told you that the teaching of geography can first be begun at
the second stage of the elementary school course. We can very
well begin it after the age of nine. It remains to arrange it
suitably. Wherever the elementary-school teaching of the future
is in question — and this even holds good of teaching in
senior schools (age 12-18) — we must see that geography
embraces far more than it does at present. Geography at the
moment retires only too much into the background; in fact, a
step-motherly treatment is meted out to it. The achievements of
the other subjects ought really in many ways to culminate in
geography. And even if I said that the teaching of mineralogy
should only begin at the third stage, round about twelve,
mineralogy in the form of description and direct observation
can be partly interwoven with geography as early as the
previous stage. The child can absorb an extraordinary amount of
geography between nine and twelve, if only we go about teaching
it rightly. It is a question in geography above all of setting
out from the child's own knowledge of the face of the earth and
the processes which occur on its surface. We try first of all
to convey to the child, again artistically, by a kind of
picture, the relations of mountain and river and other aspects
of his surroundings. In fact, we really work out with the
child, in an elementary way, a map of the immediate
surroundings in which he has grown up and with which he is
familiar. We try to take the child through the difference
between the view we have of a landscape if we ourselves stand
on the land or look down to it from the air; that is, we show
him the transformation into a map of the landscape
immediately familiar to him. We try to show him how rivers flow
through this stretch of land; that is, we actually draw the
river and stream system of the surrounding country on the
map into which we gradually transmute our view of the country.
And we draw on it the physical features of the mountains and
hills. It is a good thing to do this with colours, marking the
rivers with blue and the mountains with brown chalk. But then
we add to it the other features connected with human life. We
mark the different configurations of the district, drawing the
child's attention to them like this: “You see that part
of the country is planted with orchards;” and we draw the

We point out to him in addition the presence of needle-trees or
pine woods and draw the stretches which are covered with conifers.

direct his attention to the fact that part of the district is
covered with corn and we draw these stretches too.

Then we direct his attention to the fact that there are
meadows, which again we draw.

This drawing represents meadows which can be mown. We say so to
the child. We also draw in the meadows which cannot be mown but
which can be used for pasturing the cattle, which eat the grass
and thus it remains short.

