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Query was: matter

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • and crude. We need only pick up writings — no matter what they
    • matters are aware of the gradual entrance of what inevitably
    • Everyone has a standpoint. — as if the standpoint matters! The
    • These are two different standpoints in physical life. What matters is
    • cultivate science. What does it matter to us if Nature is an artist?
    • It matters not at all, for that is not our standpoint
    • all, it is quite a different matter if in earlier centuries —
    • not a matter of finding fault, but of the need for understanding. For
    • As a matter of fact Goethe did not say “More light!” He
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • experiences undergone by young people at Universities. As a matter of
    • ago all this was quite a matter of course. Today a great deal is said
    • action, awakening deed. That is, what matters is a question of
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • my intention. The thing that matters is to go forward, not back. But
    • the truth and it is a much more serious matter than is usually
    • immediately get a buzzing head when it is a matter of thinking in a
    • what really matters is that in our whole way of looking at the world
    • were matter, but diluted matter. The point is not that one speaks
    • really matter whether we speak materialistically or intellectually,
    • what matters is that the Spirit shall be in what we say. The Spirit
    • whereas what really matters is that experience of the Spirit should
    • which as a matter of fact can only be revealed to the soul by
    • materialists have made of the atoms. It does not matter whether we
    • say: This is spiritual, or that is material. What matters is to
    • spirituality. Permeated by spirit we can speak of matter and we shall
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture V
    Matching lines:
    • realm into human experience was a matter of course. These facts, as I
    • in regard to this purely spiritual matter — for such are moral
    • should consider it a matter of course that the thinking which reached
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VI
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    • the aspect of the social life, the matter presents itself
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VII
    Matching lines:
    • that the child as a matter of course submits to it. It is very easy
    • such people it was not a matter of indifference if they discovered
    • speaking about it, or only studying it, it is not a matter of
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VIII
    Matching lines:
    • pointing approximately to weighty matters affecting a large
    • For one part of humanity matters were as I have described them; for
    • matter-of-course explanation of the origin of thought. Thus a period
    • him it was a matter of course that he experienced his abstract
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture IX
    Matching lines:
    • matters where a judgment formed by active thinking is necessary,
    • it is a matter of the unfolding of will and not of a theoretical
    • being if he wants to set to work before the young take it as a matter
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture X
    Matching lines:
    • is so constituted that when it is a matter of making something clear
    • the young quite as a matter of course pay tribute to maturity and
    • great age. This was a matter of course. Why? Because what exists
    • such a way that it believes it must be given as a matter of course to
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XI
    Matching lines:
    • say that this would not matter in the primary school. If the child is
    • principle that it does not matter if the teacher is not as clever as
    • beings, then the matter is still more complicated. Then, what
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XII
    Matching lines:
    • learning theories about the ego. No matter whether you are a peasant
    • know how to handle the matter, just as it is handled by the academic
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII
    Matching lines:
    • process, permeated as it is with soul and spirit, matter is
    • have a continual process of destruction of matter so that matter
    • within the human organism can be newly created. Matter is continually
    • when man arrived at the law of the conservation of matter and of
    • energy, and believed that matter is also conserved in the human
    • organism. The establishment of the law of the conservation of matter
    • physics as a definite fact. The law of the conservation of matter and
    • long as there is a law of the conservation of matter and of energy,

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