LECTURE XIII Dornach, May 5, 1921
The fourth
post-Atlantean epoch, the epoch of the development of
humanity's intellect, was guided by the Greek mystery
centers. Initially, the mysteries provided the basis of this
intellectual or mind culture for the general population of
Asia Minor and southern Europe. The secret of human life and
its connection with the sun played a major role in these
mysteries. We know from the descriptions given in my book
how the ego lights up within man's
intellectual or mind soul, after which it is meant to attain
to its full inner power through the consciousness soul. Now,
insofar as man's ego was destined to be developed during the
age of the intellectual culture, the mysteries of that age
had to be occupied with the secrets of the sun's life and
particularly the sun's links with the human ego. You also
know from my description in
Riddles of Philosophy
that the Greeks still perceived their ideas and concepts in
the outer world, just as we today perceive colors, sounds,
and so on. For the ancient Greeks, the element that dwells in
concepts was not something merely created within the mind. It
was something they beheld with the objects. In this respect,
Goethe definitely possessed something of a Greek nature. He
made this evident in the famous conversation with Schiller.
When he heard Schiller say that his mental images —
something conceptual and ideal — were not perceptions
but ideas, Goethe replied that in this case he saw
his ideas just as he saw external perceptions around him.
The Greeks'
relationship to concepts was associated with a quite definite
sensation the Greeks experienced when they directed their
glance upon the outer world. In fact, they regarded the
conceptual content that shone forth to them everywhere as the
offspring of the sun's life. When the sun rose in the
morning, they sensed the rising of conceptual life in space.
With the setting sun they experienced the disappearance of
the life of thought. We cannot understand the evolution of
nations if we do not take into consideration this change in
the soul life.
That faculty,
my dear friends, has actually been lost from the soul life of
human beings, namely, the faculty to sense and experience the
spirituality of the whole environment. Today, a person sees
the rise of the sun's round globe and only has an awareness
of what is encountered there in the way of colored and
shining atmospheric phenomena; it is the same when the sun is
viewed as it disappears in the red glow of a sunset. The
Greeks had the feeling that in the morning the world arose
and bestowed on them their world of ideas. It vanished in the
evening and a world then appeared that withdrew from them
their world of ideas. In the darkness of night, they felt
bereft of their ideas. When they looked up at the sky, which
appears blue to us, but for which they used the same term as
for “darkness,” they actually felt that the
boundaries of space consisted of what was beyond conceptual
Where the
Greeks saw the universe reaching a boundary, there ended for
them the world of ideas with which the human being is
endowed. Beyond this universe, the Greeks divined the
existence of other worlds, the thought worlds of the gods.
Those worlds seemed to them closely linked to what they
designated as light.
They were
revealed to them concentrated, as it were, in the sun's life,
whereas, otherwise, they withdrew into the expanse of the
dark cosmic firmament. We have to have insight into this
quite different world of sensations if we are to understand
the way in which this manner of perception in all its inner
vitality affected the evolution of the human being for some
time. We have to realize what the most advanced
representatives of mankind felt when they could no longer
experience the spiritual reflection of the sun's life in the
cosmos upon them. And especially the most advanced
representatives of humanity who had received their education
in the Greek mysteries then experienced the Mystery of
Golgotha as a salvation inasmuch as it once again brought
about the possibility of enkindling this light within their
being. The light such individuals had actually experienced
earlier as a divine element they now wished to experience by
means of participating with their soul and spirit in the
events of the Mystery of Golgotha.
We do not
acquire an actual knowledge of what has come to pass in
mankind in the course of millennia when we merely study these
things with the intellect. We have to focus on the
transformation of the whole human mind and soul life. Living
since the beginning of the fifteenth century in the age of
the consciousness soul development, we have retained only the
shadowy nature of our inner intellectual activity, of the
spirituality of reason that existed in the fourth
post-Atlantean period. I have outlined this here during the
past few weeks. Now, once again, we have to struggle to
attain an awareness of what can permeate our form of shadowy
intellect with a living perception of the universe. It was
precisely because of the modern culture of the shadowy
intellect that the human being, in a manner of speaking, has
been fettered to the earth. Today we actually consider only
what the earth offers to us, particularly when we allow
ourselves to be infected by the constantly expanding, purely
scientific culture. People have no idea that they belong not
only to the earth with their whole being but to the whole
extraterrestrial universe as well. This knowledge of their
connection with the cosmos beyond earth is something mankind
must acquire once again.
