Man as a Being of Sense and Perception
On-line since: 27th June, 2002
Ego-consciousness and the content of the senses; the ego as reality.
The sphere of transmission of sense-perception: the four subjective
outer senses, the four senses oscillating between outer and inner, the
four objective inner senses. Man's soul-life and his cosmic being. The
inner activity of soul-life and its outwardly directed activity. The
specific characteristics of individual senses. Analysis of the field
of experience.
The distinction between upper and lower man; both representative of
the world-process. The two poles of our experience show the
relationship of morality to natural necessity. The separation between
the spheres of knowledge and faith. Historical consciousness must be
acquired by the survey of ever-greater periods of time. The Greek
philosophers. The real connection with the spiritual world later
became tradition, but with the mark of knowledge; Gnostic ideas. By
the fourth century the content of these ideas lost. Augustine.
Transition to the abstract intellectualism of the fifteenth century.
Ancient oriental culture based on the six upper senses. Western
culture based on the six lower senses. Aristotelianism in Christian
theology. Attack on the doctrine of pre-existence.
The faculty of memory and the capacity for love, though facts of
soul-life, belong to the bodily life. Faculty of ideation dependent
upon the formation of the head, faculty of memory upon the
metabolic-limb organisation; relation to world of feeling. The images
of the members of man's being bound up with the physical organisation.
Teething as an example of a kind of image in the physical. The
spiritual members as either free or bound to the physical
organisation. The interplay of the spiritual and the bodily in memory
and love. The pictorial representation of the spiritual world in the
material world gives us an insight into the origin of matter from
spirit. Within the soul-spiritual we experience morality, within the
physical-bodily, natural necessity. The dematerialisation of the human
being. I am free.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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