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Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael
Karma in the Life of Individuals and in the Evolution of the World
On-line since: 13th May, 2012
By Rudolf Steiner
Translated by D. S. Osmond
Bn/GA 240
At the end of his life Rudolf Steiner took up the task that was his
special destiny; to bring to the West a knowledge of reincarnation and
karma. To do this he gave over eighty lectures in 1924 in which he
explicitly and concretely revealed the destinies of various individuals
from one life to the next in order to show how the general laws of karma
operate in individual cases. He also revealed many details of the karmic
streams of the members of the Anthroposophical Society. These volumes
constitute an immeasurable contribution to the understanding of
reincarnation and karma, and the tasks of the Anthroposophical Society
in connection with the Archangel Michael.
First printed in English in 1953 with the title,
Cosmic Christianity and the Impulse of Michael. Karma in the Life of
Individuals and the Evolution of the World.
Six lectures given at Torquay and London, England, between 12th and
27th August, 1924. Published here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Translated from shorthand reports unrevised by the lecturer by D. S.
Osmond. The original texts of the lectures are contained in Vol. VIII
of the series entitled
Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge in the
Complete Edition of Rudolf Steiner's works. (No. 240 in
the Bibliographical Survey, 1961).
Copyright © 1953
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to the kind donation of an Anthroposophical Family Library,
these lectures have been made available to everyone.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
| Introduction |
| Lecture I |
August 12, 1924 |
The fruits of earlier lives carried over into later lives. The Michael
| Lecture II |
August 14, 1924 |
Karmic connections in history. Haroun al Raschid and his Counsellor.
The work of Aristotle and Alexander the Great. Gregory VII. Ernst
Haeckel. Lord Bacon of Verulam. Amos Comenius. The Michael
| Lecture III |
August 21, 1924 |
Michael and the Cosmic Intelligence. The deepening of Christianity.
The Arthur Stream. The Grail Stream. The School of Chartres.
Aristotelianism and Christianity. On the karma of the
Anthroposophical Movement
| Lecture IV |
August 24, 1924 |
The vision of karma: a reality of consciousness for men of olden time.
Fading of the vision of karma and of astral vision. Through the new
Initiation-Science, knowledge of the manifestations of karma and
vision of the spirit in nature can be regained
| Lecture V |
August 24, 1924 |
Difficulties in the investigation of karma. Karma in history. Dr.
Steiner's own geometry teacher. Lord Byron. Voltaire. Swedenborg.
Loyola. Laurence Oliphant. Mars genii and Mercury genii
| Lecture VI |
August 27, 1924 |
The growth and development of Christianity in connection with the
Anthroposophical Movement. Tintagel and the Mysteries of Hibernia.
Christ as a Sun-Hero — the Arthur Stream. The Grail Stream
— Christianity in the hearts of men. The Impulse of Michael
| Appendix |
— Address on the Christmas Foundation Meeting
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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