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Query was: living

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • become living for us, who enter willingly into that enthusiastic and
    • survives in the whole European present with far more living strength
    • enough to feel this living element behind every Greek word, but for
    • the myth and, living with these events, the gods. The gods themselves
    • We have here a living instance of how something that has remained over
    • men through his living imagination, or from his inheritance of living
    • is livingly experienced, man takes his place in the community in a
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture II
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    • out to depict Jesus as an historical figure living between the years 1
    • the extent to which what is related of the Christ has also been living
    • Christ. Nevertheless, it is the Christ conceived as living. Not
    • transformed in him into a myth, but rather working as a living Being
    • a living Being who would never have needed a Jesus in order to come
    • living One who can only be comprehended in imagination, but by this
    • Lastly, Soloviev's Christ; living power, living wisdom, altogether
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture III
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    • impulses of humanity living and working beneath the soil.
    • like living over a volcano. It is, however fully in accord with the
    • But it goes on living in a sort of spectral form. It is there and
    • is widely diffused. So we have not yet become the living organic
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture IV
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    • All understanding of life and the living, to say nothing of the
    • materialistic paths, least of all has been learned about the living
    • been linked earlier. They did not unite with what was living in the
    • one does not know about the living but the dead. Thus, all these
    • experiments did not open up a path to the living men of the spiritual,
    • the living present. In fact, it would not have made a connection with
    • the living souls of 1870, but only with what had remained behind from
    • these living, progressing souls — in other words, with the
    • dead who were spiritually still living. That was, however, a
    • only with what is really dead and does not live on with the living
    • living; that for a period of time only those forces had been brought
    • culture; the only way out is through the living grasp of the spirit.
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
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    • the elemental spiritual, living and weaving beneath the material world
    • it only the forces of death, whereas any living souls would have
    • everything living, of the mechanistic elements in all life. For this
    • of having cut into the living organism with such consummate skill, and
    • error. If man were incapable of living under the delusion that through
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VI
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    • One who sees the living earth, however, knows that magnetism is like a
    • by the living. Goethe will only be understood when one has deepened
    • living thing. How he longed for a possible expression for the
    • the symbol of the Cross becomes a picture of life through the living
  • Title: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • through the principles and impulses living in the Templar Order. Let
    • into our time. The inspiration living in different gifted
    • living. These causes, and many others, would first have to be
    • ideas living in this book become familiar to the tenderest, earliest
    • living content, spiritual content, and the earth enters and crosses,
    • living with the course of the year and investigating spiritually the

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