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Toward Imagination

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Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

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Toward Imagination

Toward Imagination: Notes

On-line since: 30th September, 2015

The Immortality of the I

1 This comment refers to the lecture cycle Gegenwärtiges und Vergangenes im Menschengeist, lectures February 13 to May 30, 1916; vol. 167 in the Collected Works, (Dornach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1962).

2 Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, 1759–1805, German poet, playwright, and critic.

Alexander von Gleichen-Russwurm, 1865–1947, Kultur-Aber-glaube (“Cultural Superstition”), (Munich: Forum, 1916).

3 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832, leading German poet. Also wrote extensively on botany, optics, and other scientific topics.

4 Hermann Bahr, 1863–1934, Austrian journalist, playwright, and theater manager. Expressionismus (“Expressionism”), 3rd ed., Munich, 1919.

5 Maurice Barres, 1862–1923, French writer and politician. Bou- langist member, Chamber of Deputies (1889–93). Wrote trilogy on his own self-analysis as well as nationalistic works.

Georges-Ernest-Jean-Marie Boulanger, 1837–1891, French general and politician, became figurehead among revanchists, including Bonapartists, royalists, and leftists. Aroused popular enthusiasm among elements antagonistic to government. Fled to England.

6 Karl Kraus, 1874–1936, Austrian satirist, critic, and poet. In his writings attacked middle-class circles and the liberal press. Wrote dramas, essay collections, and translated Shakespeare.

Nikolaus Lenau, pseudonym of Nikolaus Niembsch von Strehle- nau, 1802–1850, Austrian poet, bom in Hungary. Wrote in tradition of German Romantic pessimism; known for his lyric verse.

Anastasius Griin, pseudonym of Anton Alexander von Auersperg, Duke, 1806–1876. Austrian poet and politician. Outspoken leader of liberal sentiment. Wrote verse and ironic epics.

7 Karl Kraus, Die demolierte Liteiatur (“Literature Demolished”), Vienna, 1896.

8 Goethe, quoted in Bahr, Expressionismus, p. 85.

9 Sir Francis Galton, 1822–1911, English scientist. Traveled widely. His studies of meteorology form basis of modern weather maps. Best known for his work in anthropology and the study of heredity; founder of eugenics; devised system of fingerprint identification.

10 Johannes Müller, 1801–1858, German physiologist and comparative anatomist. Taught Virchow, DuBois-Reymond, and Haeckel.

11 Eugene Levy, Rudolf Steiners Weltanschauung und ihre Gegner (“Rudolf Steiner's World View and its Opponents”), Berlin, 1913.

12 Hermann Bahr, Himmelfahrt (“Ascension”), Berlin, 1916.

13 Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald, 1854–1932, German physical chemist. Invented a process for preparation of nitric acid by oxidizing ammonia, important in the production of explosives during World War I. Was awarded 1909 Nobel prize for chemistry.

14 Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 1848–1931, German scholar. Wrote critical works on Greek history and literature.

Rudolph Christoph Eucken, 1846–1926, German philosopher. Wrote on historical philosophy and his own philosophy of ethical activism. Awarded Nobel prize for literature in 1908.

Josef Kohler, 1849–1919, German jurist and writer.

15 Gustav von Schmoller, 1838–1917, German economist.

Lujo Brentano, 1844–1931, German economist. A leading pacifist and opponent of German militarism. Awarded Nobel prize for peace in 1927.

16 Charles-Robert Richet, 1850–1935, French physiologist. Conducted research in serum therapy, epilepsy; discovered phenomenon of anaphylaxis. Awarded 1913 Nobel prize for physiology. Also studied psychic phenomena.

17 Sigmund Freud, 1856–1939, Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis.

18 Rudolf Steiner, Theosophy: An Introduction to the Supersensible Knowledge of the World and the Destination of Man, (Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1988).

19 Herman Grimm, Goethe, vol. 2, Lecture 23, p. 171f., Berlin, 1817.

20 Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825–1895, English biologist. Foremost advocate in England of Darwin's theory of evolution. Engaged Bishop Samuel Wilberforce (1805–1873) in famous exchange at Oxford (1860). In later years wrote philosophy.

