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Searching The History of Art

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   Query type: context+checked&query=giotto
    Query was: giotto

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: History of Art: Lecture I: Cimabue, Giotto, and Other Italian Masters
    Matching lines:
    • History of Art: Lecture I: Cimabue, Giotto
    • Cimabue, Giotto, and Other Italian Masters
    • Cimabue, Giotto, and Other Italian Masters
    • Giotto,
    • found Giotto as a shepherd-lad who used to draw on rocks and
    • legend suggests, that Giotto — Cimabue's great follower in
    • beyond the Earth looked down upon Giotto from the walls around
    • with Giotto an entirely new artistic world-conception arose in
    • the West. Indeed, it is Giotto, above all, who in the realms of
    • Cimabue; the 5th begins with Giotto. (I leave out of account
    • Giotto were actually painted by him; for that is not the main
    • point. It is true that under Giotto's name many works are
    • simply ascribe to Giotto what tradition has ascribed to him.)
    • entering into during that time, when we find Dante and Giotto
    • and tendencies which seized the artistic imagination of Giotto at
    • Giotto lived from 1266 to 1337. Francis of Assisi was a man who
    • beyond the Earth; but Giotto, his contemporary and probably his
    • friend, Giotto in his paintings already brings to expression the
    • see, beginning with Giotto's pictures, the faithful portrayal of
    • the paintings ascribed to Giotto in the upper church at Assisi
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: History of Art: Lecture VII: Representations of the Nativity
    Matching lines:

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