Materialism and the Task of Anthroposophy
On-line since: 15th March, 2010
Lecture I
- See Rudolf Steiner,
An Outline of Occult Science,
Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, NY, 1972.
- See lecture of March
21, 1921 (in GA 324), where a more detailed description is
given, also in regard to the conclusions.
- Meeting of the
Giordano-Bruno Society in Berlin: Date and title of this
lecture could not be ascertained. Concerning this society,
see Rudolf Steiner, The Course of My Life, chapter XXIX;
Anthroposophic Press, NY, 1970.
- Johann Friedrich
Herbart, 1776–1841; German philosopher, psychologist
and educator.
- Moritz Benedikt,
1835–1920; Criminal psychologist. See Moritz Benedikt, Aus
meinem Leben. Erinnerungen and Eroerterungen; Vienna 1906,
vol. III, p. 315.
Lecture II
- Reference to
lectures of the Second Course of the School for Spiritual
- The threefold human
organism was first mentioned by Rudolf Steiner in
Von Seelenraetseln, GA 21.
(The Case for Anthroposophy)
- Concerning
Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition, three forms of
higher perception, see Rudolf Steiner,
An Outline of Occult Science,
“Knowledge of Higher Worlds”;
Anthroposophic Press, Spring Valley, NY, 1972.
Lecture III
- The participants of
the second course of the School for Spiritual Science.
- Anaxagoras, around
500–428 B.C.,
Greek philosopher. See Rudolf Steiner,
Riddles of Philosophy,
Anthroposophic Press, New York, 1973.
- A retired Major
General, Gerold von Gleich emerged as an opponent of Rudolf
Steiner in 1921/22 with his lectures that also appeared as
brochures and contained an abundance of untruths and
distortions of facts.
- Origen, around
A.D. 185–254,
Greek Church writer. Compare also the lecture of
June 2, 1921
(Lecture XV in this volume)
and note 4 to Lecture XV.
- Scotus Erigena, around
A.D. 810–877,
Irish philosopher and theologian at the court of Charles the Bald
in Paris. See Rudolf Steiner,
Riddles of Philosophy.
- De divisione
naturae. See the detailed discussion of this work in the
lectures of June 2 and June 3, 1921, in this volume
(Lectures XV and XVI).
- It could not be
ascertained which one among the numerous theologians who were
active opponents of Rudolf Steiner at that time was being
referred to.
Lecture IV
- Aurelius Augustinus,
A.D. 354–430,
Church Father and philosopher. See Rudolf Steiner,
Christianity as Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity,
Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1972.
- Hippocrates,
460–377 B.C.,
founder of Greek medicine. Explained
illnesses as results of faulty mixture of four body fluids:
blood, yellow bile, phlegm, and black bile.
- Mithras:
Persian-Indian cult of Mithras, the god of light and sun,
spread through Europe in first century
by Roman troops. Celebrations in underground caves, knew baptism,
communion, celebration of birthday of the god on December 25.
- Arianism, teachings
of the presbyter Arius of Alexandria (died
A.D. 336),
who rejected the idea that Christ's being was identical with the
being of God the Father.
- Ulfilas (Wulfila in
A.D. 311–383,
missionary to the West-Goths in the Balcan region; founder of
Arianic-Germanic Christendom, who translated the Bible into Gothic.
- Dionysius the
Areopagite, member of the Areopagus in Athens, around
A.D. 500.
Converted by Paul
(Acts 17:34).
Connected Christianity with neo-Platonic philosophy. Also compare
with Lecture XV of
June 2, 1921,
in this volume.
- Constantine I., the Great,
A.D. 286 or 287–337.
Roman emperor from 306 to 337, made Christianity the state religion
in 324.
- Justinian I,
A.D. 483–565,
Byzantine emperor from
A.D. 527–565,
builder of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. In
A.D. 529,
he closed the Platonic Academy of Athens.
- Basilius Valentinus,
born around 1394, alchemist of the fifteenth century. His
collected writings were first published in Hamburg by W. S.
Lange in 1677.
- Theophrastus
Bombastus Paracelsus of Hohenheim, 1493–1541.
