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The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Rudolf Steiner

The Waking of the Human Soul and the Forming of Destiny

The Need for Understanding The Christ

Prague 28 & 29 April 1923

Steiner Book Centre
Toronto, Canada.

First English Edition, Steiner Book Centre, Toronto, Canada, 1970.

Translated by Olin D. Wannamaker. Steiner Book Centre

This English edition of two lectures given in Prague on the 28th and 29th April 1923, entitled ‘Die Etappen des Erwachens der menschlichen Seele. Die Christus-Offenbarung.’ is published by permission of Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. All rights reserved.

Last Modified: 28-Jul-2024
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