Nations: Lecture 13: The Prophetic Nature of Dreams: Moon, Sun and Saturn Man
    Matching lines:
    • Asia. The way Yushakov envisaged this redemption of Asia
    • consider Asia. Asiatic culture really originated from
    • crimes committed by the English in Asia. The English went
    • there, took possession of large parts of Asia and
    • Englishmen said that all those parts of Asia existed only
    • English dishes and play with English trinkets. Asian
    • whole of Asia was to their mind booty won by England.
    • Ormazd culture which existed in Asia. They only went to
    • achieved for Asia. Once the Russians had liberated the
    • peoples of Asia from the evil of Ahriman they would have
    • areas. To prepare for their future mission in Asia,
    • following the liberation of Asia from Ahriman, they would
    • individualism they had become bloodsuckers in Asia.
    • liberate the people of Asia. The individual who was to
    • liberate human evolution would come from Asia. That was

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