Concerning this great Swiss doctor and philosopher, see
Rudolph Steiner: Eleven European Mystics, Rudolf Steiner
Publications, New York, 1971.
- Jacob Boehme,
1575–1624, concerning the mysticism of the master
shoemaker, see above book.
Lecture V
- Stoicism —
philosophy and spiritual view of the Stoa (founded around
300 B.C.
by Zeno).
— teaching by Epicurus in the Philosophers' School of
Athens, founded by him in
306 B.C.
philosophical systems are mainly directed towards practical
life, seeking “happiness” in it. The latter is
understood to be a rational, moderate striving for
self-control and spiritualization without negating nature.
(The debauchery of the Epicureans belongs to a later age.
- Concerning the
reasons for this development, see also Rudolf Steiner, The
Mission of the Individual Folk Souls in Relation to Teutonic
Mythology, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1970; lecture of
June 12, 1910.
- Homer,
Song XI.
- See Friedrich Nietzsche,
Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen,
- Thales of Milet, around
625–545 B.C.
- See Note 2, Lecture III.
- Heraclitus of
Ephesus, around
535–475 B.C.,
Philosopher of the age preceding Socrates.
- Rudolf Steiner,
Riddles of Philosophy,
Anthroposophic Press, New
York, 1973.
- Titurel, founder of
the Grail-dynasty (grandfather of Herzeloide and
great-grandfather of Parsifal) who erected the Temple of the
Grail within 30 years. See Albrecht von Scharffenberg, who,
continuing in the manner of Wolfram von Eschenbach, wrote
“Juengerer Titurel” between 1270 and 1280.
- Scholasticism:
medieval philosophy attempting to justify Christian faith
through reason. Based itself on Aristotelian philosophy.
- Wolfram von
Eschenbach, around 1170–1220, Medieval epic writer.
Poet of
(1210), a novel in verses, as well as
and a fragment,
- Gottfried of
Bouillon, around 1060–1100, leader of the first Crusade
in 1096.
- Peter of Amiens,
around 1050–1115, Augustine prior who moved through
France and summoned people to the Crusade; later, he joined
Gottfried of Bouillon.
- See Rudolf Steiner:
Gesammelte Aufsaetze zur Kulturgeschichte,
Bibl. #31, 1966. Not translated.
An Outline of Occult Science,
chapter VI:
“The Present and Future of Cosmic and Human Evolution.”
Lecture VI
- Heiland,
(meaning “Heiland” or “Savior”),
ancient Saxon poetical Gospel work from around
A.D. 830.
- Reference to the
overall tendency of descriptions of Jesus at the end of the
19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
- Vladimir Soloviev,
1853–1900, Russian philosopher and poet.
- Reference to the
first Waldorf School, established in Stuttgart in 1919, and
the first Goetheanum.
- Gleich completed his
lecture of April 6, 1921, in Stuttgart with a quote from a
song by Martin Luther. On the day before, a Jesuit, Sorel,
had recommended that people attend this lecture.
Lecture VII
- This refers to a
petition by the German government, sent to the President of
the United States, “to assume the mediation in regard
to the question of reparations and to determine the sum which
Germany is supposed to pay to the allied powers.” At
the same time, it included "the urgent request to bring about
agreement among the Allies for such a mediation. The
undersigned solemnly declare that the German government is
ready and willing without restriction or reservations to pay
the allied powers that amount of reparation deemed fitting
and suitable by the President of the United States after a
thorough investigation. (News report of the Wolf Agency on
April 22, 1921. Evening edition of
Nationalzeitung Basel,
April 22, 1921.)
- See lecture of April
2 in this volume (Lecture I)
- Friedrich Nietzsche,
1844–1900. See Rudolf Steiner,
Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom
(RSE 473); Rudolf Steiner
Publications, New Jersey, 1960.
- Aeschylus,
525–456 B.C.;
496–406 B.C.
The first famous poets of tragedy in the flowering of Greek culture.
- Socrates,
470–399 B.C.,
Greek philosopher, teacher of Plato and
the main discussion-partner in the latter's dialogues.
- Richard Wagner,
1813–1883, German opera composer. Composed
Ring of the Nibelungs.