we tell the child that this is pasture land. In this way we
make the regional map live for him. It gives him some sort of
survey over the economic foundations of the district. Then,
too, we point out to him that mountains contain all kinds of
things: coal, ore, etc. And we further point out that the
rivers are used for shipping the produce or manufactures of one
place to another. We thus lead him to deduce therefrom a
good deal about the economic implications of the structure of
the country. When we have made clear the economic foundations
in the form of rivers and mountains, meadows and forest, etc.,
as far as the child is able to understand our knowledge
of these, we draw in, at the corresponding spots, the
villages or towns included in the district which we are
studying first. And then we begin to point out the connection
between the growth and development of villages at
definite spots and the wealth of the mountains or the courses
of streams and rivers. In short, we try by means of the map to
give the child some simple idea of the economic connections
between the natural formation of the land and the conditions of
human life, and of the difference between the conditions of
life in the country and in the towns. As far as the child can
understand this aspect we must not fail to pursue it. And last
of all we go as far as to show how man, by his labour,
overcomes natural conditions. That is: we begin to open the
child's eyes to the fact that man lays out artificial rivers in
canals, that he builds railways for himself. Then we show how
these railways determine the part played by provisions,
and so on, and even people, in life. When we have tried for
some time to give the child an idea of the economic connection
between natural relations and the conditions of human life, we
can put the idea thus introduced into the vaster terms of the
earth. Here, if we have only taken the first stage correctly,
we shall not need to display much pedantry. The pedant will say
at this point: “It is natural first to study the
geography of the immediate neighbourhood and then, concentric
with this, to extend the study on every side.” That, of
course, is pedantry. There is no need to enlarge in this way.
But when a foundation has been laid for an understanding of the
connection between nature and human beings, another aspect can
perfectly well be studied. Accordingly, you now pass on to some
aspect from which you can develop as well and intensively as
possible the economic relations between men and natural
conditions. For instance, in the case of our Swabian district,
after developing the necessary ideas from familiar stretches of
land and indicating to the child, as you go on, the direction
you are taking — widening, as it were, his horizon
— tell him about the Alps, study the geography of the
Alps. You have taught him how to draw maps. You can now extend
his drawing of maps by marking for him the line where the
Southern Alps touch the Mediterranean Sea. In drawing for him
the Northern part of Italy, the Adriatic Sea, etc., you
indicate the great rivers and draw their course on the
surrounding country. You can go on from this to draw for
him the Rhone, the Rhine, the Inn, the Danube, with their
tributaries. Then you can draw in the separate arms of the
Alpine range. And the child will be extraordinarily
fascinated by the sight of the different arms, for
instance, of the Alpine range, parted from each other by the
course of the rivers. Do not hesitate to mark, all along the
blue lines of the rivers, red lines, which are now imaginary
lines, up the Rhone from Lake Geneva to its source, and along
the Rhine. Then continue the line over the Arlberg Pass, etc.,
then draw another line along the Drau, etc., dividing the Alps
by these red lines drawn from west to east, so that you can say
to the child: “You see, along the course of the rivers, I
have drawn red lines. The Alps lying between the two red lines
are different from those lying above and below.” And now
you show him — here the teaching of mineralogy springs
from geography — a piece of Jura limestone, for instance,
and say: “You see, the mountain masses above the top red
line are made of limestone like this, and the mountains beneath
the red line are made of different limestone.” And for
the mountains lying between, show him a piece of granite, or
gneiss, and say: “The mountain range between the two is
made of rock like this, which is primary rock.” And he
will be tremendously interested in this Alpine structure, which
you perhaps explain to him from a regional map showing the
lateral perspective as well as the aerial view, and if you make
clear to him plastically that the river-courses divide the Alps
into limestone and gneiss and slate, and that these stand side
by side the whole length of the mountain range from south to
north, bending towards the north: limestone mountains —
granite mountains — limestone mountains, parted from each
other by the river courses. Without any pedantic object lessons
the child's range of ideas can be enlarged by many illuminating
features relating to this study.
Then you go on — you have already created the necessary
elements for this in your nature-teaching — to describe
to the child what grows down in the valley, what grows further
up, and what grows at the very top. You approach vegetation
now you begin to show the child how people establish
themselves in the kind of country which is chiefly dominated by
the mountain structure. You begin to describe quite
vividly a little mountain village situated really high up, you
draw this, and tell of the people living there. And you
describe a village lying down below in the valley, with roads.
Then the towns lying at the confluence of a tributary with its
river. Then you describe again, in these wider terms, the
relation of human economics to natural formations. You build
up, as it were, human economic life out of nature, by pointing
out to the child where there is ore, and coal, and how these
determine human settlements, etc.
Then you draw for him a district poor in mountains, a flat
district, and treat this in the same way. First describe the
natural aspects, the constitution of the soil, and show at this
early point that different things flourish in a poor soil from
a rich soil. You show the internal composition of the soil
— this can be done quite simply — in which potatoes
grow; the composition of the soil in which wheat grows, in
which rye grows, etc. You have already taught the child, of
course, the difference between wheat, rye, and oats. Do not
hesitate at this early stage to teach him many facts which he
will only understand for the time being in a general way, and
will only understand more clearly when they are referred to in
a later lesson from another point of view. But up to twelve
years of age familiarize the child chiefly with economic
relations. Make these clear to him. Prefer to show him many
points of view in geography rather than a complete picture of
the earth at this time. It is, however, important to show
that the sea is very vast. You have already begun to draw it
with the Southern Alps, where you drew the outline of the
Mediterranean Sea. You show the sea by a blue surface. Then
draw for the child the outlines of Spain, of France, and
then show in your drawing how, towards the west, there lies a
great ocean, and gradually open his eyes to the fact that there
is America besides. He should get this idea before he is
see, if you begin like this with a good foundation, when the
child is about twelve, you can expect him to respond easily to
a more systematic survey with the five continents, the seas,
and with a description — rather briefer, indeed, than the
earlier one — of the economic life of these different
parts of the earth. You ought to be able to develop all this
from the foundations already laid. When — as I said
— you have summarized for the whole earth the knowledge
of economic life which you have implanted in the child, go on
— when you have been teaching history for six months on
the lines we have discovered — to talk to the children of
the spiritual condition of the people who inhabit the different
parts of the earth. But be careful only to introduce this
lesson when you have attuned the child's soul to it in some
degree by the first history lessons. Then speak, too, about the
spatial distribution of the characteristics of the different
peoples. But do not speak of the different characters of the
individual peoples earlier than this, for, on the basis which I
have described, it is at this point that the child brings the
