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The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Easter Festival in relation to the Mysteries

On-line since: 1st April, 2000

The Easter Festival in Relation to the Mysteries

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Lectures Section

Rudolf Steiner leads us to an understanding of the true meaning of Easter by tracing its history from the pre-Christian era to our time. He shows it is ultimately through knowing the true significance of Easter that we come to understand our relationship to spiritual reality.

Rudolf Steiner

Four Lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland
19th to 22nd April, 1924
Translated by George Adams
Bn 233a.2, GA 233a

Rudolf Steiner leads us to an understanding of the true meaning of Easter by tracing its history from the pre-Christian era to our time. He shows it is ultimately through knowing the true significance of Easter that we come to understand our relationship to spiritual reality.

This is an authorised English translation, taken from shorthand notes, unrevised by the lecturer. It is presented here with the kind permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

“The original idea of any sacred festival is to make the human being look upward from his dependence on earthly things to those things that transcend the Earth.” (From Lecture Two) From Bn 233a.2, GA 233a.

Copyright © 1968
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
Book Cover Image

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 Cover Sheet  
 Table of Contents  
 Introductory Remarks  
 Lecture One
Festivals and the Mysteries. The Adonis Mystery. The Easter Thought
April 19th, 1924
 Lecture Two
Moon-birth and Sun-birth. Necessity and Freedom. Stages of the ancient Easter Initiation.
April 20th, 1924
 Lecture Three
The Moon Secret. Spring and Autumn Mysteries.
April 21st, 1924
 Lecture Four
The Mysteries of Ephesus. The Aristotelian Categories
April 22nd, 1924
 Publishers Note  

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