We simply
take earthly life today as the basis of our ideas and
concepts and construe a view of the whole universe in
accordance with conditions on earth. The resulting picture of
the universe is then not much else than the transference of
earthly conditions to extraterrestrial ones. Thus, by means
of the tremendous achievements of modern science, through
spectral analysis and other methods, a view of the sun was
developed that is really modeled entirely upon earthly
conditions. A conception is formed of what a luminous body of
gas might look like. This conception is then transferred to
what meets our eye as the sun in the cosmos. We must once
again learn to use the materials of spiritual science to
arrive at a conception of the sun. The physicist believes
that the sun would present itself to him as a luminous sphere
of gas if he were able to travel out into space. Yet, despite
the fact that it reflects the cosmic light to us in its own
way in the manner it receives it, the sun is a spiritual
entity through and through. We are not dealing with a
physical entity that moves about somewhere out there in the
universe but with a completely spiritual being.
The Greeks
still had the right feeling when they experienced the light,
shining down upon them from the sun, as something that must
be brought into a connec tion with their ego development
insofar as this ego development is tied to the conceptual
nature of the intellect. The sun's rays were to the Greeks
something that enkindled their ego within them. It is
therefore obvious that the Greeks still had a feeling for the
spirituality of the cosmos. To them, the sun being was
substantially a being related to the ego. The element the
human being becomes aware of when he says "I" to himself, the
force that works in him and enables him to say
“I” to himself, this is what the Greeks looked
at. They felt called upon to address the sun in the same way
they addressed their ego, to regard the sun with the same
feelings they had for their ego.
Ego and sun
are the inner and the outer aspects of the same being. What
orbits out there through space as the sun is the cosmic
I. What lives within me is the human I.
One is
inclined to say that this sensation is still faintly
perceptible to those who have a somewhat deeper feeling of
affinity for nature. The basis of such an experience has
already vanished to a large degree. Yet, something is still
alive in the human being today that is attuned to the rise of
the sun in springtime, that can still experience the
spirituality of the sunbeam and can feel how the ego is
imbued with new life when the rays of the sun illuminate the
earth with greater intensity. Yet, it is but a last, faint
sensation that, even in this external manner, is dying out in
mankind. It is about to disappear in the abstract, shadowy
culture of the intellect that has gradually become prevalent
in the whole of civilized life today. However, we must once
again reach the point where some recognition can be gained of
humanity's relationship with super-sensible existence. In this
respect I want to point out a number of things today.
By bringing
together all the references found here and there in
anthroposophical literature, we shall be able, first of all,
to comprehend once more the sun's connection with the ego. We
shall be able to perceive the significant contrast between
the forces radiating from the sun to the earth and those
forces that are active in what we term the moon. Sun and moon
are in a certain respect total opposites. Complete polarity
exists between them. When we study the sun by means of
spiritual science, we find that the sun sends down to us
everything that fashions us into bearers of our ego. We owe
to the rays of the sun what in fact bestows on us the human
form and, in the latter, molds us into an image of the ego.
What works in the human being from outside and determines his
form from without even as early as the embryonic stage are
influences from the sun. When the human embryo is developing
in the womb, a great deal more is taking place than what
present-day science is dreaming about, namely, that forces
originate from the impregnated mother that then develop the
human being. No, the human embryo merely rests in the
mother's body; it is given form by the sun's forces. It is
true, however, that we must bring these sun forces into
connection with the moon's forces that have opposite effects.
The moon forces become evident, above all, as the inner
influence in the lower, metabolic nature of man. In drawing
an outline, we may therefore say: The sun's forces are the
element molding the human being from outside. What develops
in the metabolic processes from within are the moon's forces,
positioning themselves within the human organism and
radiating outward from the center.

This does not
contradict the fact that these moon forces also play a part,
for instance, in forming the human countenance, They shape
the face because the effects that proceed from the center,
from the lower, metabolic system, exert an attracting power,
as it were, from outside on the development of the human
face. The moon forces have a differentiating effect on this
development due to adding their influence to that of the
sun's forces while counteracting the latter from within the
human being. For this reason, the organism connected with
human reproduction depends on the moon forces, which bestow
the form. On the other hand, the result of procreation
depends on the sun forces. With their whole being human
beings are placed into the polarity between sun forces and
moon forces.
