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Searching Inner Impulses of Evolution

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Query was: faculties

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • unfoldment of these two faculties will lead to a right development of
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • The particular faculties of which we have spoken, namely, the
    • the two faculties mentioned above under this protection. Foundations
    • faculties that we need in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch are being
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture IV
    Matching lines:
    • meets the eye to what our faculties — our mind and its power
    • nineteenth, humanity was evolving quite distinct faculties that were
    • woman of thirty five, just as faculties must evolve in the life of an
    • The special faculties that came to the fore in Copernicus, Galileo and
    • similarly because the faculties for doing so were simply not in
    • if he did not gradually evolve faculties suited to each period of
    • life; neither would humanity become complete in its way if faculties,
    • gradually emerge. That these faculties develop, that mankind gradually
    • Now, what is the nature of these special faculties that evolved in man
    • development of other faculties. But man must increasingly take his own
    • today of doing something toward adding fresh faculties to those gained
    • in the last three or four centuries. Why have these faculties arisen
    • what purpose have these faculties appeared that penetrate so little
    • In earlier ages man had other faculties. When we go back in historical
    • man to look into the spiritual world. But the faculties he then had
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • powers. Their plan was to bring all human faculties and human forces
    • culture everywhere so that the faculties imparted by the progressive
    • faculties possessing the highest degrees of control and mastery over
    • in which no ego could have a place. These faculties would have had to
    • certain faculties of perception that can only be engendered through an
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VI
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    • faculties of mankind have evolved in the whole European cultural life
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • dependent; it was rather to bring definite faculties into the human
    • connection, if all these human faculties of spirit that mediated such
    • Spiritual faculties, which is to say, a concept of the world in the
    • sense of these faculties, slept deeply in the centuries indicated. On
    • humanity had developed the ancient spiritual faculties further, if
    • nature. This deepening of our inner faculties that must be striven for

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