Dornach, 20th October, 1922
When we consider man from
the anthroposophical point of view, as we have done before, we first
have to distinguish in him the physical organism. We have this physical
organism penetrated by the etheric organism, and with this system which
is formed by physical and etheric organism we have joined the astral
organism and the ego. From the way that man goes into the sleeping state
and from there over again into the waking state, we see that on one
side the physical and etheric organism are connected more closely and
on the other side ego and astral organism. Though in waking state these
four members are united, yet in sleep they are separated, so that on
one side ego and astral body, so to speak, hold together, and on the
other side physical and etheric organism. So that the astral and etheric
organism do not unite as strongly as, for example, ego and astral organism,
or physical and etheric organism.
If we want to consider these
things in detail, we have to put them before our soul once more in their
effectiveness. Now, I would like to start with something concrete. What
does it mean: man sees the surrounding world? If, for once, we look
merely on the factual act, it means that something makes an impression
on him. But if we have the whole human being in mind, we must ask: on
what, in him, has the surrounding an effect?
|  Diagram 1 Click image for large view | |
For a superficial observation
it might look as if the effect on the physical organism is that which
comes about from seeing the surrounding. Yet it is not so. We do have,
when we are seeing, the physical eye, (diagram, bright) but everything
that goes on in the physical eye is only something mediating. In reality,
what happens first is a play of processes in the ego and the astral
organism. I will indicate this by mingling the eye with this (yellow
diagram) as the ego (naturally, it then goes farther into the organism)
and with this “red” as the astral organism. We have to be
absolutely clear about this: what first comes into consideration in
seeing, are the processes in the ego and in the astral organism.
You can acknowledge this
immediately, if you observe your seeing not superficially, but in a
more intimate way. You only have to call to your mind, if you can, while
seeing somewhere a red color, distinguish yourself, in regard to your
ego, from this red. You cannot do that. You are this red. You
cannot distinguish yourself from the red. This red is something that
fills your consciousness completely, you are nothing else than this
red. You can realize this especially well, if you, let us say, imagine
that this red is the only thing you see. You see a large surface. You
first have to make it clear to yourself, while looking at this large
red surface, that you are an ego. You have to separate first the ego.
But, while looking at the large red surface, during this time, the red
and the ego have flown together. And it is the same with the astral
organism of man.
So, the first thing we have
to look at, where we are seeing, are processes in the ego and the astral
organism. With the eye, there comes into consideration (just see for
once the complicated way in which the eye comes into consideration)
that man has a kidney system, — I design it here schematically
(diagram, dark blue). This kidney system belongs first of all to the
physical organism of man and has in itself parts that are solid. You
know, I have told you quite often: man does not have so extraordinarily
much of the solid, the mineral, in himself: 90% of him is a column of
water. Nevertheless, he has firm parts in himself. These solid parts
really swim continuously in a liquid; in something watery. Therefore
we have to look at the kidney system as the starting point of the watery,
which is not only there in excretion of the kidney system, but goes
through the whole organism; among others, it also goes up to the eye.
|  Diagram 2 Click image for large view | |
But this liquid that, as
it were, radiates from the kidney system into the whole organism and
also radiates into the eye, is by all means not a dead watery substance,
but a living water. You would get a totally wrong idea of what the water
(the watery) is in man, if you had the picture that within the living
human organism, one might find water, as it runs in a brook (see diagram,
blue). This is not the case. In the brook, we have dead water, in the
human organism we have a living liquid. Not only the plasma-liquid is
living, all that is liquid in the human body is living. And in this
liquid there are finely dissolved those solid parts, mentioned before,
which are carried forth as it were, on the waves of the watery, also
up into the eyes. Two different things meet now in the eye, the etheric
organism of man (blue) fills out the eye, which is the optic nerve of
the eye; and what is streaming now into this liquid which is filled
by the etheric organism, — that is the astral picture which arises
in the human astral body (red). And this (yellow) is what arises through
the ego. That is what streams into here, and also streams further on.
Therefore, there are coming
together on one side in the human eye and also in the human optic nerve,
the impression from outside, which had at first really been in the ego
— and the astral body and then from inside the physical and etheric
body — the physical born from the mineral parts of human nature
and the etheric body on the liquid parts of the human body.