21 Richard Wahle, Die Tragikomödie der Weisheit: Die Ergebnisse und die Geschichte des Philosophierens (“The Tragicomedy of Wisdom: The Results and History of Philosophy”), Vienna and Leipzig, 1915, p. 132.


Blood and Nerves

1 These names do not refer to present-day planets but to ancient evolutionary stages and are therefore capitalized.

2 Rudolf Steiner, Secrets of the Threshold, (Hudson, NY: Anthro- posophic Press, 1987).

3 Rudolf Steiner, The Gospel of St. Luke, 3rd ed, (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1988).

4 Rudolf Steiner, Vom Menschenrätsel (“The Riddle of Man”), vol. 20 in the Collected Works, (Domach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1984).

5 Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller, 1759–1805, German poet, playwright, and critic. Wrote Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795).

6 Heinrich Deinhardt, often mentioned by Steiner. No biographical information available. His Beiträge zur Würdigung Schillers (“Contributions to the Appreciation of Schiller”) were reissued in 1922 in Stuttgart.

7 Johann Gottlieb Fichte, 1762–1814, German philosopher.

Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, 1775–1854, German philosopher. Leading figure of German idealism. Clashed with Fichte and later also with Hegel. Wrote on Transcendental Idealism.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770–1831, German philosopher. Last of the great German Idealist system-building philosophers. Created monistic system reconciling opposites by means of dialectic process. Viewed history as similar process, dialectic of thesis an its implied antithesis leading to synthesis. Exerted influence on Existentialists, Positivists, and Marx.

Immanuel Hermann von Fichte, 1796–1879, son of Johann Got- t ie . Philosopher, exponent of an ethical or speculative theism.

8 Ralph Waldo Trine, American spiritualistic writer.

9 Rudolf Steiner, Die Aufgabe der Geisteswissenschaft und deren Bau in Dornach (“The Mission of Spiritual Science and its Building in Dornach”), Berlin, 1916.

10 Adolphe Pegoud, 1889–1915, French aviator. Known for acrobatic ying feats; credited with first “looping the loop” in an aircraft. Killed in aerial combat.

11 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832, German poet and playwright. Faust (1808–32), a drama in verse, is his masterpiece.

12 Oskar Blumenthal, 1852–1917, German playwright and critic.

13 It was not possible to ascertain the identity of the person Steiner refers to here.


The Twelve Human Senses

1 Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke, 1848–1916, German soldier Chief of general staff (from 1906) and director of German strategy at beginning of World War I (1914). Lost the first battle of the Marne (Sept. 1914) and was relieved of his command (Nov. 1914).

2 Eduard von Hartmann, 1842–1906, German philosopher. Grundriss der Psychologie (“Basic Psychology”), Bad Sachsa, 1908.

3 Rudolf Steiner, An Outline of Occult Science, 3rd ed., repr., (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1989).

4 Jakim and Boaz are the words inscribed on the two columns at the front of Solomon's Temple. See the Old Testament, I Kings, Chapter 7, II Chronicles, Chapter 3. See also Rudolf Sterner, Bilder Okkulter Siegel und Säulen (“Pictures of Occult Seals and Pillars”), vol. 284/285 in the Collected Works (Dornach, Switzerland. Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1977).

5 Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Count, 1828–1910. Russian novelist and moral philosopher.

6 John Ernst Worrell Keely, 1827–1898. Claimed invention of a perpetual-motion system (1873). After his death, his apparatus was proven a fraud.

7 Hermann Bahr, Himmelfahrt (“Ascension”), Berlin, 1916.

8 Hermann Bahr, Himmelfahrt and see Lecture One, notes 13-17.

9 Council of Trent, council of the Roman Catholic Church, 15451563.

10 Richard M. Meyer, 1860–1914, German philologist.

11 Franz Ferdinand, 1863–1914, Archduke of Austria. Nephew of Emperor Franz Joseph and heir to crown. Was assassinated with his wife on June 28, 1914, by a Serbian nationalist at Sarajevo, Bosnia. This assassination led to World War I.

