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Mystery Centres

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Mystery Centres

On-line since: 10th November, 2004

Mystery Centres

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

Steiner gives a comprehensive history of the Mysteries and lays open an abundant knowledge about the methods and stages of the spiritual guidance of humanity through the centuries including: the Ephesian Mysteries of Artemis, the Mysteries of Hibernia, the Chthonic and Eleusinian Mysteries, the transition to Plato and Aristotle, the soul striving in the Middle Ages, the Rosicrucian Mysteries, to the modern Mysteries found in the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.

By Rudolf Steiner

Bn 232, GA 232

Steiner gives a comprehensive history of the Mysteries and lays open an abundant knowledge about the methods and stages of the spiritual guidance of humanity through the centuries including: the Ephesian Mysteries of Artemis, the Mysteries of Hibernia, the Chthonic and Eleusinian Mysteries, the transition to Plato and Aristotle, the soul striving in the Middle Ages, the Rosicrucian Mysteries, to the modern Mysteries found in the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum.

Fourteen lectures delivered at Dornach, in November and December, 1923. Authorized translation from the German of Notes unrevised by the lecturer. It is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland. From the lecture series: Mystery Centers. Published in German as: Mysteriengestaltungen, From Bn 232, GA 232.

Copyright © 1985
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
Garber Communications, Inc.
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture series is now available.


 Cover Sheet  
Table of Contents
Lecture I Concerning the Soul-Life of Man, and the Perception of the Spiritual Foundations of the World — The Experience of Thinking — The Experience of Feeling — The Experience of Gesture.  November 23, 1923
Lecture II The Activity of the Soul-Nature in Physical Man — The Influence of the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic Beings on Man and in Nature — Heredity and Adaptation to Environment.  November 24, 1923
Lecture III Identification with the Inner Life of Nature, through Imagination and Will — The Life of Memory — The Being of Gesture and of Physiognomy — Experience of Day and Year — Summer-Will and Winter-Will.  November 25, 1923
The Connection of Man with the Earth-Planet — The Crystal Covering of the Earth — The Speech of the Metals — The backward-raying Forces of the Metals, and the Connection between Earth-lives.
 November 30, 1923
Lecture V Mineral and Plant-Animal Creation — The previous Earth-atmosphere — Plants as Gifts of Heaven — Animals as Earth-forms — The Cosmic Memory of the Metals.  December 1, 1923
Lecture VI The Ephesian Mysteries of Artemis.  December 2, 1923
The Mystery Centres of Hibernia.
 December 7, 1923
Lecture VIII The Being of the Hibernian Mysteries.  December 8, 1923
Lecture IX The Great Mysteries of Hibernia.  December 9, 1923
The Transition from Plato to Aristotle.
 December 14, 1923
Lecture XI The Secret of Plants, of Metals, and of Men.  December 15, 1923
Lecture XII The Mysteries of the Samothracian Kabiri.  December 21, 1923
Lecture XIII Transition from the Spirit of the Ancient Mysteries to the Spirit of the Mysteries of the Middle Ages.  December 22, 1923
Lecture XIV Human Soul-Strivings During the Middle Ages the Rosicrucian Mysteries.  December 23, 1923

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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