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Searching The Younger Generation

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Query was: riddle

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • fit them. Nothing fits! On the one side there is the riddle “plant”
    • the all-embracing, unexpressed riddle of man and of the world. The
  • Title: Lecture: Younger Generation: Lecture VI
    Matching lines:
    • riddle which one approaches in quite a different way from what is
    • how with this there is connected the keynote of the riddle of the
    • about the world-riddle was expressed in the paradigm: “Man,
    • always arising when a solution of the world-riddle is broached. Now I
    • might call the solution of the world-riddle. What would there remain
    • to do after the moment when this world-riddle was solved? Man would
    • that the world-riddle has been solved by means of a cognitional
    • great many people think thus about the solution of the world-riddle.
    • They consider the world-riddle a system of questions that must be
    • at the thought that a solution of the world-riddle could somewhere be
    • the world; the world is full of riddles, full of mystery, and man's
    • Now one can indicate precisely where all these riddles are solved.
    • the riddles of the world are solved in man — again in the very
    • — he is the solution of the world-riddle! Let him gaze at the
    • final. Man is the solution of the world-riddle but to know the human
    • world-riddle within ourselves. But we know too that we shall never
    • feel him to be a world-riddle, a walking world-riddle. Then we shall
    • solvers of all riddles — we confront the child with confidence
    • “The riddle of life stands before us as an enigma. The solution
    • of the riddle lies in Man.” — And there indeed it does
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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