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Query was: artist
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- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- occupies the same relation to this body as an artist to a model which
- artistically. The artistic element must be in it all. Tomorrow
- thus give it an artistic form, and how you must then lead this over
- artistically to the teaching of reading, and how this artistic
- treatment of reading and writing must be connected, again by artistic
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
- beauty. In truth it is horribly ugly because it is so inartistic.
- what he does possess is an artistic sense, a faculty for creating
- this task the teacher must have an artistic feeling in his soul, he
- must be of an artistic disposition. For what works from teacher to
- use his fantasy, to be artistic, for then he will meet the child with
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
Matching lines:
- must be brought to him through the feelings in an artistic way, for
- kinds we may give the child in an artistic form what he himself finds
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
Matching lines:
- artist in the child in the first seven years; it is a modeller, a
- yourselves must have a kind of artistic conception of the human
- teaching is this artistic element of which I have just spoken.
- one must of course have a great deal of artistic tact and, I was
- only make all your teaching artistic, but that you also begin
- teaching the more specifically artistic subjects, Painting, Modelling
- right thing from the point of view of artistic education. In a true
- something artistic and work out the forms of the letters through art;
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
Matching lines:
- how that can be done artistically. Then, in the second period, we saw
- rhythm, everything that is artistic or rhythmic, must be engaged.
- led into a really artistic approach to handwork; the girls will not
- Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
Matching lines:
- the matter artistically. You must remember that drawing is a sort of
- the sea, is really a very abstract statement. So from the artistic
- artistic feeling will prompt you to work out what is really there out
- with artistic feeling: such feeling simply does not exist.
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