In seeking
the moon forces within the inner human organism, we have to
distinguish them in the metabolic process from the forces
originating within this process itself. The moon forces play
into the metabolism but the latter possesses its own forces.
These are the earth forces. The forces contained in food
substances, in vegetables and other foods, work in the human
being by virtue of their own nature. Here, they are active as
earth forces. Metabolism is primarily a result of the earth's
forces, but elements of the moon's forces work into them. If
the human being possessed only the metabolic process with its
forces, if only the substances of his foods would unfold
their forces in his body after having been consumed, then he
would have nothing but a chaotic play of all kinds of forces.
The fact that these forces continuously work to renew the
human being from within does not depend at all on the earth;
it is due to the moon that is added to earth. The human being
is shaped from within outwards by the moon, from without
inwards by the sun. Inasmuch as the sun's rays are received
through the eye into the human head organization, they also
have an inward effect; nevertheless, they still work from
outside in.
Thus, on the
one hand, in regard to his whole ego development the human
being depends on the influence of the sun; without the sun he
could not be an ego dwelling solidly on the earth. On the
other hand, there would be no human race, no propagation, if
the moon were not the earth's companion. It is possible to
say that it is the sun that firmly places the human being as
a personality, as an individual, on the earth. It is the moon
that conjured human beings in their multitude, in their whole
evolution, upon the earth. The human race in its physical
succession of generations is the result of the moon forces,
which stimulate human beings. Man as a single being, an
individuality, is the product of the sun forces. Therefore,
if we wish to study the human being as well as the human
race, we cannot study merely the conditions of earth.
Geologists seek in vain to investigate the earth's conditions
in order to comprehend the human being; they study in vain
the other forces of earth so as to arrive at this
understanding. Human beings are not primarily a creation of
the earth. They are formed out of the cosmos; they are the
offspring of the world of the stars, above all, of sun and
moon. From the earth, only those forces are derived that are
contained in matter itself. They are effective outside man
and then continue their effects when, through eating and
drinking, they have entered into the human being, but there
they are received by something that is of an unearthly
The processes
that take place within the human being are by no means merely
earthly ones; they are definitely something provided for out
of starry worlds. It is this insight that human beings have
to struggle to attain once again.
When we
observe the human being further, we can take into
consideration, first of all, that he is a physical body. This
body absorbs the external foods. They in turn extend their
forces into this physical body. But the latter is also taken
hold of by the astral body, and in it the moon's influence is
active in the manner I have just described. The sun's effect
also plays into this astral body. Imbuing it with their
forces, sun and moon permeate the astral body, and the latter
works in the manner I have outlined above. The etheric body
stands in the middle between physical and astral body.
When we study
the forces coming from foodstuffs, we find, to begin with,
that they are active in the physical body, and, in the manner
I described earlier, are then taken hold of by the astral
body containing the sun and moon influences. But in between
the physical and astral bodies we find something else that is
active in the etheric body. It, too, is not derived from the
earth but from the whole surrounding cosmos. When we study
the earth with its products in relation to the human being,
the substances composed of solid, liquid, or aeriform
ingredients, we see that they are consumed by the human being
and then worked upon by the forces of sun and moon. In
addition, there are also active in man forces that stream in
from all directions of the universe. The forces active in the
foodstuffs come from the earth. Those streaming into the
human being from all corners of the universe are the etheric
forces. They also take hold of the foodstuffs, but in a much
more uniform manner, and transform them in such a way that
they become inwardly capable of life. In addition, the
etheric forces turn these foodstuffs into something that can
inwardly experience the etheric element as such, namely,
light and warmth. Thus, we can say that because of his
physical body the human being is part of the earth, because
of his etheric body he is related to the whole surrounding
sphere, and because of his astral body man in connected above
all with the effects of moon and sun.
Now, these
effects of moon and sun contained in the astral body are in
turn modified. They are modified to the extent that a
powerful difference exists between the effects upon the upper
human organization and those on the lower human organism.
