The Second Goetheanum
During the re-founding of the Anthroposophical Society at
Christmas 1923, Rudolf Steiner also reconstituted the
“Esoteric School” which had originally functioned in
Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the outset of the First World
War made it's continuance impossible.
However, the original school was only for a relatively few
selected individuals, whereas the new school was incorporated
into the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum
in Dornach, Switzerland.
Rudolf Steiner was only able to give nineteen lessons –
plus seven “recapitulation” lessons – for the
First Class before his illness and death. His intention had been
to develop three classes. After his death, the Anthroposophical
Society's Executive Council was faced with the dilemma of what to
do about the Esoteric School – to try to continue it
without Rudolf Steiner, or not. He had not designated a
successor. And what to do with the stenographic records of the
Class lectures.
Rudolf Steiner had always insisted that the lectures were not
to be published. In fact the members of the School were only
permitted to copy the mantra — and not the text of the
lectures — for their own personal contemplation. The dilemma
was further complicated by the dispute between Marie Steiner –
Rudolf Steiner's legal heir – and the rest of the Executive
council, which claimed all of Steiner's lectures for the
Society. (The dispute was eventually settled by the Swiss courts
in favor of Mrs Steiner.)
Anthroposophical Society was permitted to hand out manuscripts of
the lectures to its so-called designated “readers”,
who read each lecture to the members of the school in their
particular area or country. This system is still
Marie Steiner wrote:
“How can we preserve the treasure with which we have been
entrusted? Not by hiding it away, thereby simply giving our
enemies the opportunity to do with it what they will, but by
trusting in the good spiritual powers and thereby giving new
generations the possibility of receiving a stimulus in their
souls that will kindle the spiritual light slumbering there, a
light that will awaken in their souls what the powers of destiny
have sown in them.”
Marie Steiner, letter of January 4, 1948
lectures were published in German in manuscript book form in 1977
by the Rudolf Steiner Estate (Nachlassverwaltung – Marie
Steiner's legal successor) in a limited edition and sold only
upon written request to anthroposophists.
However, pirated editions containing errors and
falsifications occurred to the extent that the Rudolf Steiner
Estate decided to make the printed volumes in German generally
available in 1992.
far as we know, the lectures in English translation are appearing
in public availability for the first time here in Southern Cross
Frank Thomas Smith - Editor