Lecture 1. 9th April, 1920:
Nature necessity and human freedom. Abstract dimensions of space.
Concrete planes of thinking, feeling and willing in man.
Lecture 2. 10th April, 1920:
Polarity between head and the rest of the body. Metamorphosis and
reincarnation. Abstraction and Imagination.
Lecture 3. 11th April, 1920:
The three cosmic planes and the Zodiac. Nature and freedom. Yearly
rhythm and seven-year periods. The second dentition. Heart and blood
Lecture 4. 16th April, 1920:
Three worlds: the world of the senses, of respiration, and of
metabolism. The Platonic Year. Nutation periods and their reflection
in the life of soul. Antithesis of cosmic ether and earthly matter.
Sun and Moon, Christ and Jehovah.
Lecture 5. 17th April, 1920:
Man's astral body and the Zodiac. Unconscious bodily processes. Four
spheres: Complete Form, Internal Motion, Organic Activity,
Lecture 6. 18th April, 1920:
Cosmic evolution. Metabolism. Organic forces. Movements of Sun, Earth
and planets. The Platonic Year. Human freedom.
Lecture 7. 23rd April, 1920:
Goethe and his theory of colours. After-effect and remembrance.
Metamorphosis and reincarnation. Day, week, year. Second dentition.
The principle of ‘reversal inside out’.
Lecture 8. 24th April, 1920:
Body, soul, spirit and their relation to Earth, Planets and fixed
Stars. Materialism. Matter, Ether and Astrality. Man and animal.
Theories of relativity.
Lecture 9. 25th April, 1920:
Waking life and sleep. ‘Upper’ and ‘lower’ in man
and in the cosmos. Hands and feet. Materialism and knowledge of the
spirit. The Mystery of Golgotha.
Lecture 10. 1st May, 1920:
Ideation (or thought) and will. The nervous system. Digestion.
Copernicus. Jehovah and Lucifer. Sleeping and waking.
Lecture 11. 2nd May, 1920:
Day and year. Summer and winter. Rotations of the planets. The path of
the planetary system. Dimensions and cosmic space.
Lecture 12. 8th May, 1920:
Science and belief. Paganism and Christianity. Rotations of the Moon.
Human memory. Solar astronomy and lunar astronomy.
Lecture 13. 9th May, 1920:
Man and the elements of earth and water. Egyptian astronomy. The
Sun-Mystery. Materialism and Christianity. Darwinism. The cosmic
significance of the Christ.
Lecture 14. 14th May, 1920:
Natural science and Christianity. Conservation of force. Annihilation
of substance. Sun, Moon, Fixed Stars and their astronomical paths.
Jehovah and Lucifer. Saros periods.
Lecture 15. 15th May, 1920:
Evolution and degeneration. Materialism of the modern age. Ancient
Isis-wisdom. Light and air. Man as microcosm. Blood circulation.
Earth, planets and fixed stars. Nervous system and brain. Negative
matter of the Sun.
Lecture 16. 16th May, 1920:
Oriental and Western conceptions of the universe. The nature of heat.
Pure thought. Polarity of Grail knighthood and Parsifal. Annihilation
of matter and liberation of the spirit. The Christ Impulse and the
cosmic future of mankind.