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The Kingdom of Childhood

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.


The Kingdom of Childhood

Seven lectures and answers to questions given in Torquay,
12th–20th August, 1924

Translated by Helen Fox

Anthroposophic Press
Hudson, New York

© 1982 Rudolf Steiner Press, London

First published in English


Second impression


Third impression


Second edition


The German text of the following lectures is published under the title, Die Kunst des Erziehens aus dem Erfassen der Menschenwesenheit, in volume No. 311 of the Complete Centenary Edition of the Works of Rudolf Steiner (from the section comprising lectures and courses on Education).

This English edition is published in agreement with the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

ISBN 085440 284 5 (paperback)

Rudolf Steiner Press, London
ISBN pb 0 85440 2845

Anthroposophic Press, New York
ISBN pb 0 88010 2225

Printed in Great Britain by
Billing & Sons Ltd, Worcester

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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