greatest understanding to bear on such teaching. You can now
describe to him the differences between the Asiatic, the
European, the American peoples, and the differences between the
Mediterranean races and the Nordic races of Europe. You can
then go on to combine geography gradually with history. You
will find it a beautiful and enjoyable task when you do what I
have recommended chiefly between the age of twelve and the end
of the elementary school course; that is, in the end of
the fifteenth year. You see that a tremendous amount should be
put into the teaching of geography, so that, in fact, the
geography lesson is like a resume of much that is learnt. What
cannot flow together and merge in geography! Finally, you
will even come to a wonderful interplay of geography and
history. Here, if you have contributed generously in this way
to the geography teaching, you will be able to extract as many
things out of it. This, of course, involves a demand on your
imaginative powers, on your gift for invention. When you tell
the child that here or there a certain thing is done, for
instance: “The Japanese make their pictures like
this,” try to encourage the child to make something of
the same kind in his simple primitive way. Do not omit, even at
the beginning, when showing the child the connection
between agriculture and human life, to give him a clear idea of
the plough, of the harrow, etc., in connection with his
geographical ideas. And try especially to make the child
imitate the shapes of some of these implements, even if only in
the form of a little plaything or piece of handiwork. It will
give him skill and will fit him for taking his place properly
in life later on. And if you could even make little ploughs and
let the children cultivate the school garden, if they could be
allowed to cut with little sickles, or mow with little scythes,
this would establish a good contact with life. Far more
important than skill is the psychic intimacy of the child's
life with the life of the world. For the actual fact is: a
child who has cut grass with a sickle, mown grass with a
scythe, drawn a furrow with a little plough, will be a
different person from a child who has not done these things.
The soul undergoes a change in doing these things. Abstract
teaching of manual skill is really no substitute. And the
laying of little sticks and plaiting paper should be avoided as
much as is reasonably possible, because these tend to unfit man
for life rather than fit him for it. It is far better to
encourage the child to do things which are really done in life,
than to invent things foreign to it. In arranging the child's
geography lessons in the way I have described we make him
familiar in the most natural possible way with the fact that
human life is made up in different ways from different sides.
And at the same time we are dealing with what he can understand
perfectly. We describe to him first, from nine to twelve years
of age, economic and external aspects in the geography lessons.
We then lead him on to understand the cultural conditions, the
spiritual conditions of the different peoples. And at
this point, saving up everything else for a later time, we
gently indicate the relations of right
(Rechtsverhältnisse: legal conditions) which prevail among
these peoples. But we only let the first and most primitive
ideas of this kind glimmer through the picture of economic and
spiritual life. For the child cannot yet fully understand
conditions of right. If he is acquainted too early with these
ideas of conditions of right, the forces of his soul for the
whole of life will be impoverished, because conditions of right
are a very abstract matter.
is, in fact, a good thing to employ the geography lesson to
bring unity into the rest of teaching. It is, perhaps,
precisely for geography the very worst thing that could
happen that it has been assigned a place in the severely
demarcated time-table, which we do not want in any case.
whole attitude from first to last will be one of dealing with
the same subject of study for some length of time. We receive
the child into school and devote our attention first of all to
teaching him to write. That is: we occupy the hours which we
claim from his morning in teaching him to paint, draw, write.
We do not draw up a time-table according to which we write in
the first lesson, read in the second, etc., but we deal for
longer periods at a time with things of the same nature. We
only go on later to reading, when the child can already write a
little. He learns to read a little, of course, while writing.
But an even better combination can be effected. For the later
subjects, too, we set definite time-limits within which they
are to be studied, but not so that we always have a lesson in
one subject following on a lesson in another, but so that we
keep the children busy for some time at one subject, and then,
only when they have been engaged on it for weeks, turn to
something else. This concentrates the teaching and
enables us to teach much more economically than if we were to
allow the appalling waste of time and energy involved in taking
one subject first and extinguishing it in the next lesson. But
particularly with geography, you can see how it is possible to
pass from every imaginable subject to geography. You will not
have it laid down beforehand: geography must be taught from
nine to ten years of age; but it will be left to you to choose
the time suitable for going on, from what you have already
taught, to geographical explanations.
This, of course, imposes upon you a great responsibility, but
without this responsibility teaching is impossible. A system of
teaching which lays down beforehand the teacher's time-table
and every imaginable limitation, actually, and, moreover,
completely, excludes the teacher's art. And this must not be.
The teacher must be the driving and stimulating element in the
whole being of the school. Particularly from the way in which I
have shown you how to teach geography you should get a correct
idea of the right procedure in teaching from first to last.
Geography can really be a vast channel into which everything
flows, from which in return much can be drawn. For instance,
you have shown the child in geography the difference between
limestone mountains and primary mountains. You show him the
constituents of the primary mountain-rock, granite or gneiss.
You show him how they contain different minerals, how one of
these is a sparkling substance whose presence is shown by a
glitter — the mica. And then you show him all the others
that are contained in granite or gneiss. Then you show
him quartz and try to evolve the mineral element from
rock-substance. Particularly here you can do a great deal
towards developing a sense for the association of facts and a
united whole. It is much more helpful to show the child granite
and gneiss first, and then the minerals of which they consist,
than to teach him first of all: granite consists of quartz,
mica, feldspar, etc., and only afterwards show him that these
are combined in granite or gneiss. Particularly in mineralogy
you can go from the whole to the part, from the structure of
mountains to mineralogy. And it helps the child.
With the animal kingdom you will proceed in the opposite way,
by building it up from the separate animals. We must treat the
plant kingdom, as you saw in our discussion in the seminary
[See R. Steiner,
“The Training of Teachers”
(“Pädogogisches Seminar”),
published in the periodical,
The Art of Education
(“Erziehungskunst”), Nos. 6 and 7.]
as a whole, and then enter into the details. In the mineral
kingdom nature itself often gives us the whole and we can go from
this to the part.
here you must not omit — again connecting mineralogy with
geography — to speak about the uses to which the economic
resources of nature are put. We shall link up our discussion of
the rock-formation of mountain ranges with all the uses of such
things as coal for industry. At first we shall only describe it
simply, but we shall connect it descriptively with the
talk about the mountains.
should we neglect, in describing the forest, for instance, to
describe the saw-mill. First we lead over from the forest to
the wood, and from the wood to the saw-mill.
can do a tremendous amount in this direction if we do not begin
with a time-table marked out like Regimental Orders, but follow
the suggestions of past lessons. We must simply have a good
idea of the demands of the child's nature at the age when he
begins school up to nine years of age, from nine to twelve, and
from twelve to fifteen.