- Ulrich von
Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, 1848–1931, professor of classic
philology, at the end in Berlin. Author of
Zukunftsphilologie. Eine Erwiderung auf Friedrich Nietzsches
“Geburt der Tragoedie”
(“Philology of the Future. A Rebuttal of Friedrich
Nietzsche's ‘Birth of Tragedy’ ”), Berlin,
- Unzeitgemaesse
Betrachtungen by Friedrich Nietzsche, written between
1873 and 1876. They contain:
1. David Strauss, der Bekenner und der Schriftsteller
(“David Strauss, Confessor and Writer”);
2. Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie fuer das Leben
(“The Use and Abuse of History for Life”);
3. Schopenhauer als Erzieher
(“Schopenhauer as Educator”);
4. Richard Wagner in Bayreuth.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Works in 3 Volumes, published by Karl Schlechta.
Munich 1954–56, vol. 1, p. 135–434.
- David Friedrich
Strauss, 1818–1874, theologian and author.
Der alte und der neue Glaube. Ein Bekenntnis
(“The Old and the New Faith. A Confession”),
Leipzig 1872.
- Karl von Rotteck,
Allgemeine Geschichte
(“General History”),
6 volumes, 1813–1818.
- Lujo Brentano,
1844–1931, political economist.
- Friedrich Nietzsche,
Richard Wagner in Bayreuth,
texts and outlines, 1872–1876;
Complete works, vol. X, published by C. G. Naumann, Leipzig,
1896, p. 395–425.
- Arthur
Schopenhauer, 1788–1860, German philosopher.
- Friedrich von
Savigny, 1779–1861, historian of law.
- Leopold von Ranke,
1795–1886, historian.
- Francois de
Voltaire (actually d'Arouet), 1694–1778, French
philosopher of the Enlightenment.
- Nietzsche's Works
vol. VIII, published by C. G. Naumann, Leipzig 1896, p.
355–56. The Poem,
(“Desolate”) is followed by the poem,
to which reference is made here. It goes:
Dass Gott erbarm'!
Der meint, ich sehnte mich zurueck
Ins deutsche Warm,
Ins dumpfe deutsche Stubenglueck!
Mein Freund, was hier
Mich hemmt und haelt, ist dein Verstand
Mitleid mit dir!
Mitleid mit deutschem Quer-Verstand!
(May God have pity!
He thinks I long to return
To German warmth,
Into dull German happiness of mundane homes!
My friend, what hampers, holds me here
Is your reason,
Pity for you!
Pity for German perverse reason!)
- See Friedrich Nietzsche:
Also sprach Zarathustra
(Thus Spoke Zarathustra),
1882; Edition: Schlechta vol. II, p. 177–562.
- Adolf von
Harnack, 1851–1930, Protestant theologian.
Das Wesen des Christentums
(“The Nature of Christianity”).
Sixteen Lectures at the University of Berlin, Leipzig, 1910.
Der Antichrist. Fluch auf das Christentum
(“The Antichrist. Curse on Christianity”),
1888 Edition: Schlechta vol. II, p. 1161–1236.
- Franz Overbeck, 1837–1905.
Veber die Christlichkeit unserer heutigen Theologie
(“Concerning the Christian Nature of Modern Theology”),
- See in
Also sprach Zarathustra,
part II. Edition: Schlechta vol. II, p. 382.
- See lecture of
April 17,1921 in this volume (Lecture VI).
- The name of this
magazine could not be determined.
- See Rudolf
Steiner's Mystery Drama,
The Soul's Awakening,
Four Mystery Plays,
Steiner Book Centre, Toronto, 1973.
Lecture VIII
Lecture IX
- Johannes Scotus
A.D. 810–877,
Irish philosopher of scholasticism in Paris.
- Council of 869: See
Johannes Geyer,
“Ein Konzilbeschluss and seine kulturgeschichtlichen Folgen”
in Die Drei, vol. X (1922) and Alfred Schuetze, “Das Konzil 869 zu
Konstantinopel and die Verleugnung des Geistes” in
Die Christengemeinschaft, vol. I and II.