Let us refer
today to the part of the human being that is permeated by the
bloodstream flowing upwards toward the head as “upper
human organization”; let us refer to what lies below
the heart as “lower human organism.” In viewing
the human being thus, we have, first of all, the upper part
including his head and whatever is organically connected with
it. Its formation is dependent mainly on the sun's effects
and also develops first during embryonic life. Already in the
embryo, the sun's effects work on this organization in a
quite special way, but these effects then continue after
birth when the human being is present physically in the life
between birth and death. Roughly speaking, what lies in this
part of the human organism above the heart — a more
detailed description would have to trace the blood
circulation above the heart — is then modified in
regard to the astral influences by Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars
(see outline p. 248).
According to
the Copernican world view, Saturn has forces it develops in
its orbit around the sun and then sends down to the earth. It
possesses those forces that are effective in the whole human
astral body, particularly in the part belonging to the above
mentioned upper organism of man. Saturn possesses the forces
that stream into this astral body. As these forces penetrate
and enliven the latter, they essentially determine the extent
to which the astral body places itself in a proper
relationship to the physical body. When a person cannot sleep
well, for example, when his astral body does not properly
emerge from the etheric and physical bodies, when it does not
correctly reenter them upon awakening, or in some other way
does not fit itself properly into the physical body, then
this is an effect, but an irregular one, of the Saturn
forces. Saturn is chiefly that celestial body that, by way of
the human head, brings about a correct relationship of the
astral body to the human physical and etheric bodies. By
means of this, on the other hand, it is the Saturn forces
that produce the connection between astral body and ego
because of Saturn's relation to the sun. This relationship of
Saturn to the sun's effect is expressed in regard to space
and time in the fact that Saturn completes its orbit around
the sun in a period of thirty years.
In the human
being this relationship of Saturn to the sun comes to
expression in the ego achieving an appropriate relationship
to the astral body, and above all, in the proper
incorporation of the astral body into the whole human
organization. Thus, we can say Saturn possesses a
relationship to the upper part of the whole human astral
body. This relationship was definitely an important factor
for people in ancient times. Even in Egypto-Chaldean times,
going back to the third and fourth millennium prior to the
Mystery of Golgotha, we would find that among the teachers,
the sages in the mysteries, every individual was judged
according to how he had determined his relationship to Saturn
by the date of his birth. For these wise men knew quite well
that depending on whether a person was born during one or
another of Saturn's celestial positions, he was one who could
use his astral body in the physical body in a more efficient
or less efficient manner. Insight into such things played an
important role in ancient times. The progress of mankind's
evolution, however, is denoted precisely by the fact that in
our age, which, as you know, began in the fifteenth century,
we are freeing ourselves of the influences affecting us
My dear
friends, do not misunderstand this. It does not mean that
Saturn is not active in us today. It works in us just as it
did in antiquity; the point is that we have to free ourselves
from it. And do you know in what this freeing ourselves in
the proper way from the Saturn influences consists? You free
yourself most poorly from the Saturn influences if you follow
the shadowy intellect of the present time. In doing so you
actually permit the Saturn effects to run riot within
yourself, to shoot hither and thither, and actually to turn
you into what is nowadays called a nervous person. A nervous
condition in a person is caused mainly by the fact that the
astral body does not fit properly into the whole physical
configuration. The nervousness of our age is due to this.
Human beings must be induced to strive for real perception,
for Imagination. If they remain with abstract conception,
they will become more and more nervous, for they are actually
growing out of the Saturn activity, which is nevertheless
within them, shooting back and forth, pulling the astral body
out of the nerves, thus making people nervous. In a cosmic
sense, the nervousness of our age has to be recognized as an
effect of Saturn.
Just as
Saturn is chiefly involved with the upper part of the whole
astral body inasmuch as the latter is connected with the
whole organism through the nervous system, so Jupiter is
active in thinking (see outline p.
thinking, after all, is also based in a certain way on a
partial activity of the astral body. I should say, a smaller
part of the astral body is active in thinking than in
sustaining the whole human being. It is Jupiter's effect that
works in our astral body and, above all, strengthens our
thinking. The effect of Jupiter deals mainly with the astral
permeation and organization of the human brain.