Now, it is so, that this
does not stay with the eye. Instead, what the eye is mediating, radiates
into the remaining organism. In seeing, we have to deal altogether with
an encounter of those processes, which occur in an extraordinarily complicated
way in the ego and astral body and those which come to meet these as
physical and etheric bodies but as physical body in the mineral constituents
and as etheric body on the waves of the living liquid.
What I have shown you here
for the act of seeing, continuously occurs in the human organism. Continuously
in the human organism the etheric body — I would like to say —
under the impulse of the physical body and on the waves of the living
water, meets the astral body with all that which outer impressions are
under the impulse of the ego. On the ways and means, how these two currents
meet our whole human constitution, our-whole inner situation depends,
because they have to meet in the right way. What does that mean: to
meet in the right way? Well, we have to deal again with something extraordinarily
complicated. The head-organization of man is, at first so (see diagram
1) that the head is a plastic image of the forces which man had as a
soul-spiritual being in pre-earthly life. The head is formed by plastic
forces, it is also developed very early during embryonic life, and it
retains really only the power to give form. If the human head did not
have this power to give form (zu gestalten) it would be indeed
only a dead body. This human head is a marvelous creation (Gebilde).
It is a faithful impression of the physical, etheric, even of the astral
and even of the ego; it is an image of their descent from super earthly
worlds into earthly existence. The head forms itself truly as an image
of those cosmic experiences, which man went through in pre-earthly existence
and retains only the plastic formative forces. If we look at the child
we see that all plastic formative forces start from the head. Man receives
from his head radiating into the remaining organism that which gives
the plastic configuration to his organs during his growth correspondingly.
|  Diagram 3 Click image for large view | |
Then, it is throughout only
the plastic forming force, which goes out from the head. If something
enters the head, as it happens in seeing, it is right away received
in a way that a force is forming which wants to give shape. What is
entering there the eye wants to take shape inside of man. Most of all
it wants to form the nerves,'the nervous system, in a way that in the
inner organism there will be, so to say, a copy of that which had been
the outer impression (diagram). One can say in this direction (arrows
from above downward) from the senses going inside, goes a forming force.
This force wants to make man, as it were, into a statue. It is really
so: everything we see, wants to make us into a statue in a certain fine
way. Against this force — for example, from the kidney system
(arrows from below to above) another force comes forth, which continuously
dissolves. What wants to be formed there? Imagine, how that is. If I
wanted to trace this down for you I would have to say: Coming from the
eye a very fine picture wants to form; up to a physical shaping of forms
this wants to go. There is always a tendency like that taking place,
that salty substances which otherwise are dissolved stick together,
that is, they want to become salt. So that we continuously have a tendency
for form shaping. Now, from below there always arises a tendency to
dissolve that again. So we have continuously a tendency in the human
organism from without towards the inner that should become a statue,
and from the inside continuously it is dissolved again.
This process that takes
place through the encounter of the astral with the etheric, that comes
to meet the astral on the waves of the watery, is of immense importance
for human life, basically it really means the whole of human life.
Imagine, someone tells you
something tonight. It is also an impression. It occurs differently in
the way of the senses, than when you see a red plane, but it also is
an impression. What has been communicated to you there, again wants
to take form in you. If it can take on form, then it stays in you as
remembrance. And if you happen to have a head which is very much inclined
to salt (to pickle) right away all impressions, then you will have a
marvelous memory. Like an automaton, you can always repeat everything
that someone communicates to you. But with most people it is not that
way, because with most people there is the strong tendency to dissolve
this in turn; what, as radiation of the watery element in connection
with the etheric body comes to meet the plastic formative forces, dissolves
this again. In reality it is a warm current which continuously is dissolving.
If one looks at this matter, something extraordinarily interesting will
If one wants to remember
things as a human being — not as a human automaton — then
one must not get such a rigid inner salt-formation right away, when
someone tells us something, so one can always repeat (abtratschen
— like a parakeet) the matter right away. There are such people,
but they become dependent, they are not themselves any more, who remember
things, but the things take hold of them, one becomes an automaton.
