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Searching Inner Impulses of Evolution

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Query was: god

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Inner Impulses: Foreword by Stewart C. Easton
    Matching lines:
    • the evil god of the Aztecs some 1300 years later that the two names
    • must be regarded as the same. This evil god (Uitzlipochtli or
    • different name to the evil god and says nothing here of the
    • of their god man of the period of the Mystery of Golgotha into an evil
    • god of war. In addition, over the same period the tearing out of the
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Introduction by Frédéric Kozlik
    Matching lines:
    • teutl (e is the vowel preferred by modern scholars) god, or
    • teteuh, gods, in the categorical meaning of the term.
    • “First Chapter, which telleth of the highest of the gods
    • “Second Chapter, which telleth of the god (teutl) ...” (Sah. I).
    • the god (in teutl) deign to hear ...” (Sah. XII).
    • of the gods. Such a process extending over thousands of years seems
    • “First Chapter, which telleth of the highest of the gods whom
    • at the same time the god of a paradise that is fervently desired. As
    • keep the god.” (Sah. III).
    • “Third Chapter, which telleth of the god named Tezcatlipoca ...
    • he was considered a true god ...” (Sah. I).
    • “... even as an only god they believed in him ... he was
    • By contrast with Uitzilopochtli who was both god and man,
    • Tezcatlipoca is a real, veritable god, a clear confirmation of
    • “Fifth Chapter, which telleth of the god named Quetzalcoatl. ...
    • great wizard. ... This Quetzalcoatl they considered as a god; he was
    • thought a god. ... And the Toltecs, his vassals, were highly skilled.
    • Tlaloc — represents Tlauizcalpantecutli, the god of the
    • — shows Quetzalcoatl emerging from the mouth of the god of the
    • Wind as the planet Venus. And as the Wind god is Quetzalcoatl himself
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • In Greek mythology with its traditional names for the gods you will
    • the myth and, living with these events, the gods. The gods themselves
    • godfather to the birth of the fifth post-Atlantean age, which today
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • “I declare before God,” he says because he is speaking of
    • “I declare before God that I do not know how it comes to pass in
    • Note the contrast with Boehme, who feels the God in him. With
    • declare before God, I myself do not know how it comes to pass in
    • Golgotha, which is referred now the one god and then to another. Thus,
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • the stomach had been excised, it was offered to the god Taotl, again
    • connected through his qualities with the Jehovah god. He worked in the
    • thought of it — from the god Tezcatlipoca. Another spirit was set
    • god, Tezcatlipoca. The powerful onslaughts were thus prepared in the
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • so, we should soon be considering ourselves much cleverer than a god,
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • of humanity they are not to be counted upon. So may the good God grant
    • The gods only think certain thoughts if they live in human bodies.
    • investigated the voice of the gods in the Egyptian temples, but the
    • practical life. One investigated the action of the gods in practical

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