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Searching Inner Impulses of Evolution

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Query was: rose

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Inner Impulses: Introduction by Frédéric Kozlik
    Matching lines:
    • quickly struck off her head ... And Uitzilopochtli then arose; he
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture IV
    Matching lines:
    • really know what is necessary for humanity. Hence there arose the
    • result, something arose that is far more widespread than the ordinary
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • performed with great dexterity. Certain experiences arose from the act
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VI
    Matching lines:
    • age in which the impulse of the Crusades arose out of the European
    • arose in Philip of what can be brought about by taking life in the
    • Temple where the Rose Cross is on the door, and let us look at the
    • roses entwining it! Then, too Goethe lets his Faust end with a
    • encircled with roses. In this lies ultimately all that is to flow from
    • finds its comfort, its elevation, its salvation in the Rose symbol of
    • of the Cross in conjunction with the roses.
    • role played by the image of the Rose Cross in evolving humanity; that
    • While roses climbing high the Cross enfold.
    • Long since 'tis hidden by its wealth of roses;
    • No more, for roses, can the Cross be seen.
    • But it is there! There is the Cross! There are the roses!
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • There arose in England, for example, the extraordinarily influential

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