If one wants to be an independent human being, the following procedures
have to happen:
What someone is telling
you, or what one reads is, at first, in the ego and the astral body
and wants to penetrate now through the organization of the brain, of
the head, first into the liquid, and then wants to consolidate, — to
call forth a sort of mineral salt-like formation. But it is good when
the inner current comes and extinguishes this presently, so that, at
most, the impression penetrates the liquid (but it dissolves) and at
present no rigid form can come about. Since, at present, it cannot become
a firm shape, the matter remains in the astral body. Now one is asleep,
the next night. There it goes out with the astral body and the ego.
There it reinforces itself somewhat during the state of sleep. (See
diagram 3, right) Then it comes back in again with awakening (left),
and will possibly be extinguished again; and this happens as a rule
three to four times. Only after the fourth, having been asleep, the
extinguishing force will not be strong enough anymore, and then this
is fixed so firmly, that this plastic formation (Gebilde),
which cannot be dissolved in there anymore, becomes the basis for memory-representation,
for recollection.
You will say: But I can
remember those things also, that I have heard yesterday, when I did
not sleep a couple of times afterwards. That is right, but this is not
the question now. That you can remember those things which you have
heard yesterday has its cause from the fact that the matter is still
in the astral body, and perhaps makes, an impression into the ether
body; but one does not forget really after one day, not after the second
or the third. If the matter really is forgotten, then the inner dissolving
force is still so strong after the fourth day, that the whole matter
will be dissolved; then it is dissolved. Because, if it is, then there
is so much strength existing, that it comes in a fourth time and can
still be dissolved, then we forget the matter unrefutably.
|  Diagram 4 Click image for large view | |
You see, this is a very
interesting fact. And this fact, which one can observe by the way of
imagination, if one simply sees how things are remembered, leads us
to something else. It leads us to the realization that the head of man
is altogether a much slower fellow than the rest of man. When we talk
about the threefoldness of man, and keep at first the rhythmic organization
in the middle, on one side his nerve-sense organization, that is the
organization of the head, — on the other side the metabolic-limb organism,
then we can say: the head-organism in its whole development, in all
its being and becoming takes up a much slower pace than the metabolic-limb
organism. And it is so, that while this inner consolidating (diagram),
this shape-giving, would take a second for any impression (it is not
so, but I say it as an example) there would have been already four impacts
of dissolving from the side of the kidney-system. This can be seen in
the fact that our pulse beats four times, while we inhale once. The
respiratory system works upward From the rhythmical system towards the
head and imparts to it the four times slower beat. That which comes
to expression through the four times faster beat of the blood circulation
which brings about the dissolving factor. What expresses itself in the
four times slower pace of the head has in its working all that which
tends to solidify, which makes man into a statue.
It is indeed interesting
that this encounter which I have described to you, that is, the surging
upward of the thrusts coming from the kidney system and the downward
beat of the thrusts, which derive from outer influence that indeed while
the impression is happening, four times an attack of dissolving is made
on one. And that is the reason that we have to sleep four times over
it, so that the act of striking from outside will be sufficiently fastened.
All these things fit (gliedern
sich) together in a marvelous way if one can enter truly into the
inner configuration of the human organism. But this is still connected
also with something else.
You see, in going upwards
in man and coming to the head, we find a pace of life (lebenstempe)
which is four times slower than the one we find when we go, for example,
to the organs of digestion, or, let us say, to the kidney-system. The
kidney system works very fast and brings its inner working to the etheric,
which swims on the waves of the living water. If man closes his eyes
and subdues his brain consciously and then looks through that which
flows out from the kidney; these are the imaginations, which swim on
the living water — in such a way that his own inner life presents itself
to him in imaginations. This is an extraordinarily interesting formation
(Gebilde). If there is here (see diagram 4) the kidney system,
then from the kidney system the living water flows towards the whole
organism. What is excreted there, is only the superfluous, which goes
to the outside through the relatively solid influx; but at the same
time, this living water, which is permeated by the etheric organism
goes also towards the whole organism. But, when the kidney is sick,
and because of the sick kidney a radiation which is too strong takes
place, then all kinds of images will form in there and the well-known
subjective phenomena will come about, that people with sick kidneys
will show. What is working there, what basically is a thrust pulsated
through by inner body warmth, what then meets with that which comes
from the outside wanting to become a form, this works four times faster
than what comes from the outside towards the inner. This shows itself
again in certain periods of our life in so far as these periods are
regarded as coming about from the etheric organism, which I have drawn
here this way. We must speak of seven year periods as you know; of the
change of teeth, of puberty and so on. But against these periodical
rhythmic processes, which go on from seven to seven years, something
coming from the head is working, that wants to slow down these processes,
because the head is going at a much slower pace. The head arrives at
the end of the 28th year only where the main organism of man is at the
end of the seventh year. This is a very important secret of human individual
On the outside, it expresses
itself only through the fact that we can call ourselves completely grown
up inwardly and outwardly in the late twenties. Everything that comes
from the head completes itself really only at this time. The head is
in reality only seven years old at 28. So, this is something, which
one has therefore in the entire being of man. As one has on one side
respiration and blood circulation — how blood circulation is in relation
to respiration — the same way in life, in the whole becoming of life,
the processes of the head are in relation to the processes, which proceed
from the digestive system, altogether form the metabolic limb system.
