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Query was: concept

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture I
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    • blood in Southern Asia brought him to the conception of what is known
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture II
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    • intelligible conception of the Christ Event. Those who argue the
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture III
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    • what was alive in the brain. He had living concepts. The concepts of
    • alive. Modern concepts are dead. Modern thinking is clever, but
    • work upon themselves. With the concepts we evolve from the time of
    • can carry into sleep nothing from the concepts we evolve through
    • developed in sleep into these concepts of the material world. The
    • we have the Spirit once again. Thereby our concepts will regain the
    • to speak about the material in mobile concepts. And that is always
    • concepts come out of the world of the Spirit, that they are really
    • experienced, that they are concepts filled with life. What is here
    • concepts such as the concepts physical body, etheric body, astral
    • confine itself to the unreal, abstract concepts he loves — for
    • this Father loves the most abstract concepts. Just read any Catholic
    • Anthroposophy contains living concepts which can actually come down
    • sake no living concepts, for they will slip into reality, and
    • concepts must be kept away from that! In such cases we can only have
    • concepts belonging to waking consciousness and none that is capable
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IV
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    • world-conception are sheer nonsense, for materialism has its
    • conception. The point is not that people have a false
    • world-conception or refute it, but that little by little they have
    • people today, we need something more than a revival of old concepts
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture V
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    • Thus we can get to the concept of primal revelation and say: This
    • nineteenth century. But supposing our words and concepts not only
    • concepts and words which signify something in themselves! He would
    • have been held fast by them. But concepts and words must be transparent
    • dead, because it is permeated by dead intellectual concepts. We must
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VI
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    • the religious conceptions which are closest to the development of the
    • begins with birth or conception, and who, as is said nowadays,
    • the one hand we are led to the conception of ethical individualism,
    • we anticipate an ethics, a conception of morality that will speak
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VII
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    • remembrance is. These people did not connect certain concepts with
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VIII
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    • into the general concept dog; but there exists one general thought
    • unable to express in clear concepts, but which was present in them as
    • character of concepts, having lived previously at the time of the
    • in face of the growing scientific conceptions, yet asking with deep
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IX
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    • the Greeks, concepts, ideas, were bestowed by the Spirit. But because
    • can only get the right conception of the intellectual or mind soul by
    • the super-sensible of those who are grown-up. At that time the concept
    • to us today to connect any definite concept with the remark: We do
    • conception of any real phenomena of the life of soul. Hence they have
    • be achieved with concepts that lead us in the domain of outer Nature.
    • However much we can achieve outwardly with these concepts they cannot
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture X
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    • has concepts he is capable of discussing them with anyone. Thus it
    • Greece, cannot be grasped by modern concepts. Even for the old
    • Grecian times quite other concepts must be used. Nietzsche felt this.
    • expressed in concepts, these were only the language through which to
    • Activity an exposition on the art of forming concepts, a description
    • concepts to the impressions from outside, but lives within the free
    • or unclear concept of this. But it begins to live within the human
    • stir. It is not formulated in concepts. But in the life of feeling,
    • concept might be expressed as follows: Up to now the astral body has
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XI
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    • through theoretical concepts but through the living-together with
    • concepts but is manifested in the teacher; and it resists conceptual
    • form. Concepts have form, that is to say, external limits. But human
    • intellectual concepts, in abstractions. Today even the farmer loves
    • bring him simply to the possession of a few concepts which make up a
    • does not feel happy with a philosophic system in which one concept
    • darkness impenetrable to the world of abstract concepts. But if, with
    • concepts and cherish the notion that they should remain unchanged for
    • child. We should educate the child so that all his concepts are
    • capable of growth, that his concepts and will-impulses are really
    • living concepts instead of dead ones, for unconsciously he knows that
    • concept, so that they have the concept as a definition only. It is
    • experience other people with dead concepts. We can comprehend them
    • inscription “Counselor at Law,” conveying a concept of
    • caught up in this spider's web of concepts. We do not live
    • heads but it is woven around us everywhere. We are guided by concepts
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XII
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    • give no real conception of Goethe. The only literary work of the last
    • be tied down in formal concepts, nor is it anything we come to by
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII
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    • concepts, which in our epoch has developed in the most intense,
    • concepts. You need only compare, for instance, how in an age
    • humanity molded what was experienced inwardly into abstract concepts.
    • Men have always had concepts but, as I have already explained to you,
    • they were revealed concepts, not concepts that no longer corresponded
    • to concepts no longer springing from revelations did they evolve
    • concepts from observation of external Nature, and from outer
    • conceptual system even of the most primitive human being is acquired
    • even those who still cling to the older concepts no longer hold to
    • which people strive. But concepts, ideas, arising out of the inner
    • the soul, as I have already explained, of becoming dead concepts. And
    • of his inner being, these concepts shall die. But the strange thing
    • culmination in the nineteenth century, is that the concepts dying in
    • of his inner being built up a whole conception of evolution. It
    • reached its zenith in his concept of metamorphosis. We have the
    • implies coercion. Freedom could only arise by concepts becoming dead.
    • Yet these concepts have taken on new life from outer Nature. Inasmuch
    • our Middle European civilization — we have concepts and ideas
    • which comes to us not as dead concepts but as a living spirit to whom

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