All the work of Rudolf Steiner calls upon the faculty of imagination
to understand it, but nowhere more so than in this astonishing series
of lectures on the kingdoms of nature and their relation to man. The
usual external biological relation is illuminated and over-powered
by a new inner, artistic and moral one, We are led to experience the
three great animal prototypes, eagle, lion and cow, in our own being.
We grasp the relation of insect and plant in a way which throws new
light on our own evolution and that of the world.
The elemental beings cease to be mere poetic names; we enter into their
intricate working in the life of the earth. Fish, amphibia, reptile,
take on a new spiritual dimension. We grasp the therapeutic power of
metals through an inner sympathy with their forces.
As a mere feat of ordinary imagination these lectures would be
outstanding; as a revelation of the actual workings and goings on of
the world they are supreme. Everyone who studies them will echo the
words they contain: Cosmic activity is indeed the greatest of artists.
The cosmos fashions everything according to laws which give the deepest
satisfaction to the artistic sense.