That also has one to the other the beat, of one to four. This is of
great importance for life. It means, for example, that everything we
bring to a child in education or instruction between the seventh and
14th years lives only in the head very slowly and has come to an end
there, so that it is caught up in the head up to the 35th year; only
up to the 35th year of life its vibrations in the head have completely
come to an end. Four times seven years come into consideration. (The
four times seven year periods are repeated from the seventh year on)
Then at 35 only, the head has really caught up.
This throws an extraordinarily
important light on a right method of education and teaching. It shows
you, that teaching and education must be arranged in a way that it lasts
long enough. You can, if you look only out for that which the child
takes up from the seventh year to the 14th year, and which occupies
him and what he comprehends, teach the child what he wants to grasp
at the present moment. But these processes in the metabolic-limb system
of man which are first the physical carrier of what has been grasped,
leave after seven years. Now something must remain, even when matter
has left; must be taken up by the head, must last up to the 21st year.
Then again, the physical matter is gone, it must last up to the 28th
year, then again matter is gone and it still must last until the 35th
year. Now it finally is entirely in the ether body and from there it
is not so easily ousted because the ether body is not always excreted
in the same way.
You see how in life things
work into each other, that we truly have to know that, being 28 years
old, we would be only seven years in reality, if we were a head being
only. If we are
35 years old, we would be in fact only 14 years if we were only
head. We are continuously attacked in our quiet development by
the metabolic limb system in regard to what the head of man
really wants. Therefore, if one wants to understand man one
must not regard the substantial constitution of the rest of the
body. Instead one has to see the interplay between the metabolic?
limb system and the head organism in their rhythm. But this
enters into every single organ.
|  Diagram 5 Click image for large view | |
Take the eye. On one side
you have the optic nerve, on the other side are blood vessels (diagram
5, red). Since the blood vessels spread,you have the metabolic-limb
system in the eye. Through the optic nerve being there, you have the
sense? nerve organism in the eye. Now look into the eye. There exists
a relation of one to four among the processes in the optic nerve, the
retina and the thrust of, the blood beat. Inside the eye things are
continuously vibrating into each other, whose rhythms are related as
one to four. On this vibrating into each other of two different rhythms
the inner processes of the eye are based. What takes place in the arterial
skin of the eye wants to dissolve; already in the eye, what wants to
consolidate in the nerve of the eye. The nerve of the eye wants to create
continuously forms with contours in the eye. The arterial skin with
the blood flowing there wants to dissolve this continuously.
|  Diagram 6 Click image for large view | |
It is not as coarse as one
generally presents it; instead it is so that the arteries of the blood
have their own course and the veins join in again (diagram red), so
that not one also loins the other. In the eye especially, the artery
runs so that the blood flows out so to say, and is there only then absorbed
turn by the vein, so that a slight flowing off and a reabsorbtion comes
about in the eye.
It is an entirely false
and coarse view, if one believes that arterial blood immediately goes
over there into the veinous blood. It is not so. A fine flowing out
and again an absorbtion takes place. In what takes place as the outflowing
vibrates the rhythm of circulation and in the nerve adjacent to it,
the rhythm of the respiration vibrates really in these two rhythms which
hit into each other. Imagine these two rhythms were alike, then we would
not see.