- Soma drink
(Sanscrit): The fermented juice of the soma plant, a leafless
vine (sarcostemma acidum), mixed with milk or
barley, whose intoxicating and enthusing power was worshipped
as the God, “Soma.” Concerning the occult
significance of “Soma” see also H. P. Blavatsky,
The Secret Doctrine,
vol. I and II.
- Eucharist-Dispute:
The dogma of the Transubstantiation, the transformation of
bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ (Fourth
Lateran Council,
A.D. 1215),
was rejected by the Reformation.
- Johannes Hus: around
1370–1415, early Czech reformer from Bohemia, banned by
the Church in 1410 and burned as a heretic in 1415.
- Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibnitz, 1646–1716, German philosopher.
- “Die Tat” —
Monthly Magazine for the Future of German Culture. VIII, 1921, vol.
- Oswald Spengler,
1880–1936, German philosopher of culture.
Lecture X
“Bolshevism” in pamphlets of Stimmen der
Zeit (“Voices of the Times”), 6, 3rd edition
Freiburg i. Br., 1919 by Bernhard Duhr, S. J. (1852–1930),
- Charles Darwin,
1809–1882, natural scientist.
- Karl Marx,
- Gustav Theodor
Fechner, 180–1887, natural scientist and
- Gustav Robert
Kirchhoff, 1824–1887, physicist.
- Robert Wilhelm
Bunsen, 1811–1899, chemist.
Lecture XI
- Francois de Voltaire
(actually d'Arouet), 1694–1778, French philosopher of
the Enlightenment.
- Jean Jacques
Rousseau, 1712–1778, French philosopher and
- Congress of Verona:
Congress of the “Holy Alliance” (1822) to which
all the European powers belonged with the exception of
England and the Vatican. Under Metternich, it pursued a
clearly reactionary course.
- Johann Gottlieb
Fichte, 1762–1814, German philosopher.
- Hermann Grimm,
1828–1901, German art historian and literary
Lecture XII
- Joseph-Marie Comte
de Maistre, 1753–1821, French diplomat and political
- Augustine,
354–430, neo-Platonist, Church Father. Converted to
Christianity in 387, Bishop of North Africa. Wrote
City of God,
among other books.
“Considerations sur la France,” London, 1796;
“Essai sur le principe generateur des constitutions
politiques,” Petersburg, 1810; "Du pape," Lyon,
- Plutarch, around
A.D. 125,
from Chaironea. Greek philosopher and historian of
the Roman-Hellenistic age.
- Joseph de Maistre,
Les soirees de St. Petersbourg,
1821, or
“Twilight Conversations in St. Petersburg, Discourses
About the Reign of Divine Providence in Temporal Matters,”
with an appendix:
“Explanations Concerning the Sacrifices.”
- Ignatius of Loyola,
1491–1556, founder of the Jesuit Order, canonized in
- Alfonso Maria di
Liguori, 1696–1787, founder of the Congregation of the
Most Holy Redeemer, canonized in 1839.
- Francis Xaverius,
1506–1552, Jesuit; missionary to India and Japan.
- John Locke,
1632–1704, English philosopher of the
- Jaques Benigne
Bossuet, 1627–1704, French theologian and Church
- Voltaire, actually
Francois-Marie Arouet, 1694–1778, French theologian and
philosopher of the Enlightenment.
- Madame De Sevigne's
remark concerning an Italian writer: See de Maistre's
Les soirees de St. Petersbourg,
vol. 1, p. 413. Concerning his discourse about Locke, see the
whole sixth conversation in Les Soirees, vol. 1, p. 337–430.
- Jonathan Swift,
1667–1745, Dublin, English writer and satirist.
- See note 5.
- Leon Gambetta,
1838–1882, French statesman and republican. Remark from
a speech on May 4, 1877.
- Commune:
Socialistic-Communistic community council that ruled over
Paris for several months following the armistice of 1871 with
Germany. The movement was bloodily defeated in May of
Boulangism: George Boulanger, 1837–1891, French general
and monarchist.
- Alfred Dreyfuss,
1859–1935, French officer, banished in 1894 for alleged
high treason, pardoned in 1899. The Dreyfuss affair gave rise
to consolidation of the political Left in France.