Now, Saturn's
effects actually extend over the whole of adult human life
after the first three decades of our life. For our whole life
and health depend on how we develop in our astral body during
the periods of growth, and in fact, they only cease after age
thirty. That is why Saturn requires thirty years to circle
around the sun. This completely fits the human being. The
thinking that develops in us has to do with the first twelve
years of life. After all, what orbits out there in space is
not without a connection to the human being.
Just as Jupiter has to do with
thinking, so Mars has to do with speech.
Saturn — upper part of the whole
astral body
Jupiter — thinking
Mars — speech
Mars separates a still smaller part of the
astral body from its incorporation into the remaining human
organization than the one that comes into play in regard to
thinking. And it depends on the Mars effects within us that
the forces can unfold that then pour into speech. The small
revolution of Mars also has a bearing on this. A human being
acquires the first sounds of speech within a time span that
corresponds roughly to half the Martian orbit around the
Ascending and
descending development! We see how this whole development is
linked with the forces of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars insofar
as it is tied to the region of the human head.
We have thus
considered the outer planets' activity in the human astral
body. Whereas the sun is connected more with the ego, these
three cosmic bodies, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, have to do
with the development of what is tied to the astral body,
namely, speech, thinking, and the whole conduct of the human
soul in the human organism.
Besides the
sun, which has to do with the actual ego, we also have in
addition those planets called the inner planets. They are the
ones that are closer to earth than to the sun, having their
place between earth and sun, whereas, seen from the earth,
the other planets, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, are on the
other side of the sun. When we focus on these inner planets,
we likewise arrive at a consideration of the connections
between their forces and the human being. To begin with, we
shall consider Mercury.
Similar to
the moon, Mercury has its target points more in the inner
being of man, working from outside only on the human
countenance. In the part lying below the region of the heart,
its forces are effective by taking hold inwardly of the human
organization and, in turn, streaming forth from there.
Mercury's chief task is to bring the astral body's activity
into all breathing and circulation processes of the human
being. Mercury is the intercessor between the astral body and
the rhythmic processes in man. Thus, we are able to say that
its forces intercede between the astral element and the
rhythmic activity (see outline on p. 250). Due to this,
similar to the moon forces, the Mercury forces also intervene
in the whole human metabolism, but only insofar as the
metabolism is subject to rhythm, reacting upon rhythmic
Then there is
Venus. Venus is active especially in the human etheric body,
in what works out of the cosmos in the human etheric body and
its activities.
Finally we
have the moon, which we have already mentioned. It is the
element in the human being that is the polar opposite of the
sun forces. From within, it leads substances into the realm
of life and therefore is also connected with reproduction. In
the fullest sense, the moon stimulates inner reproduction as
well as the procreative process of reproduction.
Saturn - upper part of the whole astral body
Jupiter - thinking
Mars - speech
Sun - ego
Mercury - leading the astral elements into the rhythmic
activity of the human being
Venus - activity of the human etheric body
Moon - stimulator of reproduction
You realize
now that what actually takes place in the human being is
becoming evident to you in its dependence on the surrounding
cosmos. On the one hand, with the physical body, the human
being is tied to the earthly forces. On the other hand, he is
linked to the whole cosmic environment with his etheric body.
In that body, differentiations occur in the manner I have
just outlined, and inasmuch as the differentiation proceeds
primarily from man's astral body, the forces of Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus and moon integrate themselves
into this body. By way of the ego, the sun is also active in
man. Now take into consideration that due to the fact that
the human being is integrated into the cosmos in this manner,
it makes a difference whether a person stands at a given spot
on the earth, and Jupiter, for instance, shines down on him
from the sky, or whether he is in a location where Jupiter is
covered by the earth. In the first case, Jupiter's effects on
the person are direct ones; in the second case, the earth is
placed in between. This results in a significant
We have said
that Jupiter is connected with thinking. Let us assume a
person receives the direct Jupiter influence during the
period when his physical organ of thinking is in the stage of
major development after birth. His brain will be formed into
a quite special organ of thinking; the person receives a
certain predisposition to thinking. Assume that a person
spends these years in a place where Jupiter is on the
opposite side of the earth, the latter thus hindering
Jupiter's influences. Such a person's brain is less developed
into an organ for thinking. If, on the other hand, the earth
with its substances and forces is active in a person and
everything proceeding from them is transformed, say, by the
moon influences, which, in a certain sense, are always
present, such a person turns into a dull dreamer, one who is
barely aware. Between these two possibilities we find any
number of variations.
