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Searching Inner Impulses of Evolution

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Query was: christ

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Inner Impulses: Cover Sheet
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Contents
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Footnotes
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Foreword by Stewart C. Easton
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • magician crucified at the same period of time when Christ Jesus was
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Introduction by Frédéric Kozlik
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Back Cover Sheet
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • how Christianity pervaded Roman civilization, allowing itself to be
    • institutions of early Christianity were received into the structure of
    • expansion of Christianity, this Latin-Roman element spread over all of
    • As you know, after she had absorbed Greece and Christianity, a time
    • to the original free expansion of Christianity by having the works of
    • Christianity and also brought semi-occult communications into it,
    • the Faith,” “the most Christian of Monarchs,” etc.
    • Christianity and Greece so merged that today we can no longer
    • distinguish Christian from Greek in Renaissance art. In connection
    • Greek or Christian. The two elements have merged in such a way that
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • also received Christianity, which in Rome would have assumed a form
    • Ahriman, as we have seen, diverted the forces of Christianity to his
    • being of Christ is of great significance, and so we will select
    • Christ that is of deep significance. It is not a life of Jesus but an
    • understanding of Christ that culminates in what Soloviev wrote about
    • hear why, and Soloviev's conception of the meaning of the Christ event
    • that all of his work culminates in the Christ idea.
    • Christianity, it was not only Christianity that was taken over from
    • the ability to portray the Christ remained with the East. The Jesus
    • find that the figure of Jesus, of the Christ, is again continually
    • of Renan, the Jesus of Strauss, who is no Jesus, and the Christ of
    • Land. Christ Jesus, who should belong to all of mankind, becomes a
    • investigates all that was said of Jesus insofar as He was the Christ.
    • concerning Christ, who lived in Jesus. Then he sets out to investigate
    • the extent to which what is related of the Christ has also been living
    • is told of a miraculous birth and the development of Jesus Christ is
    • Christ in all men — the Christ who has lived in and through all
    • the spiritual Christ force that lives in all humanity. For Strauss,
    • mankind itself is the Christ, and He works always before and after
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • when he speaks of Christ Jesus. He speaks only of the historic figure
    • criterion of knowledge regarding the figure of Christ Jesus, then
    • only on the Christ being. Should this impulse spread, there would be
    • Christ being. It is the opposite of the other impulse and it, too, is
    • interest only in the Christ and not for the historical Jesus.
    • external description, so are Soloviev's representations of the Christ
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture IV
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • twelfth centuries of the Christian era differed more radically from
    • and tenth Christian centuries.
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • up longings to discover it. It was this book that induced Christopher
    • as being definitely connected with what instigated Christopher
    • to pass in Christ Himself. Impulses for life are sought in the
    • more to the Christ and the West more to Jesus, there is this truth:
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VI
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • will: in fact, out of the Christian impulses of the European will. At
    • That is to say, into the progressive, good, truly Christian impulses
    • times and the wisdom of Solomon could work together for Christianity
    • of Christian evolution.
    • life by a Christian spirit. With respect to the immeasurable zeal that
    • could be accomplished for the Christianizing of the whole of European
    • connected with the Christian impulse. The force of this union with the
    • Christ was strong and intensive. He was a true Knight Templar who no
    • longer knew anything of himself, but when he felt, he let the Christ
    • feel in him; when he thought, he let the Christ think in him; when he
    • was filled with enthusiasm, he let the Christ in him be enthusiastic.
    • having known the rules of the Christian initiation other than through
    • the Christian impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha that consequently
    • many Knights experienced a Christian initiation. We have before us the
    • experience of a number of men, the Christian initiation, which is to
    • men through Christian initiation, arises from the fundamental depths
    • Christian symbolism as it had taken shape through the development of
    • symbolism. Many a one who in consequence of his Christian initiation
    • could look into the Christian impulses passing through the historical
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • Thomas Moore. Steiner shows how we must Christianize all our activities
    • tortured after having previously experienced a Christian initiation
    • Christian initiation, so that a great number of them could actually
    • Christian religion and the Mystery of Golgotha, an admission which,
    • attained a Christian initiation and beheld the secrets of the Mystery

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