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Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the XIXth Century
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Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the Middle of the XIXth Century
On-line since: 31st May, 2005
Significant Facts Pertaining to the Spiritual Life of the
Middle of the XIXth Century
A Convulsive Element in Humanity in the Nineteenth Century
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Lectures Section
Three lectures delivered in Dornach, Switzerland,
in October and November, 1915. Authorized translation from the German
of Notes unrevised by the lecturer. Published by kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
A part of Steiner's Lectures on the Anthroposophical Movement and
Society, these are lectures 11, 12, and 13 of 13 from the lecture series:
Occult Movements of the 19th Century (formerly GA 164).
Published in German as:
Die Okkulte Bewegung Im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert und
Ihre Beziehung zur Weltkultur. Bedeutzames aus dem
aeusseren Geistesleben um Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts.
Now, GA# 254.
By Rudolf Steiner
Translated by D. S. Osmond
Bn 254.2, GA 254
Three lectures delivered in Dornach, Switzerland,
in October and November, 1915. Authorized translation from the German
of Notes unrevised by the lecturer.
A part of Steiner's Lectures on the Anthroposophical Movement and
Society, these are lectures 11, 12, and 13 of 13 lectures from the
lecture series:
Occult Movements of the 19th Century
(formerly Bn 164.2, GA 164). Published in German as:
Die Okkulte Bewegung Im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert und
Ihre Beziehung zur Weltkultur. Bedeutzames aus dem
aeusseren Geistesleben um Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts.
This lecture series is presented here with the kind permission
of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Now, Bn 254.2, GA 254.
A condensed version of the three lectures comprising the series,
can be found at, Outlooks for the Future.
This e.Text edition is provided through the wonderful work of:
Various e.Text Transcribers
Some editions and/or translations of this book are available for purchase from:
for related titles available for purchase at
Thanks to a donation from the Rudolf Steiner Library,
this lecture series has been made available.
| Cover Sheet |
| Contents |
| Lecture I:
A convulsive element is at work in the evolution of
humanity during the 19th century. Two examples from European
literature of significant insight into happenings in the spiritual
worlds: “The Mahaguru,” a novel by Gutzkow, and “The
Undivine Comedy,” a drama by Zigmunt Krasinski.
October 31, 1915 |
| Lecture II:
When most of the souls now living are reincarnated
they will know as a natural matter of course that there are many
earthly lives. The men of the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs and
their occult arts. Knowledge and application of hidden forces of
nature. The gradual development of free will and a new knowledge of
nature. Decadent remains of ancient, occult chemistry, for example
in Tibet. Necessity for acquiring knowledge of Lucifer and Ahriman,
The Ego must be permeated by Christ. Senses-perceptions and ideas.
The concept of knowledge and the concept of life. Extract from a
letter written by Petrarch to Boccaccio. Ahasver, the Wandering
Jew. “Christ is seeing us.”
November 1, 1915 |
| Lecture III:
The tragic wrestling with knowledge. How can man find
the link with the true realities in the cosmos? Fechner and the
discovery of medicaments. The moral physiognomy of men in the sixth
post-Atlantean epoch as the nemesis of materialism. Gradual
stiffening of the etheric body, and its consequences.
November 7, 1915 |
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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