12 Rudolf Steiner, Die Aufgabe der Geisteswissenschaft und deien Bau in Dornach (“The Mission of Spiritual Science and its Building in Dornach”), Berlin, 1916.

13 Immanuel Hermann von Fichte, 1796–1879, son of Johann Gottlieb. Philosopher, exponent of an ethical or speculative theism.

14 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, 1831–1891, American theosophist. Organized Theosophical Society in 1875 with Henry Steel Olcott.

Annie Besant, 1847–1933, English theosophist and Indian political leader.

15 Franz Hartmann, 1838–1912, doctor and theosophist. Founded his own movement within theosophy.


The Human Organism Through the Incarnations

1 Sandro Botticelli, 1445–1510, Italian painter.

2 Karl Langer, 1819–1887, German anatomist.

Franz Peter Schubert, 1797–1828, Austrian composer. Famous for his song cycles.

Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732–1809, Austrian composer. Regarded as first great master of the symphony and the quartet.

Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770–1827, German composer. Studied with Haydn.

3 Hermann Schaaffhausen, 1816–1893, German anthropologist.

4 Rudolf Steiner, Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment, 3rd ed., (Hudson, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1986).

5 Hans Vaihinger, 1852–1933, German philosopher. Developed his “As if” philosophy 1911.

6 Rudolf Steiner, Vom Menschenrätsel (“The Riddle of Man”), vol. 20 in the Collected Works, (Domach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1984).


Balance in Life

1 Alfred Kerr, real name Kempner, 1867–1948, German theater critic He was a relative of Friederike Kempner (1836–1904), a poet notorious for the unintended humor of her poems.

2 Fritz Mauthner, 1849–1923, German writer and theater critic. Exponent of philosophical Skepticism.

3 Fritz Mauthner, Beiträge zu einei Kritik der Sprache (“Contributions to a Critique of Language”), 3 vols., 1901–2; Wörterbuch der Philosophie (“Dictionary of Philosophy”), 2 vols., 1910–11.

4 Friedrich Karl Christian Ludwig Buchner, 1824–1899, German physician and philosopher. Evolved philosophy of consistent, determinist materialism; roused controversy with view of mind and consciousness as epiphenoma of physical brain.

David Friedrich Strauss, 1808–1874, German theologian and philosopher.

Carl von Voit, 1831–1908, German physiologist. Conducted pioneering research on animal and human metabolism.


The Feeling For Truth

1 Rudolf Steiner, Twelve Moods, (Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1984).

2 Oskar Simony, 1852–1915, Austrian mathematician.

3 Rudolf, 1858–1889, Archduke and Crown Prince of Austria. Only son of Emperor Franz Joseph. Died, allegedly by suicide, at his hunting lodge Mayerling together with Baroness Maria Vetsera.

4 Oskar Simony, Gemeinverständliche, leicht contiolierbare Lösung der Aufgabe: In ein ringförmiges geschlossenes Band einen Knoten zu machen, und verwandter merkwürdiger Probleme (“Generally understandable and controllable solution to the problem of making a knot in a ringlike, closed ribbon, and other curious related problems”), 3rd. ed., Vienna, 1881.

5 Robert Hamerling, pseudonym of Rupert Hammerling, 1830–1889, Austrian poet. Best known for his epics Ahasverus in Rom (1865) and Homunculus (1888).

6 Arnold Böcklin, 1827–1901, Swiss painter. Known for paintings of moody landscapes and sinister allegories.

Fritz von Uhde, 1848–1911, German painter.

Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel, 1815-1905, German painter.

Carl Spitzweg, 1808–1885, German painter. Most representative of Biedermeier artists in Germany. Known for humorous and detailed portraits of small-town characters.

7 Franz von Lenbach, 1836-1904, German painter. His works included copies of Rubens, Titian, and others, as well as portraits of famous people.

