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The Riddle of Humanity

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Riddle of Humanity

The Spiritual Background Of Human History

On-line since: 29th July, 2002

By Rudolf Steiner

GA 170

Fifteen lectures given in Dornach to members of the Anthroposophical Society 29 July to 3 September, 1916. Published in German as: Das Raetsel des Menschen. Die Geistigen Hintergruende der Menschlichen Geschichte. Kosmische und menschliche Geschichte.

In these lectures, Steiner adds new insights to his earlier discussions of topics such as the evolution and development of our physical body, our senses, and our relationship to the cosmos. Based on his thorough spiritual research, Steiner's view of the human being and the significance of aesthetic creativity and enjoyment clearly reveals the bankruptcy of conventional materialism. Here, as in his other works, Rudolf Steiner shows us how to overcome materialism by choosing the path of spiritual science. His students will welcome this first translation of one of Steiner's most important volumes.

Copyright © 1990
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.


 Cover Sheet  
Lecture One July 29, 1916
Lecture Two July 30, 1916
Lecture Three July 31, 1916
Lecture Four August 05, 1916
Lecture Five August 06, 1916
Lecture Six August 07, 1916
Lecture Seven August 12, 1916
Lecture Eight August 13, 1916
Lecture Nine August 15, 1916
Lecture Ten August 21, 1916
Lecture Eleven August 26, 1916
Lecture Twelve August 27, 1916
Lecture Thirteen August 28, 1916
Lecture Fourteen September 02, 1916
Lecture Fifteen September 03, 1916

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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