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Searching The Kingdom of Childhood

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Query was: apple

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Synopsis of Lectures
    Matching lines:
    • a basket of apples, a purse of coins. In teaching
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
    Matching lines:
    • of apples, a purse of coins. In teaching addition, proceed from the
    • but you have one heap of peas, or with a basket of apples, for
    • instance, there are not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 apples, but one heap of
    • apples in your basket. You have a whole. What does it matter to us to
    • begin with, how many we have? We simply have a heap of apples which
    • we divide our heap of apples into three parts.
    • thing we will first count the whole heap. There are eighteen apples.
    • apples, and have divided it up into three parts.
    • Mary to fetch some apples. Mary got twenty-five apples. The
    • apple-woman wrote it down on a piece of paper. Mary comes home and
    • brings only ten apples. The fact is before us, an actual fact of
    • life, that Mary got twenty-five apples and only brought home ten.
    • apple on the way, and yet she only brought home ten. And now someone
    • comes running in, an honest person, bringing all the apples that Mary
    • apples, and she got twenty-five, for there it is on the paper written
    • down by the apple-woman, and now we want to know how many this person
    • What Mary brought was ten apples, and she got twenty-five, so she
    • lost fifteen apples..
    • how many apples the person you see coming along will have to bring.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
    Matching lines:
    • yellow, if you like, if the fruit happens to be lovely apples. But we

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