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Searching The Younger Generation

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Query was: air

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • health-giving air of the woods, and you will say: “In those
    • secret. (From the Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IV
    Matching lines:
    • he pays some homage to Voltaire but which also contain a certain view
    • omega of what we need today, and when your Chairman said yesterday
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • grey hair! This is a figurative way of speaking, but Spenglerism
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • which finds no air to breathe. Certainly a lung which finds no air to
    • experience the greatest thirst for air. But the lung cannot out of
    • itself quench this thirst for air; it has to allow for the air to
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VIII
    Matching lines:
    • what I should like to call modern clairvoyance ceases to be anything
    • miraculous. That this clairvoyance should still appear as something
    • despair. One often feels when demanding active thinking of anyone
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IX
    Matching lines:
    • thin air, with the first dawn of intellectualism. Of everything
    • Liberal Arts.” But you know the real state of affairs where the
    • affairs if consciousness soul is to meet consciousness soul? As soon
    • soul encounters consciousness soul in human affairs, this question
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture X
    Matching lines:
    • consciousness. You do not need to be a clairvoyant for this. All you
    • young person said to himself: The old man with his snow-white hair
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XI
    Matching lines:
    • Later this is forgotten by man; and this tasting is impaired by the
    • into the hair where it cannot be retained because at thirty they no
    • longer have any hair!
    • Science is not an individual affair. Hence during the primary school
    • He need not suddenly become clairvoyant; that will
    • I was still fairly young, at Baden near Vienna I got to know the
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XII
    Matching lines:
    • presented in a picture derived from ancient clairvoyant vision: if
    • growth of the hair. People today are prone to believe that the hair
    • form of light because atavistic clairvoyance was still present.
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII
    Matching lines:
    • ideas and intellectualism, he succeeds by so rarefying the air
    • dragon so as not to be injured, and who came into such rarefied air
    • of the past because the air had become unwholesome where it was
    • nightmare of the air corrupted by the dragon — air that could
    • dear friends, in olden times when an atavistic clairvoyance was still
    • to regions poor in air. A true youth movement will only reach its

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