Imagine you run along next
to a wagon. If you run just as fast as the wagon, you will not notice
the wagon. But when you walk four times slower and yet hold the wagon,
then you will notice the pull. The wagon will go on and you will have
to hold back if you want to slow it down. And so it is inside the eye.
That is the function of the optic nerve which wants to hold back the
rhythm which is four times faster. In the arresting is formed what then
is perception, which appears as perception of sight, just as you notice
the wagon if you run times slower; if you run in the same speed you
will not feel it.
And you yourself, how do
you experience yourself as an ego? You experience yourself because your
head runs four times slower than the rest of your organism. That is
the inner sensing of one's self, the inner perception of one's self,
the running after the tempo of the limb-metabolic organism with what
is function
of the head.
Numberless cases of illnesses
in people are based on the following; a certain measure of balance exists
for every organism between four and one. One can always say: according
to the way a person is orgainized a certain measure of balance is there.
Of course, it never is exactly one to four, but there are all kinds
of possible conditions; in this way people are individualized. But for
every human individuality a certain relationship exists. If that is
disturbed and if conditions would arise, by which the relation is then
not one to four, but one to 4 1/7 the dissolving force then works too
strongly, then the person cannot become a statue sufficiently. You only
have to remember certain forms of illness, where man dissolves too much
in himself, and you have the type of such kind of illness.
The other condition can
come about just as well. Then those phenomena appear, which present
cramp-like conditions. When the astral forces vibrate too fast through
the etheric and physical organism, when the astral forces quiver through
too fast and do not approach slowly enough, the cramp-like phenomena
come about.
For example, take the ordinary
children's cramps. These common cramps are based on nothing else than
on the necessity that with the child the astral organism and the ego
have to permeate first the etheric and physical organism in the right
way. Now imagine, the astral organism and the ego which vibrate then
into the limb-metabolic man, are vibrating too fast. The other part
of man cannot take that right away. If it vibrates in the right way
then you have, for example a part of physical and etheric man, which
have to be permeated by astral and ego-man so that it gets slowly permeated.
I would like to say:: every current of the astral force seizes always
in the right way a droplet of living water, through which the etheric
flows. It adapts to each other, if the right tempo is in it. But if
that vibrates in too fast (see drawing 6, red, light), then the astral
bursts through the etheric and with that also through the living water,
cramp-like conditions come about as can especially appear in children's
cramps, because here the right rhythm must assert itself first in the
entering of this streaming in. (red, blue drawing 7)
This has a far reaching
meaning. It has for example, the meaning that a very bad form of illness,
which causes much headache today, finds its explanation here at least:
namely that the right beat together is disturbed in a special way. Such
an illness for example, is the bitterly bad illness of polio, which
can be explained this way, though the healing is not found at the same
time, because conditions lying farther back have caused that things
are not tuned in together.
Altogether it is possible
only to look into the human organism if one can take into consideration
such conditions seriously if one knows that in that, which is outside
at night of one's physical and ether body, the impulses are lying for
a much slower activity of life than in that part which remains back
at night, if one knows that man sleeps not only in an abstract way with
his ego and astral body outside of his physical and etheric body. At
sleep man is nearly all limb-metabolic man up into the brain, because
everything proceeds then under the influence of metabolic-man.
Now, inwardly man is in
regard to what underlies the slow rhythm exposed to a high degree
to the ahrimanic forces, in regard to all, that corresponds to the fast
rhythm his exposure very strong to the luciferic forces. Therefore,
you could also
say if you might look once at the wooden carved group; here everything
ahrimanic has the tendency towards the slow rhythm,
which hardens the forms and makes them pointed and rigid. In
all that is luciferic, everything is worked towards the fast
rhythms which makes everything round, because it runs off faster and
therefore rounds off everything; it does not make things rigid, but
wave-like. You can see it at the plastic forms there,
that one deals with a beating together in the relation of three or four
to one.
These matters are important
as well for the understanding of the healthy human organism as they
are important for the understanding of the sick human organism. One
will see how one
will have need in science of this completion which can come only from
the side of what is called here anthroposophical spiritual science.
I will continue these considerations intending to close
them off in a way that on one side out of man history, and on
the other hand out of history man will come to meet us.