8 Antoine Joseph Wiertz, 1806-1865, painter.

9 Peter Paul Rubens, 1577–1640, Flemish painter. Renowned for excellence of his coloring.

10 Leonardo da Vinci, 1452–1519, Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist.

11 Michelangelo, 1475–1564, Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet.

12 Herman Grimm, Goethe, vol. 2, Lecture 23, p. 171f., Berlin, 1817.

Rudolph Christoph Eucken, 1846–1926, German philosopher. See Lecture One, note 14.

Josef Kohler, 1849–1919, German jurist and writer. See Lecture One, note 14.

Georg Simmel, 1858–1918, German philosopher and sociologist. His work was very influential in establishing sociology as a scientific discipline in the United States.

13 Richard M. Meyer, 1860–1914, German philologist.

14 J’accuse von einem Deutschen (“J'accuse by a German”), Lausanne, 1915.

15 Franz Oppenheimer, 1864–1943, German economist and sociologist. The reply was J’accuse! Aus den Aufzeichnungen eines feldgrauen Akademikers (“J'accuse! From the Notes of an Academic in field-gray”), Berlin, 1915.

16 Francis Bacon, 1st Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albans, 1561–1626. English philosopher and author.

William Shakespeare, 1564–1616, English dramatist and poet.

Jakob Böhme, 1575–1624. German mystic. He was first a shoemaker, then had a mystical experience in 1600.

17 Rudolf Steiner, Vom Menschenrätsel (“The Riddle of Man”), vol. 20 in the Collected Works, (Domach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1984).


Toward Imagination

1 See Lecture Two, note 4.

2 William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act 5, Scene 1.

3 Franz Hartmann, 1838–1912, doctor and theosophist. Founded his own movement within theosophy.

4 Translator's note: The Latin word bonus means “good.”

5 James I, 1566–1625, King of Scotland as James VI and of Great Britain as James I. Son of Mary, Queen of Scots. Succeeded to English throne at death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603. During his reign group of scholars prepared new version of the Bible in English, called in his honor King James Bible (1611).

6 Francisco Suarez, 1548—1617, Spanish theologian and scholastic philosopher. Joined Society of Jesus (1564), considered foremost Jesuit theologian.

7 Ignatius of Loyola, 1491–1556, Spanish religious. Founded Society of Jesus in 1539. Began composition of his Spiritual Exercises in 1523.

8 Rudolf Steiner, The Riddles of Philosophy, (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1973).

Urbaine-Jean-Joseph Leverrier, 1811–1877, French astronomer. Investigated disturbance in the motion of Uranus (1845), making calculations indicating the presence of an unknown planet, which was discovered in 1846 and named Neptune.

9 Rudolf Steiner, An Outline of Occult Science, 3rd ed., repr., (Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic Press, 1989).

10 After these words, Rudolf Steiner spoke about the day care nursery the members of the Anthroposophical Society in Berlin had organized:

“I would like to add here that our dear friends who organized and cared so devotedly for our day care nursery are concerned that it might be forgotten — not completely of course, but perhaps almost forgotten. Naturally, we will have a kind of vacation, but after that the nursery will have to open again. Then we will need some money and, above all, some dear friends who will help with the day care — of course, only those who can help. Maybe there are women here who could help with the cooking or something like that. All this is needed. Those who have worked in the nursery and know something about such matters can tell you that its results are very good. The children gained something from having come here,- something has been made of them. Therefore, I would like to ask that the women who could take on this task again do so as a labor of love. Of course, if you take on such a task, you have to stay with it. If you cannot make a certain commitment to it, it is better not to take it on. For example, we cannot have somebody promising to be in the nursery at 5 o'clock and then send a note in the afternoon to cancel; we will not be able to find somebody else to fill in on such short notice. We have to know about cancellations at least one day in advance. Thus, I now ask those friends who can work in the nursery to contact Frau Dannenberg, who, together with others, has done so much for the nursery, so that the nursery can open again in winter.”

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