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Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Section Name Rudolf Steiner e.Lib

Geographic Medicine

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Geographic Medicine

Two lectures by Rudolf Steiner

St. Gallen, November 15 and 16, 1917


Geographic Medicine is a translation of
Die Erkenntnis des Uebersinnlichen und die menschlichen Seelenraetsel.
Das Geheimnis des Doppelgaengers. Geographische Medizin.

These lectures were published in 1966 by the Rudolf Steiner
Nachlassverwaltung in Dornach, Switzerland in the volume entitled
Individuelle Geistwesen und ihr Wirken in der Seele des Menschen
(Bibliographie-Nr. 178).

This second Mercury Press edition is thoroughly revised
by Alice Wulsin from the most recent German edition.
It includes portions that were omitted in earlier editions.

Copyright © 1986 by Mercury Press

ISBN O-936132-06-X

Cover form by Rudolf Steiner,
lettering and lay-out by Kitsie McHenry.

Fellowship Community
241 Hungry Hollow Road
Spring Valley, N.Y. 10977

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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