- Richard Cobden,
1804–1865, and John Bright, 1811–1889, adherents
of free trade, brought about abolition of the grain tariff,
which, along with other factors, brought about England's
industrial advancement.
- Herbert, Earl of
Oxford and Asquith, 1852–1928, liberal British Prime
Minister in 1914; Edward Grey, 1862–1923, British
Foreign Minister in 1914, belonging to the imperialistic
faction of the Liberals.
- Benjamin Disraeli,
Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804–1881, British Prime Minister
from 1868 until 1880.
- Baron George
Cuvier, 1769–1832, and Geoffroy de St.-Hilaire,
1772–1844, French natural scientists. See Eckermann's
Conversations with Goethe,
part 3, conversation of
August 2, 1830 (the quote is not verbatim).
- August Weissmann,
1834–1914, zoologist.
- Ernst Haeckel,
1834–1919, natural scientist.
Lecture XIV
- Lectures of May 6,
7, and 8, 1921 in
RSE 623, Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1977.
Lecture XV
- Johannes Scotus
Erigena, 810–877, Irish philosopher of scholasticism in
- Charles the Bald,
828–877, king of the Franconians, emperor from
- Dionysius the
Areopagite: connected Christianity with neo-Platonic
philosophy. Had strong influence on medieval mysticism.
- Origen, around
185–254, Greek Church Father in Alexandria, later
presbyter in Caesarea; basis of his philosophical theology:
De principiis
(“Peri archon”).
Under Justinian I, during the fifth ecumenical council in
Constantinople in 553, his teachings were condemned as
- After the Church had
forbidden the reading of Scotus Erigena's texts, all editions
were ordered burned in 1225.
- These words are
reported by Plato in
22 B.C.
Lecture XVI
- Publius Cornelius
Tacitus, around
A.D. 55 until 120,
Roman historian and consul. His work,
De origine et situ germanorum,
is the oldest surviving source concerning the geography and
ethnography of the Germanic peoples.
- Contained in
Die Naturwissenschaft und die weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung
der Menschheit seit dem Altertum,
six lectures, 1921. GA 325, 1969.
- Oswald Spengler,
1880–1936, philosopher of history and culture.
- Eduard Suess,
1831–1914, geologist.
Das Antlitz der Erde,
3 vol., 1885–1909.
Lecture XVII
- Hippocrates,
460–377 B.C.,
known already in antiquity as the greatest physician.
500–435 B.C.,
Greek sculptor in Athens, master of classical style.
427–347 B.C.,
Greek philosopher, pupil of Socrates.
470–399 B.C.,
moral philosopher in Athens, developed Socratic dialog to teach
his students to think for themselves.
- Galen,
A.D. 129–199,
outstanding physician in the days of the Roman
emperors; personal physician to Marc Aurel. In his writings,
he tried to compile all medical knowledge of antiquity.
- Julian Apostate,
A.D. 332–363,
nephew of Constantine the Great, Roman emperor from
A.D. 361–363.
- Constantine I., the Great,
A.D. 288–337,
Roman Emperor from
A.D. 306–337.
Made Christianity the state religion in 324.
- Justinian I, see
note 8, Lecture IV.
- “... to the
king of the Persians ...”: Chosrau Nurshivan (king from
A.D. 531–580)
invited the sages from all over the
world, particularly those versed in medicine, to Persia. He
is frequently considered the founder of the academy of
- Zeno the Isaurian,
A.D. 426–491,
Byzantine emperor from
A.D. 474–491,
closed the school of philosophers in Edessa in 487.
- Gondishapur
(Djundaisabur), city founded by the king of the Sassanides,
Shapur I (242–272). It was the cultural center of the
kingdom for a long period.
- Ibn Sina Avicenna,
980–1037, Persian philosopher and physician, author of
over 100 books.
- Ibn Roshd Averroes,
1126–1198, Arabian philosopher and universal scientist.
Physician from Cordova. Following Aristotelianism, he
attempted to combine philosophy and faith. His rational faith
led to his banishment.
- Roger Bacon, around
1216–1294, English Franciscan, called doctor mirabilis
on account of his comprehensive knowledge. He included
natural scientific perceptions in his theological manner of
- See note 2 to
Lecture XVI.
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