Let us take
the case of an individual possessing forces from his former
incarnation that predestine his thinking to develop in a
pronounced way in the earth life on which he is about to
embark. He is on the verge of descending to earth. Since
Jupiter has its set time for completing its orbit, he chooses
the moment when he is to appear on earth, when he is to be
born, so that Jupiter sends down its rays directly.
In this
manner, the starry constellation provides the setting into
which the human being allows himself to be born, depending on
the conditions of his former incarnations.
Today, in the
age of the consciousness soul, the human being must free
himself increasingly from what is becoming evident to you
here. It is a matter, however, of freeing oneself from these
forces in the proper manner, of actually doing something I
have indicated in regard to the Saturn effects, namely of
trying to turn once again from the mere shadowy, intellectual
developing of thoughts to a pictorial, concrete one. What is
developed out of spiritual science in the way I described it in
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
is also a guideline for human beings to become independent in the
right way from the cosmic forces that are nevertheless active in
It depends on
the starry constellations how a human being finds his way
into earth life as he allows himself to be born. Yet, he has
to equip himself with forces that make him independent in the
right way from this starry constellation.
It is to such
insights that our civilization must attain once again,
insights concerning the relationship of the human being with
the cosmos beyond the earth. Human beings must acquire an
attitude that makes them realize that it is not only the
ordinary forces of heredity acknowledged by today's science
that are active in the human organization. In regard to the
actual facts it is sheer nonsense, for example, to believe
that the forces transmitted through heredity are contained in
the structure of the female organism. Nowadays, heredity is
an unclear, mystical concept; it is thought that the above
forces then develop a heart, a liver, and so on. There would
be no heart in the human organism if the sun did not
incorporate it into the latter, and proceeding from the head
at that. There would be no liver if Venus would not
incorporate it into the human organism. And so it is with
each single organ. They are certainly connected with
extraterrestrial effects. The Jupiter forces are active in
the human brain. The Saturn forces influence the healthy or
pathological way in which the astral body is fitted into the
physical organization. Human beings learn to speak because
the Mars forces work in them; they become evident through
These are
matters humanity must once again learn to understand. We must
realize that human beings cannot be explained by a science
that merely considers earthly phenomena. Then, the connection
between the human being and the earth will also become better
known. After all, the other beings dwelling in our
surroundings are also not merely creatures of the earth. To
begin with, only the minerals are earth beings. Yet, in the
minerals, too, changes have taken place that in turn were
dependent upon forces in the earth's cosmic environment.
Insofar as they are crystallized, all our metals owe their
shape to extraterrestrial forces. They were formed when the
earth had not yet evolved its own forces intensely but when
forces from outside the earth were still active in it.
Healing properties contained in minerals and particularly in
metals are connected with the way the metals developed within
the earth through cosmic forces.
When we go
back in the post-Atlantean age to the first epoch, when the
ancient Indian culture was at its prime, we see that the
human being definitely experienced himself in the whole
universe, as a citizen of the cosmos. Although he had not yet
developed the faculties mankind is so proud of today, he was
Man in the true sense of the word.
the human being was more or less diverted from the cosmic
forces. Still, in the whole Chaldean epoch and early Greek
time, we see that human beings looked up at least to the sun.
In a certain sense, they were still like a kind of amphibian,
a being that was happy when the rays of the sun poured down
upon it and it no longer had to burrow in the earth's
dankness. The human being had turned into an amphibian. Now,
inasmuch as he believes he is related only to the earth's
forces, one cannot even say any longer that man is like a
mole. At most, he is really an earthworm that is aware of the
return of something that rose in the first place from earth
into space, namely, of rain water. This is the only thing the
human being still perceives of extraterrestrial forces. But
even earthworms perceive that — you could have seen it
this morning if you had set foot in the streets! In his
materialism, the human being today has basically turned into
an earthworm. Once again, we must overcome this earthworm
nature. We can do that only when we develop to the point of
recognizing our connection with the cosmos outside the
Therefore, my
dear friends, the point is that we must bring it about in our
age to lift ourselves out of our civilization and this
earthworm-state to a new spirituality.